5. His New Path!!!

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Recap: Meenakshi- Abhiram at SP office - Their separation.

Abhiram's PoV
I walked and walked till my legs are aching. But nothing could make me stop. I walked again and again. I was thinking about my family.

Did they find that letter? I was not that much far from my home. Then why didn't find me till now? Or didn't they want me back? May be they haven't find out that I am missing even now. I should thank God for getting so much caring mom and dad. They might be still fighting with each other and how can they think about their own son? I bet... they might not have opened my room till now. Only if it is opened,the issue of that letter arises. What a pathetic life I got?

But the things were not same a few years ago. I was their priority and they gave me everything they had. I saw my mom and dad sleeping with empty stomach many days. Because they gave the only food they earned to me. And now? They don't want to know whether I am alive too. Wondering myself, this time I didn't cry. A single drop of tear didn't water my eyes. I surprised seeing my change. I couldn't stop laughing. It was more a sarcastic laugh. For the first time their ignorance didn't hurt me. Why should I? I have nothing now. No reason to live or hope.

"Find a new reason for you to live..." A melodious voice reminded me.

It was her. She is still a wonder..no..a miracle actually.... crazy girl..no..mad girl...

"You are actually mad..." Damn...she and her words are not leaving my mind.

I closed my eyes thinking about her motivational speech which made me to bang my head on wall.
"Every person will have a thousand reasons to die...but there will be only a single reason to live. Life is all about finding that single reason. If there is no hurdles, life will be utter bore.... believe me..it should be like a black and white film...it's all about winning all those hurdles and make ourself a winner. Our life should be an adventurous journey."

Eventhough it was boring that time, now it makes sense.
"Don't think about anything that makes you sad..do you really think that you are so weak? If you still believe that you are weak, you are deserved to be dead only...See man...you decided to die...not every one have the courage to choose death ourself..that proved that you are more strong than anyone else... now use that strength to live..."

When I met her for the first time, I thought she is mad and God forgot to give her a small brain. But she is amazing... irritatingly amazing...

Why am I thinking about her? I should think about my parents who are the reason for my shattered life. Should I? Should I think about those two people who didn't even think about me once? Do they deserve me and my time? Damn it.. She is right. Again she...
"If anyone hurts you, don't think about them or the hurt they caused to us. Because thinking it again and again will hurt us more. Do they really deserve us after hurting us so much? Let them leave. We should always think about people who loves us. Only they deserve our mind and time. Throw out everyone else from your life. Atleast train your mind like that."

Suddenly I thought about my Daksh. May be he is searching for me now. Poor man..Let him search me atleast for some days...He is an idiot...he hided my favourite toy car in the toilet one of our childhood day. Do anyone knows how much I was worried till I get it back? I kept on searching for one week continously. And when I fell sick thinking about it he returned it earning many punches from me. Let him search me like I worried for my toy. Hahha...it will be funny if he already read my letter. Wht would be his reaction? One day I will go infront of him and he will scream thinking that I am a ghost. It will be more funny.
"If we really wants to not get hurt, we should also not hurt anyone. Especially people who loves us."

Is she started staying inside my brain? Hey lady.. get out from there.
"You are the real idiot" Again she.

But she is right. How can I hurt my Daksh? I am an idiot...poor man...he might be worrying for me.

I searched for my phone and then realized that it's not with me now..I left everything that I had. Oh.. damn it..How would I call him now? Wait..if I call him now, wht would he do next? He will come to me the next second and dragged me to the same beach where I was trying to die..then he will dip me inside the water,cursing me with words... definitely that will be his punishment for my stupid decision. No.. I cant now.

Oh god..What should I do now exactly? Guide me through the right path..Pls...
"Find a new reason for you to live..."
Seriously where should I search for this new reason? Hey crazy girl.. couldn't you find me the reason too?

"When you are under stress and confusion, instead of thinking stupidity..just close your eyes..god will be there for us when no one in earth can help us...he will guide..."I remembered her words suddenly and that's it.

I closed my eyes and only thing that filled my mind was her laughter.
Find the Miracle and let that miracle change your life.
Someone whispered into my ears and I opened my eyes widely.
Now I got my way..I know what to do. Let me complete my incomplete task.
Meenakshi as usual had to work lately since she is always a late comer at her press. She cursed her supervisor and took her bag out. She then immediately rushed outside and was about to start her scooter when she heard a shout from back.

"Going without me?"
She turned back to get a surprise which she didn't expect. It was Abhiram with a smile. This time his smile is not fake and it reached his eyes too. Unknowingly she also smiled back.

"Didn't you go? I thought you escaped with your life from me..."she said funnily.
"Where would I go? I have no place to go."he said faking a sad expression.

And it worked. She thought deeply.
"Ok lets go to my home. You can stay there till you get a job..."she said.
"Thank you....."he already took a seat beside her before she completes.
"Wait..wait...do you Know why am I taking you with me?"she said turning back.
"Yeah... ofcourse.. Because I am an handsome young beautiful guy. Every girl wants to take me home. "he said making her annoyed.

Now it's his chance to annoy her. He secretly found enjoyment in it.
"Hello Mr.Handsome young beautiful dead guy..."She said and he glared at her.
"I have some plans with you. Thats the only reason why I am taking you my home.... understood?"she asked.
"Plans?" He asked showing big eyes at her.
"Yeah..now I am helping you.. in return you have to help me whenever I need an help...you will understand it at right time."she said and started driving.

Through out the journey he was confused. Not only thinking about his upcoming life but also about the so called plans of this crazy girl who is with him hereafter. But on the other hand, he felt peace after so long time. He felt himself as a free bird who is not caring about anything. Just like her. It feels so good. He thought. He looked at the mirror and saw her face.

He felt a cold feeling inside his heart. He closed his eyes and leaned to her shoulder without thinking anything else.

"Hey...don't touch me ..ok? I dont like girls touching me."she said imitating him.
"Seriously? Then let's see..."he said while wrapping his arms around her waist.
"I think I will be your death one day..."she yelled.
"No doubt...I want a good sleep now." He closed his eyes.
Abhiram looked at every faces which are looking at him. Her Dadu, Malavika, and the whole neighbors in the apartment. It was only one hour since he came. Within that time Meenakshi introduced him to almost all the apartment people. And the worst thing is she told his Jack & Rose story to all making everyone sympathetic to him. He felt to run away from there hearing the advices.

"Son... our life is a gift from God. We dont have right to end it."A 80 year old woman told him.
He just nodded.
"Did you think about your parents before taking such a big decision? What must they feel?" The security guard of the apartment asked him.

His face fell down hearing it. Did they think about him once? He tried to control his feelings.

"Balu uncle..he is an orphan. He have no one to call as his."Meenakshi said to the security guard.

"Who told that nonsense? You have everyone here..see.. this is your sister..."Dadu said pointing to Malavika.
"And I am your Dadu.."He added.
"I am your grandma from today onwards..."The 80 year old woman said caressing his cheeks.
"You can see me as your uncle or elder brother or friend...see... everyone is saying I am handsome..."The guard said making him laugh.

Like that, the entire crowd consoled him making him happy. Yes.. happy from heart...for the first time. He felt to be blessed for being someone for them. He smiled wholeheartedly. He always wanted a family to take care of him. Now he got it. He was showered with everyone's love. They pampered him, feed him, consoled him, played with him, filled his mind with new hopes. He started enjoying with them. He thanked god for giving him a second life and his gaze immediately went to her. The person who is the sole reason for all this happiness.

She was seeing his happiness all the time.

"Now you have a big family. Happy?" Meenakshi asked.
He nodded gesturing a thank you.
"So who am I for you?" She asked.
"Who else? My Rohini...."he said naughtily and she was shocked for a moment. And then laughed along with him.

It was the beginning of a new journey. A beginning that started from his end.
Precap: Her crazy actions, Calling Daksh.

Finally an update after a long time. Sorry...sorry...sorry...!!!
And Thank you all.

Dedicating this chapter for my cute girl DivyaMurali651 and


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