Chapter 11: A new companion

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 " ": you talking

' ': you thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

Rias: Is everyone ready ?

"Why am I here again ?"

I really can't remember when or where I agreed to participate in that dodgeball match, neither can I remember when I told the tomato I would compete in her team.

Rias: They outnumber us, so we were able to choose someone to complete our team.

Giratina: And you chose the person who hate you the most...

Rias: You really hate me ? Why ?

"I literally almost died because of you... Remember I'm only here to hit Saji in the face."

Everyone was currently preparing for the match, mostly doing stretches.

Issei: Man, I really am the worst when it come to sport.

"Tell me something I don't already know, Issei. You should take example on Asia, she's doing her best."

Meanwhile, Akeno was helping Asia to stretch.

Akeno: Come on, you can do a little better than that.

Asia: I... I can't ! My legs are on fire !

"Akeno, remember she's still a human, unlike you. You should go a little easy on her."

Akeno: I though she was training ?

"She is, but mostly in magic for now..."

I wanted to go on, but the sight of a lecherous smile, plastered on Issei's face, looking at both of them, made me reconsider my priorities.

Thankfully, Koneko was right behind him, and we shared the same disgusted look. I only had to slightly nod to her, and she pushed Issei's back a little farther down, just enough for a sickened *SNAP* to be heard.

Koneko: Keep your guard up, pervert.

At that moment, the student council entered the field, already in their gym clothes, and even if he was all patched up, Saji had clear sign of his beating.

Sona: Rias, have you decided who's gonna join you ?

Rias: Yes, Asia and Y/n will be the ones to join us.

Hearing that, Saji paled, and froze stiff looking at me, as I was calmly hefting the ball, and asking myself where I could aim to maximize his pain.

Sona: Very well, we'll soon start the match, so you should take your spots.

We were about to start, but Issei apparently wanted to tell us something.

Issei: Everyone, I wanted to give you all something.

He handed us headbands, and by the looks of it, they were actually handmade.

Rias: You made them yourself, Issei ?

Issei: Yes, I spend the whole night to finish them, I thought it would raise our team spirit.

All of a sudden, I put my hand on his forehead, confusing everyone.

Kiba: ... Y/n... What are you...?

"He just used his brain to make something that is not perverted, so I'm checking if he has fever."

Soon enough, the match started, and as expected, they started using magic from the very beginning.

The first notable event of the match was Koneko getting eliminated on the first shot, with the ball grazing her, slightly ripping her shirt. Issei, of course, made a perverted comment, but a nice set of two new bumps, courtesy of Koneko and I, made him shut his mouth.

Koneko: I needed a drink anyway.

From now on, the match was rather normal, minus the magic. They were some eliminations on both sides. That was until Sona threw a magic-infused ball, and it started to follow me, changing directions as I was running around the field.

"Trying to take out the main threat already, Sona ?"

Sona: It's no use, Y/n, it'll follow you no matter what. If you're out of the game, we have a chance to win.

I continued to run, jump and fly around, and got an idea. I landed in front of Issei, with the ball right behind me.

"Issei, I have a job for you."

Issei: What is it ?

Instead of answering, I used Double Team to get behind him, and as the afterimage dissipated, he could see the ball.

"Be my meat-shield."

He tried to protest, but the ball shut him up, by hitting him in the *CENSORED*.


After that little "incident" we were forced to stop the match for a little while.

"Sona, were you aiming for that place from the beginning ?"

Sona: N... Not really, I was only aiming for you in general. Issei was just unlucky.

Said pervert was currently writhing in pain on the ground, holding his crotch.

Asia: Tell me where it hurt, I will heal you.

"Just give him some painkiller and he'll be fine."

Asia: I want to help him.

And so everyone tried to not laugh while Asia was healing Issei's nuts, but he was still eliminated.

Rias: Come on everyone, we have to win, for Issei's masculinity

Akeno: For his man bits

Kiba: For his sack

Koneko: For his one-eyed snake.

"For his potential children that I will probably have to raise myself."

Giratina: For his dignity as a man... Just kidding, he doesn't have any.

Issei: Come on, guys !!

And so the second half of the match started, with Koneko replacing Asia, who had to heal Issei.

"Now, I guess it's time for someone to get out of here." I said, fixing Saji in particular.

Under his extremely scared eyes, I started to cover the ball in great amount of purple aura, promising him one hell of pain.

"Don't worry Saji, I'm not gonna throw that ball at you."

He breathed a sigh of relief, but it soon turned into a shriek of terror when I gave the ball to Koneko.

"She will throw it."

He tried to run away, but it was proved to be completely futile. When Koneko threw the ball, it broke the sound barrier, and went straight for his own nuts. However, it didn't just bounce off after the hit, the force kept pushing him back, until he hit the wall.

"I feel WAY better now, so much better that I might even spare you all."

Sona: R... Really ?

"Ha ha ha... Oh no, you're all thoroughly screwed."

I made all the balls in the room gather above me, and carefully aimed so no one could dodge.

"Readyyyyy, aiiiiim... Annd fire-"


"I... What ?"

Sona: We clearly don't stand a chance against you, at least like that, we'll stay alive.

"Very well... I guess that mean we won... Somehow."

A little while later:

While the student council had to carry what was left off Saji out of the gym, Rias started to praise us.

Rias: Good job everyone, especially to you Y/n. Tell me you weren't really gonna kill them, right ?

"Of course no, but what happen once they're out of the gym is not my problem. Also, you should really stop to order me around like that, I'm not one of your servants.

Rias: Anyway, we should get ready. We'll head for the familiar forest soon.

The trio of fallen angels wasn't exactly comfortable about going back to the underworld after what happened here, so the only ones who accompanied Tomato and company were me and Asia.

Rias: now that everyone's here, let's go.

We entered the magic circle, and ended up in a desolate forest, full of dead trees, with red sky above us.

"Well, I've seen more welcoming places."

Issei: Where are we ?

"Issei, do you even think before opening your mouth ? Where were we heading for in the first place ?"

Rias: We're in the familiar forest Issei.

Asia: This place is scary.

"Kinda. A little too much red for me but other than that..."

Akeno: And it's a full moon, it's our better chance to see him.

"See who ?"

???: Who's asking for me ?!

My questions were almost immediately answered when someone jumped off a branch above us.

Touji: What's cracking guys ? I'm the familiar master, A.K.A. the Touji. And I'll hit the first one who say "jelly-filled doughnuts". Seriously, why does everyone keeps telling me that ?

'Maybe if you didn't looked like Ash who suddenly started to age, they wouldn't say that?'

Touji: Anyway, what kind of familiar are you seeking ? A strong one, a fast one, or one that can breath fire ?

Issei: Do you have one with really big tiddies, and who really like nerdy white boys ?

This time, he crashed on a tree after I kicked him away.

Touji: That's why I hate newbies, they don't understand. Familiars are meant to be your loyal companions through battles, not some toys you use like you want.

'This guy just earned my respect.'

Asia: Do you have a cute one, and that is funny to be around ?

Touji: Funny and cute ? Consider it done.

We all started to follow him, after Issei got out of his tree, and the path led us to a clear lake.

Touji: They're sprites at the bottom of this lake. If we're lucky, maybe one of them will appear.

Right in cue, bubbles started to form at the surface of the water, as something was apparently gonna rise from the surface

I was legitimately curious about that, but some pervert beside me had other ideas.

Issei: Oh yes ! Sprites are sexy, right ? I'm sure she'll appear with a long dress and soaking hair, and them she'll pull me underwater and we'll make lots of soggy, sweet love.

"Issei, if another word like that exit your mouth, I'll drown you in this lake myself."

He shut his mouth, and the sprite finally emerged. But it wasn't really what Issei was expecting...

Issei froze stiff, while I was rolling on the ground laughing my ass off.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! S... So Issei, still want to make lots of "sweet, soggy love" to it ?"

Asia: You know, even if it was tough on the outside, I can tell it's in fact really nice.

Issei: Are you kidding me ?! That thing has pecs the size of my head !

Touji: You know, that "he" was a "she".

At that moment, Issei's entire universe crumbled, while I was desperately trying to breath after a good 5 minutes of wheezing uncontrollably.

"Haha ha... Ha... Oh boy, I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard."

My train of thoughts was interrupted when I heard something... Even if I'm not sure. Did I heard it, or did I felt it...? It sounded like it was coming from every directions, and at the same time from within me, like my very being was being asked to come over, to follow its call.

(just the sound)

"Did you guys hear that ?"

Issei: Heard what ? The sound of you laughing to my misery ?

"No, something else..."

"I need to go. And Issei, if anything happen to Asia while I'm gone, I'll murder you."

I left in a hurry trying to determine where that sound came from.

Issei: What the hell is wrong with him ? Now he's even hearing imaginative voices.

And so he took a shadow ball in the head. Should've waited a little longer to trash talk.

Touji: That remind me, what are two humans doing here ?

Rias: They helped us winning the right to be here, so they're accompanying us.


I'm getting closer, I can feel it. Whatever emitted that call must be nearby.

Tumbling into a clearing, I looked up, wondering if I finally found what I was looking for. My gaze and questions were answered when what I presumed was the one who led me here appeared above me.

"Are you the one who called me ?"

It didn't responded, but at least it nodded its head.

"If that's the case, who are you ? And what do you want ?"

Once again, no response was given, and it even started to leave.

Giratina: Mew ! Wait a second !

Hearing this call, that "mew" thing stopped on its tracks, and approached me, more precisely it examined the tendrils on my back.

Mew: It can't be...

(Imagine an androgynous and monotone voice please.)

before I could react, everything got blurry, and I was thrown into a nearby tree.

"Alright, WHAT.WAS.THAT ?!!"

I got a response, but not the response I was expecting. I expected an explanation, not a shadow ball to the face.

Thankfully, I managed to block it using my wings, but when the smoke dissipated, I saw my opponent coated in a pinkish aura, apparently extremely mad for some reason.

"I don't know why you're attacking me, but if it's a fight you want..."

I released my own power, creating the dark purple aura around me.

"... Then it's a fight you'll get."

We flew at each other, once we made contact, the entire area around us exploded, sending trees and rocks everywhere.

3rd person POV:

Rias: Issei, I will not say it twice, you can't take that slime as your familiar, it'll only bring shame to your name.

Issei: I don't care ! I already chose it and I'll use it to strip all the girls I come across !! Isn't that right slimy ?!

Issei was currently on the ground, desperately trying to prevent Rias from destroying what was left of the slime that attacked them.

She was about to do so, but stopped when everyone heard the huge explosion coming from behind a hill quite far away.

From the smoke emerged two figures, coated in bright purple and pink aura, clashing together in the sky at unbelievable speeds.

Everyone was left speechless by the display of power, but the Touji was at a loss of words, but not at what was happening, more like at WHO was fighting.

Back to you:

I may be giving it my best, but that thing is no pushover. After the explosion, I tried to rush it, but none of my attacks landed, and even if the same could be said about it, it wasn't really a good new.

"So, are you finally decided to tell me why you're attacking me, or do you need more ?!"

Mew: I have nothing to say to a thief like you !! Now prepare yourself !

"Looks like we can't find a peaceful ending to this, very well."

We both decided to end it now, by putting everything into a single attack.

Y/n/Mew: HYPER BEAM !!!

We both fired, and the two beams hit each other in the middle, sending everything that was around us flying, including us.

We took the recoil of our attacks, and crashed on the ground. And about the direct consequences of our fight... Let's just say the sprites now have a second lake to live in.

Rias: That was... Y/n, right ? But who is the other one ?

Touji: T...That's the guardian of the familiar forest. It is said it was given its task by the gods themselves. We call it "Mew".

Issei: "Mew" ? Doesn't sound so dangerous to me.

Touji: Be glad you're not the one fighting it, it have the strength to stand against ultimate-class devils. And I don't know who's fighting it right now, but it's the first time Mew's equally matched in power.

Back to us we were slowly getting back up, both completely exhausted by the last attack.

"S... Still not willing to talk ? 'Cause I'm pretty sure it'll not end well for any of us if we continue like that."

Mew: I... It doesn't mater, I'll still destroy you. And I'll take back what you stole !

"Hey, I didn't stole anything ! I don't know what you're talking about !

Mew: Don't play dumb !! I don't know how you managed to, but you stole Giratina's powers !!


Giratina: ...

Mew: So ?! You've got nothing to say now, huh ? You filthy thief !!

Now, much to its extreme confusion, the one who became its mortal enemy for the last few minutes, and who even went toe to toe with it... Started to laugh uncontrollably.

Mew: H... Heh ?! What's so funny ?!!

"YOU are funny ! You seriously though a mere human like me could've stole the power of a dragon god like that ?"

Giratina: Even after all these years, you haven't changed a bit, heh Mew ?

Mew: Y... You mean... You're not actually mimicking his voice to trick me ? He really is... Still alive ?

At that moment, it started to burst into tears, and tackled me to the ground, its tears staining my shirt.

Mew: I'm so sorry !! I didn't knew he got reincarnated !

"It's alright, but next time, you should try to talk before attacking so recklessly."

After a few explanations, it calmed down.

Mew: So, what you're telling me is, Giratina lost his physical body in order to leave the Distortion Realm ?

Giratina: That's right, And I'm glad I came across Y/n at that moment, or else we would both be dead now.

Mew: Once again, I'm sorry. It's been so long since I heard about you, some people even told me you died in the holy war.

Giratina: Please, you should know better about me.

"That's a really touching meeting, but we have things to do now. I would like to find a familiar."

Mew: How about me ? You already proved yourself to be worthy of Giratina's powers, it's more than enough to convince me.

"I see no problem about that, how about you Giratina ?"

Giratina: You couldn't dream of a better companion. You know, she was the first one to train me when I was young.

"Very well, but how do I make the contract ?"

Mew: There's no need for a contract. Once the familiar and the master agreed to help and support each other, their partnership has already begun. The "contract" is only used to make sure the familiar can't disobey it's master.

"And let me guess, it was first created by the devils and the fallen ones ?"

Mew: Exactly.

"Why am I not surprised..."

I suddenly got tackled from behind by Asia, who apparently rushed in the crater as soon as the fight stopped to check on me.

Asia: Y/n !! I saw everything from afar, are you alright ? Are you hurt ?!

"Asia, I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me."

That's when I noticed the state her clothes were on.

"Asia, what happened to you ?"

Asia: Oh that ? It's nothing, it's just Issei who-.

This time, I didn't even gave her enough time to finish, and sent the pervert crash into a nearby mountain by punching him in the gut.

"I told you this would happen Issei."

Asia: Please wait ! It wasn't Issei who did that to me ! It was a slime that attacked us !

"... You are extremely lucky Issei, remember this."

Mew: Why did you hit him ?

"Because he's the biggest pervert to ever exist."

Asia: Y/n, who is that ?

"Ah yes. Asia, this is Mew, my familiar from now on. Mew, this is Asia, and I think you'll probably be roommates now."

Rias: M-Mew ?!

Touji: Y-You managed to tame the forest's guardian ?! How ?! Countless high-ranked devils tried to take it as their familiar, but couldn't even catch sight of it, and you, a human, managed not only to find it, but also went toe-to-toe with it ! Just who are you ?!

"Alright, first of all, I didn't 'tamed' it, we accepted each other as partners."

Giratina: Second, she's the one who called him, to test his strength.

"And third, this doesn't concern you."

We prepared to leave, with mew now resting on top of my head, but a small dragon appeared and landed on Asia's shoulder.

Turns out she managed to takes it as her familiar after the attack of the slime, and so we exited (more like got kicked out) the familiar forest. We reappeared in the clubroom, and Issei was complaining, for a change.

Issei: Come on ! We came there to get me a familiar, how could it be that I'm the only one who didn't get one ?!

"Maybe if FOR ONCE you could focus on your job and not on boobs, you could actually achieve something."

Rias: I wonder if Issei would be considered worthy to have Mew as his familiar. He is the red dragon emperor after all.

Giratina: That wouldn't work, he clearly wouldn't be strong enough to withstand her test, dragon emperor or not.

"Why do you keep referring as 'her' ?"

Giratina: That's right, you don't know. Mew, if you would...

Mew: Very well.

She started to glow a bright pink light, and when it died down, the "she" became way more obvious.

Giratina: Everyone, I present you Mew, guardian of the familiar forest, and the one who taught me to use my powers in the first place.

Everyone, including me, was honestly surprised by the change, except for:

Issei: Not only a super-Powerful familiar, but it's also a cute girl !! Why does the cool stuff always happens to you ?!

He said all of that while eyeing her in a "nasty" way, earning a disgusted look from most of us.

Mew: He really remind me of Ddraig... Can I hit him ?

"Help yourself."

And so Issei went through the window, with a fist imprint on his face.

'I guess some things never changes...'

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