Chapter 9: The dragon what ?!

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

That damn church, that's where we were right now. And while the majority of us was prepared for it, two person were clearly afraid.

Issei: Shouldn't we be more cautious ? They might spot us.

"It's useless, they already know we're here, they're waiting for us. So they're only one thing to do."

Me and Koneko kicked down the church's doors in sync, making them crash a little farther.


We were greeted with a rather unpleasant sight, in the person of Freed Selzen, apparently waiting for us.

Freed: Good evening, devils and... other ones...

Palkia: So who's that one ?

Giratina: Someone who's unimportant and disappointing.

Dialga: Just like Regigigas...

"I don't know what a Regigigas is, but it does sound pretty disappointing.

Freed: Stop ignoring me !! Anyways, it's the first time I have to face the same devil twice, you just made me break that promise that I did to myself, sooo I'm just going to kill you all !

He tried to rush us with some new weapons, but before he could reach us, he was met by a flying bench to the face, courtesy of Koneko.

Issei: We are looking for Raynare, where is she ?

He soon got up from under the debris he was under, slightly more pissed than he already was.

Freed: Why do you care ? You'll all be dead before you can even reach her-

"Shadow sneak"

I stopped him from rambling about how much he would enjoy to slowly tear our insides out by appearing behind him and kicking him down the altar he was standing on.

"Judging by the energy coming from under that thing, I suppose there must be a way to open it."

Responding to my hunch, Palkia used Spatial-rend to obliterate the altar, revealing a staircase.

"Not exactly what I was thinking, but that works too..."

Freed: You bastards !!

He once again tried to rush, but was stopped this time by Kiba, and they started to exchange blows, their swords clashing against each other.

Freed: Not bad for a devil, you might give me the fight I was longing for.

Kiba: You've seen nothing yet !

His sword started to turn black from the hilt to the tip, and each time the swords would clash, the light in Freed's sword would die down a little.

Freed: What the hell is that ?!

Kiba: It's called the Holy Eraser, it's a sword of darkness that eat away the light.

Meanwhile, Issei was just staring in awe.

Issei: Man, I wish I could do the same thing...

"Here's a little hint Issei: You're a pawn, and we currently are in enemy territory."

Issei: I don't get it.

"You're hopeless. What does pawns can do when they attain the other side of the board ?"

Issei: ...

"Just promote yourself already, you idiot, and deck him in the schnoz."

Issei: Oh right... PROMOTION TO ROOK !!


Freed broke the fight with Kiba, and tried to shoot Issei with his gun, but the bullets just bounced off him thanks to the rook durability, and he soon was in contact, with his fist reeled back.

Freed: 'Welp, I'm screwed now...'

Issei punched him, sending him crash into the wall of the church, where he stuck.

Issei: Man that felt good, I was waiting for this for a long time.

Freed couldn't respond, and instead, he just threw a flashbang, earning him enough time to escape.

Dialga: Let's not bother about him, we are more urgent matter going on.

"Asia, stay behind us."

We finally attained the basement of the Church, and there was Raynare, still bandaged, with a bunch of priests, and a strange-looking device behind them all, some sort of cross with shackles.

Raynare: So... You finally arrived... And you even brought some enforcement with you...

Raynare: I'll be honest, we don't stand a ghost of a chance against you. Hell, even one of you three could destroy us without breaking a sweat. She said pointing at me, Dialga and Palkia.

"I don't like where this is going..."

Raynare: So why don't we just join force instead ? Together, we could totally take over both heaven and the underworld, and rule over the three factions !

"That's funny, because I don't really remember you making proposals like that when you killed me, or even when you attacked us sooner today..."

"Seriously, devils or fallen ones, you're both the same, only caring about yourself. Then again, I don't know what I was expecting..."

Raynare: Well, it's too bad. At least... I WON'T GO DOWN ALONE !!

She fired a light spear, and without giving us time to react, we saw to who it was directly heading for...

"ASIA !!"

The spear was heading straight for her head, and all of us were busy dealing with the priests who suddenly attacked us all at once.

I tried to reach Asia, but even at full speed, I wasn't fast enough to catch up to the spear. I prepared myself for the worst, and before I could really process what happened...

I was already in front of Asia, with the spear now behind me. Without enough time to think, I just did the most logic thing to do in this situation, I just tackled her to the ground, letting the spear pass above us, continuing it's way and somehow ending hitting Issei.

Everyone was as surprised as I was, with the exception of the two dragon brothers, who looked at me with an interested look.

Raynare was pissed, seeing her last plan fail, but it was nothing compared to the rage that was burning two of us.

I was honestly surprised to Issei's outburst, I wasn't expecting him to be able to fight for something else than boobs. But he clearly was beyond enraged, while his gauntlet was pulsating with green flashes.

Issei: Y/n, this one is mine, please don't interfere.

"...You have three minutes. Not a second more."

Issei: Thanks.

Raynare: You really want to fight ? With that twice critical ?! What a dumbass you are.

Issei: I don't care if it's only a twice critical, or a lame weapon, you tried to hurt my friends, and for that you're gonna pay !!!


He punched her in the chin, sending her upward trough the ceiling.

After we finished dealing with the priests, which didn't took long, we exited the basement, and saw Issei with two light spears in his legs, Raynare floating a little above him.

Raynare: How pathetic, you expected to beat with that lame sacred gear, even without the power of Twilight Healing, I'm way out of your league.


Issei struggled to stand back up, and pullet out the spears from his legs, under the horrified look of Raynare.

Raynare: How ?! The light is a deadly poison for your kind, how can you stand up like that ?!!

Issei: Trust me, it doesn't tickle. Hell, I feel like throwing up right now, but this is nothing compared to what Asia endured, being chased around like a witch. I don't care if I fall here, I'll destroy you for hurting my friends !!!


His gauntlet exploded in light, and Issei rushed her at unbelievable speeds, literally destroying her face and sending her through the church's wall at supersonic velocity.

He crashed into the ground too, and as the light died down, we could see his gauntlet changed, becoming more "complete".

Asia went to heal him, and as I slumped down next to him, I spoke words I never expected to say to him.

"Issei, I never expected to say that to you, but you impressed me. Good job."

He weakly gave me a thumbs up, and just waited for Asia to finish her job.

Soon after she finished, when he was finally able to stand up by himself, the church's door opened (and if you are an attentive reader, you should know it's impossible because they were kicked down), and from it came Rias, Akeno and the spirit trio, dragging two beaten fallen angels behind them, none of them being Donut-seek.

(This is the only SFW image of Kalawarner I could find)

"Where is Donut-seek ? Did you let him go ?"

Rias: Well...

Flashback, 3rd Person POV:

Rias and her group arrived to the hideout a few moments ago, and they were now currently facing three fallen angels.

Donut-seek: You're all very skilled, but we clearly outclass you in term of fighting experience, that's what will led us to victory !!

Azelf: Trust me, we have way more experience than the three of you combined.

Donut-seek: So what, does that mean you three are in fact all old hags or something ?

Their eyes widened, and a huge wave off killing intent surged.

* To preserve your sanity, and because this story need to stay family-friendly, I need to censor this scene. Please excuse me.*

Back to your POV:

Rias: ...And then the other two just surrendered to us, and willingly followed us here.

"I see."

Before I could develop my thinking, the doors opened a third time, this time to Koneko dragging a bloody Raynare by the hair, and throwing her to our feet.

Koneko: Someone ordered this ?

Raynare looked up, and her eyes widened in terror by seeing two of her comrades restrained, and us looking down at her.

Rias: So you're the one who attacked my servant. It's nice to finally meet you face to face, fallen one. I'm Rias Gremory.

Raynare: Gremory...?! How could I not notice that...

Rias: Issei, it looks like your sacred gear evolved, may I see it ?

Issei: Of course.

She examined the gauntlet, and turned back to Raynare, a smirk on her face.

Rias: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you weren't defeated by a mere twice critical. This sacred gear is called the boosted gear, one of the 12 Longinus, making it's user able to double its power every ten seconds and receptacle of the soul of the red heavenly dragon Ddraig, making him the red dragon emperor of this generation.

At this very instant, Raynare was absolutely terrified by that speech.

Raynare:... Impossible... The power to destroy god is in the hands of that boy...

What surprised me next, was the loud noise of Giratina, laughing like he just watched the integral of Excel saga (Seriously watch it it's simply hilarious).

Giratina: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE IT !! The red heavenly dragon, trapped inside of that pervert ?!! Hey Ddraig, how's the view from the insides of his mind ? Hope you're enjoying your stay !

"Hey, what the hell was that ?"

Giratina: I told you I would laugh really loudly if my hunch was confirmed !

The green gem in the center of Issei's gauntlet lit up, and another voice spoke.

Ddraig: [Who dares to speak of me that way ?! Show yourself that instant !!]

Giratina: You don't even remember the voice of your former master ? I know you have a bad memory but still...

Ddraig: [Wait, that voice... Master Giratina, is that you ?!!]

Giratina: Finally some recognition.

Rias: how do they know each other ? And that name, Giratina... Why do I feel like I heard it somewhere before ?

"*sigh* Do I tell them ?"

Giratina: Yeah, go ahead. With Ddraig here it was only a matter of time until they learn the truth anyway.

"Okay then."

"Everyone, I present you Giratina, my sacred gear, and the actual dragon god of chaos and destruction."

Giratina: It's nice to finally properly meet you.

Everyone was already baffled by the revelation concerning Issei, but they were now absolutely speechless after what I said.

Kiba: ...Dragon..God...?!

"That's right."

Rias, although as surprised as everyone else, managed to keep her cool.

Rias: We'll discuss about that later. We need to get rid of these fallen.

Out of options and in a desperate move, Raynare transformed back in Yuma, trying to take Issei by the feels.

Yuma: Please Issei, don't let her hurt me. Look, I even kept that bracelet you offered me on our date.

Fortunately, Issei didn't bought it, and just turned away, a disgusted look on his face.

Issei: Rias, end it now please...

Rias: Very well then.

She was about to finish her, but I prevented her from doing so.

"Rias, wait a second."

I kneel down in front of Raynare.

"Don't worry, she won't hurt you."

She looked at me with hope in her eyes

"I will."

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