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Hey friends!

So here you go!

My first book FROM HELL TO HEAVEN is completed!

Did you all like it?

I had an amazing time writing it, hope you too had an amazing time reading it.

Please do vote, comment and share my book.

So finally, for all my amazing and wonderful readers, here is a surprise for you all!

Any guesses?




A sequel!

Yes, I'm writing a sequel for From Hell to Heaven.


So here, presenting the hero of our story, DAKSH MEHRA, son of Akash and Dharani and the heroine, DIVYA MATHUR, daughter of Avinash and Ritika.

Please read it and keep supporting me like you did for my first story. I'll love to see you all in my next book.

And last but not the least, thanks a million for all the constant support, love and encouragement you all provided throughout this book. I never thought that I would make you all this happy with my book. Thanks again.

Love Like Heaven - Prologue.

"You're are right Divya. I'm a playboy," Daksh said and stood up in front of me.

"Now I will show you what Playboy can do,"Daksh said and pulled my waist and grabbed my face with his other hand to move our body closer to him. My breast crushed to his hard chest. I tried to pull my body away from his grip. But he held me strongly against him.

I'm afraid because I had never seen him this much angry.

" - he didn't let me to finish my sentence, because he forcefully pressed his hard lips on my lips. He was angry and rough. He is punishing me with his harsh kiss. I tried to push him back, but he stood on his ground. Then, he pushed me back down on the bed, pinning my hands above my head with his one hand he squeezed my breast painfully. I whimper because of his painfully torture. I felt his hand on my back trying to unstrap my bra. Tears flowing under my eyes.

I never thought he would misbehave with me. I loved him, but that doesn't mean any woman can allow this forced. I try to push him away, but he didn't budge. So I bit his tongue hard. He immediately loosens his gripped on my wrist.


Yes, I slapped him hard across his face. Guilt washed over his face.

I know I made a mistake by accusing him. But he doesn't have any rights to touch me or misbehaved with me.

"I hate you Jerk" I said venomously. I stood up and ran away covering my mouth and tears flowing under my eyes as I ran far from him.

Daksh Mehra

Daksh Mehra - 25 years old...(Akash Mehra and Dharani Mehra son).

Daksh Mehra - A Greek god who has the looks and charms that can get any girl on her knees. Soon going to be the new CEO of ASA FASHIONS company. He is arrogant, egoistic and a well-known playboy but very much possessive. He thinks love is waste of time. Mess with him and you are literally died. But he loves his family a lot.

Divya Mathur

Divya Mathur - 23 years old...( Avinash and Ritika one and only daughter).

Divya Mathur is a confident, independent, smart, and extremely beautiful girl. She lives her life in her own ways and never takes orders from anyone. She is the Barbie doll of her parents. Her dream is fulfill her mother wish.

Let's see their journey of how Daksh and Divya fall for each other. They are opposite to each other, but attracted by each other like magnets.


In south India it is common for boy is eligible to marry his own maternal uncle's daughter or paternal aunti's daughter. A girl is eligible to marry her own maternal uncle's son or paternal aunti's son. So Divya and Daksh are not cousin.

Read ahead and drop in your comments.

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