Chapter 10

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~Percy's POV~

While walking through Tartarus we hardly encountered in monsters. If we did they either ran away or bowed down to us as we passed. "Why are they bowing down to us?" I looked at Zoë, "Gee I don't know maybe because I'm the Champion of the Pit, but hey it's just a suggestion." "Shut it," Zoë growled while I chuckled.

We continued walking until we finally got to Tartarus's palace. We walked into the arena and I looked around. After looking around and realizing that Tartarus wasn't here I screamed, "TARTARUS!! CHAOS!!!! COME HERE!!" We waited for a little while before two bright flashes appeared infront of us.

"What do you need Perseus?" "The camp was attacked by Kronos and 50,000 monsters," Zoë stated.  "He probably attacked for revenge." We looked at Chaos, "But why wait until now? Why not attack when the camp was at their weakest?" "I don't know." "Somethings wrong and we need to find out before it becomes fatal."

I nodded my head in agreement and noticed that Chaos looked a little uneasy. "Is there something wrong Chaos?" He looked up at me, "What no. Why would anything be wrong?" I raised an eyebrow, "Chaos I know I act like I was born yesterday, but please I know you're lying." "Why would I lie? I have absolutely no reason to lie." "LIA!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Now tell us."

Chaos sighed and glared at me, "Okay fine. I know who is attacking us." Zoë and I got worried, "Who?" "I cannot tell you right now. I shall tell when the time is right." "What do you mean when the time is right? We could get attacked by this mystery person at any moment!" "Zoë you have to trust me. I will tell you when the time is right, but now is not the time. Why don't you just go back to camp and help train the campers."

Zoë huffed in annoyance, "Fine, but can you at least give us the date that the attack will happen?" Chaos shook his head, "Sadly I do not know." I looked at Zoë, "Come on Zo we have to go train so we can be ready when the attack does happen." She nodded her head and while glaring daggers at Chaos she grabbed my hand and we flashed to camp.

~ Zoë's POV~

I can't believe that Chaos couldn't tell us anything! What's the point of being creator of the universe if you can't even tell anyone useful information! Anyway after we flashed back to camp we went to our cabin to plan out how we are going to train the campers.

"Okay so we need to get the campers into shape along with teaching them how to use other weapons." I nodded my head then added, "I can teach bow and dagger, while you teach sword and spear." "That would work, but what about the other weapons?" I thought for a little while before answering, "We can both teach those and as of powers we teach them all."

Percy stood there with a blank expression, "What about that Apollo camper, Charlotte?" "We teach her privately." Percy nodded his head. "Okay everything is planned out. We can tell them or plan tomorrow as of right now let's go to bed." We walked to our room, changed, got into the bed, and fell asleep.

~ TimeSkip to morning~

We woke up and got ready putting on our armor and grabbing our weapon. We walked outside and went to the pavilion to eat breakfast. Upon getting there we were hugged by Nico and Charlotte. "Hey Perce. Hey Zoë." We smiled at them, "Hey Nico. Hello Charlotte."

"Are you going to be able to train me today?" I smiled, "We're actually training everyone today, but we will teach you along with Nico, if he wants, by himself." "Sure I'll train with you three, but why do you need to train everyone?" "You'll find out in a few minutes," Percy responded.

After everyone arrived and sat down Percy and I walked up to the front of the pavilion. Since they stopped talking when we got up, we didn't have to call them to attention. "Okay so starting today we will be training you." "Two questions 1. Why do you have to train us and 2. Why should we trust you?" Of course Annabeth asked the questions. I sighed, "Well Annabeth to answer your first question we are training you because Chaos told us that an unknown force will be attacking us." "For some daughter of Athena you would think to realize that if we were enemies you would be dead by know." Percy added.

"Anyway, I will be teaching you how to use bows and daggers, Perce will teach you how to use spears and swords, and together we will teach you to use other weapons and powers. Any questions?" No one raised their hand so I looked at Percy to continue. "Alright then. Finish eating then head to the arena so we can start training."

We summoned an apple to eat and went to the arena. "We still need to figure out who the enemy is." "I know, but for now let's just train them for the worst of the worst." I nodded my head still thinking about this mystery force.

~Unknown POV~

I can't wait until they find out who I actually am. I wonder why Chaos didn't tell them who's attacking. I guess he wanted to wait for the right time like always. Anyway I wonder what my spy has learned from the enemy.

Who is this unknown person and what spy are they talking about?

This was more of a filler chapter than anything. I'll try to update soon.


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