Chapter Three| Party!

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Katelyn's POV:

I heard squeals and giggled, I slowly opened my eyes and saw a camera in my face. The flash was on!
"Gah! What the?" I sat up rubbing my eyes, and saw Kawaii~chan and Aphmau were in my room,
"Eeek! That's so Kawaii!" She squealed, Aphmau giggled.
"Uh...really guys, get out." They giggled and left the room,
"Good morning beautiful." I heard a sleepy Travis say.
"Morning." I smiled, I was about to get out of the bed when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Travis, let go."
"No don't leave, just five more minutes. Pleeeeeaassseee." He gave me puppy dog eyes,
"Finneee!" He pulled me in and I giggled, He kissed me on my forehead.
I snuggles next to Travis, He wrapped his arms around me. I could never picture the day when I would say I love Travis but I really do love him. After ten minutes I had to get up,
"No please don't go."
"I have to sleepyhead!" He gave me a slight frown with a pouty lip,
"Grrr, Travis don't due that!" I picked out of clothes and went to the bathroom to get dressed. I can back to see Travis shirtless,
"Um where did your shirt go? I was gone for like two minutes."
"Heh I lost is." He smirked
"You lost it?"
"Hey what can I say, it just jumped of and ran away!" He smirked, I laughed.
"What day is it?" He asked
"Friday, why?"
"Oh well um were having a small get together remember!"
"Oh yeah I almost forgot"
"Well I gotta head home, sorry baby. I love you." He got up and kissed me on the cheek,
"Oh no you don't!" I grabbed him before and spun him around before he left the room and pulled him close to me, He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.
"Bye I love you." He said, once more pecking me on the cheek.
"Bye, love you too."

Travis's POV:

Man Katelyn is super adorable, she pulled me back in for a kiss! Haha I ran down stairs to talk to Aphmau,
"Is is everything ready?"
"I'm pretty sure it is! So are you and Katelyn a thing?"
"Yeah." I smiled at the fact I had the girl of my dreams to call mine.
"Hehe I'm for you guys!"
"Thanks Aph, oh I need to get her a Present! What do I get her?" 
"Hmm? I don't know? What would you like to get her?"
"Wow Aph that no help I asked you!"
"Hahaha I know!" She smiled,
"Than help me!"
"Hm get her a necklace or something like that!"
"Thanks Aph! Bye!" I ran out and quickly headed over to my house, Laurance, Garroth, and Dante were setting up some small details to the place.
"Oh look Lover boy!" Laurance chuckled,
"Hey! I have news!"
"And that is?" Garroth said
"Katelyn and I are dating!"
"Really!?" They all said,
"Wow what potion did you get from Lucinda?" Dante laughed,
"Gah! I didn't use a potion!"
"We're joking with you Travis. Calm down." We started laughing.
"Well I'm heading to the store. Bye!" I grabbed me keys and phone,
At the store, I wondered around trying to find the jewelry. I had no luck.....
"Uh! I'm so bad at this type of thing!" I wondered around some more and found a store employee,
"Um hi, can you help me find the jewelry."
"Um yes sir! Right this way." She lead me to a large glass case with a ton of jewelry!
"Woah!" I said in awe,   "hmm what to get?"
"Who are you getting this for?" She asked,
"My girlfriend!"
"Wow she must be really lucky to have a guy like you.." I looked at her and she smirked, she reached for my hand but I pulled away.
"Woah lady I'm taken!"
"Hmph!" She said turning around,
I searched through all the jewelry, I couldn't find anything that was for Katelyn..... I search and search till finally I found the perfect one! I asked the employee if she could get it out for me, she handed it to me. It was perfect for my Katelyn! I paided for it and drove home, the party was at one and it was 12:30! Oh my Irene! I drove home and quickly got inside there were people over and Aphmau was on for Katelyn.
"She's coming!" She shouted,
"Everyone hide!" Everyone ran into a spot and Katelyn slowly opened the door,

Katelyn's POV:

I put on a teal colored dress and some white converse, I curled my hair. Eh is this too dressy? Was I not dressy enough? Ah whatever! I headed over to the guys house. I opened the door slowly.
"SURPRISE!" I jumped, oh my Irene I forgot it was my own birthday!
"Thanks guys!" Travis ran up to me and picked me up,
"Ah Travis!" I said laughed, Everyone laughed. So many people told me happy birthday, I was really happy! I was talking with Aphmau when I felt a tug on my dress,
"Happy birthday auntie Katie!" Abby said, I picked her up.
"Thanks Abby! Your dads here?"
"Yup daddy coming in right now!"
"Hey Katelyn!" Jeffory said coming over kissing my cheek,
"Hey Jeffory!"
"Happy birthday!" He handed me a small box, I opened it; there sat a bracelet with a fire fist charm.
"Thanks Jeffory!" Setting down Abby giving him a big hug.

Travis's POV:

I was about to give Katelyn her birthday present when I saw Jeffory kiss her on the cheek and gave her a present....... Does she have feeling for Jeffory? And does Jeffory have feeling for her? I put the box back in my pocket and went back to talk to some friends.
"Hey Travis what's wrong?" Laurance asked
"There something"
"Well Jeffory I think has feeling for Katelyn.."
"Nah man they have been just friends for a long time."
"Just friends?"
"I'm positive!"
"I hope so...." It was cake time and Dante helped me bake a cake for Katelyn, it was blue and was her favorite flavor vanilla! I picked up the cake and brought it over to her with candles in it, singing Happy birthday!
"Happy birthday to you!" We all sang,
She smiled and blew out the candles,
"Make a wish baby!" I said to her,
"My wish already came true!" She scoops some frosting in her hand shoved it in my face, She laughed. I put down the cake and grabbed some frosting and pulled Katelyn over my the hips and put some on her face, She smiled and I pulled her in for a kissed a very frostingy kiss! I licked the frosting of her cheek, and she laughed. We cut the cake and handed it to everyone, Katelyn cut a piece for me.
"Well thanks you love....." I spoke too soon she shoved the entire piece in my face, I wiped it of my eyes and ran after her! She laughed and ran off,
"Hahaha can't get me!" She taunted,
"Oh yeah!" I caught up to her and grabbed her by the wrist and twirled her around, she looked at and I pulled her in; once more I gave her a big kiss.
"Ah Travis your getting frosting all on my face again!"
"Hahaha pay back!" We headed back to the party and actually ate cake, not shoving it in each other's faces. I almost forgot about Katelyn's present,
"Um My love, I got you a present." I pulled the box out of my pocket and opened it, Katelyn's eyes sparkled.
"Thank you Travis." I took it out of the box and put it on her,
"Wow this is beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." She pulled me and a kissed me, wow I've got a women! She the love of my life. It has been the best day, I was so happy to see a bright smile on Katelyn.

Got I love writing this book!💜
I love #Travlyn the best OTP EVER!!!!!
They need to happen!💯💜
Super cute together💙💚

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