Chapter 7

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~ Percy's POV~

Roll, stab, stab, roll, jab, jab, backup, lung attack.

It has been 1 year since Zoë and I joined the academy and we were both about to complete our course. We have learned every single sword style in the world including Greek, Roman, Egyptian, judo, kendo, Kobudo, fencing, aikido, jujitsu, and many many more.

Tartarus's blessing obviously helped as it would take a normal mortal well over 60-70 years to learn the things we have in one year. We also demolished the school records of completion time by a lot, but told the teachers not to put our names down as we would not like peopleto get too suspicious of us. We also learned to control our primordial powers to a certain extent, but we knew we would need a place woth extreme conditions to be able to master our powers

The list of powers are:


Light- flash to places, heal from the sun, heal others, light creation, white fire (strongest fire on earth)

Loyalty- see how loyao someone is to someone else, see who is loyal to who, encourage loyalty

Swordsmanship-  one of the best swordsman in the universe, can inspect others skill

Betrayal- see who got betrayed

Tides- can control the sea to do as he wishes, do what he could do before, vapor travel (like shadow travel, but with water molecules)

Honour- perfect in formalities, knowledge of heroes

Chaos blessing- power of creation, mist manipulation, fly (wings), mind reading

Tartarus blessing- learn things 25x faster, never forget battle moves


Darkness- can make people have nightmares, make everything dark, blend into darkness, shadow travel, dark creation

Hunt- can talk to any animal, unbeatable hunting skills, run at amazing speeds, turns into any animal

Moon- heal at nightm can summon wolves at night

Archery- one if the best archers in the universe, can detect others' skill levels

Kindness- shows how kind a person is, can make people be kind, appeal any audience

Chaos blessing- power of creation, mist manipulation, fly (wings), mind reading

Tartarus blessing- learn things 25x faster, never forget battle moves

Yea we're pretty much as powerful as the gods, but we have only just begun to unleash our full potential so I have no idea how powerful we could get.

I am currently slashing down some dummies just to waste some time until our graduation starts.

~Evil TimeSkip~

Zoë and I both graduated and were offered a spot in the school to teach, but we declined saying that we would like to go around the world and learn a bit more before 'settling down' in a country but obviously that was a lie...

Well anyways we made our way to the nearby park before sitting on a bench and pulling out our laptop. It didn't take us long to find a martial arts academy called Shaolin Tagou Washu school that is located in China and we also get some other schools seeing as the one school didn't teach every style in the world.

~TimeSkip 5 years~

'Damn!' We just got out of our last martial arts school after 5 years and now we're masters! I mean we know every single martial arts style in the world!

List of martial arts styles:

Muay Thai from Thailand

Brazilian Jiu-jutsu from Brazil

Karate from Japan

Kung fu from China

Taekwondo from Korea

Ninjutsu from Japan

Jujutsu from Japan

Krev Maga from Israel

And many more

We both worked on our powers a bit more, buy we mainly practiced our martial arts more while getting only 5-6 hours of sleep.

Well anyways the next location both Zoë and I found was a monastery located in Japan and was the most inaccessible monastery in the world. We wanted to go there so we could improve our mental abilities and have more control over our brains so we don't get possessed and resist chatmspeak.

Now let me tell you it was dam hard to get to the place because it was 1,100ft high on a mountain. 'How on earth did they even build that thing.'

But because of our martial arts training we were able to get to get to the top without many problens.

~TimeSkip 1 year~

I have to admit that the monastery was amazing and we learn things really fast and we so now we had more control over our brain. We're able to preform a death trance which allows our body to sleep and shut down all parts of our brain other than out senses. Which pretty much allows us to be immune to ambushes or pranks and we also learned to have more control over our subconscious.

Zoë and I didn't know what to do next, so we went to a nearby MacDonald's and sat down to discuss what we should do next.

"I personally have no idea what we should do next as we have done pretty much everything." Zoë said. "How about we go to some place that has extreme conditions and then increase our strength." I suggested. "Hmm I guess that could work, but where could we go that would be extreme enough to give us a challenge?" I thought for a minute before replying, "We could to the Marianna Trench (deepest place in the ocean) and it's high pressure is perfect for us to train."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, so let's flash there."

We flashed just above the area where the Marianna Trench is and started to swim down. By the way Zoë can breathe underwater because I gave that ability to her because you know I don't want my girlfriend to suffocate to death now do we.

~TimeSkip 30 minutes~

We reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench and of course we hid our aura so the gods didn't find us.

We had to hold hands because the pressure was extreme and we could hardly move without falling over, but after 10 minutes our bodies got used to the pressure and it was a little bit easier to move around. I made a gym with my power of creation and reinforced it with some light and dark metal (strongest metal on earth, even stronger than Olympic diamond) so it would not crack open.

We then made a training timetable of what we would do everything to help keep everything organised (wow Percy Jackson is actually being organized for once.)


5:30- wake up

5:40-10:00: run around the trench

10:00- 3:00pm: gym workout

3:00pm- 7:00pm: practice martial

7:00pm- 10:00pm: practice sword/archery styles

10:30- sleep

I have to say it is one tough timetable, but we had to do it because it is the fastest way to make us stronger.

~TimeSkip 7 months~

"1997.... 1998.... 1999.... 2000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I just managed ti press 15000 tons 2000 times making it my new record and also a world record, but that doesn't count because we aren't exactly normal mortals.

"Well done Perce you finally did it after what your 8th attempt?" Zoë said/asked. "Well yea it was super hard, but hey I did it in the end so it was worth it," I replied. You see I have been trying to reach amazing feats ever since we started to train in the Mariana Trench so every time I get a new one I basically go crazy.

After my little celebration Zoë and I went for a swim, but after a while our senses weny crazy signaling that a big attack is going on at Camp Half-Blood. The reason we know when an attack is on Camp Half-Blood is because the camp is one of our domainsand we know when a domain is in danger.

Zoë and I look at each other and smirk, 'this should be interesting.'

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