Chapter 29

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Abhishek got ready and successfully covered the marks of last night by wearing Shubman's turtleneck t-shirt. He was cursing Mayank as he hated to wear it especially in summers. But last night memories even brought a smile on his face. Blood flowed to his cheeks making them crimson red.

He shook his head and picked up his phone to wish his best friend good luck and to make sure he was alright being alone with Ishan Kishan for so long.

"Hey. What's up buddy?" Abhishek asked as soon as Shubman picked up his phone. "Ya I am fine" Shubman answered. "Missing me?" Abhishek asked teasingly. "Huh" Shubman scoffed. "You wish. In your dreams bestie" he replied with a duh.

"I am offended" Abhishek said continuing the friendly banter pretending to be hurt while wearing his shoes. "Okk I am getting late. I should leave Abhay. See you tomorrow" Shubman said.

"Ya okk. And Ishan is behaving nicely with you na? Did he trouble you or something?" Abhishek asked. "Well he is far away from being nice with me. But surprisingly he ain't even misbehaving or hurting me so I will consider this positive I guess" Shubman replied.

"Wow that's that's great. Doesn't sound like Kishan. Anyways. All the best bro. Get one for the uni. I believe you will" Abhishek wished him genuinely. "Thanks mate" Shubman said with a small smile and comforting smile. "Love ya" Abhishek said. "Go say that to Mayank" Shubman said carefully making sure Ishan was not listening.

Abhishek blushed remembering the last night. "What happened? Got lost in his thoughts?" Shubman asked teasing him. "Umm Shubi actually I gotta tell you something" Abhishek started with a hesitation in his voice. "Ya say what is it?" Shubman asked.

"Well uhh the thing is-" Abhishek began but was cut off by Ishan shouting from behind making Abhishek sigh in relief. "If you are done dickhead we gotta leave I guess"

"Ya okk. Whatever" Shubman said. "I am really sorry Abhi. I gotta go. You know how this jerk is. He is will eat me alive if i don't go now. Is it something important?"

"No it is not. I mean it is. But nothing urgent. You come back then I will tell. Don't think all this. You just focus on your competition" Abhishek said. "Okk if you say so. Bye Abhi" Shubman said. "Ya bye" Abhishek said and line went off.

"You come back to me and you will be the first person to know I promise. I can't keep such a big thing about me a secret from you. Just come back soon" Abhishek said looking at his phone. He got up and locked the room ready to leave. He was looking forward to spend his day with Mayank.

He was leaving his hostel when someone pulled him inside an empty room. He was about to shout but the lights got on and he saw it was none other than his newly made boyfriend. Abhishek thought he wanted to do something and got shy.

"Mayu we are getting late. Umm I gotta go" Abhishek was about to leave but Mayank didn't let him. "I know. But can you gimme a couple of minutes. I have something really important to talk about with you" Mayank said choosing his words correctly.

Abhishek frowned wondering what was on his mind. He feared of the worst was he reconsidering this relationship. "What is it Mayank? You are scaring me" Abhishek said. Mayank held his shoulder. "Just calm down"

They both were sitting on ground. Abhishek was sitting with the support of wall holding his knees looking at Mayank waiting for him to speak up. Mayank was sitting in same position in front of him thinking how to tell whatever was on his mind.

"Mayu now you are testing my patience. Is it about our relationship? Are you not happy with it? Please tell me now itself if you don't want it. I request you don't make fun of my feelings later please. I won't be able to take it" Abhishek said looking into his eyes. Mayank held his hands in his.

"No no. It's nothing like that. Yes it's about our relationship but no I am not thinking of hurting or leaving you or anything of that sort. Trust me when I say it that I love you as much you love me. I have no doubt on that. And I promise I won't ever hurt you again. I know I have been a jerk to you baby and it's not easy for you to trust me and you still did. Thank you and I and sorry for being a dick all the while. I liked you since beginning. Even before you started to. It's just I couldn't recognize my feelings. Or I know I wad just...denying them. But I promise no more. I love you" Mayank said caressing Abhishek's knuckles with his thumb.

He placed a kiss on his forhead. His lips lingered there for sometime and Abhishek shut his eyes to feel the warmth and love of the tender touch.

"So why are we here exactly? What is it that you wanna talk about?" Abhishek asked. "Ya well it's about my friends. Abhi I haven't told anyone about us love. Yet. I want to tell them. I want to tell the whole world. But I just need some time. I eventually will. I promise you" Mayank said.


“Is nobody coming from our college?” Shubman muttered looking at all the trustees and principals coming to represent their college.

The host had welcomed all of them and made sure they all were seated well before starting the competition.

“No, Mrs Kishan will come, but she will be late as always.” Ishan scoffed looking at how even some participants' parent's came to support their children.


“Shut your mouth and be ready to hit the buzzer, the moment the question finishes you will be pressing it before anyone else can.” Ishan scolded Shubman who nodded his head.

“If I am sure about the answer can I answer atleast one of the question?”

“No, you are supposed to only touch the buzzer. I don't want you to get us negative markings because you accidentally said the wrong answer.”


“Just shut up if you don't want me to kick your ass in front of everyone.”

Shubman sighed but nodded his head looking in front instead. The host was just reminding the rules that Ishan made him memorize for like a hundred times by now.

He loooked at others. Everyone were either memorising what they all have studied or listening to the host carefully meanwhile Ishan had his eyes at the entry point. Not for once he blinked his eyes but just kept staring at the gate as if he was waiting for someone to come.

It was not long before the host was starting the competition that Ishan had to avert his gaze and look at Shubman who was already staring at him.

“Keep your hands on the buzzer,” Ishan said and Shubman immediately put his one hand on the buzzer.

“So the first question to start the competition is really simple. Who will tell us the three theories of public expenditure?”

Shubman immediately pressed the buzzer but maybe he was a second too late because the other college had already pressed it.

“Stratford college hit the buzzer first so tell us the answer,” The host chimed.

“Adolph wagner's law of increasing state activity, Wiseman- Peacock's Displacement effect hypothesis and Colin clark's critical limit hypothesis,” Alex smirked staring at Ishan while answering the question.

“And that's correct, two points for the Stratford College.”

“Idiot why didn't you pressed it?” Ishan glared at Shubman.

“I did it, I don't know why the buzzer didn't chimed?”

“Because you didn't pressed it properly dumbo. Now please do it fast.” Ishan groaned scoffing at the smug smile Alex was passing him.

Shubman nodded his head ready to hit the buzzer, he will do it fast and show Ishan he can do atleast one task right.

Shubman couldn't.

It had been four more questions and the Stratford College hit the buzzer on all of them. They were on a score of ten now. Ishan was fuming in anger wanting to eat Shubman alive.

“I swear there is something wrong with the buzzer, see.” Shubman said pressing onto the buzzer while Alex was answering to the fifth question.

The buzzer didn't made any noise.

“Wait, press it again.” Ishan said and Shubman did. The buzzer didn't made any noise again.

“There is something wrong with our buzzer.” Ishan yelled and the host who was congratulating the Stratford College for yet another right answer stopped midway at Ishan’s sudden scream.

“Of course you will make excuses now because you are losing.” Alex snorted.

“Can you shut your ugly mouth for a second? And who arranged this dumb competition without even checking if all the buzzers are working or not?” Ishan scoffed crossing his arms.

“Relax Phoenix Institute, there must be a misunderstanding. Can you press the buzzer and show if it's not wor—”

Before the host could finish, Ishan was wildly smacking the buzzer which was really not working at all.

“Okay okay we get it. You can stop now, we will fix it.” The host said and Ishan glared at him.

“Our buzzer is also not working.” Another person said tapping their buzzer to show how theirs were also not working.

“Ours too” another person complained and it turned out more than half of the contestant's buzzer were not working.

“Why didn't you tell me sooner that our buzzer was not working?” Ishan looked at Shubman who looked at him in shock.

“I tried to but you said I was slow enough to press it all the time.” Shubman retorted.

“Don't try to be sassy in front of me,”

“I am not. I am just saying that I tried to tell you but you were not listening.”

“It's still your fault.” Ishan grumbled watching now all of their buzzers were changed. Shubman pressed the buzzer to confirm it was working this time and sighed in relief when it was.

“We should restart the competition now.”

“Why are you jealous of our points Ishan?” Alex snorted.

“Why would I be jealous of the points you earned by cheating?” Ishan smirked

“I never cheated, I answered all the questions with my knowledge. Stop making excuses because you are a loser" Alex replied.

"Guys please maintain discipline. We are really sorry for the inconvenience but we can't restart the competition at this moment. It's already late. So we will be giving you one equation to derive. The team fastest to get the right equation will win this competition" the host announced.

The participants agreed. They were given the last task. Everyone was busy doing it with their teammates while Ishan was trying to do it alone. At that time Mrs. Kishan also reached.

At one point Ishan got stuck, he tried to think but he just froze on stage. Shubman noticed him and snatched the paper and pen from Ishan and started working out the problem. He was finally sighed and raised his hand to press the buzzer. "Stop" Ishan tried to stop him but he didn't give him time.

"So looks Pheonix has the answer" the host said cheerfully. Ishan slapped his forhead. "Aaj college ki izzat ka kachara pakka hai" he muttered.

[Today our college will definitely lose its respect]

The host took the paper and handed it to the judges. Ishan was scolding Shubman. "Who the hell asked to do tha? Are you fucking mad or what?"

"We were losing Ishan you were stuck-" Shubman tried explaining. "Exactly if I couldn't solve such a difficult question who the hell are you?"

"So participants, teachers, parents, we have got the winner for this year. And as it's been going on since last 5 years, Pheonix has once again won it" the host announced. All the audience broke into applause while Ishan's face got pale and eyes were widened.

Mrs. Kishan was looking extremely happy. That's when Ishan noticed the table reserved for Pheonix.

"So I would like to call Shubman Gill and Ishan Kishan to come forward and also I would like to welcome the trustee of Pheonix Institute, Mrs. Suchitra Kishan to collect their trophee"

Shubman nudged to Ishan to stand up. They both came forward accompanied by Mrs. Kishan. Later all other teams got participation prizes. Mrs. Kishan was busy praising Shubman while Ishan was standing beside getting angry.

Soon Mrs. Kishan was called for lunch. "Don't think much high of yourself. This was probably your luck. You fucking disobeyed me. I will make sure to give you a nice lesson" Ishan said angrily and left. Shubman shook his head in disbelief. He picked up the trophy and went in his room to keep it.

All the trustees and principals left after lunch while the participants were supposed to stay a bit longer for cultural events in the evening.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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