Chapter 23

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Shubman slowly approached Abhishek who was completely lost in his own world letting out cold breaths scaring Shubman to the core. He slowly tapped Abhishek's shoulder. Abhishek looked up.

"Are you alright bhai?" Shubman asked with concern clearly visible in his voice and eyes. Shubman dropped down on his knees beside his best friend who looked back up in the sky. Shubman followed his gaze and himself looked up to see what his bestie was finding so interesting to pay attention to instead of him.

Shubman wrapped his arm around Abhishek's shoulder. "Talk to me Abhi. You are scaring me you know" Shubman said slowly placing a soft kiss on the top of his head and letting his lips linger there. Abhishek let out a shaky breath and leaned into his embrace and rested his head on Shubman's chest who softly massaged his scalp through his hair.

"Shubi" Abhishek called him out in a low voice. "Yes I am here Abhi. With you. Don't worry. Did something happen?" Shubman asked calmly to which Abhishek slowly nodded his head still leaning on to him. "Would you like to talk about it dear?" Shubman asked.

"I am scared Shubi" Abhishek said letting out another breath. "Of what?" Shubman asked politely. "What would you think of me knowing about it" Abhishek said slowly looking up to his face. Shubman chuckled and shook his head.

"Abhi you are my best friend, my brother. I assure you I will never think bad of you. You don't have to worry about that. But if you are not comfortable sharing I won't force you and if you want to share I am all ears" Shubman said looking straight into his eyes with a small and comforting smile playing on his lips.

"Umm okk I actually kinda...." Abhishek stopped in between while Shubman held his hand caressing the back of it with his thumb motivating him to speak up. Shubman waited patiently to listen not trying to rush.

"I kissed Mayank" Abhishek finally said shutting his eyes and looking down out of embarrassment. Shubman's mouth was wide open as he didn't expect it. He didn't know what to say. When Abhishek didn't hear any response, he slowly looked up to find an astonished Shubman.

"Hey you are thinking I am mad right? Are you disgusted of me that I love a boy and that too my own bully?" Abhishek said his eyes tearing up and he tried getting out of Shubman's warm embrace. But Shubman quickly tightened his hold.

"No. No. Not at all Abhi. Trust me I ain't. I am just surprised as I didn't expect something like this. And no I am not disgusted. You can love anyone it shouldn't matter to me and it actually it doesn't. Wait a second did you just say you love Mayank?" Shubman asked suddenly realizing what Abhishek just said.

That's when Abhishek thought about what he said in flow and realized his words. "I...I him. I love him Shubi" Abhishek said with a smile on his lips and tears rolling down his eyes and Shubman nodded happily with same enthusiasm completely forgetting his encounter with that idiot a few moments ago.

"I love Mayank Markande. But he must hate me Shubi. He always bully me. He always hurts me. What if he never reciprocate my feelings? No no I can't fall in love with him. This all is not right" Abhishek was panicking.

"Hey hey calm down Abhi. You will never know whether he loves you or not till you ask him. And honestly the way he protects you inspite of causing troubles to you, he must have a soft spot for you in his heart" Shubman tried calming down Abhishek.

"But I can't confess him Shubi. What if he made fun of him? You know what a jerk he is right?" Abhishek asked.

"I know but don't you think irrespective of whether he reciprocates your feelings or not, this moment is special for you. You have realized and found your love in this very moment. You gotta be happy and celebrate it. Whether you want to confess or not, when and how to confess or what would be his response is all you can think later. But still this moment is your special moment and none can take it away Abhi. I have never fallen in love. Ya a couple of crushes but nothing more. But I think this feeling in itself is really beautiful you don't need other person's assurance to be happy in it. Being in love in itself very satisfying. Ya if he reciprocates it, it's a cherry on top" Shubman explained calmly.

Abhishek thought about what he said and nodded slowly. "I think you are right Shubi. I gotta be happy that I am able to experience this. Many people don't even get experience this beautiful feeling of love and God has given me this gift, I gotta appreciate it. And my happiness shouldn't depend on will Mayank love me back or not" Abhishek said with a calm smile.

"So can we celebrate this with some maggi and then maybe a cup of coffee later" Shubman said showing up his shopping bag smiling widely. Abhishek nodded enthusiastically. "Great then" Shubman said quickly getting up and started preparing maggi while Abhishek started boiling milk.

"So I need details of your kiss with maggi" Shubman said in a teasing tone making Abhishek blush.

"By the way how did you get so late?" Abhishek asked focusing on milk and trying to change the topic. Shubman groaned remembering the incident with Ishan. "Nothing just ran into that douchebag" Shubman said irritatedly making Abhishek chuckle. "So now you are laughing on me hnn?" Shubman asked looking at him narrowing his eyes.

"So what he did with you this time?" Abhishek asked making Shubman sigh. And both the besties sat down enjoying their simple but delicious dinner sharing about whatever happened with Mayank and Ishan and teasing each other till late night.


Next morning Shubman woke up as alarm disturbed his sleep. He rubbed his eyes and looked at their dirty utensils from last night. He sighed and got up. After getting fresh, he washed all the utensils as Abhishek was sleeping. He got ready and woke up Abhishek that was quite a hard work. Both of them got ready and left for mess for breakfast.


Ishan and his group were sitting in center table waiting for some students to bring their breakfast. Mayank was sitting too quietly while others were talking. "So Mayank how did you taught that professor a lesson tell them" Tilak asked Mayank who was in his own thoughts. That's when they realized Mayank wasn't participating in any conversation they were having till now.

Ishan was sitting beside Mayank. He shook his shoulder. "Ya ya what happened?" Mayank asked getting out of trance. Ishan frowned. "You tell us what is wrong" Ishan said. "No nothing. Everything is alright. What would go wrong anyways?" Mayank asked with a fake chuckle.

"Okk then tell us what we were talking about?" Swami asked. "Umm sorry I was thinking about something" Mayank said. "But...." Tilak was about to speak but Ishan cut him off. "It's okk" Ishan said ending the discussion not wanting to make Mayank uncomfortable.

Their breakfast arrived. Everyone started eating while Mayank was just playing with his food still lost. Ishan noticed and kept his hand on Mayank's hand. Mayank stopped and sighed. "Mayu have your breakfast" Ishan said calmly. "I am not hungry guys. You all eat. I will have something later from college cafeteria. Bye" Mayank said getting up and left before anyone could speak.

"What happened to him?" Aditi asked. "He ain't eating properly since a few days. He doesn't even spends time with us. He stays alone most of the time and whenever he is with us, he is just lost. Something is definitely not right with him" Tilak informed everyone.

Ishan was continuously staring at the path from which he left while listening to whatever Tilak told. "It's okk. You guys eat. I will see what to do. You guys don't have to worry" Ishan said and got back to eating but his mind was still roaming around Mayank only. Everyone finished their food and left for class.

Ishan was busy thinking about Mayank when he saw Shubman and Abhishek going towards mess happily talking to each other. 'They look really happy. I am tensed. Gotta have some fun. Let's see what to do with this Shubman. And Mayank was also talking something about this Abhishek only yesterday. My friend is not well because of this guy. Guess he also needs to be unhappy. If I mess with Shubman that's gonna upset Abhishek as well. Let's see what to di with him. Enjoy you both idiots. Then I will see you both' Ishan thought smirking looking at them.

Abhishek and Shubman had their breakfast talking and teasing each other and walked towards their class. When they were about to enter the class, someone pulled Abhishek back. "What the hell you want now Swami?" Shubman didn't notice and enter the class and a bucket full of rubbish and mud felt on him.

For a moment he was taken aback. He looked at his spoiled cloths while the whole class was laughing at him. He looked up and saw Ishan standing there with his signature smirk. He sighed with no courage left to fight with him.

While Abhishek was fuming in anger. He ran inside. "What the hell do you think you are doing Ishan?" Abhishek shouted. "Awaaz neeche" Tilak said wrapping his arm around him.

[Speak in low volume]

"You be thankful they all pulled you back and you got saved. Well I had thrown all this on you as well but what do I do Mayank wouldn't have liked it. The boy is already not looking good. Don't wanna upset my friend anymore" Ishan said.

Abhishek got worried for a moment that something was not right with Mayank but immediately let it go knowing Shubman needed him for now. "You alright Shubi?" Abhishek asked turning his attention to him who nodded.

Before they could indulge in any more fight, a boy came there. "Ishan Kishan. Shubman Gill" he asked.

"What do you need?" Ishan asked arrogantly. "Principal wants to see you two together" the boy announced and left. "Well well well the topper nerd being called in principal office with the bad boy. What could be the odds?" Aditi asked smirking.

"What did you do Gill?" Tilak asked smirking. "Last time you got called in principal's office I heard you planted crackers in girl's washroom. So you ain't that innocent how much you portray" Aditi said.

Abhishek was glaring at them all. Shubman sighed. "I need to go and change. Then we can go" Shubman said looking at Ishan. "Be quick. I am not gonna wait for long" Ishan said angrily. "Well thanks to you that his condition is like that" Abhishek said coldly.

"Your mouth is working a lot these and you are flying very high. I will see you. Don't worry you will get a proper treatment" Ishan said making Abhishek gulp. "Be quick" Ishan ordered Shubman who practically ran towards the hostel.

To be continued

Hii. How is everyone?

I know many of you are complaining that it was Ishman ff and now it's all Abhiyank. I will be honest in the beginning I didn't even plan to make Abhiyank a couple. But when I started writing this ff, I myself didn't realize when Abhiyank started overshadowing Ishman. And by the time realization hit me, many of the readers start loving it so I went with the flow. But now some readers are complaining.

So what do you guys want? Let it go as it's going? It doesn't mean Ishman won't be there. Their plot is main and will be written but Abhiyank will also have important role but if you guys want only Ishman, then I can focus on them and won't explain Abhiyank in detail.

Do lemme know how you guys want it to go forward.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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