Chapter 12.

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Qotd - Female Or male main characters??

Gif to the side

I didn't stop running, and I refused to look behind me. I had to get home and tell Damon! Then again, if I told him he'd probably scream at Danica for letting me out late, and then ban me from training.

However this was too great an issue to ignore.

I had no idea who the wolf was, though I could infer he was sent from my bother's pack. As for the woman in the cloak I had no idea as to whether she was a friend or foe. She did save me . . . but I still don't understand how she saved me. Either way, I had to transfer the news to Damon.


Unknown POV***

 I waited a half hour before I dare to peek out from the underbrush. My eyes scanned the dark forest. The trees seemed like weeping figures of the dark as they swayed in the direction of the wind, the shrubbery following suit in it's movements.

Carefully, I ducked out of the shadows of the night, and into the clearing. My boots crunched the snow beneath me in each step I took towards the limp wolf. Crouching down, I examined him.

His eyes, glossy and distant, were lulled upwards and his tongue fell out of his mouth, his saliva dripping onto the snow. He was a deep grey, with dull yellow eyes. His fur was ruffled in all directions, as though he'd just been through a tornado and back.

I closed my eyes, for a brief second, cupping my hands over his ears.

"Re'im," I said. Within seconds, his memories played through my eyes like a scene in a movie.

"It is of law that a female should rule!" A man with dark eyes and a pointed nose shouted at a crowd of men who sat in a circle. Authority and law reeked around me.

"All laws, can be broken and bent," Another man said, his long hair in a pony tail behind his back.

"This is absurd. The balance of nature will be destroyed, chaotic even if-"

A man with a large belly held up his hand, standing up from the circle.

His deep voice rang through the conference room.

"The balance of nature is already destroyed, and already chaotic. Jonathan, I understand your concerns of a female heir. But we have other options to consider. The three heirs all differ of age. It is possible we may have to take upon a new name for the crown."

"Mr. Vermont, excuse me for saying," A new voice spoke. A man in the corner with dark hair rose from his chair. All eyes locked on him.

"But the bloodline must continue. As soon as we start to break from tradition, that's the beginning of our losses. Chaos and destruction are ladders to be climbed, and for years we've been climbing down. One of the heirs, of course needs to be of age, should succeed," He spoke and as he did, some nodded, and some broke into a rage of fury.

"This wrong!"

"You are not part of this government!"

Shouts and screams echoed through my ears.

"Each of the heirs are incredibly different, should the crown choose the wrong one, there will be no ladder, I can assure you that Peter!" Mr. Vermont shouted, slamming his fist on the table.

"Zacariah," Mr. Vermont said, staring at the man with a pony tail.

" We cannot risk another misguided queen."

I took a deep breath, my sight returning to dark trees. I leaned back, catching my breath. That trick always did a number on me. I glared at the wolf on the ground. This was Zacariah, sent by them. Frustration grew within me.

I had to do what I could to prevent the government from sending anymore people to attack Serena, and possibly even Larson. The two couldn't afford any more mishaps, though for one of them, I was most fine with.


I walked through the forest with ease. Zacariah's body was easy to keep covered. No one would find him. No one would need to.

The government refused to let anyone know they existed, with the exception of a couple important ones. They dared not to retaliate the death of a member for revenge proved to be an incredulous risk.

As I continued to walk to my familiar clearing I smiled.


Waves began to form in the air, dull shades of a brown appearing underneath them. The waves began to create a rainbow spiral over the air, and suddenly appeared my home. I lived in a small log cabin that I liked to keep hidden. It was halfway between Larson and Serena's neighboring packs.

I smiled, the door opening on its own. It felt good to be home. I'd been out and about all day. I walked in, warmth spreading through my body. Shrugging off my cloak, the door closed and I hung the cloth on the back of the door. As I turned around to face the dark room, I snapped my finger. Light illuminated the room and my TV clicked on. Sighing a breath of relief, I walked to the small kitchen and to the fridge. My stomach sounded off just how empty it was. It opened, and I decided to take a peek.

"Hm," I studied the contents in the fridge before grabbing some cold pizza slices out of a baggy. Backing away, the fridge closed and I walked away to the sink, grasping a plate from the cupboard above.

I quickly glanced out of the window and into the forest. Everything was fine. Or it was. A knock on the door made me jump. I raised a brow. My home was hidden, who was knocking?

Cautiously, I prepared my hands and slowly crept towards the door. Swiping the cloak aside, I looked through the peep hole.

"Dammit!" I growled, the door thrashing open.

"What the hell? You can't just walk around here like that Liam!" I shouted, grasping his coat and thrusting him through the door. He laughed, shaking his blonde head of hair.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, glancing out the the peep hole once more to make sure no one followed the idiotic man.

He laughed again.

"Stop your laughing, this is serious!" I whispered, glaring at him. Liam stood tall, his green eyes gleaming.

"Oh C'mon Nora, I was careful," He chimed with a shrug. I rolled my eyes, walking back into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he followed.

"I could be asking you the same thing."

"You already know what I'm doing here."

I grabbed the pizza, pausing and before I knew it began to sizzle, so I dropped it on the plate.

"Fire magic. Nice stuff," He replied. I stared at him. Liam has been my friend for 6 years since I was 18.

"Don't patronize me, just answer the question," I retorted, shoving the cheese triangle into my mouth.

"You do realize you shouldn't be messing around with the wolves right?"

"Of course!" I snapped, my mouth full.

"Then why the hell are you?" He replied, crossing his arms. I swallowed the food in my mouth and sat on the counter.

"Because, if I don't no one else will."

"If they find out about you, they will kill you," He said with narrowed eyes.

"Which they won't. Or maybe now they will because some idiot decided to follow me," I retorted.

He shook his head, smirking at me. A familiar warmth trickled down my body and to my toes when he smiled like that.

"I know all your tricks, I could track you any day." He replied, that shit eating smile still on his perfectly sculpted face.

"You can leave," I said, raising a brow.

"You don't want me to. Afterall we're partners in crime," He said.

"Liam I'm not going to drag you into this. This is something I have to do," I replied, setting down the pizza. Liam narrowed his eyes and slowly walked towards me. I jerked my head back, hitting it on the cupboard. Annoyed, I rubbed it while glaring at him.

"You are not doing this alone - whatever this is," he said, placing his hands on the counter near my waist.

"You remember the last time you tried this on your own?"

"Don't remind me, " I said with a bitter taste in my mouth. The last time I was on a mission, my friend was killed. She was a good person, and seeing the light fade from her eyes was a day I could only dream to forget.

His fierce green orbs locked with mine.

"What have you been up to Nora?" He asked, his breath fanning my nose. I grinned, lightly pressing my palm to his chest before he flew back on the wood floors. He landed with a thump. My laughter echoed across the rooms as he grunted a string of curse words.


Rena's POV***

Like I'd predicted, Damon got into a rage of possessiveness towards me, and fury for Danica.

"She could have been killed!" He shouted, waving his arms in the air.

"I had everything under control!" Danica screamed.

"Damon stop, it's fine!" But no matter how many times I spoke, my words were just as relevant as flies to shit. It was like I wasn't even here. Neither of them were even listening to me. My fingers twitched and my voice was hoarse from my pointless screaming.

Frazzled, I searched around the room while the two continued to fight. My eyes landed on a water bottle sitting on the coffee table. Without hesitation, I ran around the couch, picked up the bottle, and threw it.

The house became eerily silent as the bottle bounced off my mate's head. Terrified, yet finding it oddly comical, I covered my mouth with my hand, holding back a smile. Danica's wide eyes landed on me, along with Damons.

"I just, I . . ." I stuttered, feeling ansty. "I'm okay Damon and you should not be yelling at her, it wasn't her fault," I said with fake confidence. He growled at Danica, and she scurried out of the room.

"Rena, upstairs." He demanded, his voice deep and raspy. I gulped, sweat forming on my palms. I descended towards the stairs, keeping my gaze low. I could feel him watching me with intensity. I climbed up the first couple stairs and heard him thumping behind me. Oh God.

My heart raced with the speed of a quarter horse, and my stomach nearly fell out my butt as I forced my legs to go up the stairs. At the top, I paused and looked behind me. Damon's familiar pale green eyes were replaced by intimidating, dark orbs, causing a tremor to roll up my spine.

"Our room," He said. I nodded and trekked down the hallway. I stopped at the door, opening it with shaking hands. Walking in a bit, the door slammed behind me.

"You undermined me in front of a pack-member," He growled. I turned around, clutching my hands to my chest. I'd never seen this side of Damon.

[We're the only ones who can calm him down, but we must be careful. He's right about what we did] My wolf suddenly chimed in. I gulped. I was too nervous to even breathe too loud.

"I just thought-"

"You can't do that," He said, stalking towards me. I found myself backing away. His large frame seemed even bigger, and the way he stared at me made me want the ground to swallow me up.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you it wasn't her fault, it was mine, I was the one who-"

"I am your Alpha!" He shouted in my face, causing me to squeeze my eyes. My wolf began to pace around with anxst. This was his wolf talking. He was so angry.

"I know, I know!" I held my hands up in defense, trying to make him relax.

"You are my mate! Mine!" He snarled, causing me to fall back on my butt and scurry against the nightstand. He hovered over me, his eyes never leaving my shaky body.

"A-and, you are also my mate!" My comment seemed to have stunned him for a brief second. "And um, it's possible that I could be a Luna . . You're Luna! So - so you can't scream at me!" I replied, my voice thickening. His eyes widened and he seemed surprised at my choice of words. Gathering my courage, I slowly began to stand up. He lightly growled as I straightened up.

I studied his angered face. Steam was practically flying off his head and out of his ears.

"You just want to protect me, I understand." I whispered. His nostrils flared as he tried to relax.

"But you-"

As I tried to speak, he slammed by back against the wall. It didn't hurt for he put his palm in between my back and the wall. He had me cornered. I stared at him for a second longer before his eyes swirled from a mixture of green to black. He was fighting with his wolf for control.

"You won't hurt me," I whispered. If he wanted to, he most definitely had his chances. But I trusted him, despite all my efforts to push him out.

I reached my hands up to his face, cupping his cheeks.

"Hey," I whispered as he looked away from me. "Look at me. I'm right here. I'm here and I'm safe," I said. With great reluctance, he turned his face to mine, and the black of his iris began to fade into their natural pale green. I sighed, feeling relief.

"I'm here, it's okay, it's okay," I whispered in repetition. He gently closed his eyes and continued to breathe away his other side.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, keeping his eyes locked on the floor.

"I know. If we're going to talk, it's going to be and you, and a conversation."

He nodded, taking a deep breath before walking away but I tugged his arm. He stared at me with raised eyebrows, and guilt in his eyes. I lightly smiled and pulled him close to me, his lips crashing onto mine. He was hoping for more, I could tell, but it was time to talk, not make out. Though the latter sounded just as nice, I pulled away. He pouted.

"Okay, tell me exactly what happened in the woods. I won't freak out this time," He said with an embarrassed chuckle. I smiled and sat down on his bed, crossing my legs.

"I was just going for a run to let my wolf out right after the gym with Danica. I stayed inside the boarders and the deeper I got I just began to notice things were off. Next thing you know this older savage wolf just comes out of nowhere and tackles me," I explained.

"And the woman?" He asked.

"That's the foggy part. I was trying to fight him off and I saw her just crouching in the woods and all the sudden it was like . . . " I trailed off, imagining the wolf's internal pain, and small screeches and whimpers that dared to leave his tightening throat.

"Nothing pierced him? He didn't land on a stick or-"

"No! He was fine. I barely even managed to get a few scratches on him. It was like she was doing something to him."

Damon sighed and flopped backwards on the bed. I leaned on my elbow, staring at him.

"Tomorrow we'll go back to the spot where this happened. What happened to the girl and the wolf?"

"The girl disappeared, but I ran as fast as I could and forgot about him," I replied.

"Alright well that was a good decision. She didn't try to kill you?"


He rubbed his temples.

"This raises so many questions. For all we know, she could be spying on us. She could be from sunscorch. Hell, that wolf probably was." He was right, there were so many questions I now had for this woman.

"I don't know," I mumbled. He raised a brow and stared at me. I frowned for a second and laid down on my stomach. "Something about her just didn't shout "Werewolf"." I explained, thinking of the way she skulked about and kept herself hidden. When a were was under an attack of some sort they shifted immediately. Something was definitely fishy about the whole thing.

hi guuuuuuys

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