Prologue: Spring this time will be so bizarre

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AN: There have been many stories that i'd read about Sakura's past. Each of them has their own idea out of the box', you could tell. It'll be base on Sakura's character, her abilities and her history to the shinobi world. But this time, unlike other authors, i'll take it to a whole new level. This occurs in time of peace which means in the Boruto series. The cover artwork belongs to Miwo Kirihana, not mine. Sorry

Uchiha Sakura slowly opens her eyes, to see that she was standing in the middle of field, out of nowhere.

What more odd is that, the scenery surrounding her was all shades similar to that of her hair. The meadow, the tree, the sky. Even the sun was a pale yet bright shade of baby pink.

Her thoughts are wandering at the strange place she found.

Where am i? What is this place?

She looks around to see that there was no one but her. At first Sakura thought that she was in some kind of genjutsu. But she doesn't feel like it.

It feels so vivid. But yet not.

Is this a dream? What does it mean? Why does this place look familiar to me?

Sakura didn't know this place, but her mind keeps prodding her that she'd seen this place somewhere else that was unknown to her. This looks like a fortune-telling dream.

She did remember going to bed with her husband after a long day, to be met with this dream-like illusion.

Is this a sign for something about to happen?

Then suddenly the pinkette hears whispers.The breeze blows gently pass her from the distance and she heard voices of many people.

Sakura! Sakura. Sakuraaa...

Come back to us, please! You don't have to continue this life any longer.

Return to us. Where your true home is. Where you truly belong. We'll become a family again.

Don't leave!


Sakura was getting confused. Konoha was her home, right? She didn't know anywhere else that was her home since birth. Then why would the whispers...

Suddenly, the pink-haired woman feels dizzy. Her forehead feels aching.

It was like something was trying to emerge through her skin. She massaged it with her fingers but it's no use, it's still hurt. It wasn't because of the pain she was feeling, but Sakura feels wetness sliding down her face.

She touches one of her cheeks to see that her tears have colorful light reflected on. Was it a trick of the dream, or were the tears sparkling?

Her hair was growing longer as the scenery around her getting darker and darker.

But she could feel herself glowing.

She didn't know what's going on, but Sakura knows she may find out now.

Then it all comes to an abrupt stop. The whispering was gone. It was silence again. The pink-haired kunoichi senses some force behind her so she turns around to what shakes her to the core.

A silhoutte infront of her. Sakura could only make out the outline. Then the figure approaches her a few more inches closer.

And Sakura had thought she had esclipsed that side of her long ago.

There stood herself, or more correctly her innerself. Her innermost emotional side that she'd been hiding ever since childhood.

But there was something strange about her infront of her presence.

Her whole being was black, not surprising. But what startles her is that her inner's extra attendages.

The black figurine grows four more pairs of arms. Her bright, pupiless eyes were bright. Her hair's flowing wildly to every direction. And on her forehead, were the bright labeled words 'Inner Sakura' resided, there were three smaller brilliant orbs there. Perched on top of head were horns, or antlers or both, she couldn't figure. And that halo loop on her head that held what like a veil.

There was two pair of humongus wings clasped on her back.

She saw feathers entertwining with what seems to be leather skin. The feathered wings of an angel and the leathered one of a devil.

It was like seeing skin sewn onto skin.

Before she could do something else, her inner said something to her.

In her gravely voice that gives Sakura an omniously warning vibe. Her tone was like hers, but it was like she was either possesed or her voice wasn't the only she was hearing.

Return there.



They're waiting for you.

No matter what, they'll find you and bring you back home.

You can't stay in this world forever.

You're not like them.

You're more than just an outer shell of mind, oh great goddess...

Those ninjas, they can't never get you back if we wish.


The people who claimed to see you as important to them in their life, show the proof that they do.

All these years, since childhood to adulthood, they're showing progress.

Don't defend them for your own good.

They have to do it all by themselves. Tooth and nail, fair and square.

With all the blood, sweat and tears.

If those you love truly cherish you wholly since the start, they need to prove themselves to your worth.

They need to prove they're worth your existence, time and dedication.

That all the tears you shed for them aren't a waste.

Always beware...



Sakura then hears someone's calling for her.

The dream reverted back into a dark blank space. Her inner side had also vanished when the place dissapeared.

"Sakura! Tsuma, wake up!"

Said woman bolted up and inhaled the air as if she had been drowned under water for so long. Gasping breathlessly, Sakura glances around frantically to meet the concerned look on her husband's normally stoic face.

Sasuke was worried of what vision his wife had seen when she's aslept.

It has to be something that horrible and terrifying for her to the point of bursting tears and looking so frightened.

"Sakura, what's wrong?"

Didn't want to further worrying him, Sakura uses her fake smile

"It's nothing Sasuke-kun."

The Uchiha patriarch mentally signs. His wife was using it again. He didn't buy it at all. She's still a terrible liar to him, after so many years. Her face shows it all what he needed to know.

"Sakura, if you woke up as if you just saw a ghost, then it must be something urgent."

His eyes were stern, but his tone still held that same tenderness to her whenever they're alone. Knowing her attempt to hide her nightmarish vision, Sakura signs as she looks at him directly.

"Ok, there's this side that i'd been hiding since childhood that i thought had long been absent when you're gone..."

Sasuke still being attentive, a part being guilty for having a fault for her trauma.

Sakura looks at both of her hands on the comforter, upwarded where she can see the palms.

"In the dream, i saw myself saying things that still made me confused. On the one hand i thought i had get rid of that insecured side. But on the other hand, it kept stucking in my mind, playing my concoscious like it was made to do a big role in... i'm not so sure what she meant."

Her husband pondered on her thoughts for a moment. Had Sakura having this side ever since she was just a little girl?

"Does anyone else know about your other side?"

"I don't know. It could be only Ino..."

The Yamanaka. Of course. Not only her best friend, but she also has a role about helping Sakura building her personalities early on.

"Sakura, about that dream. You don't need to worry much.

As long as you're here, safe and sound, with us, nothing could take you away or change your mind about it.

So get a well rest, and we'll talk about it later tomorrow."

The dream was still on Sakura's mind, even in her husband's embrace, even when her eyes shut closed into a dreamless sleep this time.


The next day is when everything starts absurd in Konoha.

"Since the start of spring, meaning from march, there has been many things happened."

Local news are broadcasted on televisons and newspaper all over the village. And it wasn't a thing to take lightly as soon as people saw the first image about the news.

Farmers had informed about weird and giantic symbols on their fields during crop-collecting seasons. The image shows that the symbol is a cherry blossom, with a looped circle in the center. However, no one had witnessed to know the identity of the culprit behind this huge sign.

We also gather other infos to know that Konoha isn't the only village that happened these weird signals.

Many suspected that this is the work of aliens or a prank from ninja-alikes.

There are several taken photos of the said flower symbol overtaking nearly all the land of crops. People both find it strange yet alarming.

The case is further into investigation for now. The second news is also could be oddly related to the first.

During Hanami festival, people spot the cherry blossom trees, glowing with a flickering signal. Fortunately, they gave no harm to the bystanders. Still, the festival is forced to postpone with restriction to enter the case.

Both ninjas and villagers alike observed the short video that shows the radiating cherry trees.

"The third news though is about a few people reported about their property being vandalized by what could be flame or bloody trails. They descibed the words they found in the trails to be threatening words from somekind of serial killer.

After that, the inhabitants and owners of those vandalized properties were either injured or possibly killed afterwards.

The unknown wrongdoer is still yet to be found."

The screens exhibit some houses with the remants of what happened to be a huge trail of fire that was written into many words and curses.

'Ungrateful monsters!'

'Hell will capture you in death!'

'Lowlifes in hellholes!'

'Prepare to die for sins you'd committed!'

"The fourth and final news of the day is that, some women has seen flying objects in their houses being flewn at them daily. They even exclaimed that they couldn't go outside safely without being hit by small rocks flying their way."

A few short videos about the said flying objects made the village gawk in shock.

"They said that their houses could be posessed by ghosts, since they heard voices, or it could be another trick from rouge nins.

One of them complaint that she kept feeling sick and was almost passed out due to the sudden heaviness from the illness. And she said that she had all sorts of misfortuned events like some curse was put on.

The case is still under investigation.

And that's it for today, we hope you'll all be waiting for the next update.

The tv was still on as Sasuke soaks in every information about the oddity in the village. He then look up from the couch to see Sakura still has her back to him as she's cooking breakfast.

Her posture seems a bit rigid.

Must be from the dream last night.

Aside from the news, he himself also had weird visions or hacullation of things and people he'd never seen before. And it seems they all have one common target to aim, his wife.

There was a time when he was standing on the foyer and spotted something falling near whithin his sight.

It was a feather reflecting of multiple rainbow hues. When he grabbed it up, he heard a jingling sound of laughter.

He looked up to see a lady in white perching on the cloud floating by his house. She waved at him like it was normal to. He had to double look to
the point of rubbing his exposed eye to see nothing was there on the cloud.

Another time was when he saw the team 7 photo, him in a mustache and a pair of demon horns with several cursing words he doubted neither Sakura nor Sarada would use.

And this time was the most realistic, a vision of a phantom woman that glows a sickly green shade.

He'd woken up that night, sweating buckets, heart thumping faster than a rabbit's, his breathing pattern labored a few skip.

There was this one secret he knew about Sakura he hadn't reveal to anyone, not even his daughter.

A night where he awoke trying to recollect his wife's warmth, he'd seen what could be an ultimate genjutsu form of Sakura. It took his breath away and pinned his gaze on her only.

Sakura was sitting on the handler of the balcony, warped in an etheral glow.

The constellations above the sky was like under her bewitching gaze, appear more and twinkling to dazzle her with their beauty.

Her hair was long and flowed sided-way by the wind in a hypnotyzing motion. There was several other enchanting colors entertwined with her locks that he could only spot from the northen lights.

There was a pair of big featgery wings on her back, likely to be sprouted at any moment. Like she was about to...

"Sakura!" He called, alarmed.

The illusional image before him vanished and was replaced by the usual sight of his wife in her sleepwear. He shot up from their bed to approach her, gripping her into his one-armed embrace. He was feared that she'd leave him and never return like on of his old insecurities nagging deep inside.

That night, it had taken soothing words of ensurance and sweet kisses from her to secure him into sleep again.

Back to the present, it was a matter for him to investigate with the others about Sakura's weird occurance that happened to her solely.

Before they could discuss about it, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Sarada shouted as she ran to the door to open. A moment later she carried in an object resembles a statue while saying with a strange tone.

"Mama, there is this thing outside the door that was adressed for you."

"What is it?" Sakura asks curiously.

The Uchiha princess places it on the coffee table for all of them to see. While Sasuke stares at it awkwardly, Sakura was atonished to see it after ages from the last time seeing it.

It was a well-cut rock statue of a bunny rabbit, judging by the long pebbles for ears. On it's ears have a pink flower crown adorning it's head. The eyes were made of enchanting green gemstones. It sprouts a cute smile which was carved from a sharp tool. On it's torso attatches a letter saying 'For Haruno Sakura.'

"Do you know who sent this Mama?"

"Maybe it's in the letter attached to the statue figure..." Sasuke ponders.

Sakura tenderly takes the letter and tears open the well-made design off. Inside the letter contains some trinkets that Sasuke could recognizes from Iwa. The pinkette begins to read.

"Dearest cousin.

Happy Gift Swapping Day. Thanks for sending me the tablet from your village, it's very useful. This is your favorite boulder bunny from back home. I hope that we could go back to our homeland this weekend so our family would have a grand reunion. You could bring your family, friends or whoever you like to meet us. Afterall, it's bound for us to meet those who had been part of your life in this world.

Our eldest cousin will come by tomorrow to inform you again, in case you got busy and forgot. One of your oldest friends will come to pick you and your company to our homeland.

We missed you, so we made rock candies for you inside a pouch put in the boulder bunny.

Come home soon, Sakura.

Your favorite second cousin,

Haruno Madina.

PS: Send my greetings to Kizashi ji-san and Mebuki ba-san."

After reading it, Sakura opens the lid on the statue's stomach to see a pouch inside it. She unties the string and pulls out a shimmering rock candie necklace.

"Whoa, i still remember this. Tou-san used to taught me how to make this."

Sakura says absently, unawared that Sasuke has stood up beside her to observe the letter in her hand.

"Mama, you have cousins?"

The pinknette snaps out of her tranced state and looks toward her daughter. She looks up at Sasuke nervously, since the topic could still be touchy to him eventhough they're a family.

But receiving a nod coming from him means she can tell their daughter about her side of the family.

"Of course Sarada. Why so curious?"

"It's just that you never mention them once, Ojii-san and Obaa-san aside."

"Well, here's something about my family. Your grandfather from my side used to live in Iwagakure. Then one day he left on an adventure at a young age. When he reached to Konoha, he'd decided to settle there. That was at least the shortest version of the story i got."

Sasuke was internally surprised. He may traveling a lot back then, but he never knows his father-in-law also has a knack for it too. He also didn't know that his cheery antics and goofy behavior was just a part of who he really is.

He was surprised to witness where Sakura's unlimited intelligence comes from. He knew because Kizashi had outwit him in shogi one time during their family visit.

Boy did his pride damaged then.

He better plans some time to have a get-along meeting with his in-laws.

"So is my mom, she ranaway from Kiri to start a better life here too. It's really funny anyway, both my parents like traveling alot, from here to there. It was part of their daily job too."

"Whoa, so that's why they can't visit us much often, since they mostly out the village.

But how come i never get to meet your relatives, mama?"

Sakura looks away for a moment. Then she looks to her daughter again.

"Well, they never had time. Not even i knew what they'd really been up to these day. But they always sending me gifts, to assure me that they're doing fine and all.

I'm sure that they'd love to meet you too, Sarada. If they could possibly make it this time.

But sometimes i just wish they could just tell me the truth about the lengthy distance between us ever since childhood.

Because neither sides get to see one another due to wars between our village and theirs before."

She rubs the candy necklace slowly.

Sasuke was feeling guilt swelling inside his guts. It was partly his fault now that Sakura was also troubled upon hearing her family side brought up unwillingly.

If he had told her more about family instead of those words back then, maybe she wouldn't be so nervous whenever family issues were mentioned.

When her eyes drift to the clock, she remembered something.

"Sarada, don't you have a training meeting with your team. Hurry up, or you're late."

"Oh right! See you later, mama, papa!"

She made a mad dash to the door with lunch packed and boots on. With their daughter out til noon, the Uchiha couple could spend quality time. And Sasuke's prime topic would be to know more about the family that his wife had never once spoken outside her parents circle til this day.

"Sakura, would you like to tell me more?"

"About what, anata?"

"Your family side, what else?"

Sakura looks hesitantly at first, as she putting the necklace back into the bunny and place it on the cabinets.

"I'm not sure if you're comfortable with it Sasuke-kun."

The Uchiha man approaches his wife and tilts her chin up to look straightly at him. His mismatched eyes are full of compassion and love. Sakura flushes red at the gentle look.

"If you're willing enough to stand by my side, to hear all the things about my past and to honor my family despite it's history, then i should atleast have to repay you by wanting to know more about your origins and your peers."

Sakura smiles radiantly, the soft smile that she reserved only for him.

"Oh alright, just because you say so."

She was glad her husband would want to know her extended family. Afterall, it was bound for them to meet eventually. And she would be overjoyed if they get along well.


On her way to the training ground, Sarada bumped into her estatic best friend. The Akimichi was running toward her.

"Saradaaaaa, guess what!"

Her friend was peppier then usual. That was because there was a bunch of fancy gift baskets with rare, exotic food that didn't belong in the village in her hold. Chouchou's face was covered in crumbs half-way, but that didn't hide her wide and toothy grin.

All the while the aburn haired girl uses one of her giantic hands to grab her food to eat.

She then noticed there were so many baskets, that her friend had to use one of her trademark jutsu to hold them all without dropping.

"Chouchou? What's with all the gift baskets? Did someone send you?

Or are they from your parents?"

"Nuh-uh, my folks were also clueless about these wonderful gifts that bestowed on our doorstep, from day to day since the start of spring."

She grabs another pastry from the sturdy, well-made basket into her mouth. Chouchou continues her story.

"You know, we Akimichis were like bears that woke up from hibernation to welcome the first ray of spring. And we would have a grocery shopping spree. But then when we about to venture out to the door, there was a pile of these yummy grubs awaiting outside!"

They sat at stone bench near where the training grounds are.

"At first, my momma thought it was a trap and the goodies might be poisonous or worse. But after my pops eaten nearly half of them without feeling any harmful effects for a while, it was all great!"

"So after days you don't feel anything bad coming from eating them?

Not even once?"

"Nope. Because they were already checked to be healthy and fresh. We eating them everyday now and my poppa kept feeling that we were getting plumper in a good way."

Sarada listens attentively as her friend munching on something deliciously that wasn't her usual bags of chips.

"It has gotten better and better! Day after day, piles of these healthy goodies would become mountains. It was more scrumptious then any at supermarkets. They keep coming so much that we have nowhere else to stock in the house! It was like a paradise!"

One after of her long babbling, Chouchou chomps down what the young Uchiha assumes to be veggie pantries.

"And that was very surprising, considering that momma has to grocery shopping every weekend because we have to restock so many times. Now she didn't need to cook much these days. And you know the reason why i come to you in the first place to tell you this?"

Sarada shakes her head curiously.

Chouchou took out a note from the basket and gave it to her. The young Uchiha opens it to see that her Mama somehow involved.

Hope you'd like our gifts, Akimichis. Considering your appetite needs enough nution in and out of battlefield. Do not have any worries, the food are completely safe to eat.

Send our regards to Haruno Sakura, she's the one you'd be grateful.

Sarada's eyes widened in surprise. Chouchou was still gleefur and unawared of what occured at her best friend's home. She official thought that Sakura-ba-san was her favorite auntie, next to Ino-ba-san.


Naruto was discussing with Shikamaru about the paranormal things happened in the village.

Suddenly the blond Hokage flinches and massages his head in pain.

"Is there something wrong, Naruto?"

"I don't know Shikamaru, it was like someone was prodding something sharp into my brain. And it all happened when the first day of spring arrived."

The Nara head rubs his chin in thought. There has been many things happen lately.

"Strange, the first sign, the mysterious UFO-like signal. We were informed that not only in Konoha, but other villages also have seen them on their fields. It was like someone was trying to grab our attention when this spring comes.

That could also explains why all the cherry blossom trees within miles gave the flickering glow away. But what about the fiery warnings?

And also the case of random floating objects hitting at people?"

With his temporary headache gone, Naruto replied back, his tone both serious and concerned.

"We had to inform someone with the knowledge about pyschicology. Also the Science Division group could have something to help with. I keep having a feeling that Sakura-chan might somehow involved with all these things."

Shikamaru was confused. Why would the Uchiha matriach has anything to do with this?

"What do you mean, Naruto?"

"I mean, she couldn't be the one caused all of this. But it could be someone else has a connection to her. Like a presence from faraway was trying to reach out to her somehow."

It was a possibility. Sakura was meant Cherry Blossom. And spring this year had become somehow odd.

But Shikamaru wasn't sure about it.

"That could be a theory. I don't know whether Sasuke knows of this."


Sasuke was scanning through scrolls when he briefly looks up at the stone rabbit sitting on the cabinet.

The letter was said that this is Sakura's childhood toy.

And after he heard about Sakura's entire life before Konoha and ninja career, as much as she could remember, he has a creepy feeling.

The rabbit's gem eyes keep looking at him as if it was hiding something. It's emerald eyes has a gleam, taunting him, mocking him in a silent way. He doesn't like what would it involved with later on.

Sakura was at the hospital. That gives him time to analyze the rabbit, a clue what her real family could possibly hiding. Her cousin, in the letter said tomorrow one of her friends will come to pick Sakura and her parents up for a family reunion. And they are invited, him, Sarada, Naruto's whole family and also the Yamanakas.

He'll get to the bottom of it as soon as he send this letger to Naruto to investigate if this could be a trap.

Sakura trusts the person who wrote this letter. But what if this was a set up to eliminate her? He won't let that happen, especially to his family. Whoever, whether or not imposing Sakura's aqquaintence should go through him first if they want to lay a hand on her.

They will pay if they have the guts to impersonate Sakura's importants people outside there. For now he'll wait for the right time, tomorrow.


Somewhere unknown, there was a screen showing Sasuke's face. There was someone watching him from afar.

"Such a ridiculous notion, Uchiha. But that letter is true, how naive of you.

The mission is completed long ago, but you just had to snatch her away from us all. Such a selfish felon."

A man silhoutted by shadow said.

"Shinobis, they could sometimes reckless with what in front of them. They can never see what truly hidden underneath like what their rule said, judging through outer appearances shamelessly."

A mature female voice spoke this time, the owner was also hidden. Then multiple screens appear of all the known ninjas in Konoha. But the attention was on the biggest screen in the middle.

"That's why they are lowlifes below us, unlike us at all. The same with Sakura.

She doen't need to spend another moment with them whatsoever. Once we get her back, the Deities will erase those ninja's minds and destroy the Shinobi Universe once and for all."

Another deep voice of the third, this time a man. The three silhouttes are all looking at an image of Sakura talking.

"Enjoy your time with her while you still can, shinobis.

Because time slips so easily like sand. You'll never see our Sakura-tan ever again." The man start laughing in a high octave sould that rings for a short while, than he said.

"Seasons for eternity..."

The other two echo the same words.
"Season for eternity..."

"Wait for us, Sakura-tan... You won't have to live with them any longer. You can come back to us, your true home...

With your true family..."

All the screens blackened and darkness takes over.

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