The more things change

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Y/n pov

I smiled at my them as Nanako ran towards me with a tight hug.


Y/n: Yeah and glad to be back Nanako.

I looked at my brother Yu who walked over to me and smiled.

Yu: It's great to have you back Y/n.

Y/n:  I know I missed you all so much being back in Inaba makes feel at peace. It's been a while but  I'm gonna make the most of this bro.

I hugged him then I sat down and ate with my family. It made my heart warm being able to do this again. Moments like this were something I never got the chance to do in a long time. This was my home clear as day. Inaba was the only place that could clear my heart of it's troubles. After telling stories to Nanako and my uncle Ryotaro I went up stairs. I opened up my door seeing the room hadn't changed since I left.

Y/n:(mind) Nanako must have left it like this for me.

I smiled knowing how much she cared about me ever since Yu and I came here. Our parents sent us here 1 year ago for the summer. Nanako was shy at first but she eventually grew to love us like we were her blood brothers. I closed my door then got changed into some comfortable clothes when I heard a knock. When I opened it I saw Yu standing in the door way then I let him in. He asked me about what had happened with the Phantom Thieves to which I told him the story about it. I could see how angry was about the whole thing but he tried to let it go for my sake.

Yu: Those heartless bastards shouldn't have done that to you.

Y/n: So much for honor among thieves don't you think? Well look Bro i'm glad to know you have my back but let's forget about it all for now? Let's just get some rest then we can about with the others in the morning.

Yu:*Nods* alright if that's what you want to do bro.

After  our exchange I  went to bed wondering how Ryuji was doing. Deciding to just check on him tomorrow I went off to bed. When I woke up the next day got up then pulled out my phone. I looked through my contacts before I found my old group chat. I smiled  thinking about all of the times I spent on this with the others. Not wasting another moment I opened it up then began to gather everyone.

The wild chad(Y/n): Guess who's back in town everyone?

Fluff King(Teddie): SENSEI IS HOME!!!!!


The wild chad(Y/n): Yep and glad to be.

The BOI (Yu): He came back just last night.

Flaming Airhead(Yukiko): Welcome back we all missed you Y/n!

Thunder boi (Kanji): It's great to have you home Bro. Things haven't been the same since you left Senpai. 

The wild chad(Y/n): Yeah I know i'm sorry for not keeping in touch that often. How about we all meet up at the usual spot and catch up?

Sky high bro(Yosuke): Sounds like a plan see you all at Junes! 

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

Y/n and Yu made it to Junes where they noticed Yosuke and Kanji along with Teddie waiting. Y/n and Yu walked over seeing Teddie in his human form smiling at them.

Teddie: Sensei your right on time!

Y/n:So we're the first ones here huh?

Yu: They'll get here when they get here I guess.

A second later as if by magic the others appeared coming over towards them.

Chie: Sorry if we were late we had to get past Rise's fans so we took the long way.

Rise:  Y/n Kun I'm so happy to see you again!

Rise said hugging Y/n causing him to smile with a chuckle.

Y/n: Yeah I'm happy to see you too. Seeing all of you makes my heart feel at ease. Honestly being away from you all didn't really do me any good.

Yukiko: What do you mean Y/n?

Y/n: I don't know how to explain it but I was just angry. I was full of rage but now I feel as calm as water.

Chie: So what exactly happened while you were gone Y/n Chan?

Y/n sat down and sighed before turning back to the others.

Y/n: You might wanna take a seat because this is gonna be a long story.

The others nodded before listening to what Y/n said.Afterwards Y/n began to tell them everything that had happened. He told them about Ren and the other Phantom Thieves. Y/n told them about the palaces and about stealing others hearts. They were reasonably surprised by their friend's words. Even with their shared experiences of weirdness involving the Shadows;  this was far from their norm. While Y/n explained how the girls he had fell for had cheated on him with Joker Chie and the girls; held anger in their eyes. When Y/n finished he let out a sigh once more.

Teddie: I can't believe the nerve of those people hurting an awesome guy like you Sensei!

Chie:(mind) How dare those greedy bitches hurt Y/n like that!

Yukiko:(mind) How could they do that to Y/n Kun?!

Rise: (mind) Those harpies never deserved a real man like Y/n!

Y/n: Look there is no point in letting them get to you now.They are a bunch of scumbags minus Ryuji so let's give them no mind. Screw the Phantom thieves alright because you guy are the ones I care about.

???: Did you mention the Phantom Thieves?

Y/n and the others turned to see their last member and smiled.

Y/n: Yo Naoto i'm glad to see my favorite Detective is here too. Yeah I mentioned their name why do you ask?

Naoto blushed before she cleared her throat. After she sat down with the others she spoke once more.

Naoto: W-Well the Phantom Thieves case has been something I've been looking into. I was hired to investigate it but I've been reaching  dead end after dead end on it.

Y/n thought about the matter for a minute before he spoke with a smirk.

Y/n:....What if I told you I know who the culprits are? I could tell you their hideouts names and all just for you.

Naoto: *Looks in surprise* You mean it Y/n Chan i'd be extremely grateful.

Y/n: It's no problem Naoto you've done alot for me in the past so it's my thank you.

Naoto smiled before soon changing into a more serious expression.

Naoto: Before any of that there is another matter I wanted to talk to you all about.

Yosuke: Oh yeah what is it?

Naoto: The Midnight channel has come back.

To be continued

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