Hello Yasogami High!

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Y/n pov

I stared at Anne's darker looking form in disbelief then cursed to myself.

Y/n:Shit...what the hell happened to her?

Anne: What's the matter Y/n chan?~ Come on and give me a hug~

Chie: He ain't going anywhere with you!

Y/n: Chie let's go..now!

Chie: H-Huh?

Y/n: We can talk about this later now come on!

Chie: F-Fine if you say so!

Grabbing Chie's hand I ran towards a exit and jumped through back into the normal world. Landing on the ground I let out a sigh of relief.

Y/n: I don't know what the hell that was but something about her didn't feel right.

Chie: That was beyond freaky.

Y/n: (mind) Ok note to self if by some miracle this place still has the other's palaces I should train with them there.

Chie: Geez after seeing that hussy I'm so ticked off.

Y/n: *chuckles* Ain't nothing some fillet mignon can't fix for ya right Chie Chan?

Chie: Woaah wait are you serious?!

As her eyes lite up I laughed; practically feeling the drool about to come from her mouth. Chie was a open book when it came to her weakness for meat. It was something I had always found cute about her.

She was one of the toughest girls of Yasogami high. Her boyish nature had lead to many other female students being scared of her. The boys didn't want to get on her bad side, knowing that it'll end in her beating them down with karate. Within Yasogami High Chie Satonaka was a name that first years would learn well.

But truth is Chie is nothing but a spunky tomboy with a love for meat and Kung Fu flicks.

Y/n: You got that right. My treat plus between you and me I could go for some meat right now too.


Y/n: Alright down girl it's not like Junes is going to close anytime soon.

Leaving the TV world Chie and I made our way off to Junes. When we made it to Junes we went to buy some meat. Upon finding it we ran into Ryuji who turn to me and grinned.

Ryuji: Oh What's going on dude!

Y/n: Ryuji hey man I see you're getting used to life here in Inaba huh?

Ryuji: Got that right. This place kinda reminds me of my own hometown. Place is pretty small but its homey.

Y/n: You can say that again.

Chie: Oh yeah your the guy who Y/n took away from the Phantom Theives right?

Ryuji: Yeah I'm Ryuji Sakamoto. Glad to see my bro Y/n has some pretty cool friends.

Chie: Well I'm Chie Satonaka and the way I see it any friend of Y/n kun is a friend of mine!

Ryuji:*whispers to Y/n* Dude you got some nice taste in women dude. I'll bounce if you don't need a wing man.

Y/n: Ryuji my man I really appreciate it but we aren't on a date right now. That being said though all she'd have to do is give me the word and I'll have her heart stolen in a second~

Winning at Chie who blushed before trying to kick me.

Y/n: So Ryuji what will you be doing?

Ryuji: I'm gonna try and attend Yasogami high. I figure the fresh start is exactly what I need you know?

Chie: I see that's good!

Y/n: Yeah that's great Oh then I have a great idea! How about when you get in; you join our schools soccer club?

Ryuji: Huh?

Y/n: Dude you uses to be amazing at it didn't you? Well new place fresh start. I can put in a good word for you.

Ryuji: *grins* You know what screw it; I'm all in!

Y/n: Hell yeah I'll shoot Daisuke a text tomorrow. I'll introduce you while I'm on my way to basketball practice.

Ryuji: Thanks man sweet!

Chie: I bet Kou and Daisuke will be real glad to have another goofball to mess around with.

Y/n: Well then Ryuji in honor of celebrating your transfer food is on me!

Ryuji/Chie: Hell yeah!/Here here!

Buying the 3 of us food we ate together and celebrated his entrance. After we chatted and ate we left Junes and I brought Ryuji to my place. When we went inside I called out.

Y/n: I'm home! I brought a guest too.

Nanako: Welcome back!

Y/n: Is pops out Nanako?

Nanako: Uhuh but he called earlier and said he was on his way with dinner!

Y/n: Nice well make yourself at home Ryuji.

Ryuji: Thanks for letting me crash here man!

Y/n: Ain't no big thing. I know my uncle wouldn't really mind the company.

Yu: Gonna feel weird attending Yasogami high for you huh Ryuji?

Ryuji: Definitely but its not like I won't have my best friend with me heh.

The three of us chatted and hung out with Nanako until uncle Ryotaro got home.

Dojima:  I'm back

Nanako: Dad welcome home!

Ryotaro looked over at Ryuji and  spoke with a smile.

Dojima:  Oh  you're  Y/n's friend from the other day aren't you? I don't think I properly introduced myself. My name is  Ryotaro  Dojima. I'm Y/n and Yu's Uncle its nice to meet you.

Ryuji: I'm Ryuji Sakamoto  it's a honor to finally meet ya sir.

Dojima: I must say you're pretty far from the big city huh?  What exactly brings you out to a small town like Inaba?

Ryuji: Well honestly I'm looking to move out here actually.

Dojima: Really  kinda surprised a kid from the big city would want to move out to the boonies like this.

Ryuji:*Smiles* You kidding I may not look like it but i'm a country bumpkin myself. 

Dojima: *chuckles*  Well then I'll take your word on that. Try not to get bored of our little town huh?

We all enjoyed ourselves for a 2 hours then went to bed. While I tried to sleep I thought about the incident with Ann earlier. I had no idea what was going on with her;but I knew it couldn't be good. Whether just leaving earlier instead of fighting was a good idea,I guess i'd just have to see.

Timeskip brought to you by these

Y/n pov

When Morning came around I got into my old uniform. After doing so  my brother,Ryuji,and I  left for Yasogami High. While on the way there we ran into  Yosuke.

Yosuke: Yo Y/n, Narukami! 

Yu: What's up Yosuke?

Yosuke:*grins*  Man this almost feels like old times huh?

Yu: Yeah your right it's pretty nostalgic walking this way again.

Y/n: Tell me about it, I almost  never thought  I'd be wearing my old Yasogami school uniform.

Ryuji: Dude you rock that fit though! Those Shujin Academy uniforms always felt too tight sometimes if you ask me.

Y/n:Ha yeah you got a point Ryuji!

Yosuke: I know i've said it before Y/n but dude i'm glad to have ya back man.

Yu: So am I Y/n I think I can speak for the others when I say things just haven't been the same without you.

Y/n:  Guys  come on cut it out already before you guys have my face redder than Yukiko's uniform. There is only so much heartwarming  crap I can take right now. I wanna make it to the school without  dying of Bromance overload. 

By the time we got to the school  it seemed like the others were already there. While on my way to class with Yu I heard a bunch of  the other students speaking about me. I honestly forgot how popular  my brother and I were here. Ignoring the gossip I returned to my old classroom with Yu. Once we sat at our desks we waited for class to start.

Yosuke: Yo either you guys  managed to get a glimpse at who our homeroom teacher is?

Yu: Not really.

Y/n: Didn't even cross my mind.

Yosuke: Oh great just my luck huh.

the 3 of us were silent for a minute before suddenly our hearts dropped. With a realization our faces turned as pale as the moon.

Yosuke: G-Guys you don't think i-it could still be-


Yu: That woman is scarier than any shadow.

I placed my head on my desk holding my covering my ears. Trying to not to listen but Yosuke said her dreaded name.

Yosuke: You guys think I'm thrilled? I don't think I can handle another year with Kashiwagi!

As the PTSD  kicked in like a war veteran flashback I groaned.

Y/n/Yu: I can still here the Ara Aras..

As the 3 of us  were in the middle of a group mental breakdown Chie walked over.

Chie: Geez what the heck got into you guys?

Y/n: Chie please tell me you got a look at who our homeroom teacher is this year!

Chie: Y-Yeah? Wait are you guys panicking cuz you thought it was Kashiwagi?

Yosuke: You saying it isn't?!

Chie and Yukiko laughed at us before Yukiko spoke.

Yukiko: No she was moved to another class.

Yosuke/Y/n: (mind) Oh thank you god!

After we calmed down  the door opened  then our new teacher entered. Everyone looked to see who it was but, I was caught off guard at who it was.

Kawakami: Good morning class I'm going to be your new teacher this year. My name is Sadako Kawakami and I was transferred here from Shujin Academy. I heard that your previous 2 teachers were a mess. I want to let you all know now that I'm not like them. So long as you guys behave yourselves we'll get along.

Y/n:(mind) Kawakami got a job out here in Inaba? Color me shocked I wonder why.

As classes went on and Lunch came around  I was wondering the halls a bit. As i did I heard a familiar voice calling out to me.

???: S-Senpai is that you?

I turned around seeing a girl I knew well from my time in band club.

Y/n: Ayane? Hey  it's been awhile huh! How have you been?

Ayane: I-I've been great! I'm so glad your back!

Y/n: Glad to be back heh I heard through the grapevine you guys got a new band member. 

Ayane: Oh yeah we did she transferred here a bit after you were sent to Shujin.

Y/n: I see that's  great is she pretty good?

Ayane: Y-Yeah! If you want to m-maybe after school you could come by and meet here. When she heard about you she seemed to know all about you.

Y/n:(mind) She knows about me? Hold on if it was shortly after I was sent to Shujin..it couldn't be could it? *to Ayane* I see tell you what after I help a friend sign up  for the Soccer team  I'll drop by.

Ayane:*blushes and smiles* O-Okay i'll see you then Senpai!

Walking back to class lunch soon ended then I went through the day until school ended . Meeting up with Ryuji I brought him over to the Gym. After doing so I saw Kou and Daisuke chatting as usual. When they noticed me they waved and spoke.

Kou: Well well well if it ain't the Basket ball teams old team captain Y/n Narukami! Here I was thinking you weren't ever gonna stop by!

Daisuke: Yeah  I'm kinda hurt ya didn't drop by sooner Narukami.

Y/n: Heh i'm surprised your actually here right now Daisuke. Did Kou mention food already?

Ryuji: Hey Y/n You never told me you were a team captain dude!

Y/n: Oh yeah  my brother and I both were. Yu used to be the captain of the Soccer team.

Daisuke:  I take you're the guy Y/n told me about joining the soccer team?

Ryuji nodded before offering a handshake to Daisuke.

Ryuji: You got it the names Ryuji Sakamoto. Back at Shujin I used to be pretty good until I suffered a leg injury. But the thing has been healed for awhile now. If you guys need a new member i'm your man!

Kou:*chuckles* Well Daisuke  looks like your team is set man!

Daisuke: I guess so glad to have ya aboard!

Kou: By the way Y/n you thinking of rejoining the Basketball team?

Y/n:*smirks* maybe maybe.

Kou: Sweet we'd love to have you bro!

Y/n: Well I gotta get going I made a promise i'd drop by to meet someone else. Later  you guys!

Making my way off to the band room I heard them practicing. Once I went in  to  see if my hunch was right; I saw a girl I didn't expect.

Y/n: So I was right...didn't think you'd have been moved here after all that


Shiho: Y-Y/n?

3rd person pov (elsewhere)

As a door to the Velvet room opened Margret spoke to a familiar figure that was walking out.

Margret: I am well aware that you have awaited for him to return. All I ask is that you try not to cause a scene.

???: I heard you the first time. I won't cause a scene I promise geez.

As Margret closed the door the figure checking their bag of all it's contents smiled.

???: I'm so glad he's back....Y/n Narukami.. you just wait .

To be continued

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