7. Craziness at its Peak

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If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be!!!

Recap: Abhiram-Meenakshi convo - Calling Daksh.

Next Day
Abhi was sleeping peacefully under the blanket when someone started waking him up. None other than the house owner. Meenakshi was shaking him hard while calling his name.

"Ram..wake up...why are you sleeping like an elephant?"she asked.
"Hey..who told you that elephants are sleeping like this?"he yelled under the blanket.

"Dadu always call me an elephant when I refuse to wake up."she said.
"That's because you are an elephant"he said.
It was much more than she wanted to lose her control.
"Did you call me an elephant? Wait..let me show you man.."she said walking towards the washroom.

For some minutes he felt peace. Again he was wondering where did she go. When he opened her eyes, he was shocked. There standing Meenakshi with a bucket full of water. She is struggling to walk with the heavy bucket. He understood that it was meant for him. With a shocked face he jumped up from bed.

"See..I woke up...now no need of this."he said raising his hands.
She almost reached him within this time. She looked at him angrily.
"Who told you to wake up now?"she asked.
"Anyway I woke up. Now pls don't do it.."he requested.
"Do you know how much effort I took to carry this till here? Pls.. If you don't mind, can I empty this on your head?"she asked and he made a weird expression.

"Are you really mad?"he asked in wonder.
"Thank you" she said and threw the water in the bucket over his head. He was shocked and completely wet.
While carrying the bucket she lost her balance and fall on him. He also lost the balance with her sudden actions. They both fell on bed with her on top of him.

It took a few minutes for him to realize what have just happened. He glared at her who is laughing like a kid.
"What the f**k?"he yelled at her who is still on his body.

She gave him a disbelief look first and then started pulling his hair and smacking his head. He started screaming.
"Dont use foul languages which are prohibited here.."she strictly warned him.
"GET OUT"he shouted.
"This is my home..why should I go out?"she asked.
"This is my body..GET OUT" he once again yelled.

She looked at their position and then slowly stood up.
"Sorry...but it was fun..isnt it?"she asked and he looked at her in disbelief. He shook his head.

She started arranging her clothes.
"You made my dress wet.."she pouted.
"Idiot..you are the reason for all this mess..you made my one and only shirt wet...what would I wear now?"he asked angrily.

She thought for once and then her face brightened. He understood that she is coming with her some stupid idea.
"I have a good collection of salwars..why can't you try one?"she asked.
"I dont have time to waste on mental cases..."he said while rubbing his forehead.
She pouted.
"Ok....let's compromise...I will buy you some new clothes."she said.
"Ok...but I will select..I don't believe you..."he said before she completing.
"Oh...that's a compliment..."she smiled.

"Do you want a coffee?"she asked.
"Yes..."he replied.
"No mention... coffee powder is out of stock..you won't get one now."saying this she walked outside the room.
He shook his head and fall on to the bed.
Meenakshi and Abhi were searching dresses for him for the past one hour. He was wearing Dadu's white pyjama which is very loose for him. He is aware of all eyes on him. People are looking at him as if he is an alien. And there is this lady who said that this pyjama is perfect for him. He glared at her. Each time he selects one dress, she reject it by saying some excuses. Now he have to bear the salesman's glare too over him.

"Meenakshi.. this is perfect."he said while selecting a red shirt and blue jeans.
"What? You are not at all good in selection..I pity on your selection sense."she said making him irritated.
"Hello..I am wearing...I will manage.."he said bit seriously.
"But I am paying .."she said in the same tone.
"Hey Meenakshi... this is hell annoying..I don't think you will select your so called perfect dress before the shop closes.."he said holding his head.

"Ram..Pls be patient...I need to check those two rows too."she said pointing at two shelves which is completely filled with dresses.
He was shocked.
"Ok then you search...I am least interested in this shopping session." He said while walking out.

He moved to a tea shop outside the textiles.
"Bhai...one tea..."He said.
He sat on a bench placed there.

He started thinking about his sudden changed life. Two days back, he was the most depressed man existing on earth. He was about to die..and now he is not at all thinking about death. Eventhough bit confused, he started smiling. He got people around him who have concern for him. He is slowly changing. The life is little boring without having anything to do. But he have someone to kill time.

"Your tea" the shop owner handed over him the tea cup.

He took a sip and closed his eyes with a smile. He forgot the last time when he had such a tea from road side. Always he get whatever he wants in his mansion. Maids are always ready to serve him. But they couldn't give him the peace he wanted while enjoying such a tea.

He was about to take another sip when someone snatched the cup from him. He looked at her with big eyes who is sitting next to him on bench.
"Hey Meenakshi..when did you come?"he asked little surprised.
"When you were busy in dreams about your Rohini..."she said funnily.

He felt bad. He wanted to correct the lie he told to her. Each time hearing Rohini made him feel guilty.
"Thank you for the tea..."she said while drinking the whole tea making him open his mouth.
"Hey that was my tea.."he shouted.
"What? I have bought you a lot of dresses..can't you atleast buy me a tea?"she said pouting.

That was when he noticed the bags in her hand.
"It's too much..I don't need this much dresses"he said.
"You are our guest and it's my duty to look after you well... otherwise Dadu will scold me."She said.

"And don't think this as a favour. You can repay the amount whenever you get a job...I dont mind.."she said frankly.
"Thank you...do you want another tea?"he asked with a smile.
"No...it's enough. "She said.

He stood up and paid for his tea which she had.
"May I help you with this bags?" He asked forwarding his hand.
"Sure.. you have to.."she said handling over the entire bags to him.
"Can we go now?"she asked and he nodded.
She started walking and he simply followed her shaking his head.
Abhiram's PoV: A Few Days Later
I was sleeping peacefully under the blanket. That was when I heard someone shaking me and calling me in a low tone. Gosh....I wanted to punch that face who is disturbing my sleep. Because it's been only a few days I started sleeping peacefully. I removed the blanket from my face and took a look at the disturbing face. Oh god... can't she leave me atleast in my sleep. Now you all got who is that someone.

"What you want?"I asked. But before completing she put her fingers at my lips. It was a shock still I kept myself calm. Because I learnt from these days that she won't get easily affected by anything.

"Dont make noise..Pls Ram.."she said gesturing me to be quiet.

Seriously? What's her problem? I looked at the clock and saw its 2am...I hold my head.
"Meenakshi..pls...it's midnight.. go and sleep now."I requested.
"Ram..I want to go out...Pls come with me..."she said and I looked at her in shock.
"Are you real? It's 2am and you want to go out now..."I asked in wonder.
"Arey dont make noise...I am not going alone..we are going together..what's there to be scared when you are with me?"she asked as if I am her body guard.

"Shut.. first of all I am not that much crazy as you to go out this time.. secondly if you disturb me, I will inform about this to your Dadu..now go and sleep as a good girl."I warned and her face changed.

"Ok Ram..get ready and pack your bags..you are officially out from this house by tomorrow morning."she said without bothering.
"What??"I asked in confusion.
"Yeah.. did you forget our conditions? I agreed for your stay in this house only because I can use you whenever I want.."she said and was about to go.

But I hold her hand stopping her.
"Pls Meenakshi....Dont do this with me. What are you getting by disturbing me always?"I asked tired.
"Nothing just for fun..."she said shrugging her shoulders.

I sighed.
"So what's your final decision? Are you coming with me or.."I interrupted her.
"I will come"I said cursing her in inner mind.
"See..I gave you food, I gave you dress, I gave you a bed to sleep..then why are you always mean to me?"she asked and I gritted my teeth.

Within half an hour we are on road walking silently. She didnt take her scooter this time. It's been almost one week I am staying with her. Everyone in the apartment becomes someone close to me. A new family actually...or should I say a better family? Because my parents never cared for me. But these people are loving me like their own son or little brother. It was actually a wonder for me how can someone be so concerned for others. But there is this girl who will always do anything for others...even though there is no end in our fights and her irritations, now I started liking her..not only me.. Everyone around her likes her even though she is crazy.
On these days I didn't call Daksh. I know he might be taking good care of my business ...eventhough he is lazy... He will do anything for me. If I call him, he will ask me where I am. I don't want anyone from my past intrude into my new life. But Daksh's case is different. He is just like a brother for me.

"My legs are aching"I said to her.
"Really? Shall I carry you?"she asked excitedly and I Know she really meant it. What she will do next second,its completely unpredictable.

When she was moving towards me, I took some steps back.
"I was just lying...my legs are not aching.."I said and she stopped.
"Oh..then you carry me..my legs are really aching."she said making me shocked.

"If you open your mouth once again, I will definitely jump onto this river."I said to escape pointing to a river on our side.
She was quiet after that. We slowly walked.

"What are you getting from all these?"I asked after sometime. It felt strange seeing her silent.
"From what?"she asked in return.
"By doing these crazy things.. "I replied.

Now she smiled and I am unknowingly happy to see it.
"At 2 am midnight..there will be no one on the road..only we.. isn't it fun?"she asked.
"Yes ofcourse..very very fun..."I replied sarcastically.
"Arey come on Ram...why are you always like this? It won't hurt if you enjoy your life..."she said.

She started running on the road.
"Hey stop there..dont run..."I followed her.
"Can you catch me?"she asked while running.
Without having any other way, I started running behind her. I was about to catch her many times, but she just escaped from my hold. She laughed and I too laughed with her each time. After a lot of tries, I finally caught her by holding her waist. This time she couldn't escape eventhough she tried to tickle me. We fall on road with her on my lap. My hands still around her waist. She started laughing and so did I.

"Now tell me which was the last time when you run behind someone to catch them like this so carefree?"she asked while sitting on my lap.

I thought. But no answer.
"It was really fun.. isn't it?"she asked and I nodded. I need to accept because it was really fun. A fun which I didn't enjoy much. I gave her a genuine smile.

She slowly stood up from my lap and I too stood up. She helped me to get up.
"Now it's your turn to catch me..."I said and started running.
"Hey Ram..stop there.."she started running behind me to catch me...our laughter echoed the whole street and its glad that no one is there to hear us or disturb. Now I can understand why she is like this. And it's really fun.
Meenakshi is really crazy and sorry..I can't help it out. I love her.

It's been a long time I interacted with my readers. It was because I was really busy and thanks for understanding..about the interaction, why not now? Tell me about your views on Meenakshi and Abhiram...as the title indicates, major part of this story will be from Abhiram's PoV.

And shoot your questions here if you want any clarification.

:) Teju

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