Chapter 22: Disrupted meeting

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

Sirzechs: Since everyone seems to be here, I propose that we begin this meeting.

The representatives of the three faction, and their escorts were around the table, ready to discuss peace, and anyone who was could guess this was serious matter.

The devils were represented by Serafall and Sirzechs, accompanied by his wife standing behind him, the fallen ones were by Azazel, his bodyguard Vali right beside him, Michael being the only representative of the angel faction. And in the middle of the table, there was the entirety of the Arceus family, including me, here as arbitrators.

At a moment, someone knocked at the door, and Sona and tomato entered, followed by their entire peerage, standing by the wall behind their respective brother and sister.

Everyone was really stressed out, while Vali and me were basically having a staring contest across the table.

Michael: Before we begin, I would like to personally and officially thanks the devil faction for fighting and stopping Kokabiel.

Sirzechs: If you want to thank someone, you should thank the host of Giratina, as he is the one who killed Kokabiel.

Azazel: About that, I humbly apologize for what he did, he was completely out of control.

"At least, we now have the insurance that he'll never try that sort of things again. That being said, could we start the meeting ?"

Michael: Of course, but just before that, I do hope you remember...

"Of course I do. Once this meeting is over and the peace treaty is signed, I'll give you back the 6 Excalibur I retrieved from that battle."

Outside the academy, there were armies of angels, fallen ones and devils on standby in case any unexpected event occur.

Rias: The rest of the details regarding the whole Kokabiel incident can be found in the report I gave you.

Sona: As an eyewitness, I can ensure you this is what really happened.

Behind the two of them, a magic screen displaying Kokabiel's obliteration by my hands was being put away.

'Huh, didn't knew I dealt that much damage to the school grounds...'

Sirzechs: Thank you, both of you, that will be all. Maybe the leader of the fallen ones as something to say in that mater ?

Azazel: Kokabiel went rogue and did all of this on his own, so I believe my thoughts in this are irrelevant.

He has a way too much laid-back and lazy attitude about all of this...

Michael: So you're saying that he could do all of this without you noticing ?

Azazel: I never gave him permission, if that's what you want to hear. If that idiot knew I was in this town this whole time, I believe he wouldn't have tried to fool around this much. I've started to take a liking of this town.

"Could we stay in topic please ?"

Azazel: I sent the white dragon emperor to deal with him, but by the time he got here, Kokabiel was already a pile of dust at the bottom of a crater.

Michael: Dead or not, what trouble me is his motivation, it seems like the current status quo wasn't really of his liking.

Azazel: Indeed, he was extremely angry after I decided to pull back my forces in the last war. I'm not really interested in fighting anymore.

"Once again, the topic, please."

Azazel: Spare me the chit-chat, let's make peace and be done with it.

'Wow, didn't expected this... In a way, that make thing way easier, but it's suspicious... It feels like he's really eager for this to end...'

Sirzechs: Well that was my attempt in the first place.

Michael: I as well agree in that matter. The faster the treaty is approved by us, the better it is.

While they were talking, I startled everyone by suddenly standing up and going straight for the window, gazing at the old school building.

Sirzechs: is there a problem Y/n ?

"We've got some visitors. I don't know who, but someone opened a transportation circle in the clubroom."

Sirzechs: You seem awfully relaxed about that, we could be under attack right now.

"it's okay, I put Mew on standby in case anything happens. Could you please move slightly to your left ?"

He did, a barely a few seconds later, a few people dressed as magicians came crashing through the very window I was beside, landing on the wall right behind where Sirzechs was previously.

Soon they were followed by Mew teleporting in the room with Koneko and... A shivering box ?

"i don't know who these guys are, or even why this box seems so important to them, but let's not worry about this for now and continue the meeting."

Sirzechs: This may be something really important, we can't just ignore...

"Isn't that exactly why you brought your soldiers here ? So you don't have to worry about that kind of things ?"

Sirzechs: ... True.

"So let's sign this treaty once and for all, shall we ?"

Michael: Very well. With god and the four original satans gone, all of our forces has been depleted to a point where a war would inevitably bring the three factions to their end.

Azazel: Even considering that, there are three people left, with the power to completely turn the tables if they want, being the white dragon emperor, the host of Giratina, and the ex-red dragon emperor.

Serafall: Ex ?

Azazel: yes, Ddraig's soul was taken away from him by the host of Giratina after he tried to murder him. But I would still like to hear they thoughts about that.

Vali: What I want is to fight really strong opponents, I believe Giratina's host could give me some thrilling duel.

Azazel: You know you don't need a war to fight strong opponents.

Vali: I guess you're right...

"About me, I'll be painfully blunt. Peace or war, I don't really care as long as you keep it amongst yourselves, but I want you to know. If war is the way you choose, as soon as an innocent life is dragged away by your mess... I'll wipe out the entirety of the three factions myself, to personally make sure it never happens again.

Everyone gulped done at that statement, taking my threatening tone extremely seriously, with the notable exception of Vali, whose smirk just grew larger hearing that.

Azazel: An expected answer, but a noble one nonetheless. What about you ex-red dragon emperor ?

Issei: I... Don't really know ? I was never good with speeches and all...

Azazel: Let me give you a hint. If we go to war, you'll never be able to have your way with Rias Gremory. But if we make peace, you can focus on repopulating the devil's race with her.

Issei: Yes !! I want peace so I can do Rias !!

Everyone was either facepalming or blushing about that, until a purple mist started to spread, the air around the table getting heavier with each passing second.

"Stop giving him ideas, or I might start with you if I decide to wipe out the scum from that world."

Azazel: O-Okay, nevermind...

"Good. Now that we all came to an agreement, it's time we ask ourselves who are those magicians guys and what do they want. What's in that box that is so important to them ?"

Rias: That would be my second bishop, Gasper Vladi... I suppose they wanted to use his powers to attack us. His sacred gear allows him to stop time.

Dialga: Yeah, good luck with that.

"Anyway, we should get ready, now that their first attempt failed, it shouldn't be long before..."

An orange magic circle appeared on the ground, as the sound a battle was becoming louder and louder outside.

"... They attack us directly. Called it."

Sirzechs: That power... it can't be...

From the circle emerged a woman, wielding a staff and reeking of evil energy and intents.

Sirzechs: Katerea Leviathan... I wasn't expecting you here, what do you want by attacking us ?

Katerea: isn't it obvious ? I'm here to bring chaos and destruction.

"Hey, that's MY domain !"

Katerea: ... What ?

"Bringing chaos and destruction is my job. Now get out."

Katerea: You must be the dragon god emperor they warned me about... how about you join our group instead of these feeble factions, to rule the world.

I looked at her with a straight face, summoned my still-Excalibur-empowered scythe and threw it at her, literally cutting her in half and melting the rest.

"They never learn... now could someone explain who was she and why she was attacking us ?"

Sirzechs: She is... Well she WAS the leader of the Old satans faction. After the four original ones died in the war, the devil faction started to split apart. The descendants of the original satans wanted to continue the war no matter what, we wanted it to stop, so they decided to create a rebellious group amongst us, calling themselves the Old satans faction.

"The real question here is 'Who are those people fighting outside ?' 'Cause I don't think they're devils."

Azazel: They would most likely be part of the Khaos brigade...

"The... Khaos... brigade ? Who are they, and how do you know about them ?"

Azazel: It goes back at the time where I started collecting data about sacred gears for my researches, I heard about a mysterious faction seeking nothing but our destruction.

"So you knew all along about them and decided to not tell anyone because..."

Azazel: I knew about them, true, but I didn't expected them to show here and now. As for why I haven't told anyone, I was just careful of the potential spies within our factions. I couldn't take the risk of spreading this rumor.

He abandoned his lazy smile and took a serious expression upon those revelations, reinforcing my feeling he was telling the truth.

"So, do you know exactly who they are ?"

Azazel: As I said, they call themselves the Khaos brigade. According to my information, they gather rogues from almost every factions; Devils, fallen ones, angels and even humans, as long as they're willing to start a revolution and destroy everything in their path.

"Do you know who is leading them ?"

Azazel: It is only speculations for now, but I believe they're led by none other than Ophis.

Ddraig: [O-O-Ophis ?! Like, THE Ophis ?!]

"You know who this is ?"

Ddraig: [Ophis... Is probably one of the most powerful being that ever existed. She is more known as the Ouroboros dragon... Or the dragon god of infinity...]

"Dragon god... you mean, like..."

Ddraig: [Exactly. She is the same category of being as Giratina, and it is said they were equally matched in power, before he got banned.]

"is that really true ?"

Giratina: Never ever mention her name again. It brings back really unpleasant memories.

"Really ? What happened-"

Giratina: I'm not talking about this and I never will.

"Oh well, suits yourself. Now we should fight these guys and then sign the treaty."

I went for flying out the room to fight those magicians, but the moment I stepped out, I was shot down by a white beam, revealing Vali flying higher in the air.

"Hey, listen here Vali, I know you're eager to fight me, but could this at least wait until we end this meeting ?"

Vali: Sorry, but things were starting to look way more interesting from this side. And now that you've discovered the boss true identity, I'm afraid I can't let you just go.

"The boss ? So does that mean you're..."

Vali: Oh right, I should fully introduce myself first. Vali Lucifer, last descendant of the original Lucifer, pleased to make your acquaintance.

To proves him right, a pair of devils wings sprouted from his back.

"That's funny. While Azazel was so afraid of potential spies, he literally hired of the enemies top fighters as his personal bodyguard... How stupid is he really ?"

Vali: Quite much. He doesn't really notice anything that happen under his nose, unless it involves Sacred gears, or maybe perverted things..."

Back in the room, the leader of the fallen ones felt back-stabbed for some reason.

"Does that mean you're here to disrupt this meeting as well ?"

Vali: Not really. What I said back there was true, I only seek strong opponents, and joining the Khaos brigade was for me a way to do so.

Sirzechs: I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later...

Azazel: Which part ? Vali being a traitor, or Vali challenging him while we're under attack ?

Michael: Whether it is, maybe we'll finally get to see the full extent of his powers...

Sirzechs: I doubt it. That scythe he used sooner to get rid of Katerea, it emitted extremely highly concentrated holy power. I believe he obtained it by fusing the 6 Excalibur he had with his own scythe in order to obtain it.

Michael: And since Vali is at least part devil...

Vali: I see, so this is like some sort of ultimate weapon to fight devils. It would indeed grant you an overwhelming advantage in this duel.

"... I won't need this anyway."

under many pairs of confused eyes, I defused the scythe and the sword, throwing the last one toward the three leaders.

"I promised it, and I'm a man of my word. We all agreed for peace, so this is going back to the church."

Vali: Are you sure ? You just made your victory less than certain here.

"Listen here Vali. I'll defeat you using my own power, not just some weapons that doesn't even belong to me in the first place."

Vali: Very honorable of you indeed, but that was your first mistake and last mistake ! With that duel, I'll be able to prove that the student finally overcome the master, and that-


Vali: Origin what- AAAAAGHHH !!

Before he could finish I had already appeared in front of him, punching him across the face and sending him crashing on a school building a little below.

Vali: This... Proves... Nothing... !

"Are you okay in there ?"

Vali: Yes ! I'm fan-Fu**ing-tastic !! I just discovered a secret vault of gumdrops and ice cream here !

"Wait really ? Can I see it ?"

Vali: I hope it's sarcasm, 'cause I'm already surrounded by idiots.

"I thought you were surrounded by gumdrops and ice cream..."

Vali: *Screaming intensely*

"Hey guys, while I keep him at bay, you mind dealing with the soldiers up there ?"


"Wow, I think I upset him..."

Vali: I'm so going to kill you now !!

Albion: <Vali, it won't do, even with your own balance breaker, it won't be enough. The Divine Dividing can't affect him.>

Vali: It only mean I have to go even beyond !!

"I think he's preparing something..."

Vali: Exactly !! now drown in despair, as I reveal my giant dragon... Form !!

Random soldier: Thank god I though he meant p**is !

(A/n: I thought it looked good, so I included it, but here is the real chant.)

Vali: I, who is about to awaken,

Am the heavenly dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God.

I envy the "Infinite" and I pursue the "Dream".

I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy,

and I shall take you to the limits of White Paradise !!


The instant he chanted these words, his armor grew several times in size, starting to looks way more like a dragon, a snow white, kinda cybernetic-looking dragon, covered in blue crystals.

"He's getting huge... That' means he should mainly get stronger, and that he shouldn't be as fast as before-"

He brought his clawed arm down at me at neck-breaking speed, barely giving me time to dodge.

"Gah !! He got even faster !! Things are getting out of control here !!"

Ddraig: [You have no idea. Juggernaut drive break through all the seals on a dragon's soul, allowing it to release the dragon's full power. there's no way a simple balance breaker can win against that, even from a dragon god !]

Giratina: I agree, no matter how much we think about it, there's no way you can win in your current condition.

"Then... I guess I'll just have to play by his rules..."

Dodging another attack, I went to the rest of the gang, concentrating a certain red aura inside of my hand.

"Hey guys, could you take care of him for a moment ? There's something that I must do."

And so I returned facing my enemy.

Sirzechs: What did he gave you ?

Dialga: it would seem he isolated Ddraig's soul and crystallized his powers... But why would he take it away ?

Ddraig: [I don't know, all he said was that he was going to "play by his rules" now, what does it mean ?]

Arceus: Play by his rules... Everyone, you need to get away as much as possible before he does that.

Azazel: Does what ? What does he intend to do ?

Arceus: Literally what he just said. He's going to fight Vali as an equal. he's going to enter Juggernaut Drive as well.

Vali: So, you're back. Are you ready to meet your doom now ?

"No, what I'm ready for is to get to your level now."

'Giratina, I'm really counting on you for this one.'

Giratina: 'I decline all responsibility if you end up dying from this, as it was your idea.'

'Thanks, that's what I wanted to hear. Now let's go !!'

"You just showed me yours, Vali, so now I'm about to show you mine..."

"I, who is about to awaken..."

Was I planning this cliffhanger from the very beginning ?


And since I'm feeling incredibly nice, the next (and last) chapter, will come out in three days, instead of 6.

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