One Tale Gone, More To Take, Less To Leave

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Where am I? What was Rapunzel- Blondie going to say? What happened? I tried to sit up but it felt like I was stuck in mud or quicksand. Or tar. I kept sinking, couldn't get out, I heard crying... Rapunzel showed up in the picture and another person. Her hair was longer. She was crying, I could only see the back of her head as she leaned over someone singing, "Flower gleam and glow let the-" the voice stopped and she moved her head slightly, showing the other figure's face. My face. But we were wearing old clothes, like a dress and fancy shirt. It looked like we were from another time. What was this? She sat up and turned, looking right through me, towards the window "Pitch." The dark creature grinned and gingerly touched the side of the tower. Black sand started to cover it. And Rapunzel stood up, protectively, me behind her. "You're not going to hurt him! He doesn't know yet! You're not going to hurt me! You've done enough!" She started chanting the song again, "Flower gleam and glow let your heart decide..."

Pitch frowned at her and punched the wall, quickening up the towers grim transformation, "You will not." Rapunzel chanted even louder, everywhere her golden hair was, lit up. Her powers were taking longer than what seemed to be expected. The parts that were not yet lit up, were devoured by the black sand making it strong as she cried out in pain. It was over-powering her. I needed to do something! But I couldn't move, I couldn't help. And before we, Rapunzel and I, knew what was happening, Pitch had proclaimed with a proud smirk, "Lights out!"


It's short, I'm aware, under 320 words in fact but I felt this chapter deserves to stand on its own. Especially since it's so important.

I'll be post more later. :) -C

Words- 317

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