Chapter 27

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Mayank tried to talk to Abhishek but he latter kept running away from him and did not give him any chance. Abhishek attended the lectures but he was not really paying attention to any of them. His mind was repeatedly going back to whatever happened with Mayank.

Mayank observed him whole day. He was feeling extremely guilty for his idiotic behavior. He just wanted one moment with Abhishek. He knew he fucked up big this time and he had to apologize from Abhishek. The boy he never wanted to hurt or make cry again, he again ended up doing the same. He was so angry at himself.

"Abhi can I talk...." he tried to talk multiple times throughout the day but Abhishek chose to not listen to him and just left everytime.


"What the fuck? What were you doing?" Ishan asked trying to hide embarrassment in voice and show anger. "Nothing. You were sleeping on my shoulder" Shubman said innocently. "Don't you dare try to be innocent. I fucking know you very well" Ishan blamed him. "But I swear I didn't do anything" Shubman said.

Ishan was about to lash out on him but car came to hault suddenly. So he instead shouted on the driver. "What the hell? Why did you stop?"

"For lunch" the driver replied pointing out to the hotel. "I will see you later" Ishan said coldly to Shubman before getting down. "How different is he from sleeping Ishan. Bipolar dude" Shubman thought before getting down.

They freshen up and had some lunch before starting the further journey. They reached their destination by evening. They got warm welcome from the host college. Ishan was on his best behavior as he didn't want to spoil his college's reputation at any cost. Shubman was extremely shocked seeing this new side of Ishan.

They got the keys of their hostel room and went there.


Mayank and others were in mess having dinner. Mayank was lost in his own thoughts thinking how to sort things with Abhishek when Abhishek arrived suddenly. Mayank immediately understood seeing his face that the boy had cried badly and his heart sank. He just wanted to rush and hug him tightly tell him how sorry he felt for hurting him but sat there instead.

"Oh look someone is alone today" Swami pointed out. Mayank was praying to God internally that they didn't call Abhishek over and trouble him. He wanted them to leave him alone. But God was not on his side today. "Abhishek. Come over here. We would like to give you company" Tilak called him over. Abhishek sighed and walked towards them as there was no other free seat as well.

"Guys leave him na. I am really tired and want to spend time with you guys. Let's not invite an outsider" Mayank pleaded. "Oh shut up Mayank. Stop being such a bore" Aditi scoffed. Abhishek walked over and sat with them clearly avoiding Mayank.

"So someone is lonely today guys. Look how pale his face is. Let's cheer this guy up" Tilak said wrapping his arm around Abhishek who was trying to eat his food not really paying attention to anyone.

"Oh ya. Where is your boyfriend man?" Swami asked. Mayank coughed out water on Aditi's face who was sitting in front of him listening to Swami's question. "What the hell is wrong with you Marakande?" Aditi shouted. "Sorry" Mayank mumbled handing her his handkerchief which she snatched away.

"So Mr. missing that baby of yours. Guys by the way our college made a huge mistake you know" Swami said. "What?" Tilak asked. "They sent Shubman but forgot his mouth here only. What will that pussy speak? His mouth is sitting here with us" Swami said and everyone broke out into laughter except Mayank.

Abhishek held spoon tightly and gritted his teeth trying to calm himself. "By the way guys that he did speak remember? We heard his voice first time. He spoke without Abhishek" Aditi remarked. "When?" Tilak asked.

"Oyye bhulakkad jis din ye Abhishek yhase gussa hokar bhaag gya tha jab Mayank ne Sanya ko kiss kia tha" Aditi said reminding him.

[Oh forgetful the day this Abhishek ran away in anger from here when Mayank kissed Sanya]

Hearing of that day, Abhishek remembered his first intimate moment with Mayank instead of Mayank and Sanya's kiss. And all there memories together till now followed. He could not take it anymore. He was literally feeling suffocated there. So he got up and left from there.

"Hadd ho gayi. Isko uss kiss se kya problem hai? Firse bhaag gya" Swami said.

[It's too much. What is his problem with that kiss? Again he ran away]

Mayank understood what was going on in his mind. So he also got up. "Guys I am full. I am going for walk" he went out without waiting for anyone's response making them confused.


There were two beds in Shubman and Ishan's room. Ishan put his belongings on one bed and Shubman understood he wanted that one. Without any argument, he took the the other one.

Ishan was tired from the long journey so he just felt on bed so Shubman knew there was gonna be peace for sometime. He took a shower and decided to study for sometime as no one was there to disturb him. He took a chair and sat in balcony. Cool breeze was blowing and he settled down there itself.

After couple of hours, it was dinner time. Shubman stood up and stretched himself. He walked inside to see Ishan still sleeping. Hjs blanket had fallen down and t-shirt had moved up revealing his belly. His legs were wide spread on the bed and mouth open. He was snoring. Shubman chuckled at the sight and quickly took a picture.

He thought to wake him up or the dinner time would be over. He slowly approached him and shook him. "Ishan. Ishan" Instead of waking up Ishan pulled him on himself making lie on himself and patted his head to sleep.

Shubman tried to get up but Ishan's grip was tight that he could not break. He looke down and saw his peaceful face. Ishan's warm breath was hitting his face. His silky hair were falling on forhead and he was looking adorable. Shubman was so closd to his face. He was lost in his beauty but suddenly he realized he was in trouble if Ishan woke up and saw them like this he won't leave him but his grip was so tight that he couldn't do anything.

He tried to get free but ended up waking Ishan instead who frowned at the sight in front of him. For a moment, he froze and Shubman started sweating imagining the worst thing Ishan could do with him.


Abhishek stormed out of mess but Mayank came and held his wrist. "Mayank leave me right now" Abhishek tried to break himself free but Mayank did not let him. Mayank dragged him to hostel. Earlier Abhishek tried to fight him but then he gave up.

Mayank pulled out keys from Abhishek's pocket and opened the room. He entered inside and pulled Abhishek with him and shut the door. Abhishek understood very clearly that he was in no mood to leave.

"Now what the hell do you want?" Abhishek shouted in frustration. He could no longer take his shit. He was done. "After whatever you did today was it not enough. How much more you want to hurt me hnn? You just wanted to be physical right? So are you gonna force me now? Okk go ahead then" Mayank was hurt by his words but he knew he deserved Abhishek's anger he had been a jerk to him always but the way he insulted his feelings he felt really bad.

"Abhi can you listen to me for once? Can you give me once chance please?" Mayank asked him with glossy eyes and hoarse voice. Abhishek turned his face away though it was difficult for him to see the boy he loved so dearly crying and it was first time he saw Mayank so vulnerable but he was done getting hurt and he could not take it anymore now.

So Mayank sighed and cupped his face and made him look at him.

"Mayank till date you have bullied me, hurted me, troubled me and what not. But what you did today literally broke me. I was never this hurt by your actions even when you were bullying me. But today you crossed all lines" Abhishek said his voice and face devoid of any emotions. Mayank gulped. He had never seen Abhishek like this.

"I know. I know I have hurted you. Scold me how much you want to. You want to slap me, hit me. I deserve this I know and I am here ready for it. Do whatever you want to. But please please don't say that I have no feelings for you Abhi and I want your body. You mean a lot to me Abhi and I swear it is not physical. Please. Please it really hurts that you think I have no feelings for you" Mayank said crying that pinched Abhishek's heart.

"Then what was that earlier when I asked about your feelings. Why did you not say anything?" Abhishek asked gathering all the courage he had. "Because I was shocked. I have hurt you so much that I can never imagine you will have feelings for a jerk like me. I wanted us to have something between us. I always hoped you have feelings for me but when you finally said I was extremely shocked Abhi. You can love a bully like me?" Mayank explained.

"Oh I get it. So I can kiss a bully like you. I can get physical with you but I can't have feelings or love a bully like you. Woahh you really think so low of me. You think I am a boy like that?" Abhishek asked giving out a painful and sarcastic chuckle.

"No please no" Mayank said shooking his head. "You are getting me wrong Abhi. I just always that I don't deserve an angel like you and you deserve much better than an asshole like me" Mayank said.

"So you are the one who is going to decide now whom I deserve and whom I don't? Who the hell are you take that right away from me hnn? And who the hell are you to insult the man I love hmm?" Abhishek said pulling him by his collar.

Mayank widened his eyes in shock. "Only I have the right to insult or say shit about him. No one else. Not even you" Abhishek said in a husky voice. "Wha-" Abhishek cut him off by smashing his lips on Mayank's.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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