Chapter 10

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It had been well over a month since the females had laid their eggs, the albino female had grown to be rather useless other then watching the eggs since she could now barely move. The faded female had laid two eggs, the grey had laid three, the golden had laid one and the albino had layed four. It wouldn't be long before the eggs hatched since it took five weeks for them to be ready to hatch, it had already been three weeks leaving two left. The albino female staggered towards the water for a drink, she was assisted by her mate who barely left her side other then to fetch her fish. She leant down to drink from the flowing river, in the distance came an angry roar from a predator seeking food. This put the males on high alert, the albino female collapsed half way back to the nest and gave a soft roar. Her mate helped her up and back to the nest, the albino female refused to rest and turned towards the tree line as loud foot fall sounded. It was obvious that the coming predator saw a wounded creature and knew it couldn't run so it took its time circling around until it was able to be seen, the albino female was first to give a threatening roar. It never took its eyes off of its wounded prey, the albino female began to advance on the hungry giganotosaurus. It began to slowly come closer and closer knowing it had a complete advantage over the female, the other females joined in this advance but slower. The giganotosaurus made a charge knocking the albino female off of her feet, she gave an angry roar before her legs gave way. The Giganotosaurus made another charge this time ramming into her spine, the other females charged scaring it off. The albino females mate came over as to examine his slowly dieing mate, he gave her a few nudges before going back to the nest. The other females kept watch over the nest so that the albino females mate could catch fish, this death had shocked them all.

Hey everyone sad to say this book is finished but hey I will be releasing another soon, the next will be about my life as a Giganotosaurus on the isle.

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