Chapter 3

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~ Zoë's POV~

I was running around Tartarus with my bow in hand trying to avoid any monsters that came my way. You see Zeus put me down here and that constellation is a fake just so no one can come down here looking for me. I was supposedly too powerful and that I could over throw the Olympians, so they put me down down here with fake accusations to my name.

So back to present time, I was running so I could get to what I like to call the 'cave of safety' but something caught the corner of my eye. I looked around to see the only decent man in the world fighting a titan with his sword Riptide in hand.

I was about to go help then I saw him stab the titan right in his hwart and with that the titan died... but not before throwing his sword right at Percy effectively piercing throuh his stomach and making Percy fall unconscious.

I ran faster than I had before. As I reached the man I saw gold blood coming out of him meaning that the gods made him immortal but what I didn't know was what he was doing here in the deepest part of Tartarus.

I didn't care about how he got here right now as his safety was my only concern. I got him over my shoulder and I have to say he is definitely a heavy man with his muscle weigh a hell lot more than I would have imagined.

I grunted as I got him to the entrance of my cave before dropping him and literally dragging him to a mattress that I had. Just don't ask me how I got it because it is a bit of an embarrassing story to say the least.

After I got him on top of the mattress (which was really hard if I do say so myself) I sat near him and couldn't help myself but stare at his perfect black hair, his 6 pack (he didn't have a shirt when I saw him), or his mus- 'STOP!' I told my self. 'Never fall for a man and plus he already has Annabeth right?..'

~timeskip 5 hours~

I was walking around my cave doing my own thing when I saw Percy starting to stir awake and I ran to his side to help him up.

"Zoë?" He said with confusion written all over his face.

"In the flesh," I replied while smirking at his confusion. "How are you here? I mean you're meant to be above earth not in it," he said. "Well.. you see the gods actually revived me, but just as they were about to tell everyone that I was back, they.. thought I was too powerful after sensing the aura if power surrounding me. Even though they knew I wouldn't over throw them, they didn't want to take the risk so they gave me fake accusations for things I didn't do and banished me here into the deepest part of Tartarus," I replied.

"But the real question is why are YOU here?" I asked to which he laughed before replying, "Well our stories are basically the same, but instead of the being revived part, Annabeth actually cheated on me with that Roman blonde son of a bitcher. While saying that I cheated on her first, completely forgetting about my fatal flaw of course."

'What!!!! Annabeth cheated on him!!!!! I swear the next time I see her I am going to murder her!!!!' I thought. "Wow Perce I never looked at Annabeth as a cheating slut, but more as a smart, selfless girl," I said. "Well you'll be surprised to see the others back in camp who also betrayed me while spreading lies," he replied.

"Well welcome to life in Tartarus. I guess, but know this that there is no possible way to escape this part of Tartarus so don't get your hopes up," I said in a serious tone. "Actually there is a way to escape this part of Tartarus," he replied.

"Oh really.. how so?" I asked. "Well after I went unconscious I found myself in a bed in a white room with a black figure near me and he told me that his name was Chaos and he was the creator of the universe," he said.

"WHAT!!!!! You got to meet the creator of the universe!!!! Wow that's amazing, but I still don't get how that will get us out of Tartarus." I said with my mind blown. "I was just getting to that, he told me that he made a deal with Tartarus himself that if I become the Champion of the Pit, I would get to escape Tartarus with one other person.... oh and he told me that I was his most favorite hero so yah...." I just sat there with my mouth hanging.

I jumped up and tackled him to the ground, "You Mr.Jackson are the luckiest person I have ever seen. I mean it's not everyday that you get to meet Lord Chaos and then have a CHANCE TO ESCAPE THE DEEPEST PART OF TARTARUS!!!" I said as he laughed.

"Well then I guess we should rest for a while before heading out tomorrow to find a big arena that Chaos told me about so we can finally escape this hell hole," he said. "Yeah I guess you're right...." I noticed something that made me frown.

"Um Percy, I only have one mattress so I will take the floor and you get the mattress," I said turning around, but was stopped by a hand that sent shivers down my spine. "No I got to floor you get the mattress," he said.






"Ok this is going nowhere, so how about we both get on the mattress?" Percy said. "Ok fine, but if you do something I won't hesitate to cut your throat." I replied.

"Ok, ok I won't do anything. So now as a great cousin once said, 'with great power comes the great need to take a nap'," he said making me smile as I crawled on the mattress and wrapping  my arms around Percy as he did the same with me.

So with that I let darkness surround me.

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