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"For the love of Oum, just how big can an army of grimm get?! We've been fighting wave after wave after wave of these things for hours now!" I groan as I slash down three beowolves.

"Falcon! On your left!" My brother shouts as he takes down a goliath.

"On it!" I said as I cut down the beowolf that was about to slash my side.

"Ruby, you got ten at your top right!" Tai shouts as he snaps the neck of a boarbatusk that he had a hold of.

"Got it, dad!" My niece says as she uses her semblance and slashes through all of them.

"Hah! These bastards are never gonna win against us!" I roared, activating my semblance, and I sprouted a pair of large, black and white wings from my back.

(Like these wings)

"We became huntsmen and huntresses for a reason, guys. It's time to show these grimm that very reason why!" I say, and all of the huntresses and huntsmen that were fighting with us roared in agreement. We all gathered into one giant group, and we charged at the oncoming horde of grimm.






"Finally, I thought these grimm would never end!" Yang says as she's sitting on the ground, panting.

"We can't relax just yet, Yang. In my ten years of fighting as a huntress, I've come to learn that when you're fighting hordes upon hordes of grimm like this, then that means that there's a mastermind behind it, someone or something that's controlling them." I said to her.

"And speak of the devil, I think that's our boss right over there." Qrow says, pointing to a grimm that stood amongst the barren battlefield, where all of its brethren once stood. It was a fox-like grimm that stood as tall as I did.

"Seriously?! Why'd it have to be a Kitsuninja of all things?! Those things are capable of taking on an army of us!" Weiss says.

"Easy there, princess. Are you forgetting that you and your friends are working with some of the greatest huntsmen and huntressess to walk the continent?" I say, getting up to face the Kitsuninja.

"Forgive me, it's just that from what I've heard about these grimm, they hardly ever appear to such a large group of people, because they always wait until someone is alone to kill them. And whenever they DO appear out in the open range, they always bring massive hordes of grimm with them to cause chaos and panic in order to feed off of. You're lucky if you haven't died from the grimm army, but even if you manage to defeat the horde, you're far too exhausted to fight the Kitsuninja, who then kills you and makes you its dinner!" She says, and Teams RWBY, CFVY, and SSSN shuddered at the thought of becoming dinner for a Kitsuninja.

"Relax, you guys. You all need to rest, because I'll be the one taking on this bastard, so I'll call for help if I need it." I said, grabbing Foretoken, and approaching the Kitsuninja, stopping untill we were twenty feet apart, and the two of us turned and faced each other, just like in a western standoff.

"You know, you're awfully polite for a grimm. Do you always fight your victims this way?" I asked the Kitsuninja, who only stares at me in silence.

"Staying silent, eh? Well, you'll be talking once I kick your ass!" I shouted as I swiftly charged at the Kitsuninja, with Foretoken's sword form in hand. The Kitsuninja did the same, charging at me with a blade of its own, formed from the eight smaller blades that it carried on its arms. We quickly reached one another, and sparks flew everywhere as our blades clashed with one another.

"You're fast! Let's hope that you can keep up with my stamina!" I say, switching Foretoken to its pistol form, shooting it a few times, and it retaliated by splitting its large blade back into its eight smaller components, and launched them at me. I quickly blocked them by forming a large pair of titanium wings, which the small blades launched by the Kitsuninja merely bounced off of, before being pulled back to their owner, and I retracted my wings. The two of us charged towards one another, and our great clash began anew.






"Take this!" I roared as I roundhouse kicked the Kitsuninja in the gut, and it was sent flying through several large boulders, before it eventually slammed into another boulder, and it lay there, not moving an inch. I grabbed Foretoken and switched it to its sword form, before I went over to the Kitsuninja, who was barely breathing. I flipped my sword in preparation to deliver the final blow, but I waited.

"Any last words before you go?" I asked the Kitsuninja, and it smiled.

"I thank you for the excellent battle. None of my previous victims have even come as close as you have." It says in a male's voice. I smiled at this.

"It was my pleasure." I said to him, before I drove my sword into his chest. Almost instantly, he started turning to dust.

"I pray that we meet again in the next life." He says before he disintegrated completely.

"We did it..." I said quietly, before all of the huntresses and huntsmen erupted into cheers.

"We actually did it! Holy crap we made it!" Coco says, sounding very relieved.

"Alright, folks! I say it's time we all went back to Vale and celebrated our victory!" I say, and they all roared in agreement, before we all started walking back to our temporary base. However, on our way back, I couldn't shake this gut feeling that I kept getting that kept telling me that something bad was going to happen.

"It's not like you to space out so much, Falcon. Are you doing ok?" Raven asks me, and I shook my head.

"I'm fine, it's just I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen." I say to my sister.

"Well whatever it is, it's probably stemming from that long battle that we had. It'll go away soon enough." She says to me, and I nodded.

"I guess... Let's keep walking." I say, and we continued walking. I had hoped that what my sister told me was true, but alas, life never works out the way that we want it to. I felt some strange power approaching us rapidly, so I immediately shoved my sister out of the way, and almost instantly, an intricately detailed, bright yellow circle appeared underneath me.

"What the hell?! What is that thing?!" Coco asks in shock.

"Is that a magic circle? How is that possible?! Not a single person on the face of Remnant possessing magic has been recorded in the last ten centuries!" Weiss says.

"Damnit, Falcon! Why'd you have to go and pull a stunt like this?!" Raven asks angrily, but I never got to hear her words, because I was quickly engulfed by a pillar of light. And just like that...

I was gone.

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