Chapter 8

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The entirety of Mathura was decorated with flowers and decorations, waiting for the arrival of their Rajkumari. The one who was returning after all these years! They had heard stories of their beloved princess and her skills. They were curious to see who it was, that caused Guru Parshuram himself, to offer education to a non-brahmin. 

The palace was a buzz with excitement as the long-awaited arrival of the young princess approached. The King and Queen, Maharaja Vasudeva and Maharani Devaki, couldn't contain their eagerness to finally hold their beloved daughter in their arms again. Devaki's heart ached with longing as she thought about the moment she had to let go of her baby girl all those years ago. She had been deprived of the joy of watching her daughter grow into a beautiful young woman.

Despite the passage of time, Devaki was confident that she would instantly recognize her daughter and felt her love for her as strong as ever. She gazed at the sculptured statue of her daughter, imagining the moment when the real one would finally walk through the palace doors.

As the anticipation mounted, the emotions in the palace ran high. Tears of joy and longing filled the eyes of the parents and brothers, as they prepared to finally be reunited with their long-lost daughter and sister.

As Devanya's chariot started picking up speed towards Mathura, she felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. She sat upon the seat, her mind being filled with worries. Would her parents recognize and accept her after all these years? And what about the people of the kingdom, would they accept her as their princess? Despite her doubts, she couldn't contain the thrill of finally reuniting with her long-lost family.

She thought about her mother and father, whom she had never met. And her brothers, whom she had to separate from when she was a baby. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was finally going to be home.

The chariot finally came to a halt outside the palace gates, and a maid appeared to lead the young princess inside. Her heart raced as she stepped down from the chariot, her eyes anxiously scanning the crowd for the ones she had been longing to see for so long.

As she approached the entrance, her heart swelled with emotion and a few happy tears rolled down her cheeks. There, before her, stood her family. Her mother, holding an aarthi taali, a symbol of love and blessings, with her father standing tall and proud beside her. And to the left of her parents, stood her two brothers, their eyes shining with happiness and love.

The sight of her family was more than she could have ever imagined, and the emotions that had been building inside her finally erupted. The love she felt for her family was overwhelming, and she couldn't believe that after so many years of separation, they were finally reunited.

She stood at the front, and Maa Devaki did her aarthi, before eagerly welcoming her with open arms, and her father's proud smile filled her with a sense of belonging. Tears flowed down her mother's eyes as she was finally reunited with her daughter.

Devanya's heart ached as she saw the tears streaming down her mother's face. Gently, she reached up and wiped them away with her fingers. "Mata," she said tenderly, "I am here now. And I cannot bear to see tears in my mother's eyes."

Her words were filled with love and compassion, and they brought a fresh wave of emotion to her mother's eyes. For both mother and daughter, the reunion was a long-awaited dream come true. After so many years of separation, they were finally together again, and the love that had been dormant for so long was now flourishing once more. The tears of joy and love that flowed from their eyes were a testament to the deep bond that they shared.

Her father hugged her tightly, imparting his love and support. He looked into her eyes and reassured her, "You will be the perfect rajkumari, my dear daughter. I am so proud of you."

Finally, her two brothers approached, enveloping her in a warm embrace. "Finally, behna," Krishna said, his voice filled with emotion. "You have arrived. You cannot imagine how difficult it was for us, knowing that you were away from us all these years."

The reunion was a moment of pure joy and love, and the siblings shared stories and memories, catching up on all the years they had missed. Devanya felt like she had finally found her place in the world, surrounded by the love and support of her family.

She laughed and played with her brothers as they hatched a plan to play a prank on their mother. At first, Devanya was hesitant to join in, but how could she resist the mischievous grins of her brothers? She had missed them so much and was eager to spend as much time with them as possible.

The siblings agreed to steal some laddoos from the kitchen, but their mother caught them in the act. 

Krishna dramatically fake-gasped, feigning shock at the unfairness. "What is this, mother? You're only scolding us? Did you not see that our dear sister was also involved in this?"

But Mata Devaki ignored his words, instead lavishing affection on Devanya. "You two have been causing trouble for far too long. I'm sure you roped her into your plan somehow. She's only just arrived, after all."

Maharaj Vasudeva entered the room and noticed the commotion. "What's going on here, children? I want to know what's happening."        

Krishna gestured towards Devanya. "Look father, Devanya was a part of our prank, but mother is only scolding Balaram and me."

Maharaj Vasudeva chuckled. "I have to agree with your mother, my son. Devanya must have been swayed by the two of you."

Devanya sheepishly smiled. "No, I was also equally involved in this plan."

Mata Devaki chuckled. "Another mischief maker, one Krishna was too much for us, now one more has arrived. But I'm glad all my children are together, and a bit mischief is required, no?

Balarama raised an eyebrow. "Suddenly after the arrival of your daughter, all your thoughts changed. Hey Bhagwan, what is this partiality. 

The family laughed and embraced each other, relishing in the joy of being reunited. Devanya felt like she was truly home and couldn't wait to start this new chapter in her life as a princess of Mathura, surrounded by the love and support of her family.

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