Chapter 19: The Preliminary Exams

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(The surviving teams are seen standing before Hiruzen, Anko, and the proctor Hayate Gekkou.)

Hayate: It's time for the final phase of the Chunnin Exams. It's time for the Preliminary Exams.

(Hayate then explains about the Preliminary Exams, and then asks if someone is willing to give up, and then Kabuto raises his hands.)

Kabuto: I do, sir.

(Hayate then checks Kabuto's files.)

Hayate: Kabuto Yakushi from the Hidden Leaf Village, right? (Kabuto nods) Alright, you're dismissed.

Gaara: (in mind) Pathetic.

Yoroi: (glares at Kabuto) You jerk, did you forget about Orochimaru's orders?

(Anko then checks Kabuto's files and explains about his historic during the exams. As Sakura is about to raise her hand, Sasuke stops her.)

Sasuke: (glares) Don't even think about telling anything about the curse mark.

(Sakura tries to reason with Sasuke, who simply retorts about his vengeance and that although being Chunnin means nothing to him, he wishes to keep up so he can see if he can be strong enough to face his brother.)

(As the preliminary exams start, ten fights occour. The first one is between Yoroi and Sasuke.)

Hayate: Those who've been chosen to the first encounter: Yoroi Akado and Sasuke Uchiha.

(Sasuke feels the pain of the curse mark.)

Sasuke: (in mind) This pain won't go...

Yoroi: (smirks) Is the mark bothering you?

(Orochimaru is seen watching the scene with a devious smirk.)

Orochimaru: (in mind) You'll see, Sasuke. Yoroi's unique abilities will be disastrous for you!

(The fight starts, and Yoroi starts having advantage due to Sasuke not being able to use his sharingan because of the curse mark. But the Uchiha eventually wins, and then Kakashi takes him away to perform a sealing jutsu. But once he seals the mark, he hears a familiar voice.)

Orochimaru: And to think you're strong enough to perform the sealing jutsu.

Kakashi: (shocked) You...

Orochimaru: (comes in) It's been a long time since we haven't met. Right, Kakashi?

Kakashi: (shocked) Orochimaru!

(Back to the exams, Shino is seen defeating Zaku without moving a single finger.)

Naruto: Damn, he's so quiet. I can't wait to fight him someday.

(Back to Kakashi and Orochimaru, the latter explains that Sasuke will sooner or later come to him, looking for power, unless Kakashi kills him while he still can, but Kakashi can't seem to do much.)

(Back to the exams, Misumi Tsurugi is seen trying to fight Kankuro, who uses his jutsu.)

Kankuro?: Now it's my turn, say goodbye!

(Then Kankuro's puppet brings down Misumi.)

Hayate: Since Misumi is no longer in conditions to fight, the winner is Kankuro!

Naruto: So that's what he's been hiding in those bandages.

Sakura: It's the Puppet Master Jutsu.

(Sakura explains about the Puppet Master Jutsu before being she and Ino get chosen to fight each other.)

Naruto: I feel bad for Sakura though.

Shikamaru: You better, because she's gonna lose.

(Sakura and Ino fight in what seems like an epic battle since both have a strong rivalry since their childhood, and the fight eventually ends in a draw since both knocked each other out. Tenten and Temari.)

Naruto: I'll remember to let her train with me... though I got a feeling the Sand Village will get another victory...

Shikamaru: Now you mentioned... the Sand Ninjas are much more experienced compared to us... (sighs) Yeah, Naruto... just another victory to the Hidden Sand Village.

(Tenten tries hard to defeat Temari, but the latter's strategy proves to be effective as she uses her technique.)

Temari: Wind Scythe Jutsu!

(Temari easily defeats Tenten, and Naruto sighs.)

Choji: Yeah, just another victory for the Hidden Sand Village, just like Shikamaru said.

(Rock Lee tries to attack Temari, but Naruto interferes.)

Naruto: Don't you realize you're risking yourself to be disqualified from the exams?

Temari: I would listen to your friend if I were you.

Gaara: (offscreen) Agreed.

(They turn to Gaara.)

Gaara: (to Temari) The fight's over, you won, why waste your time with that pathetic man?

(Then Might Guy steps up and warns the Sand Ninjas about what Rock Lee can do. Mere minutes later, Shikamaru and Kin are chosen to fight. They have two fights, the one-on-one fight, and the IQ battle. In the end, Shikamaru manages to defeat Kin.)

Hayate: The winner of the sixth fight, Shikamaru Nara!

(Naruto is then finally chosen to fight Kiba, which doesn't surprise him at all.)

Hayate: The seventh fight: Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzuka.

Naruto: Well, I have seen fights who were more interesting than this one we're about to have no, so... I'm gonna make this quick.

Shikamaru: I guess Naruto's gonna win in ten seconds.

(Choji nods as Naruto easily punches Kiba for ten seconds, easily defeating him.)

Shikamaru: See?

(After easily defeating Kiba and returning to his place, Naruto sees Hinata and Neji fight, the battle is epic, but Neji wins. Naruto approaches Hinata and makes a promise to defeat Neji and avenge her defeat. Neji tries to mess with him, but almost pays the price as Naruto almost hits him, and his eyes widen.)

Naruto: Ha! I got you!

Gaara: (in mind) He's even been able to make the genius look pathetic.

(Only Gaara, Dosu, Rock Lee and Choji remain.)

Naruto: Damn, I wish I wasn't chosen so early.

Shikamaru: Well, I got lucky too. Only strong guys remain... like Rock Lee, the weirdo from the Hidden Sound Village, and even that guy from the Hidden Sand Village.

Naruto: Yeah, that guy's got a sinister and powerful chakra.

(Suddenly Gaara and Rock Lee are chosen to fight.)

Naruto: I feel bad for the kid.

(Suddenly Kankuro approaches him.)

Kankuro: Looks like you understand the situation.

Naruto: Huh?

Kankuro: Someone in a level like his would never be able to defeat Gaara.

(Rock Lee does his best to fight Gaara, who isn't fazed at first, but gets wounded, and starts fighting back for a while. Gaara suddenly loses control and plans to kill Rock Lee, but is stopped by Might Guy.)

Gaara: I concede.

Hayate: The winner is... (sees Rock Lee trying to get up, but failing) The winner is Gaara.

(Finally Dosu and Choji prepare to fight.)

Dosu: (chuckles) It's finally my turn.

(As the fight starts, Choji uses his Human Bullet Tank to charge at Dosu, who outsmarts him.)

Dosu: All you need to know is that water transmits sound.

Hayate: The winner is Dosu Kinuta.

(Then the remaining contestants are introduced and pick their numbers as the fights are decided: Naruto vs Neji, Gaara vs Sasuke, Kankuro vs Shino and Temari vs (Dosu vs Shikamaru).)

(Meanwhile at Ninja Academy, Konohamaru is seen pretending to pay attention to class until he notices Iruka seemingly distracted.)

Konohamaru: (whispers to Udon) Iruka-sensei is distracted, it's our biggest chance!

Iruka: (not turning around) What are you doing, Konohamaru?

Konohamaru: I... gotta go to the restroom.

Iruka: Liar.

(The last scene shows the Ninja Academy as the scren fades out.)

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