Chapter 1

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On a hot summers day, on the verge of a large forest lay a large female spinosaurus. She watched from the trees as she awaited her eggs to hatch, her mate hunted fish not far off in a nearby lake. His large frilly spine showing many claw marks that had lucky not killed him, she gave a low grumbling roar to her mate. He lifted his head and gave a softer roar in return, a sudden crackling noise sounded beside her as the first of her eggs slowly began to crack. In total she had lain three eggs, the first egg soon cracked open and a tiny speckled grey spinosaurus hatchling tumbled out. The mother let out a quiet growl to greet her first born hatchling, her gaze fixed on the smallest of her eggs worried that it may not have made it. The much bigger egg next to it began to hatch causing the mothers gaze to move to it instead, a little while later a faded brown spinosaurus tumbled out. It was an odd colour since she was a speckled bluish green while her mate was a faded grey, she gave another soft growl to greet the new hatchling before she softly nudged the third and final egg. It gave soft cracking noises when a tiny nose popped out, the hatchling let out soft whimpers for help so as an instinct she bit into the egg soft the tear the top off to help her struggling hatchling. The hatchling inside was a very small albino spinosaurus, she nudged it out of the egg slightly and gave a roar to her mate who had begun to slowly make his way back. The speckled grey and the faded brown hatchlings were both males while the little albino was a female, she looked to her mate who dropped a large fish in front of the three little ones. Standing she nudged them to the fish to eat since she had eaten that morning and did not feel like eating unless her little ones ate first, the two large male hatchling whom did not yet have names dug into the fish always blocking their tiny sister from eating. The father of the three tore off a piece of the fish and dropped it in front of the starving daughter whom did not have a name duh into the small piece of fish, the brothers soon finished their meal and began to run around and wrestle. Their albino sister tried to join in their fun and games only to be chased away and bitten a few times, giving off an angry growl to her sons she stood. It was time that they moved as any neighbouring carnivores would soon be upon the nesting sight in search of freshly born hatchlings, so gathering up the little ones both she and her mate moved off further into the trees along the large forever beautiful lake. The runt of a daughter had to run to keep up with her much bigger brothers, having no clue as to where they were going she followed as quickly as she could as to stay in sight. A loud echoing roar sounded from back towards the lake as another carnivore had come upon the lake, running quicker as she did not wish to meet the hungry predator she kept close to her much much bigger mother. Both parents stopped to listen and quickly hurried their hatchlings away from the predator as it may have been a much stronger one then them, the little female found it very hard to keep up now that they were moving much quicker. She gave a soft cry to her mother who stopped to grab her in her jaws, she kept perfectly still as one wrong move could kill her in those sharp rows of teeth. The small family soon came upon a small clearing with a pond in the middle, here the mother spinosaurus put her little albino hatchling down to run around. Lifting her head she listened to see if any dinosaur had followed them, hearing nothing but her playful hatchlings she settled down to rest. Her mate had gone off to scout out the area incase of another nesting place, the two brothers played about in the small muddy puddle had not a care in the world that if they should be quiet they must stay out of the water as to create little noise. The albino sister however was curious about the plants and tiny critters who roamed about the small clearing, her mate soon returned carrying a baby apatosaurus that had wandered too close to the clearing. It had enough meat for both of the parents plus the hatchlings to feast but since the hatchlings had already fed upon a fish the adults began to feast, a loud wail came from the albino hatchling as a velociraptor had come upon the clearing in search of food. Instantly reacting both parents chased the now screaming raptor, their little daughter had a large scratch on the left side of her body as the raptor had intended to wound her badly only to deliver a shallow yet large cut. Her brothers had run over now caring about their much weaker sister began to clean the wound incase the raptor had any bad diseases on its terrible claws, thanking her brothers with a soft grumble she lay down to rest from all the walking and running of her first day of life. Her parents soon returned unsuccessful at killing the little raptor, the roar from earlier sounded off again and the dieing scream of an unlucky herbivore sounded shortly after. The tiny female was tempted to roar a mocking challenge to the strange carnivore but stayed quiet as it would be foolish to make trouble for her tiring parents, the light of day slowly began to vanish over the tree tops and into the distant hills. Curling herself up the little female slowly dosed into a quite sleep, unaware of what tomorrow may bring.

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