Friends or rivals?

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Y/n pov

The next day the rest of us agreed to meet at Junes to talk about what had happened last night. Since we had 8 hours until then I put on a jacket and some sweat pants before heading out.

Nanako: Where are you going big brother?

Y/n; *Smiles* Just gonna go meet up with some friends Nanako. I agreed when I got back i'd go and spend some time with them.

Nanako: Ok big brother see you later!

As she waved goodbye to me I pulled out my phone and began to text the girls.

The Wild Chad(Y/n): Hey girls so where do you wanna meet up?

Song bird(Rise): It doesn't really matter to me.

Best police girl(Naoto): Maybe we can meet at the Strip mall?

Meat Girl(Chie): Sounds good to me.

Flaming Airhead(Yukiko): Yeah same here!

The Wild Chad(Y/n): Cool I'll see you girls there then.

When I made it there I waited until he others arrived in a outfit my brother lent me.

Y/n: Heh Yu always did know how to rock badass outfits.

I heard someone whistle before I turned back to see Rise and the others smiling at me.

Rise: Woah looking good Y/n chan!

Y/n:Thanks Rise your not looking bad yourself.

Chie:*grins* She always does when she keeps her hair down.

Y/n; I gotta say though Yukiko what's with the Kimono?  This isn't really  a special even is it?

Yukiko: W-Well I think you coming back is a special event. We even have a new case to solve so why not?

Y/n: *Smiles* That right guess you've got a point.

Naoto:*blushes* W-Well why don't we get going then?

As Rise and Naoto grabbed onto my arms I chuckled before we headed out. While we walked around I told them about my adventures outside of Inaba for awhile. It was times like this that I  missed. The time for just peace without any real fear to speak of. When we went into a diner and ordered some food Naoto spoke.

Naoto: Y/n after everything you  said about the Phantom Thieves I'm surprised your still ok. Under normal circumstances I was turn you in but,knowing their scummy actions  I don't hold you accountable.

Y/n: *Smiles* Hey look things weren't all bad there. To be honest I atleast had 4 other people who had my back aside from Ryuji.

???: Y-Y/n Kun?

My eyes widened as I recognized who spoke. 

Y/n: Miss Kawakamii?

Sadayo:*smiles* I'm so glad to see your ok.

Y/n: What are you doing here in Inaba? I thought you would be-

Sadayo: I was worried about you Y/n.  I also needed a break from Ren....I thought  he and others could be trusted.

Y/n: Can't blame yourself for his actions Kawakami Chan. Personally I don't give a rat's ass anymore on what happens to him. I'd say karma isn't going to stop biting them anytime soon.

Chie: Hey Y/n you know her?

Y/n: O-Oh right shit I forgot. Girls I want you to meet my old teacher back at Shujin miss Sadayo Kawakami.

Kawakami: Pleased to meet you all.

Chie; I'm Chie Satonaka!

Yukiko: My name is Yukiko Amagai 

Rise: You can call me Rise Kujikawa.

Naoto: And you can cal me Naoto Shirogane.

Kawakami: Oh weren't you supposed to be that genius detective everyone thought was a boy?

Naoto:*nods* Yes mam that's  me.

Y/n: Naoto put that behind her awhile ago.

Kawakami: Oh then I'm sorry.So Y/n Chan what have you been up to since you've left?

Y/n: Heh want to join us and I'll let ya?

Kawakami:*Grins* Sure!

3rd person pov

As Kawakami joined then 3 people are seen in entering the town.

???: So this is the place?

??? 2: My scanners indicate the sudden spike came from here.

??? 3: Good in that case we should set up camp and prepare.

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

Back in Shibuya  The female Phantom Thieves  sat together remembering Y/n's words.


Y/n:Why the hell would you hurt my heart like that and add more pain by gloating about it huh?

(Flashback over)

Ann: Hey guys....why did we even cheat on Y/n?

 Makoto: I...I don't really know, at the time Ren just seemed to care for us more.

Haru: B-But Y/n was the one who tried to help us the most. 

Futaba: W-We did this...we cheated on the greatest man in the world. Now he's gone from us for good.

Ann: We tried to so hard to get him back but now he's gone with those other girls. 

Makoto:*smirks*  No... w-we didn't do anything wrong. hehe...Don't you girls get it it's all their fault. The others and the Investigation Team took him from us. 

Ann: Yeah....H-He just doesn't understand what was going on is al~

Futaba: W-We just need to make him see reasoning.

(Back with Y/n)

While Y/n walked alone  down the street to return home he sighed.

Y/n:(mind) Glad we postponed our meeting for tonight. Something  is wrong here in Inaba...I can feel it-Huh?

Y/n continued on until he saw a TV light up revealing a Girl being chased by a army of shadows. Y/n's eyes widened when he noticed Kawakami was by her side;causing him to curse.

Y/n: Shit is this the midnight channel's work again or  is it Adachi?! Like hell i'm gonna let this slide!

Y/n ran towards the TV and jumped through it . grabbing his sword Y/n slashed apart one of the Shadows. Standing tall Y/n before he stared back at the two causing Kawakami to blush.

Y/n;You two ok?

Kawakami;Y-Yes but what is going on here Y/n?!

Y/n: Sorry but I don't have time to explain right now. All you need to know is to stay behind me ok?

Kawakami: O-Ok.

Y/n stared back at the shadows before his body flashed with light.


When the flash faded three of the Shadows were cut down.


Yakshini slashed through the Shadows with ease while Y/n ran to attack the smaller ones.

???: What Da heck does that kid think he's doing?!

Kawakami: I have no idea but I know one thing;I feel safe near him like this.

Shadows:DIE HUM-

Y/n cut them off as Yakshini hacked off ones legs. The other  tried to stab Y/n only for him to block. 

Y/n;:Nekomata come forth!

Yakshini  vanished  allowing Nekomata to slash  the Shadow's face. Y/n jumped up then slashed off it's head before he landed.

Y/n: Bring it on you Shadow bastards I'll show you the True power of a Wild card user!

After a minute passed Y/n walked over to Kawakami and the girl before he offered her his hand.

Y/n: It's alright now tell me what's your name?

Girl: I....I  don't gotta clue.

 Before Y/n could respond the ground began to shake before a massive Shadow appeared. Summoning Garou Y/n prepared to fight once more.

Y/n: Gimme a break already!

While Y/n prepared to fight A woman is seen walking towards Y/n's family home. After she rung the doorbell Yu opened it then spoke.

Yu; Can I help you?

???: This is the Narukami Residence right? I want to know if Y/n is home.

Yu: Y/n is my brother what do you want from him exactly? How do you know each other?

???: I guess you could say he was a close friend before he left and also

My greatest helper.

To be continued

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