Chapter Nine| Flashback....

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Katelyn's POV:
What in the name of Irene! Why michi the millions of people in this world and he finds Michi.... Idiot!As Michi sat next to Ty she kissed his cheek. Uh... That stupid cat has to ruin everything!
"Katie you know Michi?"
"Yeah.... Sadly..." I mumbled the last part, He gave me a confused look. Michi kept giving Travis goggly eyes,
"Baby are you okay?" Travis rubbed my leg under the table, I pushed him away and he frowned. Michi and Ty being all lovey dovey made me sick... Does he realize that Michi will just use him probably for something evil.... I don't know,just I don't trust nor like Michi. Ty doesn't know how Michi really is huh? Well let's show him......
"I'll be right back... Um Travis come with me."
"Okay." They responded, I grabbed Travis by the wrist and pulled him so they couldn't see us.
"What are you planing?" He asked me,
"Huh how'd you know... Well anyway you know how Michi gets around Laurance and Aaron right?"
"Yeah she goes nuts."
"Well I'm going to text them to see if at least one could just stop by, and if Michi freaks he'll know she's no go for him."
"Um baby.. What if Michi changed?"
"Oh I know she hasn't..." I texted Laurance and Aaron to see if they could stop by.... Aaron had work and Laurance was kinda busy. Damn it! That was the only way I knew how to prove that Michi was still herself, I texted Laurance again and begged him to please just come for a second. He said he'll be here in five! Travis and I walked back over to the table and Michi evilly smirked at me.... So I gave her the death glare. Ty and Travis we're talking which is good he's not at Travis's throat, then I got a text from Laurance that he was here.
"Excuse me." I said and ran to the front to meet Laurance,
"So this is a plan to show your brother that Michi is still evil... Or what ever."
"Yes, now come on." We walked back over to the table and Michi was still pushing her self all over Ty, Then she spotted Laurance.
"Oh hello Laurance Nya~" she smiled, Wah she did go after him... Grr it didn't work, Laurance then left and we continued our dinner date... We ordered dinner and ate, After we Paid for dinner we all walked walked out,
"So Katie you like Michi?"
"Uh...sorry but no.."
"What why?"
"She's evil.... I mean we've had bad history that all.."
"Well maybe she's changed?"
"Ready to go Ty Ty Nya~" she ran over clinging to his arm,
"Yup my Little Kitty cat." She giggled.. Uh I hope she doesn't do anything rash.
"Hey baby~ ready to go?"
"Go where?"
"You'll see." We went to Travis's car and drove out to a woods, he told me to close my eyes and I did. He pulled me out of the car and picked me up bridal style, He carried me for ever till finally we stopped and he placed me gently on the ground. I opened my eyes to see a I was sitting on a blanket with Fairy lots lit all around me in the trees Also a  small thing of wine, I smiled.
"Travis this is amazing!"
"Just for my girl~" he chuckles and lays on the blanket next to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You still owe me that cuddle time." He pulled me closer and I snuggled up to Travis's chest, he kissed my forehead.
"I love you Hun~"
"I love you too idiot." I giggled, He rolled me over and pins my to the ground, he smiles and I pulled him into a kiss. His lips met mine and everything stopped, I love him. He ran his hand down to my leg I wrapped my arms around him and we still kissed, finally taking a breath for air(screw oxygen) his hair fell into his eyes and I brushed it away He smiled and stroked my cheek, our Make out session was interrupted by my phone ringing. I answered it,
"Hello is this Katelyn Firefist?" (Don't know Katelyn's last names)
"Um yes... This is."
"We're sorry to inform you your father Charles Firefist...has committed suicide." (Just say suicide is something that is not funny so please don't think I'm making this funny it's a real thing.) My heart sank, My father committed suicide..... He's g..gone, Mother's dead now Father...
I was about seven at the time. Micha, Ty, Mom and I were all at the store. I remembered mom smile went she told us to run and get our favorite cereal, Ty, Micha, and I all ran to the cereal aisle and fought over what cereal to pick when we heard a gun shot.
"Put your hands up!" Someone yelled,
"Mommy!" Ty and Micha yelled,
"Sshh." I told them, we went over to mommy and she was being held hostage with three other people. I saw the fear in her eyes as she gestured us to leave, Ty and Micha were trying to run toward mom but I had to hold them back, BANG! The robber shot mommy in the chest, then cops came and he fled the building. We ran up to mom,
"MOMMY!" I yelled and we ran up to her, As she laid lifeless on the ground shakily reaching for me,
"" Those were her last words. we saw the light fade from her eyes and her hand fell to the ground.
"MOMMY!" We cried, as the paramedics came and took mommy away, I tried resisting them from taking her away but they held me back, I fell to the ground crying.
Weeks later~mother's funeral-
Ty, Micha, Papa and I cried... These past day have been hard for papa, and us but worse for papa...I never knew why...
End of flashback~~
Last thing I remember was Travis's staring at me and I was shaking then I blacked out..... That's all I remember...

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