Pizza Date

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Bonnie had been noticing Freddy wasn't taking his breaks like the rest of them recently, unlike they had planned.

In order to maximise their jobs, that were no longer new at this time - if they were still alive, they would've been almost 40 - they had planned to take rotating breaks every hour or so, which was easy for Bonnie, because he wasn't really anybody's favourite...

But not easy for Freddy and Foxy, necessarily, as they were, weirdly, some of the most popular characters in the band - or, not, in Foxy's sake.

He strummed his four-stringed guitar, watching Freddy look over his top hat and Chica to her cupcake, and sighed through his white teeth.

They were always so busy, Bonnie hadn't gotten to hang out with his best bud in a while...

He fiddled with the guitar tuning keys, though he didn't have to, since he didn't actually play it, but he found himself doing it whenever he was thinking about something.

Plus, the keys hadn't been super maintained in a while, and they actually twisted and made him feel like he was tuning it.

He watched Freddy do the same thing by tapping on the windscreen and flicking the buttons, again, to no effect, because it didn't do anything, and smiling to himself.

He found that side of Freddy adorable, and unfortunately wasn't able to see it a lot, because Freddy always liked to seem composed on the outside in front of his band, like he was any less confused than them.

'Oh, this is your first time being brutally murdered and stuffed into a fluffy mascot suit?' he could imagine Freddy saying. 'You'll get used to it.'

He tittered at this aloud, and Freddy looked back at him and raised a black brow.

"Whatcha chucklin' 'bout back there, Bun?" he asked him playfully, and Bonnie felt his dead heart race at the name.

"Nothin'," he returned teasingly and continued to fumble with his guitar, feigning something to do so he didn't have to look Freddy in the icy blue eyes. 

"You seem distracted," Freddy went on, acknowledging him with a flick of the ear.

"I'm just thinkin'," Bonnie told him. "Thinkin' 'bout..."

He trailed off, putting a finger up to his chin to think about what he was thinking about.

"'Bout..?" Freddy chuckled.

"'Bout how you seem tired," Bonnie said. "How'd you like to take your mind off things for a bit?"

He used his sturdy red guitar as a brace to stand up, as he wasn't sure his aging, poorly-maintained robotic legs would click instantly, and flicked his ears at Freddy.

"What do you mean?" Freddy asked, tapping on the windscreen on his mic again, nervously. "I'm not stressed. Not at all."

"I never said you were stressed," Bonnie sniffed, his black nose twitching a bit, and leaned his electric guitar against the wall. "But now I know you are. C'mon, foll- Come with me."

Freddy instinctively narrowed his eyes and made a little bear-like growl at the words Bonnie almost said, and the bunny felt his heart hollow with regret.

Not a great way to start to reconcile. God, Bon, you're stupid. Asking him to follow you? Yeah, that doesn't bring back bad memories at all.

"I'm sorry," Bonnie apologized quickly before reaching out a hand to help Freddy up, knowing he had the same struggles with bad joints.

"It's not a problem," he said. "Just be glad I'm not Cassidy, else I'd be at your throat if you said that."

"Thanks for not trying to kill me, again," Bonnie returned, a bit dryly.

Freddy made a noise between a chuckle and a whimper, as if he was going to laugh but then realized he really shouldn't.

Why did I say that? You're trying to be nice, Jeremy! Geez, it's not that hard.

Bonnie almost facepalmed himself, before Freddy sighed and hopped off the stage with more fluidity than Bonnie thought he could muster.

He held out a furry, brown, gloved hand to help Bonnie down, who took it guiltily and jumped down. 

Now I feel like he feels like I feel like I don't like him. And he probably knows I feel he feels that way, and I don't. I just wanted a friendly time with him, but I went and screwed that up! 

He was so distracted he didn't notice that they were passing Pirate's Cove, and a hook came out from behind the purple curtains and swept them aside to reveal a short red fox, who blinked his one amber eye.

"Ya guys goin' out for somethin', or scarin' the wits outta the guard?" he asked in a gruff, pirate-y voice.

"I forgot about the guard," Bonnie told him. "No, we're not doing that. I think Chica's just about to go anyway. I'm... Doing something."

Foxy looked at him, then at Freddy, then back at him. 

"I see 'at. 'ope 'e likes what ya do," he said smoothly, causing Bonnie to squeak very bunny-like and splutter his words.

Foxy laughed, showing off his glinting golden and white teeth, and disappeared back behind the star-patterned curtains, his hook slithering away.

"Sly fox," he muttered, composing himself.

"Dumb bunny," Foxy returned from behind the curtains, earning himself a blep.

"You're mad," Freddy told him as they continued to walk. "You never break out the tongue. Next you're gonna tell him to shut up."

Bonnie gasped dramatically.

"You assume too much," he replied. "I'm not that vulgar."

"I've known you our whole life and death," Freddy told him. "Truly, yes, you are, Jer."

Jer. He hasn't called me that in a bit.

Bonnie turned his head to hide an internal squeal of joy.

He pushed aside the swinging doors to the kitchen, and Freddy followed him with a bemused chortle.

"What're we here for?" Freddy asked, more oblivious than a rock.

"Pepperoni pizza," Bonnie responded, his extended knowledge of Freddy, or Gabriel, finally coming into use.

"But your favourite is cheese," Freddy reminded him as if he'd forgotten.

Bonnie rolled his pink eyes, amused.

"Not for me," he told Freddy before opening the fridge they kept there, leaving Freddy to contemplate this.

"Chica's favourite is, well, everythin'," he muttered to himself. "Foxy likes cheese too, and Cassidy likes pepperoni. Are you gettin' pizza for Cass? Oooh, you got a crush~? I think she likes C.C., though."

"Not Cass."

Are you really that dense?

"Well, gosh darn it, Bon. If it's not Cass, it must be Chica."

"You suck at guessin' games," Bonnie said before stuffing the pizza into the oven.

"I know," Freddy sighed. "Well, hm. Now I'm intrigued. Hah, you taught me that word. Not Cass, not Chica..." 

He counted off on his fingers. 

"C.C.? He likes cheese. I think. I can never get it outta that kid, cuz he doesn't really like me. Points at me and screams somethin' about a bite..."

"I thought C.C. liked sausage."

"You prolly know more than I do. He doesn't like me that much."

"Well, he points at me and says mainly the same thing, so don't be offended."

"He seems to really love Foxy. Calls him his brother sometimes, and 'Mikey' and things."

"I know! Foxy hates it, cuz that's close the name of the nightguard, and the nightguard looks a lot like, well..."

"You don't have to say it..."

The oven dinged, and Bonnie blinked and turned around to drag the steaming pizza out of it.

He wasn't careful with it, because as animatronics, they couldn't feel the pain from the heat and they didn't care about things like sanitization, because they couldn't get sick.

He placed it down on the metal island with a chuckle of, "Bon appetit".

"I didn't know you knew French," Freddy said, impressed.

"I don't," Bonnie laughed, sitting down on a wooden stool despite it creaking with his robotic weight. 

"I give up, who's it for?"

"... Really? I'm startin' to see why C.C. calls you daft."

"I don't even know what that means."

"I think he said it means goofy, or silly? Well, then he got distracted by Chica's cupcake, so take that as you will."

"Anyways, I'm not daft. I'm stupid. There's a difference."

"Gabe, you're not stupid. Stop sayin' that. Anyways, it's not for me, or Chica, or Cassidy. It's for you."

Bonnie and Freddy stared at each other for a moment, before Bonnie realized how blatantly he said that.

He hid his face in his hands, his ears lowering. 

"Aaaahhh! I really just said that- Oh gosh- That was awkward- L-Lemme try again-"

"How are you gonna say it any differently next time?" Freddy raised a brow. "You can say it as many times as you want, Bon."

He nonchalantly pinched the crust of the pizza and lifted his hand up, pulling up a slice of pre-cut pizza, cheese stringing between the slice and the rest of the pizza, and steam clouding up his glossy blue eyes.

"Well, then, I will. It's your pizza, and yes I did take you here for a pizza, because I've been noticin' that you've been slackin' on your breaks, mister Freddy Fazbear, and that's not tolerated here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. So you settle down, and you settle down good."

Freddy chuckled at this and chewed the slice of pizza between his mechanical jaws.

"Oh, you think it's funny, Fazbear? Eat your pizza."

"Y'know," Freddy started between the pizza. "It's cute that you made me pepperoni. It wouldn't have even mattered, since I can't taste it."

"Go big or go home, Gabe."

Freddy stood up, and Bonnie did too, though more curiously, wondering what Freddy was doing.

He walked over to him, and Bonnie tilted his head, opening his mouth to ask what he was doing.

But before he could, Freddy wrapped his arms around Bonnie and squeezed him tight, burying his face in his neck.

"Thank you," he murmured. "Work really was pulling me under, but at least you noticed and tried to help. I'm trying to make an image for you all you go by, but some days it's... Hard."

"I know, Fred," Bonnie said, trying to ignore his wagging tail. "That's why I do all this for you. I'm sorry, I didn't realize all the pressure we put on you by electing you as our leader-"

"It's okay. It's Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. My face is on everything. It wouldn't do so well as Chica the Chicken's pizza place, or Foxy the Pirate Fox's pizza place. Though maybe you could run it well."

"Aw, gee, you think?"

"I think so, Bun." Freddy grinned and pressed his finger into Bonnie's black nose. "I think you'd do great as a manager."

That was the best thing Freddy had said in a while, and Bonnie hugged back.

They stayed like that for a while.

Bonnie had missed his best bud, truth be told, and he was so glad he decided to do this...

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