1. The Broken Soul

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A luxurious car stopped infront of a huge building with a board reading as Khanna Constructions. Security guard rushed to the car and opened the driver seat with huge respect. A handsome man in his late 20's got out of the car.

He removed his sun glass from his face and gave a wide smile to the guard.

"Good morning Abhiram sir.."the guard wished.
"Good morning man.. hope you are well.." Abhiram handed over the key to the guard and walked inside the office.

One by one each staff started wishing him. He made their morning good with his heart touching smile.

Everyone like him for his this quality. His smile can give positive energy to all the people he is meeting. He continued to do that. Because he wanted atleast the people around him should be happy well. Eventhough he can't. Years and the habits made him a good actor and now he is expert in giving this fake smile to all people around him. Thereby he himself created a feeling among others that he is happy. He dont want anyone to question him and he is glad to know that everyone is jealous for his life. Secretly he prayed that no one could get such a miserable life like him.

He reached his cabin and entered into it. He saw the board saying Mr.Abhiram Khanna, Managing Director. He smirked and felt pity on himself.

The name everyone respects.... everyone wanted to become...But he don't want to be the same Abhiram Khanna in any of his next life. Before tears win over him, he sat on his chair and called his manager. He cant cry atleast infront of people who admired him.

"May I get in Sir?"he heard the voice and immediately fixed his ever charming smile on his face.
"Yes..Sudhan...I was waiting for you.."He said

His manager came infront of him and stood there.
"Did you send the final blueprints to Sharma Company?" Abhiram asked.
Now it's business time and he switched on to his serious mode.
"No sir.."his manager replied with a guilty face making him shocked.
"What the hell are you saying? Are you joking? Do you know the seriousness of what you are saying?"Abhiram jumped up from his chair.
"I am saying truth sir...we lost that deal because of the delay in finalizing the blueprint."Manager replied and he couldn't believe this. He stood there staring at his manager for a long time.

He started running his long fingers through his neatly combed hairs messing it up. He looked at here and there except his manager's face. It's been a long time everything in his office started messing up. His life too...He can't believe this all.

"You are fired Mr.Sudhan..."he shouted after thinking for a long time.
"But Sir..I tried my best..Your father was not available whenever I went to get the sign from him. Last time I went to a bar also with a hope to see him atleast..but he just threw me out as if he don't care whatever happens here."Sudhan tried to speak but cut off by his boss.

"It was your responsibility to inform me if dad didn't sign the papers. You haven't contacted me...it was your fault Mr.Sudhan and my company don't want such irresponsible idiots."He shouted at the top of his voice.

Sudhan felt his eyes welled up. He slowly walked outside with a hope that his boss will call him back. But little did he know that his boss was more heartbroken than him.

Abhiram opened his first few shirt buttons and fall on the chair. He leaned back on the chair thinking about his manager's words. He took out the purse from his pocket and looked at the picture it have. His lips curved into a smile seeing the 5 year old Abhiram in his parents lap. It was the most beautiful days of his life. Even though they had to suffer a lot and he even stayed without having food for 2 days, their ways to find happiness in little moments always made him love that life. His father didn't allow him to cry those days.. His mom was the best friend for him. Their togetherness and family moments could win over poverty and hunger. He slowly wiped the tears from his face. Now everything has changed. Money gave them power, status and everything he didn't wish. But he lost those little happiness from his life forever. He lost his parents love, time and everything that made him alive when he was not getting proper food. He closed his eyes realizing that things won't return back to those golden old days. He had lost it forever.

He opened his eyes hearing his phone beeping. He took it and opened the message. Another big frown on his face. He wished he shouldn't have born on this earth.

"Honey...It's Nitha's birthday party tonight. You should come and pick me from beauty parlour exactly at 5 pm..."He read the message from someone saved as "Make up Box" and hitted his palm on the table till it's bleeding. But it didn't hurt him.. because his heart was more aching which made him forget his body's pain.

He remembered his mom's words that day which made him took that worst decision.
"I have already given promise to my friend Sneha. If you didn't agree to marry her daughter Sarayu, you will see my deadbody hanging on this fan soon Abhi."

That's it..he loves his parents more than anyone in this world. He still had some hope left in his mind that time that he can return them back to his old life. But now no hope had left. He lost everything and his life is completely messed up. It will mess up even more after one month when he marry his mom's money loving friend's make up loving daughter.

He rested his head on the table and cried out his tears. That was when his phone again beeped. He opened the message box only to smile this time.

"Waiting for you at McDonald's..order given for our favourite burger. Now show up yourself before I eat your share too man." It was the message from his best friend Daksh. The one and only human living on earth who could understand him. The one who saw the real Abhiram past all his problems and sorrows.

Abhiram let out a huge laugh not knowing that some of his employees looking at him. He typed the reply.
"Not today man...Not in a mood...not even after firing one of my employee...that too my favourite manager..."He send the message thinking about what must be the reply from his best friend.

He opened the message box when his phone again beeped.
"That means you can even fire me another day if I continue eating your shares...no matter...I started looking for another job."He read the reply and bursted into another laugh.

No matter how much stressed he is. Only this man can make him smile. He thanked god for sending this ever cool friend to his life.

Daksh is an orphan who lost his parents at his childhood. His uncle's family was looking after him and Abhiram can still remember their very first day on school when he ruined Daksh's special burger by colliding with him. And in return Daksh punched his face. Their fight continued till their both parents had to report infront of the principal the very next day. Fortunately their problems got solved when Daksh's uncle bought both of them new burgers. And it was the start of their never ending friendship. They studied in the same college and Daksh had to work in Abhiram's company after graduation only because of his promise to his friend. Daksh was a blessing to Abhiram. If he wasn't there as a friend, his life must have been completely bored and unwanted.

Abhiram took out the car keys and rushed out of the office since he had no mood to work now. He drove to his home which he loved mostly once and now he hating the mostly. He reached his home and parked the car. Seeing his home which felt to him as a ghost house more now, his mood again became sad. He opened the door and saw his father's PA Mr.Ram waiting below the staircase. Seeing him Ram's face became more confused. He doubted why he is standing there. Without thinking Abhiram moved to him and stood there crossing his arms across his chest.

"What happened Mr.Ram?"he asked with a serious face
"That...I..."he stammered for an answer.
"Stop this and answer me..where is dad?" Abhi asked firmly.
Ram lowered his eyes and didn't dare to look at his eyes.

Suddenly he heard some girl's giggles and looked at the direction to see two girls climbing down the stairs laughing while adjusting their sarees. They have been seen messed up with their hairs and dresses. They are busy in counting money and didn't looked at him. He was shocked when realization hit him. His eyes became red thinking about what he have just seen with his eyes. He wanted the floor to open up infront of him right now and swallow him. He looked at Mr.Ram furiously who was sweating.
He hold his collar angrily.

"What business are you doing here with my dad? Did you forget that it's my home?"he threw murderous glares at Mr.Ram.

"I haven't done anything..it was all your dad..see he injured me for not obeying him..."Mr.Ram showed his hand which was bandaged.

Abhi left his hold disappointed. This was the last thing he wanted to see in his home. He climbed the stairs angrily. He reached his dad's room and knocked. But no response came. Losing all his patience he opened the door only to see the most embarrassing sight of his life.

There in the bed laying his father with no shirt and a blanket covering his lower body. A lot of empty glasses were found on the table. He hated himself for seeing this. He slammed the door and rushed to his own room. He closed the door and locked himself inside it. He heard his phone ringing and looked it to see Daksh calling. He was not in a mood to talk to anyone especially after seeing all this. He switched off the phone and threw it on floor angrily breaking it into many pieces. He fall on to the bed thinking about his sweet childhood memories.

"Abhi..stop there my naughty kid...listen my dear..you will fall down and injure yourself..."His mom was running behind a 7 year old Abhiram who was running down the stairs skipping two steps at a time.

He was laughing hearing his mamma who was running behind him with a plate of food. He wasn't ready to surrender himself to that big plate full of food.

Suddenly he fall down on the stairs.
"Abhi..."his mom screamed as if she had fallen and rushed to him to pick him in her arms. Little Abhi cried in his mother's arms till he hear that voice.

"My dear son..where are you ???"he heard it and suddenly jumped up from his mamma's hold.
"Pappa came..."he ran towards the door where his father is standing with a smile.

He immediately hugged his son and kissed him.
"What happened to my dear son? Looks like your mamma made you cry..."he pouted.
"It's your son made me worried with his naughtiness Mahesh..."His mom popped out of the door.

"Hahaha..is it? He is my sweet boy..."He kissed Abhi again.
"Mahesh..he fall down from the stairs...I literally died seeing him in that state.."She said.
"Its ok..my son is strong Dhana.. nothing can make him cry."He said giving his son the chocolates he bought. Little Abhi starts smiling seeing his favourite chocolate.
Dhana and Mahesh hugged him with all their love.
Flashback end

Abhiram woke up from sleep hearing a loud noise from downstairs. He was sweating as if he is waking up from some nightmares. He looked at the clock to found out that it's 1 pm noon. Oh god..did he sleep for such a long time? He quickly got out from the bed and suddenly winced in pain when one of the broken pieces of his phone immersed into his foot.

He moved towards the door eventhough he was hurting with the broken foot. He went to downstairs to see his mom standing with the support of two other woman. He was shocked realizing that she is drunken even at this lunch time. He forgot the last time when he found his mom in conscious state. He sighed. It became a habit for him to see this mom everyday who totally lost herself to drugs and alcohols. She fall on to the sofa and the other women left seeing his glare. They know very well what will happen next if they stand there for their friend infront of her son.

He moved to the sofa and his heart broke seeing his mom in that condition. He cursed himself for being so helpless. He tried his best ways to get his mamma back to life. He even admitted his own mom to a de-addiction center only because of his love for her. Can anyone believe that his mom escaped from there by a suicide drama? Well..it happened. He tried to advice her a lot...he even did many hunger strikes for getting his mom back to normal life. but nothing worked out.

All started when they slowly releases from poverty and hunger because of his dad's hardwork and their luck. Life became more beautiful when they started getting everything they wants. On the other side they failed to notice their family bond slowly breaking from each corner. It all started from some club meetings, late night parties, pleasure trips...when his parents started enjoying their dream life, he was happy..but on his process of growing up, he realized the sourness of his parents fights for unknown and unwanted reasons. When they slowly distance from each other, he lost them and his life. They found their pleasures in new addictions without knowing the fact that their only son was dying inside.

He started shaking his mom to wake her up. But she didn't..she started muttering something in unconscious mind. He felt angry and rushed back to his room. He again fall on his bed with an heavy and completely broken heart. A heart no one can repair now.

Little did he know that another broken heart can easily heal his broken heart with her craziness.😉😉
It was late night when he again woke up from his sleep. He had taken sleeping pill to get some sleep. So the tiredness was clearly visible on his eyes and face. But all his sleep went away when he heard his father's and mother's shouting voice. He climbed down the stairs two at a time to reach them fast. He was frozen seeing his mom slapping his father. He couldn't move from his position as if his legs are fixed there.

"I can't live with you anymore...how dare you sleep with some call girls right inside this house?" His mom shouted with tears.

He was shocked. He didn't see her crying like this never before.

"I will live according to my wish..if you can live your life like you wants, why can't I?" His dad snapped back.

"Live as you want..I don't care. But I can't stay with you anymore..seriously you have crossed all your limits today Mahesh..."she yelled.

"You have crossed it long back Mrs..sorry sorry Ms.Dhana... didn't you remember how you kissed that Chettiyar infront of me?" His dad said making Abhiram shocked.

He felt the entire earth shaking. Did he just heard his dad right? His mom..did she kissed someone? that too infront of his dad...did she really?

"I was Drunken that time Mahesh..I haven't done it internationally.."Dhana said with guilt on her face.

"Do you think that I will buy this lie? I clearly know about your relationship with those stupid man..you challenged me many times that you will get someone better than me..do you remember it? I am glad that you finally found out that better husband?" His dad said drinking another glass of whiskey.

"Stop this..just stop this Mahesh..it's you who made me like this...you made me a drunkard...do you think that I won't know about your illegal affairs? I can't tolerate anymore..."his mom cried falling on floor.

No one noticed a poor heart breaking again and again with their words and allegations against each other. Abhiram was totally broken.

"I don't have any plan to tolerate you madam..I Want to live my life and I will cut any relation which blocks my way." His dad shouted.

"Ok just give me divorce and live as you wish..."his mom stood up from floor and said loudly.

"Double ok...Just get lost from my life."His dad agreed.

Abhiram couldn't believe his ears. Divorce???? He was shocked beyond hell. He ran to his room and entered into washroom. He looked at his reflection on the mirror. He doubted whether it's the old energetic Abhiram itself. He was not sure whether he can be that same man again in his life. Because today he lost something that was dragging him to live his life till now.
He has been living this life for past many years. But he was never ready to give up. He had hope that one day things will be fallen into its place back. He believed that he can make everything normal one day. He had hope that his father and mother will change for him one day and will return back to their normal self. But today they totally broke him. He lost the last ray of hope in his life.

His parents was his god and this home was his heaven. He was ready to do anything for them. He even agreed to marry a girl whom he wouldn't like in his entire life for the sake of his mom's promise. And what they given to him in return? What is the meaning of this meaningless life he is living? Does it make any sense to keep hopes alive? Their parents are going for divorce and should he live again to see that day when they separate?that will be the official death of him. But the truth is that he have already died.. His parents murdered him mercilessly. He can never be that lively man again..so why this life? For what?

He took out a piece of paper and start writing.

My dear mamma and dad,

I heard that you re going to divorce soon. Great news..I very well Know that you will remarry after the divorce and start your new life. All the best from your only son....As a son I should give some gift for my soon to be marry mamma and dad. And here I am giving the most wanted gift for you both at this instance. A gift that a son have never gifted to his own mom and dad till now.
Happy? I am going from your life forever mamma and dad..I Know it's me whom you should get rid of before starting a new life...You won't get such an understanding son never ever..I am sad that I can't see my newly born siblings...
The last thing I want you both to know that is I loved you always eventhough you were very busy to notice it. I really loved you mamma and dad... I wished to live together with you like our old days..But I lost it...I just lost my parents..You both cant be my parents anymore since you are gonna separate..I don't want to live as son of two strangers who don't have any relationship with each other.
Thank you for giving birth to me and for being the reason of my death too.

Yours only son,

He sticked that note on the mirror of his dressing table. He wiped his tears before taking his car keys from the table and moved out. He once again wanted to live those old days. But today he is going leaving behind all his dreams and wishes... His sweet memories and childhood golden days. He didn't have the courage to see his parents face once again. He went outside and entered his car to drive to darkness..to his death..to the end of Abhiram Khanna!!!
Precap: Meeting the crazy girl.

Damn it!!! I am crying😭😭😭 for the very first chapter...and how is this chapter? A very long chapter..you know why..I can't wait to write about Meenakshi. She is such a...😉😉😉 Haha.. let's meet her together..

Can death be a solution to any problem? Can we decide our fate when it's already written by god? Let's see what's the fate of Abhiram.

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