Chapter Eighteen| The End

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*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *
"Sure it's messy, But it's how the story got us here"
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *

•*•Katelyn's POV•*•

As I look in the mirror, I see this beautiful gown and perfectly done hair and I can't believe this isn't a dream as if a fairy tail. No this is happening I'm getting married today. This feels like it happened yesterday, am i ready for this? I hear the door open and Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau pop their head in the room, "Is Katelyn~Sama Ready?" I sigh "as ready as I'll ever be" Aphmau walks full into the room in her maid of honor dress, she walks over to me and puts her hands on my shoulder, "You look amazing Katelyn, Your ready for this. Otherwise you would have said no. But You and Travis belong together" she smiles, I laugh and pull her into a hug. "Thanks Guys, Okay I think I'm ready" "great! Let's go!" Kawaii~Chan squeals, We walk out and get to the spot where all the ladies are and My brother walks up to me, "Wow Katelyn, You look great." He hold out his arm, "I'm not dad but if like to give you off to Travis, He's a great guy and you got lucky" he smiles with a bit of tears, I hold in the tears as I wrap my arm around his. The brides maids go out and next is me......I'm so nervous.

•*•Travis's POV•*•

Waiting, Just waiting is making me more nervous, Gah! I start sweating and shaking. "Travis You okay?" Laurence whispers to me, "Mhm.." I wasn't okay I was freaking out, But then I heard it. The music start. (A/n Cue da music) There she was, My is heart Beating a million miles a second. But the thought of her just keeps me at ease, Her beautiful smile greets me as she walks down the isle, she come close and close and everything fads out but just her. She meets me at the end and parts arms with her brother, I take a deep breath as she were about to exchanged vows. I take out my paper and stare at it blankly, none of these words I wrote could ever say what I want to say to my beloved Katelyn. I look up at her and she looks worried, I throw the paper behind me and I hear a crowd full of gasps. "Katelyn.." I take her hand "nothing could ever express my love for you, no words on a page could tell how much I adore and love you. But I can't promise you that there won't be dark clouds in out future nor rainbows, I can't promise you that tomorrow will be perfect, or that our life will be easy. But what I can promise you is my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, and my unconditional love for all of our life." I see a tear roll down her cheek so I gently whip it off and continue. "I can promise you that I'll always be here for you, to listen to hold your hand, and I will always do my best to make you feel loved and happy. Because Katelyn May firefist You are the love of my life." Her eyes were filled with tears and she took a deep breath and looked at me and smiled. " All my Life I couldn't see love, I thought it was a Fairy Tail for kids to believe in. But you walked into my life and taught me how to love, I walked into love with you. I will not only take you to be my partner but I will take you as my best friend, I promise to love and cherish you, and let you fight your own battle but will tap in when you need help. I feel like that everything in my life had led me to you, my past, my regrets, my choices, but everything is worth it cause if none of that wouldn't have happened I would have never met you." I felt tears escape my eye, just slightly. Okay maybe, fine I was crying. I whipped away the tears and the priest began.

I take the ring and hold it up and smile, "With this ring, I give you my heart, I promise from this day forward, you shall not walk alone, my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home" I place the ring on her finger, as she picks up my ring and says her Gives, I feel like I fell in love with her all over again. My first sight of her the first day I met her I knew she was the one for me. "Now Travis will you take Katelyn to be your wife? Do you commit yourself to her happiness and self fulfillment as a person? Do you" I smile "heck Yeah I do" I chuckle, I heard many laughs in the crowd and Katelyn do a soft laugh. "Now Katelyn do you take Travis as your husband? Do you commit yourself to her happiness and self fulfillment as a person? Do you" she smile "of course I Do" the priest continues "I now pronounce You Husband and Wife-" I interrupt with... "Can I just kiss my wife now?" I chuckle, "well if you let me finish... You may now kiss the bride!" Finally! I pulled Katelyn close and kissed her with a strong, passionate kiss. "I love you loser" Katelyn says, "oh how I love you too"

•*•Later at the wedding•*•
Katelyn's POV

Everyone was having such a great time dancing on the beach and having food, I was Having a Dance with my brother when Travis tapped on his shoulder, "May I butt in?" He asked, "why of course" Tyler Allows Travis to dance, He looks at me with a goofy grin. "So Husband..." I laugh "Whatcha smiling about" he laughs "Well Wife.... I was thinking could be escape everyone I got something I want to show you" hmm what's he planing? "Sure..."
He takes me pretty far from everyone and there was a small set up with sampan and a blanket, "what's this" I asked, "He laughs and scoops me up and places me on the blanket, "Just little Something for my gorgeous Wife" I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. "I love you" I placed a kiss on his lips, "I love you more" I growl playfully, "now I love you more!" I jump up, "oh yeah!" He jumps up after me, "how much?" I ask, "a lot more that you!" He laughs, I run into the water. "If you love me so much come get me!" He runs straight after me and jumps into the water, and scoops me up and gently kisses me. "I love you more than words describe" I giggled, "you dork, but it's okay your my dork"

Funny how things work, Liking someone is easy but really loving someone though thick and think is hard, but when you find it done let go, cause is worth loving and experiencing. Just to think..... This all started,

From Hate, To love.

*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *
So how'd y'all like the ending?
I really liked it!
So I was thinking sequel? Maybe? Idk not quite sure yet, I wouldn't know what to write! Well hope you all liked it, And have a good day or night my little Buggles❤️
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *

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