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Krist wasn't coming home that night, work was too hectic. I knew exactly what he was going to do. He was going to walk out of his office and head towards one of the rooms in the back, used for file storage. Then he would sleep on the cot there, not even bothering to call me. I was really getting tired of his lack of appreciation for me. Sometimes I wish Hans and I never ended. He was actually there and at least acted like he loved me.

Oh well.

Right as I was about to sit down and go through a few files regarding the payment of employees, there was a knock on the front door. I stood up and watched where I walked, there were pain cans, brushes, and tarps all over the kitchen floor. Kris and his DIY junk. The bell was rung again, "I'm coming! Calm down!" I yelled opening the door, seeing Merida, I stopped yelling and my voice became softer, "Oh Merida. Is everything okay?"

"It's Hiccup." She used the sleeve of her over-sized sweater to wipe away a stray tear

"What's wrong?"

"He's goin' to kill himself."

"How can I help?" I asked those 4 magical words that had gotten me out of so many potential fights with Kris. Merida broke down crying and sat down on the front steps, "Uh, here, hang on one minute." I ran inside and got a box of tissues. Then coming outside, I handed it to Merida.

"Thanks." She hiccuped, "How did ye deal with it?"

"With what?"

"Ye sister. Don't act like she's not here. I know ye have one."

I sighed, it was going to have to come out eventually, "Well... She and I, we've had a hard life." Merida nodded, showing she was listening, I sighed, "We used to be really close when we were little but then she started hanging out with some weird kids. Mom and Dad didn't know, they just thought she was in a lot of after-school clubs. When really, she was doing bad things that she shouldn't have been doing. One time, I caught her doing some stuff. That's when I accidentally told Mom and Dad at dinner one time. She stood up and knocked over the table. After that she started locking herself up in her room. When Mom and Dad died a few years later, if she wanted to, she could have taken care of me and we could have lived together. But she decided to leave one day. I didn't know where she went..." I got choked up and had to stop. I thought back to those days, Elsa had made my life hell.

Hey, I had actually refered to her by her name for once.


I regained my composure, "She just left. Without a single word to where she went, why she left, what was going on. Just nothing. Just silence. She could have made an effort. She could have taken care of both of us. But she fucking left. She left. Mom and Dad didn't have a choice. She did." I stood and went inside and up to my room, slamming the door and falling into a heap on the floor.

"Why did she have to do that?!" I cried to no one in particular and felt a small hand on my back.

"An'a, it is goin' to be okay. She came back. She wants ta start over 'gain."

I realized how selfish my little outburst was, this wasn't about Elsa. But about Hiccup. "We need to find Toothless."

"I don't know where he lives. I only have his phone number."  

"What does he do for a living?"

"He wants ta teach people how ta fly." Merida sat on my bed, furiously ripping tissues out of the box I had given her and shoving them into her purse. She caught me staring and shrugged, "For later."

I laughed. For the first time in I don't know how long, I actually genuinely laughed.

After a few seconds of silence, Merida and I headed out to her car and we drove to her place. On the way, we sat in silence listening to the radio.

Her phone rang and I saw it was Jack. She ignored the call as I tried to figure out a way to bring up what I heard, "Um... Merida?"


"I heard that-"

"I know what ye heard. An' I know it ain't true."

"Merida, I didn't mean to-"

"Can we just sit in quiet?"

"Uh. Yea.." I kept my gaze down until I realized something, "Merida!"

"What!?" She yelled stopping the car much to the annoyance of the other drivers, I waved for them to go around

"Where did Hiccup and you first meet?"


"He could be at one of the places where you guys had a date or whatnot, he could be at his favorite reno, he could be at his favorite spot- do you know where he would be from that?"

"We could split up an' call Punzie?"

"Let's do it." As soon as those words left my lips, Merida sped around cars and dropped me off near one of the streets several renos were done, once she left, my phone rang. Krist. With a sigh I picked up, "Hello?"

"Come home now."

The heck?! "Why?"

"Come home now."

I rolled my eyes, I was done. "Why?" I asked more aggressively  

"Where are you?"

"I'm busy Krist."


"Why am I busy? Oh I don't know if you know this but other people have lives besides just you. Kristoff you always push everything off on me and act like I have all the time in the world and no life outside of you and work. But I do. So I'm busy. If you want something done, do it yourself." I hung up and threw my phone across the street, landing it in a birdbath. Great anger.

Ow. Ow. Ow. I grabbed my head. It hurt like heck, what was going on?

I turned and started walking to my phone when I felt like someone was following me, turning I found Elsa wearing a dark blue floor length dress, "Elsa?" She kept walking towards me, I grabbed my head again, and fell to my knees. "Ugh!" I shut my eyes tight, it hurt so much.

Elsa grabbed the back of my shirt and hoisted me to my feet, "Hello sister." She whispered by my ear as I fumbled with trying to remove her hands that had found themselves to my throat.

"Elsa." I gasped, "What are you doing?!"

"Well, Anna. I met an old friend. And you'll never guess what happened. I think now would be a good time for you to-" Elsa's grip on my neck was nonexistent and I fell to the concrete, scraping my knees.

I turned around, finally having gathered my bearings, to see a white-haired boy standing behind Elsa, who was laying on the ground, unconscious. Breathing heavily and still staring at Elsa, he called out to me, "Anna are you okay?"

"Uh. Yea. Yea I am. Thanks Jack." I stood and walked over to him, swaying slightly

"Careful. Anna, who is this?"

"She's... My sister- Her name is Elsa- we we're... I don't know what... I have no idea why she attacked me."

"Hey it's okay. Let's take her to the hospital." Jack moved to pick her up and carry her to an awaiting car

"Whose car is that Jack?"

"Does it really matter Anna?" He snapped

Elsa started to move and she opened her eyes, curiously looking at Jack and then turning to glare at me, she punched Jack in the face and shot some black-ish blue colored dust at him. He shot out some ice-y blue dust and her dust was overpowered. Seeing this, she ran, but not before glancing back at Jack- one last time.

"Jack? What just happened? What was that dust?"

"It's nothing Anna. You'll figure it out, I'm sure you will."

How can I figure it out when I have no clue?

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