Chapter 7: saving the nun

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

Issei: Hey man, you're sure you're alright ?

He was referring to my current state of exhaustion, as I was barely able to stay up and awake.

Last evening, I said I was preparing myself for a short night, I should've said "preparing myself for no night at all". Seriously, they made me train non-stop until morning for, and I quote "catch up with my training".

Now, to my surprise, the ones who trained me weren't actually Palkia and Dialga, like I was expecting, but Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, each one training me in a different domain, Uxie teaching me the basics of magic, while Azelf and Mesprit were chasing me with boxing gloves and wooden swords, under the deadpanned look of the two dragon brothers, only stopping when my body would eventually give up.

Really, the only thing that was keeping me awake right now was the pain I was feeling in more spots than I could count, and that strange berry they gave me, a "chesto berry" if I remember correctly. I don't know what was in that damn fruit, but it's way more effective than gulping down a whole thermos of coffee.

"I'm fine Issei, just had a rough night, that's all."

Dialga: Let's just say he was vigorously personally trained by us all night long.

Yeah, did I mention that Dialga and Palkia decided to not only enroll in my class, but also started living in my house ? They may have remodeled it (Controlling space has its perks) but still that was quite uncalled for.

Issei: Really ? What kind of training ?

"Issei, I you knew what training regiment I was given, you'd run away from them and never return, On second though, I'll gladly tell you everything about it-"

I was about to narrate the torture I went through last night, when we heard a light thud from behind us, as well as a girl's voice.

???: Owwww... I'm such a klutz...

A blond girl was currently on the ground, in some sort of nun outfit, with the content of a briefcase scattered all around her, while the vision of a certain white piece of clothing was clearly pleasing Issei, but the sight of us three raising our fist in sync was more than enough to stop him.

Instead, the two of us came by her side to help her.

"Hey are you alright miss ?" I said, handing her her briefcase.

???: yes, thank you very much. She responded slightly bowing.

???: I'm sorry to make you worry about me, but it's my first time coming in this town, so I got lost.

"Judging by your outfit, I guess you're looking for the town's church right ? Although I'm quite sure it's abandoned now..."

Issei: We could show you the way if you need to.

I gave Issei the "Are-you-fucking-serious" glare. Seriously, you're a DEVIL and she's a NUN working for the CHURCH, for Arceus's sake !

Giratina: 'He really think with his crotch.'

'It's Issei for ya...'

???: Really ? That would be really nice of you !

Issei: It's no problem, really. I'm Issei Hyoudou by the way.

"*sigh*I'm Y/n L/n, and the two behind are Dialga and Palkia Arceus."

Asia: I'm Asia Argento, it's a pleasure to meet you all.

The five of us started to progress toward the run-down church that was visible on a hill not that far away, with three of us (I let you guess which ones) were watching over the pervert, who had the greatest idea of trying to flirt with a nun while being a devil.

While we were passing by a playground, there was a child sitting on the ground, crying because of a scraped knee.

But what came next surprised us all, when Asia approached the boy, and put her hands over his wound.

Asia: It's ok little one, there's no need to cry...

Both her hands glowed a green light, with a ring appearing on each one, and within seconds, the boy's wound completely disappeared, just as he was never hurt to begin with.

Looking back at Palkia and Dialga, I had confirmation we were both thinking the same thing.

Palkia/Dialga/Y/n: 'She has a sacred gear.'

After she finished healing the boy, who thanked her heartily, she came back to us, and of course Issei HAD to ask the idiotic question.

Issei: How did you do that ?

'Issei, you redefine the concept of being stupid.'

Asia: this is a wonderful gift given to me by god. But even if she was smiling, I could feel she was sad about something, which I decided not to ask, because being a gentleman, bitch.

Soon enough, we reached the church we were heading for, and I was baffled it was still standing, and even more that someone was working here.

But what really surprised us, was the energy coming from the building. Normally, a church like that would reek of pure holy energy, being run by angels and all, but that one was clearly a fallen angels refuge.

And two of the energy coming from here were extremely familiar to me.

'looks like we found where donut-stick and Raynare are hiding.'

Giratina: 'I don't know who's the most stupid: Them for hiding in a town governed by devils, or the tomato head for not noticing them.'

'Taking all bets guys, taking all bets !'

Asia: looks like we're here. Thanks you all for showing me the way here, would you like some tea ?

It looked like Issei finally understood what danger he got himself into, so I decided to once again save his ass.

"It's very nice of you, but we need to go right now, or else we'll be late for school."

She seemed quite crestfallen by my response, but quickly got over it.

Asia: I understand, I'm sorry for bothering you.

"It's not bothering at all, I would really enjoy some tea later on."

Her face brightened hearing that, and we parted way, but not before I released a little bit of power, letting the fallen knows that I was here, mostly for fun. We finally headed back for school, waving to Asia, while Issei seemed in deep thoughts and scared about something.

"10 bucks Rias will not be happy with that."

Palkia/Dialga: Deal.

Timeskip, The ORC clubroom:


A loud slapping noise echoed in the clubroom, with Issei just standing in the middle of the room, a red hand mark printed on his face, and Rias standing across him, while I just sat on a couch, a cocky grin on my face, some cash in my hand, and two pissed dragons besides me.

Rias: Never ever approach her again, Issei, you need to stay away from the church at all cost.

Issei: Why is that ?

"Duh, You're a devil and she's part of the church. You're supposed to be mortal enemies, genius."

Rias: That's right, I'm sure you felt a pulse in your body while approaching the church. It was your devil instincts telling you to run away from enemy territory.

Issei hanged his head down after that preaching, but still agreed to stay away from the church.

Rias: Good, now that we're over with that, I have a job for you, and this time, I'll make sure you make the contract.

She turned toward me, a sly smile on her face, and I knew well too good what it meant.

'Looks like I'm up for another restless night...'


I was flying over Issei, who was riding a bike toward his contract's house, still rambling about him being a pawn.

Issei: A pawn, off all pieces I had to be a PAWN ! Couldn't I be something cool like a knight ?!

"You're not even strong enough to teleport, being a pawn is pretty generous in my opinion."

Issei: Shut up ! And why do you have to fly, you want to humiliate me even more ?

"Yes, but I also need to practice with them, I'm having some troubles controlling my trajectory at high speeds."

Giratina: 'I still remember the first time you tried to fly with them. You literally crashed into every single tree in your garden and tilled the ground just right.'

"By the way Issei, you have wings too, right ? Why aren't you using them ?"

He didn't answer me, and just sped up with his bike, forcing me to catch up with him.

"Don't tell me you're unable to summon them..."

Issei: Shut up...

"I really wonder what you sacred gear is, because from what I see, you're just the most pathetic devil to ever exist..."

Giratina: 'That remind me, why did you accepted to accompany him in the first time ?'

'Simple, I wanted to see how badly he would screw it up.'

Giratina: 'You're even more cruel than I was... I'm so proud of you.'

We finally reached our destination, and I landed why Issei just parked his bike, but something wasn't right...

The door was already creaked open, and even from here, I could smell a lot of blood from inside.

"Issei, be careful, it might be a trap..."

Issei: What do you mean, a trap ?

"I mean it could be a boy dressed up as a girl- no but seriously, something's wrong here."

Issei: I don't care, I'm gonna make that contract, and Rias will be proud of me.

He entered the house, with me following closely behind, with my wings still deployed, ready to fight.

Issei: Hello, are you the one who summoned a devil from lady Gremory ?

He got no response, and as we got closer from the living room, he seemed to grow more and more uncomfortable, as the scent of blood was filling the air.

We clearly weren't prepared to what happened when we entered the living room.

There was a body lying in a pond of blood, cut into more pieces than I could probably count off, but before we could really react, we heard a voice coming from the darkness.

???: Punish the wicked, such wise words from a holy man.

From the darkness came a young man, holding a gun and what looked like the handle of a sword.

Do I need to mention he seemed to enjoy killing a little to much ?

???: the name's Freed Selzen, and I'm here to exorcise all of you little devils, to cut you down and shoot you up~. He almost sang that while dancing around and producing some sort of light-saber.

Freed: Now, which one of you is the devil I need to kill ?

"That's him." I said pointing to Issei.

Issei: DUDE ?!

Freed: Thank you kind sir, I'll make sure to get rid of him nice and quick.

Issei tried to complain, but the instant he opened his mouth, Freed shot his knee with his gun.

'Issei's now a guard in Whiterun.'

Freed: These bullets have been blessed by an exorcist, so they're extremely effective to take care of little devils like you. And that sword is made of light, to cut you down like butter.

That explained pretty well why Issei was on the ground holding his leg in intense pain.

While freed was bragging about his weapons, Issei summoned his sacred gear and charged toward his opponent; However, Freed dodged and sliced his back, sending him back to the ground.

Freed: Well time to die. I'm disappointed, I thought you filthy devil would give me more of a challenge !

'Now that I think about it, if Issei die, Rias will obviously blame it on me...'

Reacting quickly, I used my wings to stop Freed to cut Issei open like a pinata.

Freed: I know you must feel left out right now, but don't worry, I'll deal with you right now.

"I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid I can't let you kill him."

Freed: I was gonna kill you anyway, so DIE ! He said trying to rush me with his sword.

I just shrugged and used my wings to pin him to the wall, completely immobilizing him.

Freed: What the ?! Release me so I can kill you !!

"That's the whole point in restraining you..."

"Issei, you okay ?"

Said pervert grunted in pain.

"Good enough."

Just as I was about to confiscate Freed's weapons, there were a familiar voice, coming from the doorway.


We all turned our heads to see Asia standing in a doorway, completely scared seeing a dead person and another almost dead person on the floor.

Freed: Ah, Asia, my lovely assistant. Have you finished the barrier like I ordered you ?

Asia: F...Father Freed, why have you done this ?

Freed: This is our job, we kill those who get along with the devils, and I'll finish my job, as soon as I'm free.

He continued his useless struggle against my wings, when Asia finally recognized us.

Asia: Issei, Y/n ? What are you doing here ?

Freed: The boy on the ground is a devil, as for that one I don't really know.

He even tried to use his sword the cut my tendrils, but it was pretty much ineffective.

"If it can reassure you, I'm a human."

Asia went to Issei, and started to heal him, while I took away Freed's weapons, preventing him for struggling even more.

Freed: Stay away from him Asia, he's a devil ! Remember you're not allowed to approach them without a fallen angel consent !

"So I was right about the church being run by fallen ones, thank you for the tip."

He continued to struggle, and I just looked at him with a bored expression, until a familiar red circle appeared in the room, revealing Rias and the rest of the ORC behind her.

Kiba: Hey guys back up just arrived.

"Thank you but I'm good."

Koneko: An exorcist.

Rias: Looks like I was right to trust you Y/n, thank you.

"Don't mention it, just take Issei and leave, we're gonna have some company soon."

I turned to the window, feeling several powers heading to this house.

"Fallen angels are coming."

Issei: Wait, we need to save Asia !

Rias: I'm sorry Issei, but only devils can use the transport circles.

"Don't worry about that, I'll make sure she stay safe." I said with Freed still bound by my wings.

They soon teleported back with Issei, and I exited the house with Asia following me, and Freed as a hostage, only to be met by a pink light spear, and a pissed Raynare.

Raynare: So Dohnaseek was right, you DID survived. Now hand over the girl and we'll let you go.

Asia: Begone, lady Raynare, I'm not gonna come back with you ! I saw what you're doing to these innocent peoples !

Raynare: That's adorable, but seriously, if you don't come back, things will become messy soon.

"You didn't heard her ? BEGONE THOT !!"

With that I threw Freed at her, and immediately teleported to my house with Asia.

We appeared in the middle of the living room, startling the spirit trio who was chilling watching the TV and eating pop-corn.

Can't let the cinnamon roll ends up as Rias's slave, am I right ?

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