43. I Love You, Love You Too

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Recap: Meenakshi accepting her love - Abhi's mom in hospital - Angry Abhiram.

Daksh held his head in between his hands and looked up to see the pouting face of Meenakshi sitting infront of him with her hands crossed across her chest. He sighed.

"Your friend don't love me. He told me that he hates me and I am the real disturbance."she complained.
He wanted to run away somewhere.

"Meenakshi, he may be teasing you again." He tried to say but she interrupted.

"It was not teasing. He meant it. You should have hear the way he said it. He was really angry Daksh."she looked away.

"Ok wait. Let me call him and ask."he dialled Abhiram's number but it was switched off.

"Switched off."he showed his phone to her.
"Didn't I tell you that he is really angry at me? I hope he is fine."she was worried.

"Now tell me what would I do to melt his heart?"she asked shaking Daksh by holding his hands.

"Arey...can you both please get me out from this? I am fed up with this crazy love of yours. Both are mental. No one have the calibre to accept their love."he declared standing up away from her.

"Ok do one thing when he confess next time, shout at his face that you hates him."he told.

She glared at him.
"Dont give me this look. That's what you both are actually doing. When one confesses other denies. And the reverse. Why did I come between these two?"

"I don't know what to do. You should help me Daksh. Otherwise..."she paused.
"Otherwise will you kill me? It would be better."he asked and she whined.

"Why everyone is doing this to me?"she pouted again.

"Because of your tongue. I am sure you must have told something that irritated him. That's why he is now angry at you."

"Or may be he got a new girlfriend for real."she doubted.

"You don't know how much he loves you. That's why saying this. Meenu, he can't love anyone except you."he held her shoulders.

"Please help me to make him confess then. I promise. I won't trouble you after that."she assured.

"There is a way but it's dangerous."he said and she looked at him with hope.

Abhiram's PoV
"Mom how are you feeling now?"I asked while slowly massaging her legs. She was crying in pain till now. I was really worried seeing her in this condition and then I started massaging her legs.

"It's getting better Abhi."she replied making me relax.

"As per doctor said you should not move out from this bed till you are recovered completely. Understand?"

She nodded with a smile.
I kissed her forehead with love.
"Dont worry mom. Everything will be ok soon."

"Wanted to see your Meenu. But now I don't think I can meet my daughter in law soon"she said and my smile faded away.

Meenu....why should you meet her? I am a disturbance for her. I don't want to disturb her again with my family.

"Abhi..."she called bringing me back to this world.
"What happened son? Didn't your problems with her finish?"she asked with hope.
"Yes everything is finished mom. I put a full stop for all this drama today."I said and she smiled caressing my hairs.

"Abhi someone is calling you on our land phone."Dad came into the room.

That's when I remembered that my phone is switched off.
"Who is that dad?"

"Dont know. It was a male voice. Told that your friend."he replied while checking mom.

I went out to attend the phone.
"Hello...."I said.

What the hell??? Its her.

"Meenu, when did you become a male?"I asked in shock.
"Sorry. I mimicked a male voice because I was sure that you won't attend the call knowing that it's me."

This girl......

"Ok what do you want now?" I asked in a serious voice.

"Ram are you still angry with me? My love for you is so pure. When would you understand that? Like Mumtaz loved Romeo, like Juliet loved Shahjahan..then Seetha loved Ravanan."

My eyes widened.
"Seetha loved Ravanan ah? Idiot"

"Leave it. Tell me are you ready to accept me as your Seetha?"she asked.

I am still angry Meenu.

"No I don't."I said and she whined from the other end.

"Is this your final decision?"she asked.
"Yes."I said sternly.

"Then feed this in your brain. If you don't want me in your life, then I don't want this life without you. I will die Ram."she said.

I smirked realizing her plans.
Meenu, do you really think that I will fall into this trap?

"Seriously are you going to die? My best wishes."I said hiding my smile.

"What?"she asked shockingly.
"Don't you have any problem if I die?"

"Not at all."
"Remember I am the one who saved your life when you decided to die. Then why are you not stopping me from death now?"she asked.

"When you stopped me that day, I was so irritated. I even wanted to threw into the sea. So I won't repeat that mistake and I have no plan to stop you from this mission."

"Ram, you are so cruel. You forgot everything so easily."she said in a shocking tone.

"Meenu, listen... I have no time to hear your by hearted dialogues now. I am really in a pathetic situation. So better stop this."

"This is not a drama and I will surely die if you don't accept me now this moment."

"Ok then only thing I can do is, tell me your last wish. I will fulfill it for you."I said laughing inside.

"Oh then come to the beach where we met for the first time. I want to see you for one last time. It's my last wish. If you don't come within an hour, then you won't see me again."she threatened and I clenched my fist.

"Meenu stop this drama. I can't come now. Dont try to....."

I sighed realizing that she already ended the call.

This girl..what she is thinking about me? Am I a toy for her to play with? Cant she understand my situation here? Already I am worried seeing mom in pain and now her drama. Meenu, I will teach you a lesson today.

"Meenu don't do something stupid. This is just to threaten him. I am sure he will soon come to hug you and then everything will get solved. And remember this time you should first tell him that you loves him. Dont wait for him to start ok?"

"Daksh. I am not a kid. I know how to play right cards."she spoke.

Meenakshi was waiting at the beach listening to Daksh's speech through phone. She got irritated. She was looking far away and then she saw Abhiram's car stopping near the parking lot.

"Daksh he is here. We will meet you soon after the problems got solved"she ended the call after assuring him.

Abhi walked towards her and stood infront of her with his arms crossed across his chest. He looked around and then straight at Meenakshi. She was confused.

"Where? I came here to see someone dying. But where is she now?"he asked.
"Ram I didn't have another way to get you here. I am sorry. I have no plans to die. Instead I want to live. Live a full life with you. I want a family with you."she said and he smirked.

"I know that I behaved like a fool sometimes. It was the main reason why we had to face all this. I am sorry. Now let's end all this. I love you."she said and he averted his face away from her.

"Why are you not speaking?"she asked without seeing a reaction on his face.

"Meenu, what do you really think about life? I know that you are crazy. But I thought that you were matured too. Everything is a joke for you. Even me too."he said and she was shocked.

"Ram please dont say that. You are not a joke for me."she said immediately.

"Really? Then why are you doing this to me? Is it the way to get someone infront of you? I was sure that you were acting like you are going to die. Because you are a stupid. Everything is a joke for you. You are even seeing me as your toy for playing."

"Ram I didn't." she was worried and her face became pale.

"Then what is this? Do you know from what situation I am coming now? Did you ever ask me why I am sad? When would you start thinking about other's feelings instead of only yours?"he shook her hardly by holding her shoulders.

"If you want something, you will do anything to get it. What other feel doesn't matter for you."he shouted angrily.

She was shocked seeing the rage in his eyes.

"Life is just a game for you. Nothing else. And everyone around you are toys for you."he declared movie away from her.

"Stop this Ram. You are talking too much. Yes I am stupid, crazy and fool. Life is a game for me. I played with everyone and everything around me. I accept all your accusations about me. But don't say that I played with you. Atleast I dont trouble people whom I care for."she shouted back double his voice.

"Really? Then tell me what did you do now? Were you about to die only because I dont love you? Then go and die. Be true to yourself atleast once. Prove me that my love is not a joke for you. Then I will rethink about my words."he said and she lowered her head.

"What happened Ms.Crazy Meenakshi? Are you not doing what you threatened me just before a few minutes?"he asked with a taunt and she didn't look at his face.

"I know you can't. You won't. You are nothing else than a stupid crazy girl with no brain and heart. Your love is also baseless like you. Without any genuineness."he moved his fingers through his hairs in frustration.

"Now stop playing with my love. This is not a joke for me like you. It's my life."he said and with that he started walking back.

He walked fastly without looking back until he hears a scream from his back. He turned back and his eyes widened.

"Meenu......"he yelled shockingly seeing her drowning up and down in water. He rushed into the sea. She was already at a distance trying hard to breathe on the surface of water and he didn't think one more second to swim to her. He reached her and caught her hairs with his hands. He held her waist lifting her up and helped her to gain her breathe back.

"Meenu are you okay?"he asked worriedly.
It took a few more seconds for her to speak normally. She nodded her head. He sighed in relief.

He lifted her into his arms and walked to the sea shore making her sit on the sand. He cupped her face.
"Meenu are you alright?"he was damn scared.
"I am fine Ram."she spoke in a low tone.
"Sure?"he asked still doubtful.
She nodded assuring him.

The next second he slapped across her cheek making her scream and shocked. She looked up to see his angry face.
"What have you done Meenakshi? What if something have happened to you?"he asked holding her shoulders tightly.

"Do you think that I can live without you? I love you damn it."he shouted and she smiled in between tears.

"I am sorry Ram. I love you too. Love you upto the extent that I can even die for you. Believe me for once. Your love is not a joke for me. It's my life too. Please trust me."she pleaded.

He hugged her suddenly letting all his feelings out. She hugged him back.
"Forgive me Ram. Last time please"she said and he moved back taking her face into his arms. He kissed her cheeks, forehead, nose and all over her face.

"Dont even think about taking such a stupid move anymore. Because my life lies here."he said touching her heart with his finger.

"You are the one who gave me my life back. Without you there is no Ram. I love you Meenu. My love for you is more than what I can define with words. Dont do this ever. I can't lose the crazy part of my life. Your crazy acts are making me alive. I love you"he confessed.

She snuggled close to him and rested her heart on his chest.
"I love you Ram. Now please buy me something to eat. I am hungry."she said making him look at her with surprise.

"Dont give me this look. Before that you have to buy me a new dress to change. See I am completely drenched. All thanks to that mad friend of yours."

"Daksh, is he the one who gave you this idea?"he asked shockingly.
She nodded her head slightly.

"Come let's thank him together."he smirked before standing up with her and helped her to walk along with him.

"Abhi...I am innocent.. don't kill me please."Daksh blocked one punch that was coming into his way from his beloved friend.

"Stop there. Don't run. Anyway I will catch you."Abhi chased him all around the big hall.

Daksh finally jumped onto the couch but immediately pulled down by Abhi.
"Didn't you get another idea to tell her? You played with my life for a moment. What if something have happened to her?"Abhi held his collar and sat on his stomach.

"Please leave me Abhi. I didn't think that she would take it serious. I told her only to act."he pleaded trying to escape from his friend's grip.

"Dont you know she is little mad? Why are you coming with these ideas?"Abhi shouted.
"I will keep that in mind hereafter. Next time when she ask me opinion, I will run away with my life. Promise."Daksh breathed heavily.

"What's going on here?" Meenakshi stopped at the door. She was coming  after changing into her new dress. She was stunned seeing Daksh laying down on floor and Abhi sitting on his stomach.

"Here comes your mad girl."Daksh shouted and Abhi stood up from Daksh. He helped his friend to get up.

"Wait. I too want to sit on your stomach. Please lay down once more in the same position." Meenakshi said moving towards Daksh. He was shocked and Abhi chuckled.

"What? Are you mad?" Daksh moved back from her.
"Please only one time."she pleaded again moving closer to him.
"What are you now looking for? Go and save yourself man."Abhi said.

Daksh didn't think for another second to run away from her and rushed into his room. He locked himself from inside making her disappoint.

"Daksh when would you come out?"she asked knocking on the door.
"I am not coming out until you leave. I want a good sleep now. Because of you I was beated badly." Daksh sighed.

"Sorry Daksh."Abhi said with regret.
"I don't want your sorry. Now go away from my house with this girl."he replied.
"Ok we are going. Come Meenu. Let him take rest."he said to Meenakshi who shook her head.

"I am not coming until he come out."she said stubbornly.
"This girl...."Abhi lifted her into his arms and started walking out.
"Hey Ram leave me."she shouted.
"Good bye Daksh. Let's meet tomorrow."Abhi bid good bye.
"Only if she won't come."Daksh said from inside.

Abhi chuckled while placing her inside the car and she pouted. He started the car and they together started their new journey of life.

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