Chapter 1: Invite and Struggle

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A/N: Now before some of you complain about the votes being tied on the last chapter between the OC and Weiss let me explain. Because of something that happened on my first voting story that prevented me from writing for like a few months I made a certain rule for these books. In the event of a tie I will check the profiles to make sure they actually belong to people and weren't made just to vote. The profile that would have tied the vote was made just an hour after the last chapter went up. So I couldn't count that vote thus we have our winner Weiss. However to make up for this somewhat unfortunate event I will be using the OC I planned to use. This OC is Ace owned by MLPFan001. I would also like to apologize for the length of this chapter. Most of what I wrote wasn't originally planned but it was requested by a friend so I decided to write it for them. However I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.

P.O.V. Third

King looked up to see a female around his age she had pure white hair just like him however she had bright blue eyes. As well as a somewhat fancy dress on. "What are you doing here?" She asked looking at him.

"I'm . . . I'm not sure," King confessed as he looked at the female.

"Where are your parents?" The female asked looking at him.

"I don't have any," King once again confessed. Hearing this the female looked at King for a moment before sighing. She felt back seeing someone around her age in this condition and looked at the male.

"My name's Weiss," the female said looking at him.

"O-oh, I-I'm King," the white haired male said looking at Weiss. She then made a slight hand gesture suggesting she wanted King to stand. When she did King stood and looked at her. Weiss looked at him for a moment before sighing.

"I can ask dad if you can stay for a while but I can't make any promises so don't get your hopes up," Weiss said looking at him. King nodded hearing this and followed behind the female as she began to walk down the streets.

"Y-you know, you don't have to do this," King said as he looked at the female.

"I know I don't, but it's better to give you a place to live than have the take space up on the streets," Weiss said as the two walked towards a large building.

"O-oh o-okay," King said looking at the female. The two continued towards a large building, however when they reached the entrance Weiss stopped and looked at the white haired male.

"Stay out here for a moment. I need to ask my dad if it's okay that you come in the house and stay for a while," the female said looking at him.

"O-okay," King said looking at the female as she walked into the house. As he was waiting he looked up at the sky and his mind began to wonder. A few minutes passed before the door once again opened and the same female as before came out with a taller male figure beside her.

"So this is the male you want to bring into the house?" The elderly male asked looking at King. He then leaned closer and King backed up slightly intimidated and a bit nervous. The elderly male then backed up and looked at him. "He doesn't seem like much," the male said looking at King.

"I know but can he come in anyway?" Weiss asked looking at her father. The male looked down at her for a few moments considering the idea. The taller male then sighed and looked at Weiss.

"Fine, but if he breaks or steals anything it's coming out of your allowance," the male said as he walked back into the building. Weiss smiled hearing this and looked at her father that was now walking away. "Thanks dad," she said as she walked away.

She then turned her attention back to the male. "Well come on," she said looking at him. King nodded when she said this and began to follow behind her. As the two walked King looked around the massive building a little nervous. Everything that he saw looked very expensive, he was almost to scared to touch anything.

"This is the main hall," Weiss said as she stopped and pointed down a part of the hall that had a door at the end. "That's dad's office, I wouldn't suggest going in there. Here gets angry when people come in unannounced," Weiss said as she turned and once again walked down the office.

"That's the training room, Winter spends a lot of her time in there," Weiss said as she looked at the door a little sad. "But never mind her I'll get to enter that room soon enough," Weiss said as the two continued down the hall.

"You will? Why?" King asked a little confused.

"Well to start my training obviously!" Weiss said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "I want to bring credit to the Schnee name once more. So I've decided that I will become a huntress," Weiss said looking at the male. King smiled and looked at her a little excited.

"Wow! That's so cool! You must be really strong and smart then!" King said with newfound respect as he looked at the female in front of him. Weiss smiled hearing this and looked at him.

"Of course I am, I'm glad that even someone like you can see that," Weiss said as she walked down the halls. The two continued walking throughout the house. They visited all of what Weiss called the important rooms and they didn't pay much attention to what she deemed the less important rooms.

The two walked down the hall until they came across a male that was younger than them. "Hello, sister," the male said as he looked at the two. Weiss seemed less than pleased to see him and King picked up on her negative attitude but didn't say anything.

"Hello, Whitley," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. The male then walked by her and began to examine the male in front of him. Much like his father had done not long ago. He then place his hand to his chin as if he was unimpressed and then scoffed slight.

"Father told me that you brought home a stray, but I never would have imagined that he'd be so . . . heh poorly groomed," the male said looking at King. Weiss looked at the male a little irritated however before she could say anything Whitley looked at the male. "So what type of talent do you have?" He asked looking at King.

"T-talent?" King questioned as he backed away from the male.

"Yes, talent, as in something you are exceptionally skilled at," Whitley said looking at him.

King thought about what the male said for a moment before he answered. "I don't th-think I have a t-talent," King said looking at him. Whitley smiled and chuckled slightly hearing this and began to walk away.

"If that's the case I give you a week," Whitley said with smug look as he walked away. King felt a little irritated hearing this, and felt a hand on his shoulder. He then turned to see Weiss looking at him.

"Don't mind him, he's a nuisance that not even I have gotten used to yet," Weiss said looking at the male.

"O-oh okay," King said as he once again began to follow Weiss down the hall. As they were walking King looked out a few of the windows to see that it was already dark and that the shattered moon was in the sky.

As he was walking down the hall behind the heiress a question passed through his mind that he had to ask the female. "S-so W-Weiss where am I supposed to sleep tonight?" King asked a little embarrassed as they continued down the hall.

"What do you mean?" Weiss asked looking at the male a little confused.

"W-well I need to sleep and I doubt that you have an extra bed laying around for whatever reason," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"You'll sleep in my room of course," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her.

"O-oh," King said looking at the female in front of him.

"Yes, you shall sleep in my room. You should feel honored that the heiress of the Schnee fortune is allowing you to enter her home let alone sleep in her room," Weiss said with a feeling of superiority.

The two continued down the halls of the massive building until Weiss stopped and turned to look at the male behind her. "First thing's first, you stay out here while I change into my night attire," Weiss said looking at the male. King nodded hearing this and Weiss walked into her room shutting and locking the door behind her.

King leaned against the wall when she did and eventually fell down to the floor. It was nice that he met someone new but, he'd be lying if he said that he didn't still miss Rain. He continued to wait until he finally heard the door unlock.

When King heard this he rose off the ground and looked at Weiss as she walked out of the room. "Well come in," the female said as she turned around and walked back into her room. King followed behind her a little nervous hearing this and looked around.

It was a well kept room with a huge bed. "You'll be sleeping there," Weiss said as she pointed to portion beside her bed that had a few mats.

"Okay," King said as he began to walk over to the small portion of her room. However as he did he suddenly felt a little uneasy. He looked around the room but didn't anything that should cause him to feel like this so he looked at the female. "I-I'm a little nervous," King said as he looked at her.

"Why?" Weiss asked looking at him.

"I'm sure," King said as he looked at her. The two then heard a crash from the side of the room. When they two looked they saw two males wearing a mask with animal ears. Before either could process what was happening one of the males ran forward.

He attempted to kick King however the male stopped his attack. The male was a little shocked by this however continued to attack the male. The other male ran towards Weiss with a rope in hand. Weiss tried to run away but the male had gotten part of it around her body stopping her.

The male then kicked her legs forcing her to her knees. He finished binding her arms with the rope and the male tried to call for help but was quickly gaged with a cloth. Seeing this King looked at her concern and the male used this opportunity to his advantage and hit King on the back of his neck with his full strength causing the male to pass out.

'The kid's surprisingly strong,' The make thought as he looked down at King's unconscious body. He then let out a sigh and turned his attention to his partner."What should we do with him?" The male asked looking at his partner that was currently holding the heiress.

"We'll take him too," the male said looking at King as he held up some rope. The male then shook his head seeing this. "No, use the other ones. Get the metal restraints," the male said looking at his partner.

"Are you sure?" He asked looking at his friend.

"Yes," the male said as he once again turned to the child on ground. The other male sighed hearing this and reached behind him grabbing the pair of metal restraints that he had. The male then put them on King and lifted him off the ground.

"I can only imagine what the boss is going to say when he seeing the special event that we got for him," One of the male said as he jumped out the window that the two had broken to get into the room.

P.O.V. Ace

I yawned as I walked down the street with my sister Emerald. She said we were meeting Neo for some reason bit refused to tell me why. I just hope whatever it is, is worth all the secrecy.

I then saw the female and she waved at us. Emerald smiled and we walked towards her. "Ready Neo?" My sister asks looking at her. Neo nodded when she asked this and they began to walk away.

I followed behind them a little curious as to where we were going. I then noticed that we were going to a building that seemed to be abandoned. "What are we doing here?" I asked looking at the two female in front of me.

"We're going to watch a fight," Emerald said as they walked into the building. I was shocked to hear this.

"Are you insane? The last time we went to one of these, not only did a few people die but we also almost got arrested!" I said walking behind them. I was trying to talk them out of it, however something tells me this going to end like last time.

"Yeah, but that's what made it so exciting! Right Neo?" Emerald said as we walked to an old bookshelf. Neo nodded at Emeralds questions and she went to the side of the bookshelf and began to push it out of the way.. When she did I saw a few stair that lead downwards and seemed to have a source of light at the bottom.

"I'm still amazed that you're able to find places like this Neo," My sister said as she began to the stairs. Neo smiled hearing this and followed behind her. I signed seeing that my pleas were going to most likely go unheard like last time and followed behind them.

I hate watching filth like this but Emerald is my sister so it's not like I can just leave her alone in a place like this. "So what makes this event so special?" I asked looking at my sister. When I did she turned to Neo and she shrugged.

"Don't know," Emerald said as we reached the bottom of the stairs. When we did I saw several people around a large hole that was covered in blood. I looked around the room and noticed that most of the people in the room were Faunas however there were a few humans but they easily made up less that ten percent of the crowd.

I also noticed something that I thought was a little strange. A few of them were wearing some type of mask. I continued to look and saw someone sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. He had someone on either side of him wearing masks like the others.

However the male sitting on the chair had a mask like the others, however his mask seemed to be a little different than the others. I tried not to look at him directly mainly out of fear of what would happen to me, my sister, and Neo if I did.

I followed behind the two females and sat down beside them. I looked into the hole and saw several large metal doors built into the wall. I tried to ignore this and we sat for a few moments with several people gathering around us before the male on the other side of the room stood up. When he did he looked around and smiled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is no secret that Faunas have been repeated ridiculed by humans because we are different. However several distinguished  and powerful families have made things much worse for us, by belittling us, and dragging everything that we care about through the mud, and as an apology what did we get? A small island that no one's heard of in the middle of no where," the male said looking around.

I could hear several people cheer and chant as he continued to speak. "So I like so many others have decided to take action, and force matters into my own hand. Now some of you may be asking what that has to do with tonight? Why do I chose to talk about this when we're supposed to have a special event. Well my friends, two of my best managed to do something that others have failed," he said as the crowd became a little more excited.

I however became more nervous hearing this. Whatever "special" event he had planned didn't sound good. In fact it sounded like it was going to end badly. "As most of us know, the Schnee family is one of the few powerful families that have made it rather difficult for us to obtain what we want. So these two managed to do something very special," he said as one of the several doors opened.

I then saw two kids who looked to be about my age get pushed out of the door and into the arena. When the others saw them they all started to cheer. "That's right! They managed to capture the heiress to the Schnee fortune!" He said as the cheers grew even louder. "As for the male, well . . . my associates decided that some extra entertainment may be enjoyable," the male said as he looked around the room.

When he said this people once again started to cheer. I however looked down at the two in front of me. I felt sorry for them as they looked around the room confused and obviously scared. I'm not sure I'll be able to watch this.

P.O.V. Third

King and Weiss looked around with their arms still bound behind them. The two were clearly afraid of the several figures around them all shouting and screaming. "So are there any requests for how we should start the show?" The male asked he looked around the room.

He heard several thing shouted out when he said this. However there was one suggestion that seemed to get more of a reaction than the others. "Release the Beowolf!" One of the females in the crowd said, as soon as she said this several others started to cheer at her suggestion.

However among the crowd there was still one male who wasn't sure about what he was seeing. He then turned to the male that seemed to be the leader hoping that he wouldn't listen to the suggestion that he had just gotten.

The male smiled hearing this and turned to one of the other males beside him. "Release a few of the Beowolf and use the dust before they kill the kids. After all it'd be boring if they died to quickly," the male said looking at his assistant. He nodded hearing this and walked away briefly disappearing from sight.

A few seconds passed before a few of the cages started to rise once again earning a few cheers from the crowd. When the cages were open Weiss and King saw a few glowing red eyes staring at them and the figures slowly came into sight.

Weiss knew almost immediately what they were and backed away slightly out of fear. She had never seen any creatures of Grimm before but Winter had told her that they were beasts that were incredibly dangerous.

The two slowly backed away seeing this and watched as the Grimm slowly moved towards them. Letting out several growls as they slowly forced the two against one of the walls. Not being able to go anywhere else the two white haired figures moved closer to each other out of fear.

The two white haired figures backed up as the creatures of Grimm all moved closer. The three younger figures looked down in the pit. Ace was disgusted by how cruel people could be. Then again that may have been because he was still fairly young.

However his sister Emerald and his friend Neo didn't seem to mind this at all. If anything they seemed to enjoy it slightly. "Release a Beringel!" Someone suddenly yelled. Ace became even more nervous hearing this and watched the leader as he turned to someone else and nodded.

When he did the male nodded and walked away and Ace watched as another gate opened. When it did a Beringel walked out and looked at the two. Seeing them surrounded by Beowolf it slowly made it's way towards the two.

The two didn't notice it because of the several Beowolf that were around them. However when it approached the point that it could be seen King suddenly felt all his fear leave his body as it was replaced with rage. Seeing the creature that had once again killed Rain standing in front of him.

Seeing this creature his pupils gained a white gleam to them and his hair began to glow enhancing it's pure white color, his body once again became covered in a pure white almost clear aura. This sent some wind towards the creatures causing the Beowolf to flee back into their cages whimpering slightly. The Beringel also back up out of intimidation but didn't flee.

The young male then stood up and earning him a curious look from the young heiress as she watched him break the metal restraints that were binding him. He then turned to Wiess and started to untie her. The man who appeared to he the leader of the event looked gritted his teeth seeing this and looked at someone else.

"Release the others," he said looking at the male. When he did the male nodded and once again walked away disappearing from sight. When he did the other doors opened and deathsalker and a Boarbatusk walked out of their cages.

"K-King," Weiss said a little shocked by what she had just seen.

"It's okay, just leave the rest to me," King said with newfound confidence. He then turned and looked at the creatures in front of him. The same aura as before once again surround King and he rushed forward.

When he did one of the Beringel swung down at him and he moved to the side before jumping up and kicking the beast in the face. The creature was thrown back slightly as they continued to attack.

Most if not everyone was amazed by what they were seeing. Killing Grimm in itself wasn't anything special most of the men and women there could kill a Grimm if they tried. What amazed them was that I was kid doing this.

A child who looked like he had no training at all had such a large aura reserve and was strong enough to break metal restraints. Then there was the way he was moving, despite being attack by several figures at once not one of them was really able to hurt the male.

They continued to watch amazed as the male moved his body in the air so that his feet would be touching the Boarbatusk as it charged at him. He then jumped off the creature and grabbed the Deathsalker's tails while he was moving.

The giant Grimm swung it's tail trying to free itself of the young male. King held onto the creature until he saw the Beringel. He didn't really care about the other two creatures at the moment all that he was concerned with was that creature.

When he finally saw it he saw that it was in front of Weiss and that it looked ready to attack. He had already lost one person to the Grimm and he was not about to lose to his new friend to the creature.

King once again repositioned his body and jumped the Deathslakers tail grabbing the Beringel. He swung his body around sending his knee into one of the beasts eye. When he did the Beringel let out a pained cry and reached for him.

However before it could grab him King wrapped his arms around the Beringel squeezed cracking it's armor. His body once again became engulfed in the aura as he squeezed harder and crushed the creatures head.

King panted heavily as the Berginel fell to the ground and looked at the two in front of him. The Boarbatusk stepped back seeing this before he ran into his cage. The Deathsalker stared at King for a moment who was slightly panting.

The creature then turned and also began to walk away back into his cage. When it did Ace was relieved however every other person in the crowd was enraged to see this. Angry that what they had came for didn't happen. The male that had been sitting on the chair stood up seeing this.

"Guess I'll have to handle this," the male said as he grabbed a large piece of metal beside him. He then pushed a button on the side and the block slowly transformed into a massive axe.

He then jumped into the pit with the axe in and glared down at the male. "The girl doesn't seem like she'll be much trouble so I'll let her live and the fun can continue. You however, well simply put you need to die," The large male said looking at King.

Hearing this the young male stood up slightly and his hair once again began to glow a bright white. The male then raised his axe into the air with a smile. "Now die you brat!" The male said as he began to swing his axe down.

When did King moved out of the way and punched him in the gut. The male seemed strong, in fact that swing would have easily killed King if it had hit him. However the male was so !much slower than the male that it was easy for him to dodge his attack. King then moved back and kicked the male in the face sending him back into an unconscious state.

The other suddenly seemed a little nervous seeing this since he had just single handed defeated their leader. King then looked around and saw a small set of stairs. King smiled seeing this and ran towards Weiss.

He then picked her up and dashed towards the door. When he did several of the men and women that were in the room started to run after him. While most people seemed upset by this there was one young male that smiled as he saw the two escaping.

'I'm glad to see that they won't die,' Ace thought to himself as he watched the male dash past him. As he was heading up the stairs he saw that the entrance was blocked and held out his hand summoning a scythe. The male slashed at the bookshelf blocking the exit creating an opening for the two to escape from.

King continued to carrying Weiss down the street as he ran from the building. As he did Wiess looked at him. "I thought you said you didn't have any talents?" Weiss asked looking at him.

"I don't," King stated as he continued to walk down the streets. As he did his hair stopped glowing and his memory of what he had just did became a little unclear.

"Liar!" Weiss said looking at him a little upset. "You just defeated a Grimm! Beat some thug up and now you're carrying me away from there and towards home! It's clear you have a natural talent for fighting!" Weiss said glaring at him.

King became a little nervous seeing the female look at him. "S-sorry, I didn't realize that f-fighting was a talent," King said a little nervous as he continued down the streets. He then ran out of the small city that they were in and continued down the pathway.

Weiss sighed hearing this and looked up at the male. "You dunce," she said looking at him. King continued to run down the path, he then felt a small amount of hunger and started to look at the trees that he passed.

He smiled seeing a tree that had few apples hanging down from it. He jumped up and grabbing two apples, one with his hand and one with his mouth. He could have used both hands however because he didn't want to drop Weiss he decided in using his mouth instead.

He then offered the apple that was in his hand to Weiss and after a few moments she took it. After all he was offering it to her and she did like apples. When she did King reached up to the apple that he was biting and started to eat.

Weiss looked at the apple for a moment before she also took a bite. When she did she smiled realizing that this apple taste much better than the ones that her servants had usually got for her. "This tastes great, how did you find these?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her.

"Oh, well Rain taught me how to find food if anything ever happened to him. He said that the apples from the top of the tree are usually better than the one's on the bottom. So I tried to get one from the top for you," King said as he continued to run.

Weiss smiled hearing this and King continued to carry the female until they once again reached Atlas. When he did he placed the female down and they began to walk down the dark streets.

"Hopefully you remember how to get home," King said looking at the female in front of him.

"Of course I do!" Weiss said as she once again began to walk down the streets. However when they arrived at the building they saw a few men and women in front talking to Jacques. "Dad!" Weiss said gaining the males attention.

Jacques turned to the young female seeing this and walked up to her. "Weiss, daughter are you okay? Winter said this heard some noise from your room and when she walked in she saw a mess," the elder male said as he looked at the young female in front of him.

"Y-yes I'm fine, two men kidnapped me and King but we managed to escape!" Weiss said looking up at her father. As soon as she said this the soldiers looked at Jacques and he nodded. When he did the other figures walked away and Jacques looked down at Weiss.

"Weiss I'd like to talk to you for a moment, away from your colleague," Jacques said as he opened the door to the house. King sighed hearing this and looked down the streets. King waited patiently as time passed and after a few moments both Weiss and Jacques walked out of the building and looked at King.

Weiss had a smile and Jacques had the same expression that he had been wearing the entire time. The taller male then looked down at King and sighed. "So, King how would you like to stay here with us?" Jacques said looking at King.

"Wh-what?" King asked a little confused.

"Weiss informed me on what happened and how she probably wouldn't have been able to escape if you hadn't been there. So as my personal thanks you are free to stay here as long as you please. So I repeat, would you like to stay here?" Jacques asked looking down at King.

The young male was once again shocked to hearing and looked up at the male. This situation, it almost reminded him of when Rain had asked him to become his student and then later his son. King thought about it for a moment before he looked up at the taller male in front of him and finally answered.

A/N: Alright everyone I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and would once again like to apologize for the length of this chapter however I hope that doesn't mean you all didn't enjoy it. Also when I wrote the authors intro note when the vote was "tied" between Weiss and OC. However by the time Weiss was voted for again I already had the majority of this chapter written and didn't want to start over from scratch so I left it in. Now for the next vote of the series, and I'd like to apologize for the lack of options for this vote and as always I wish all of you luck.

Does King stay with Weiss and her family?

1. Yes
2. No

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