Chapter 1

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"Miss Plumber, may I have a word?" Katherine's editor asked poking his head out of his office.

Katherine nodded and wiped her ink stained fingers on her dress cursing when she realized there was now little black finger prints all over her. She shook it off and made her way into his office, by size it was very similar to her fathers but no where near the same. Her editor Mr. Weir was an older fellow, in his late 40's with thinning black hair. His office was big but empty, he had nothing on the walls not a single picture or color. All together the office was pretty bland and made Katherine feel depressed.

"Yes sir?" She asked sitting down at the chair across from his desk and rearranged her skirt so it hid her black finger prints.

"Are you happy?" He asked leaning on his desk.

"What do you mean?" Katherine asked surprised by his question. Of course she was happy, she had her own place, she had a wonderful boyfriend and lots of friends who loved her. Of course she was happy, what did that have to do with anything?

"I mean are you happy with your job?" He asked "You've been here for a while am I right?"

"Almost three years." Katherine said thinking back to her first day at the Sun when she was 17. It had been one of the best days of her life.

"That's pretty good considering your age. Are you still writing reviews for flower shows?" He asked lacking his fingers together.

"Yes." Katherine said trying to hide the bitterness from her voice. "But occasionally I'll get a real story."

"And that is exactly why I needed to talk to you. How would you like to cover a real story with real problems and real people?" He asked smiling when he saw her face light up with excitement.

"Yes! I would love that!" Katherine said feeling her heart race in her chest. Could this be her big break? Maybe this story could help get her name out there.

"Good because I wasn't gonna let you say no." Weir said leaning back in his chair.

"W-what?" Katherine asked a bad feeling starting to form in her stomach.

"Well this assignment was suggested by Mr Bennett and I instantly thought of you. We need a good young pair of legs to walk around England and write about the latest gossip." Weir said easily.

"England?!" Katherine asked sitting up in alarm.

"Yes, England. Is that a problem?" He asked there was a glint in his eye that made Katherine unable to argue.

"N-no, I guess..." She stuttered.

"You guess? I need a little more enthusiasm from you Katherine, what happened to you being all excited?" He asked.

"Um, nothing sir just... England it's so far away and well, I have friends... and a boyfriend." Katherine said not entirely sure she wanted him to know that but maybe it would sway his decision.

"Ah a boyfriend you say? No need to worry I'm sure he'll wait for you. You won't be gone long, a year at most."

Katherine almost gaged on her own spit. A whole year?

"I'm glad you except Katherine you are a very bright girl, this could be your chance to get some ones attention. Not every body can write English news." Weir got up from his chair and smoothed out his grey suit. "There will be a boat at the docks on Friday at 10:30 am, we will provide all your expenses for the next year so no need to worry about that."

Katherine felt a little numb from shock, she was going to England? For a whole year? What about Jack, what was she gonna tell him? She couldn't just leave him, but what other choice did she have? It was for work, if she didn't go she'd be fired. Plus, writing stories in England did sound like a lot of fun but she couldn't just drop everything and leave, right?

"I'm pleased you get to do this Katherine, not many women are offered this kind of thing. You should consider yourself lucky, I guarantee you will be a great representative to the Sun." With those words he shook her hand and left her to ponder his words.

This could be your big break she thought. No more frilly songs and cheesy choreography, no more disrespect from every man in the reporting business. You can do this.

She took a deep breath feeling a little light headed, she didn't want to tell Jack but maybe he'd understand.

Besides, a year wasn't very long any way.


Authors Note- First of all this story is dedicated to NewsieGoil152 who gave me the idea for this story. She has FANTASTIC Jackrine stories and she's a wonderful person in general!

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