Chapter 3

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Katherine distracted her mind from Jack by packing her things. This was difficult considering she had no clue what to pack for a year long trip. She wouldn't need to bring any food, she pretty much needed her clothes and nessisary items. By the time she was done she felt depressed, the sight of her empty closet didn't help with her mood as she piled another dress into her suit case. Katherine yawned and made her way to the stove in her room, it was electrical and gave off a lot of heat in the cold apartment. It was only September and already the weather was growing cold, especially at night. She wasn't looking forward to England's cold and wet temperatures, she'd heard stories from her father about how it would rain constantly for days on end, she shuttered at the thought of going with out the sun for that long.

She sighed and looked around her apartment room, she'd been in there for the entire day. She should of been out getting one last look at New York before she had to leave the next morning but she couldn't bring herself to do it. It was just to painful, especially without Jack by her side. Part of her wanted him to stay away but the other part wanted him to come see her before she left. She really was gonna miss him, she loved him for goodness sake but if he was gonna be a jerk then she'd rather not say good bye at all. She scooted her little couch from her living room and pushed it in front of the fire that was nestled in the corner opposite her bed. She remembered the day she'd gotten it installed, all her neighbors had been jealous. She smiled at the thought and sprawled out on her couch, the sun was barely setting but she still felt tired. It had been a long lonely day and Katherine wished tomorrow would hurry up and get here so she could stop being so lonely.

Katherine humored herself for a moment by imagining she was princess who was waiting for her prince to sweep her off her feet, was Jack her prince? Or was there another man somewhere out there waiting for her? Could he be in England? Or perhaps she was meant to be alone, to always be the little lonely girl who dreams of being a princess. Many people have told her that she grew up like royalty, her family was rich and powerful just like any other princess. When she was younger she used to love the idea of being a princess, in fact, her father had once bought her a dress that looked like Cinderella from the stories. She had been seven at the time and worn it everywhere until her mother condemned it to the trash. She had loved that dress and the thought of being a princess. But as she had grown up she began to realize that being a princess wasn't all that great, but as she lay there on the couch drifting to sleep she couldn't help but think maybe being a princess again would be nice.


Katherine jerked awake to the sound of something thumping outside her window, her heart rate picked up as she sat bolt upright on the little couch. Her eyes shot to the window and her panic increased when she relished someone was crouching outside her window.


The voice sounded muffled but familiar and Katherine's fears were calmed down as she realized it was just Jack. Her relief soon turned to anger and annoyance at the sight of him, she glared and crossed her arms.

"What do you want?" She called not bothering to hide the bitterness from her voice.

"To talk." He called back "Come open ya window."

It was completely dark outside and she could see nothing of him but the outline of his body, she sighed and got up from the couch and crossed to her window. The part of her that wanted to see Jack was winning because she yanked the window open and stepped out of the way so he could slip inside. Chills ran through her as she felt the frigid air from outside hit her skin, she noticed Jack was shaking with chills his body covered in nothing more than his grey shirt, trousers and his Newsies hat. She kept glaring at him but she pushed him over to the fire not wanting him to get sick.

"Why are you here?" She asked moodily and stood with her back to the stove. Jack looked over at her apologetically his eyes were deep and sorry and Katherine knew what he was gonna say before he said it.

"I'm here ta say I'm sorry." He said. His face was glowing from the fire light and it made his features sharp and attractive, Katherine had to remind her self she was still mad at him.

"It took you a day and a half to realize that?" She asked crossing her arms. Jack was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Yes, and I'se also realized that I need ta spend all the time I got left with you. I was stupid for thinking I could stay mad at ya."

His words were so comforting and inviting she could hardly think straight, he sure knew how to get to her. She forced herself to stay on track.

"You were also stupid to think you could easily replace me." She said hotly shifting her weigh from one foot to the other. Jack let out a snort and cracked his number one Jack Kelly smile.

"That's fer sure, I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad that you was leaving, that's all." Jack said turning towards her. Katherine didn't respond, she could already feel herself forgiving him but she didn't want to admit it. Jack stepped closer to her and she could smell the newspaper on him, it was a wonderful smell. His eyes were steady on hers but she refused to look back at him, if she looked she'd be trapped and never be able to get out.

"I really am sorry Ace, there is no way on earth that another girl could ever replace you. Youse the only girl I've ever met who fights for herself, that's what I love about you. You's is smart..." he grabbed her jaw and moved her head up so she was forced to look at him. "...beautiful..." he came closer to her and she could feel his breath on her face. "...independent..." he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly.

Katherine felt herself melt under him and she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. The kiss was hot and hurried but soon Katherine found herself reluctantly pulling away. She needed to talk to him just as much as she needed to kiss him.

Even though it might not go in that particular order.

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