Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, I do not own anything except for the plot/any made up characters or companies I add. Enjoy~

Mary parker shifted her husbands large lab coat, trying to make it look as natural and inconspicuous as possible.

"You think this will work?" She asked.

"I hope so, security is under maintenance, so all we have to do is get past the guard at the door." Her husband, Richard, said, picking up a box of their things.

Mary bit her lip, but nodded, picking up a large bag, the last of their stuff.

The two of them had recently quit their jobs at a very pretentious genetics laboratory in New Jersey, and were just finishing up the process of clearing out their lab space and shared office. They were moving to New York, a nice neighborhood in queens near where Richard brother and his wife lived. It had taken a lot of paper work a many promises to not leak information to any other labs or companies, but they were finally let go.

"You all ready Pete? Got a tight grip?" Mary asked as she pulled the collar of the lab coat forward and peeked inside.

Peter, or experiment PS79, looked up at her and made a soft chittering sound before tightening his grip on her torso. He was well hidden under the large lab coat, latched onto Mary and pressing his body as flat and as close to her as he could get. Luckily he was so small that he wasn't very noticeable unless he shifted or you stared at her stomach for too long.

Mary moved the collar back and check to make sure everything looked okay before nodding to her husband that they were ready. The two of them left and locked up their old office, before heading to the elevator, each of them scanning their designated keycards before being let into the elevator. They went up to ground level, where they went to the cheek in station. They needed to turn in their ID's, keycards and office keys before they could leave, since they had no reason to keep them.

The walked towards the main exit of the lobby, and nodded to the security guard that was stationed at the door as they walked by, only for him to grab mary's shoulder.

The two froze, and mary could feel peter stiffen slightly, before turning to the man, Jeff. He was a good man, and the two had shared multiple late nights talking with him before they finally left to go home.

He stared at them for a few seconds before smiling."we're going to miss the two of you working here." He said, letting go of her shoulder. "You're both great minds and great peopl."

The two sighed slightly, and smiled back.

"Thanks, and we're gunna miss you too Jeff," Richard said, "maybe we could hang out some time on your days off." He said, before he and Mary waving goodbye as they finally walked out of the building for good.

They sighed in relief the moment they sat in the car, closing and locking the doors behind them. Richard pulled out of their parking spot, and began to drive towards the checkpoint they needed to pass before getting into the regular roads of the city.

Once they wee passed the check point and headed towards their house, Mary unbottoned a couple of the bottons on the coat as, and gently rubbed the back of the small child.

Big brown eyes stared up at her a second later, a head of fluffy brown hair popping out. She smiled, and brushed the hair out of the childs face, which made Peter coo softly and press into the touch, nuzzling her hand, before shifting to look at Richard while Mary moved to unbutton the rest of the coat.

The man smiled down at the five year old, who smiled back, making a high pitch clicking sound.

Richard chuckled."we'll have to teach him how to speak english."

"I think its cute." Mary said, smiling down at peter as he clicked again.

"I know, but he's going to need to learn to communicate with other humans, like my brother and sister-in-law."

"I guess you're right, we have to keep his spider-ness a secret, maybe even from them."

"We can tell them later," Richard said with a nod, "But not yet, not until Peter knows just who and what he is and what he needs to do to stay safe from people who may hurt him."

Mary nodded, and hoisted peter up a bit, allowing the child to stare out the window in wonder, looking at the bustling city around them. This was the first time he'd been outside since he'd been caught and sent to the lab from some field outside of the city. Everything was so much smaller now to the spider boy, having become some much bigger than his previously small spider form.

Mary gently wrapped her arms around peter, and stared out the window with him.

-Two years later-

Peter stared at the ground sadly as the social worker slowly walked him up to his aunt and uncles house, knocking on the door.

His uncle Ben opened the door, and smiled sadly, gently taking peters hand and saying a few things to the social worker before leading peter inside.

Peter was quickly enveloped in a hug by his uncle, and was soon joined by his aunt, who carded her fingers theough Peters hair just like his mother had.

Tears gathered in the seven year olds eyes, and for the first time since Mary and Richard Parker had died, he cried, bawling his eyes out as he gripped onto his aunt and uncle's shirts.

The two looked at each other, and held the child tighter, telling him he'd be safe with them.

"Its going to be alright peter." His Aunt May said softly. "Don't worry."

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