Chapter 18: New archenemies

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

We finally landed all near the school, and as soon as we did, Sona and Tomato (That I only reluctantly picked up due to Koneko and Kiba insistence) immediately starting giving orders. So while Sona and her peerage would set and maintain a barrier around the school, which Saji was really happy with, since he wasn't in the first line, the rest of us would hold them back, until backup arrives.

"Alright everyone, keeps your guard up, they surely know about our presence, and they could attack us anytime now-"

Like it was answering me, a rain of light spears took us by surprise, forcing us to randomly jump away, separating us.

???: My, my, my... Look at what we got here...

Sitting on a flying throne way above the trees, looking down at us with a spear in hand, five sets of black-feathered wings attached to his back, here he was...

"I wasn't expecting to find you so quickly... Kokabiel."

Kokabiel: Oh ? My reputation preceded me, it would seem. You must be the one Freed told me about.

"So, he landed already ? or did you just caught him flying around ?"

Kokabiel: And a funny one with that ! Seriously, if you weren't on these devil's side, I would ask you to join me !

"I probably wouldn't have accepted anyway. And for your information, I may be against you, but I'm on no one side, except mine."

Kokabiel: Oh well, doesn't really matter anymore; But I must say, I was prepared to fight little Gremory and her group, I never expected that many reinforcements. Devils... Holy swords wielders... Even fallen ones... Is that Mew, the familiar forest's guardian ? Holy hell, that's quite the team you have here !

Rias: That's right, Kokabiel ! We're here to defeat you once and for all, so you'd best prepare yourself for your coming demise !!

"Rias, do the world a favor and shut up !"

Kokabiel: You, defeating me ? HAHAHAHAHAHA That's a really good one ! I haven't laugh like that for a while !! Little girl, why don't you just sit back and wait for big bro to show up ? That's all you can do, after all ! But before that...

"yeah, you better call out your lackeys now, you'll need them soon."

???: My, we are discovered already ? This is surprising.

Freed: That brat always like to mess up with other one's stuff.

"When it implies a war that could kill millions of innocents people, I'm pretty much concerned."

???: What you two know each other ? have you already met ?

Freed: More than just met, he's the one who wiped out the entirety of our plan.

???: I see, he must be something else... I can feel a great power emanating from him. My lord, if it's possible, I would like to take him back alive, for my research.

Kokabiel: Do as you wish, Valper.

Irina: Wait, Valper ? As in, Valper Galilei ?!

Valper: The one and only, little girl.

Issei: Alright, I'm confused, who's that one exactly ?

Xenovia: That's... Valper Galilei, an ancient Archbishop from the Ortodox church. He was on charge of the holy swords research, but was recently excommunicated.

Most of us were surprised, some of us angry, but Kiba was literally out of him, shaking with pure rage, and soon he lunged forward, only to be blocked by Freed.

Freed: I can't let you attack him, especially since my new toy isn't ready yet !

Kiba: New toy... Are you talking about the Excalibur ?!

Valper: You... I recognize you. You were once part of the failed holy sword project. I never knew one of our subjects escaped.

"Subjects ? Holy swords projects ? I'm lost right now."

Kiba: The church... It was desperately looking for people able to wield the Excalibur, so in order to grow their numbers... That monster kidnapped promising kids, and used them as lab rats !! Out of all of them, I was the only survivor ! Since the day I managed to escape, I promised over my friend's graves, that I would find all the Excalibur, and destroy them all !!

Valper: That old story. It really brings back memories, after all, all scientists once had failed experiments. Isn't that right, my dear Cyrus ?

From behind, another figure stepped out of the treeline.

Cyrus: I already told you to stop calling me that, Valper.

Valper: Oh yes, that's true, you go with 'Helio' now. Still you should be grateful; remember who was the one who removed you from your prison.

Helio: ...

This time, it was my turn to rush forward, much to everyone surprise, including mine.

Issei: Y/n, what the hell are you doing ?!

"If only I knew ! My body moved on it's own ! I don't know what's happening !!"

Helio: That power... Why does it feels familiar ?

Giratina: You won't have time to worry about that, you'll be dead before you know it, Cyrus !!! You won't get away with a simple banishment this time !!!

"Alright, what the heck ?!"

Helio: That voice... The pressure... 'A simple banishment'...

I managed to get a hold of myself and jumped back, but my wings and aura had other plans, trying by all means to attack.

"Giratina, whatever you're doing, stop it right now !"

Giratina: You don't understand... That man... His simple sight wants me to tear him apart for what he's done !!

Helio: Giratina... So the rumors were right. He... he he... he he he HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! I'M REALLY LUCKY !! THE DRAGON GOD OF CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION TRULY IS BACK !!! Valper, I know you want the boy alive, but you don't mind if there's a little bit of damage, right ?!

Giratina: It was a very long time ago... In fact, so long ago that even I barely remember it. He wanted to change the world, a world he judged 'Incomplete' and 'Imperfect'. To do so, he founded a baleful organization, 'Team Galaxy'.

Helio: Aaah, the good old days. There were really a bunch of idiots, thinking there was a place for them in MY new universe.

Giratina: For reaching his goal, he needed power... And that power, he obtained it by the most gruesome way ! He captured, enslaved and tortured the spirit trio, until he got it !!

"The spirit trio... You don't mean..."

Helio: Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf ? But that's exactly what he meant ! It was ridiculously easy to catch them all, once we got one, the other two immediately showed up to save her, flying right into our nets !

Giratina: That power he extracted, he used it to summon Dialga and Palkia, and restrained them, forcing them to destroy that world for him to create his 'New, perfect own universe' !

Helio: Come on, you were about to narrate the best part of the story. The one when you showed up and reduced all my dreams to ashes in seconds. Without your intervention, I would've succeeded !!!

"You don't really need to tell me more. Guys, I hope you're ready to fight, 'cause that one is mine."

Helio: he he... fate really is something, right ? After all this time, you still stand before me, once again trying to destroy all I worked so hard for !

"You manipulated your men into doing the dirty deeds in your place ! They trusted you with all their minds !"

Helio: And that's exactly what disgusted me. The human mind is weak and disgusting, that's why I wanted to wipe it all."

Giratina: I'm curious though, How could you escape the Distortion realm ?

Helio: the answer sits above you all ! Kokabiel found my researches, and used them to reopen the portal you used to banish me away !

"Alright, so he'll be down right after you, it won't take long !"

'Without going Balance Breaker, what are my chances against him ?'

Giratina: 'Extremely high. He don't have powers or special traits, but he's awfully calm about that. He must have something up his sleeve, be careful.'

Helio: I see... You're not really him, are you ? I wondered why he suddenly disappeared from the Distortion Realm, I now have my answer. But why aren't you attacking me already ? I though you wanted to tear me apart ?

"Don't play that game. I don't know what yet, but you have something planned. Someone who once was able to capture gods would never just let himself open like that."

Helio: You got me... But sadly, it's already too late for you. You walked into my trap the moment you decided to take part in this battle. This whole time, since I was freed, I was preparing myself for the moment I could get my revenge !

Giratina: 'We'd better blow him up quick, before he can use whatever he planned.'

"Roger that. Dragon pulse !"

The familiar energy erupted from my hands, but completely missed its target. Not because it was deflected or because he dodged, but it was my arm itself that was thrown to the side the instant I launched the attack.

"What the... I-I can't move my arm !!"

Helio: You're strong, I can see he trained you well. Judging by the level of synchronization, the souls fusing process must be quite advanced already. But it's exactly what will led you to your doom.

Soon, what only concerned my arm extended to all of my body, as I could now observe what was restraining my movements.

Giratina: is that... ?

Helio: The Red Chain ? You certainly are correct. In case you forgot, it is a special tool, created with the sole purpose to tame the gods. Although this is not the original one, just a replication, it's more than enough for a weakened, trapped god such as yourself.

"A tool... To fight the gods ?"

Helio: He he... Even the greats Dialga and Palkia were proved powerless to break free of it !

"Really amusing indeed. If it's true, then I should have no trouble to get out of it."

Helio: Don't be ridiculous, how could you possibly...

"Exactly because of what you said, if it's made so gods can't escape it... THEN I JUST FOUND MY WAY OUT !!"

There was a blinding purple light, and once it died down, I was nowhere to see. The only thing that was left was the chain, cut to shreds.

Helio: Where... How...

"Let me answer your questions one at a time. First, right behind you, and second, I'm sure you'd like to know."

I was right behind him, perfectly fine, completely free from my restraints. The only differences were the absence of my wings, or even of any traces they were here, and the scythe that was resting on my shoulder.

Helio: How... HOW ?! How could you escape that easily ?! Even at full power, Giratina would have trouble doing so !!

"The biggest strength of that thing, it's also its weakness. It was specifically made for taming gods, and only gods."

"So, if the trapped being was something else, like a human, it wouldn't be really effective, don't you think ?"

Helio: This... This shouldn't be possible !! You separated your soul from Giratina's to get away ?!

"Don't get me wrong, it was hurting like hell, and it still does, but now I'm out of your net, and ready to beat you down ! If you really want to know, I didn't just threw his soul away, I condensed it in order to form this. It should look familiar to you."

Helio: T... The scythe of Chaos... but how ?!

"I'm an hybrid, as you said. But unlike many think, being an hybrid doesn't actually mean I'm nether a human, nor a dragon god. It only mean I'm both, and now it's your turn to go back to the place you should've stayed in !!"

The blade glowed an ominous light, and soon, a rift through the very fabric of reality was formed, sucking Helio in, and closing itself afterward.

"We should probably destroy his researches once we're done here. If it allowed Kokabiel to open a portal to the Distortion realm and recreate the Red Chain, I'm scared to see what else it could do."

Giratina (In the scythe): But why didn't you killed him ? After what he's done...

"You should already know that I don't like to kill my enemies. Besides, I figured KFC back there would enjoy some company."

Giratina: Heh, true... Now let's see how the others are doing.

So, here are the votes so far:

-RWBY: 12

-BNHA: 4

-Fairy tail: 10

Also, since some of you may have misunderstood, when i said next book, I meant the sequel of THIS book, with the same character and all.

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