29. Meenakshi!!!

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Recap: Abhiram getting scolded by Daksh - He is reading a diary - Meenalakshmi?

Abhiram's PoV
I ensured that this is the last page of this diary. I turned again and again to confirm that there is nothing left to be unread. I wanted to know the remaining and thus I decided to open the next diary. And the title of next diary shocked me to hell.

I gulped and stood there like a statue couldn't even move my hands.

I felt my hands shivering over the pages and then I opened the first page. It was hard to left at this point and So I decided to know the remaining story of Meenalakshmi.

And Meenalakshmi started narrating her remaining story through the beautiful handwriting in that diary.

I can't forget that night in my entire life. I was waiting to get freedom in that big room for last 10 years. But this was not I wished for.

I was thrown into a dark room by that two strong men who brought me here. I couldn't see where I am currently now since I was unconscious till we reach here. I tried to stand up. But my body was aching. The outside world and the strange lights which I didn't experience till now completely rejecting me from this new world. I wish I was still in that old room of mine. I was tired and exhausted ended up falling on floor. I tried to gain my strength and again stood up. But I was incapable of doing anything. I realized that I needed time to deal with this new atmosphere. I sat there silently for an hour and closed my eyes getting into a meditation that I have known for years. At the end of it I felt strength and courage. I slowly stood up and observed the new surroundings. Eventhough there were lights through the window, the night darkness was making it difficult for me to find anything in that room.

After a long struggle I found a window from where I can see that two men talking with each other. They were drinking. I felt suffocated getting that smell but I need to survive. I was not ready to give up. If it's not now, there won't be another chance. I was very well aware about that. I started listening to their conversation carefully.

One of the man dialled a number in his phone and started talking loudly.
"Seth ji, we are ready with the 20 girls. Send us the vehicle soon. We should escape to Mumbai with them tonight itself." The man spoke making me shock.

What?? There are 20 girls here. That means there are 19 more girls staying here along with me. I couldn't believe that. I searched the whole room. But there was noone except me. May be they were put in another room. I mentally made a note about these 19 girls.

Soon the man ended the conversation after saying to his friend that the vehicle will be here within half an hour. That means only half an hour now left for me. I should do something within this time. It's now or never.

I came back towards my door and realized that it's locked. I carefully observed through the key hole and a smile occupied my face. That fools didn't take the key with them. It's still fixed on the key hole on the other side of the door. If I get that key, I can unlock myself from this side. I was relaxed but didn't get excited. I waited till the two men became completely drunken and it happened soon. I found a small stick on the corner of the room. I assured that the stick can pass perfectly through the small key hole before taking it and moved towards the door. I took out my stole from my neck and spreaded it carefully on the floor in a position that half of the stole are outside the room. Thank god the thick space between the floor and door allowed me that. I prayed to all gods and slowly started pushing the stick through the key hole and within a minute the key fell down from the key hole. As I expected it correctly fell down on the top of my stole. I dragged the stole back inside and took the key from it. Without making noise, I opened the door. I saw the two men sleeping and sighed in relief.

I watched the surroundings and saw a sharp knife. I took it for safety. I started roaming around the big rooms to find the other 19 girls. I didnt have a watch with me. So the vehicle can come anytime soon and there is not even a single second to waste. Most of the rooms were empty and locked. I used the key within my hands and unlocked it. I saw 8 girls from one room and they screamed seeing me. I requested them to not shout and asked them to escape as soon as possible. They did it. But it was too late. I heard the shouts of the two men from outside. They were already waken up hearing the loud screams of the girls. I sighed and asked the girls to get out quickly. To make way for them to escape I decided to block the men.

I went forward and saw them standing infront of me with red shot eyes. I was beyond scared. But I knew that it's not the time to show them that I am afraid. I should atleast pretend to be courageous. Still there are 11 girls to be found out.

"So you are the one who helped them to escape. Finish her." One man shouted looking at me.
I looked back to see the 8 girls are already out of the building. Thank God. But I need to find the others before the vehicle comes to bring us. Now its only two infront of me. I don't know the real strength of this gang and I can't fight all of them together.

"Listen, if you want to live. Just run away. Because I already informed police and they will be here at anytime. Dont try to stop me. You will have to suffer."I shouted taking all my energy.

They looked at me in amusement and then laughed evily.
"Let's see who will come to save you here."the other man said coming closer to me.
I didn't think so much. I stabbed his chest brutally with the knife I was hiding behind my back. Thank God. They didn't notice it earlier. He fell down yelling in pain. The other man snarled and came towards me. I was about to stab him but he held my hand tightly. My hand was hurting and I couldn't do anything infront of his strength. I felt helpless. But then god showed me a way.

I saw a big deep wound on his feet probably caused by an encounter or an accident. Without giving him any clue I kicked his feet exactly at the wound. It was unexpected and he left me screaming. Using that chance I again stabbed his wound with the knife. He too fell down and he couldn't move further.

I started searching the other rooms and fortunately the next room is unlocked to reveal another 10 girls. I consoled them since they were really afraid. I asked them to escape from here. They started moving out fastly. I told them to reach the nearest police station safely. They obeyed me.

My mission not yet finished. I wondered whether where they are keeping that last girl. And why she is kept alone. I searched almost the full building and there were no traces of another girl. And that's when I heard the sound of a large vehicle stopping followed by a few men's shout. That's it they reached. What would I do now?

I was panicked and started searching for the girl one last time. The men entered inside and before they see me I had to move out. That's when someone tugged my stole from behind. I was shocked and it took me a few moments to gain the courage to turn back. And I saw her.

A girl of about 10 years sitting at a corner sobbing. Her face and eyes are red because of crying continously and she was scared. My heart stopped for a moment. She is looking at me innocently expecting for an help.

Is this the last girl? She is just a kid. How can they do this? I wanted to kill everyone who were involved in this. But now its not the time. I have to save this innocent kid.

Without thinking more I wrapped my arms around her taking her completely into my arms. I put my finger on her lips and gestured her to be quiet. She obeyed me and I stood up picking her. She hugged me tightly closing her eyes in fear. I moved towards the back side of the building. Thank God I already found the way to escape during my searching session. I heard their sounds getting closer. Before they can reach me I started running through the back side.

I ran...ran... ran as fast as any girl can. If it's not for me,I wanted to save the girl in my hands. She was my only thought that time. We reached the empty road side and I was tired to run more. I sat on a slabbed wall beside a closed shop.

I made the girl sit on my laps and smiled at her. She was scared to smile back at me. But then I kissed her cheeks. She suddenly started smiling and her shining eyes gave me new confidence to live.

"What's your name?"I asked and she didn't reply.
After a lot of time she started talking with me. I understood that she is an orphan and her name is Malavika. She was kidnapped from the orphanage and I felt sad seeing her innocent face.

"Want...water...."she said with broken words.
I was shocked. How can I get water at this night? And she seems to be so tired. I looked around. But there was no sign of any human presence.
Shocking me, a hand forwarded towards me and a water bottle in that hand. I turned to see a old man laying beside us completely covered with blanket. Only his head was visible.

I wondered how could I miss a man laying next to us. I was not in a condition to check for anything that time.

"Who are you?"I asked standing up stunningly.
"I will explain. First of all give this water to that kid."he said in a tired tone.
I took the bottle and gave enough water to Malavika. She had it with a smile and I too drunk water from it.

"Tell me who are you? Why are you laying here at this night?"I asked.
He smiled at me.
And then he started saying his story to me. He was an ex-military man. His sons and daughters abandoned him after his wife's death. It's been few weeks he is wandering around streets. I felt sad hearing him. Then he started crying. Automatically my hands moved towards his cheeks and wiped his tears. I smiled at him.

"I am all alone. I have no one."he said sadly.
"We are also alone and having no one. If your children dont want you, never go back to disturb them. Instead consider us as your children. We need a guardian now."
That was all I could ask.

It was the new beginning of my journey. A family. A night proved me that family is not something we get by birth. True relationships are that we make through our love and commitment.

I called my new guardian as Dadu even before he asks me to call him as uncle. Malavika became my lovely Malu for me. Dadu had some amount balance in his account as his pension. Thats where our life started. We started our new life renting an apartment for us. No one came to know that we are not real family till now. Indeed no one is allowed and will not be.

Coming to me, it was an end for Meenalakshmi. I forgot everything that happened in my life and decided to start a new life that I dreamt. I was not ready to compromise on anything and adamant to explore the new world that I got. Meenalakshmi became Meenakshi. I didn't want anyone to know about my existence and so I changed everything. Changed myself. Meenalakshmi ended there and Meenakshi born!!!

Abhiram's PoV
I closed the diary after completing the last page to read the title once more. There written Meenakshi. And the way she wrote that title, her craziness was visible on each letter.

So Meenakshi is not someone whom we thought. Since her story is revealed now, it's time for my readers to ask your doubts regarding anything about this story. You can take your own time and shoot all your questions on the comment section/PM, I promise to answer each and every one of you.

A big thank you to everyone. Here is an earlier update as per I promised. I got the highest response for the last chapter and I am overwhelmed by all your love. Lots of love to you.

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