Chapter 2, Split???

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It was an extremely long day and my luck is possibly at it’s worst.

I had been late to all of my classes, i was missing several homework assignments, and i got someone else’s lunch dumped on me in front of the entire school.

It’s my last year of highschool this year and it seems like nobody’s there for me.

Ever since my dark side died my life was turned upside down. I couldn’t focus, i couldn’t sing, i couldn’t do most of things that i had been able to do when she was alive.

I miss her. I miss everyone.

I hope i can visit them again one day…

That was the last thing i said before falling asleep on my nice comfy bed.

I woke up to see that i was in a field of flowers and tree’s with the sun shining clear as day.

I felt at peace here.

I stood up and walked around until i saw a  pink tree and standing underneath it was my “sis”

Sis?! Y-your alive???!!!!!

She didn’t answer me or face me she just kept staring off into the distance as if she was in a trance.

I was puzzled by this and looked over into the distance as well and saw a blood red sky and a white moon with a violet colored river underneath it. Next to it all was a battlefield.

A battlefield filled with the ones i loved and wished to protect.

I realized what had happened and my gaze remained fixed on the scene in front of me.

My mindscape had been split up depending on the bad memories,good memories,and my childhood memories.

The objects that were in each of the split mindscape area’s had represented a certain part of me.

I froze as i felt something awaken from deep within.

It felt evil but conflicted and confused.

A few moments later it made it’s presence known to me.

It was my “dark side” !

Wha…? ....but i thought you were dead!

It was then my sis who was standing at the tree turned around and walked over to me and began to speak:

"Layla...i’m not dead and my conscience has been dark side has been removed."

Upon hearing this my heart sank into the pit of my stomach and all I felt was dread.
This was the worst possible thing that I could have heard.
"N-no way..."
Layla...just need to set things right in the real world by going back.
"What?! Why should I go back?"
(Sigh) want to save me right?
Then alright then,You have to go back to the begging and change what happens.
My sis hugs me and I depart from my mindscape.
(End chapter)
Hello my fellow readers! I hope you liked this chapter. If so comment in the comments! Till next time my fellow readers~
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

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