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After ignoring Jack's thirteenth call, I was feeling a little guilty. Just a little. At least until I got Mer's call.

"Mer? What's wrong?!"

"I need ye help. Now. It's Hiccup. He's goin' kill 'emself." She hiccuped from all the crying she had done

"Okay. Okay. What do you want me to do, I'll help you out in anyway I can." I opened the dorm door and came face-to-face with Eugene, "Oh! Mer, I'll call you back."

We stood there standing, staring at each other, nether of us speaking until he did, "Um, hi."

"Hi." Well this is a little weird, "Uh, how did you get up here and past the campus guards or police or whatever." I nervously twirled a strand of my blonde hair around my finger

"Oh, well I told them I had a package to give you- personally. So after they patted me down and got where I was going, I was allowed to go, under surveillance that is. This college you're at is pretty uptight, for an art school that is." He smirked

"Heh, yea. You said you had something to give me? Sorry for the briefness but Mer needs my help, something along the lines of-"

"Hiccup. Yea, I know." He used his hand to rub the back of his neck, "Can I- I don't know- take you on a date?"

"A date?" I leaned against the door-frame, a little in shock- I knew Eugene somewhat well, well enough to know that he hates being called Eugene, but he was more of Hiccup's and Jack's friend. The girls in our group really didn't hang out with him much, especially due to the fact that he was a bounty hunter and a so-called womanizer by various girls who I've talked to that have dated him. Not the ideal mate for an artist chick. I.e. Me.

"Uh, yea. I mean, I know Jack and you are a thing but I don't know I thought we could just maybe have one date- I mean, I just got over my last-"



"I can't go on a date with another guy when I'm already dating a guy I love."

"Are you sure about that?"

"What do you mean...?"

"I can't go on a date with another guy when I'm already dating a guy I love."

"Yea I get that, but what about it?"

"Jack was seen sharing ice cream with Merida, saving Anna, and making love-y eyes at this one white-haired girl."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Don't believe me? Fine, here." Eugene handed me a pile of photos

After looking at each of them closely I was mad. What gave him the right to stalk MY boyfriend?! "What the hell?! Where did you get these?! Why do you have these?!"

"If I want to be a bounty hunter, I have to scout like one. We don't just jump in, we do our research, you of all people should know that Rapunzel." He looked at me somewhat... sad? But why?

"This is completely uncalled for Eugene! You can't just stalk people who aren't ex-convicts!" I yelled at him, pushing past

He grabbed my wrist and twirled me into his chest, "C'mon Blondie, don't be mad." He studied my face for a few beats, "You're not mad. You're upset. About Jack." A tear trickled down my cheek- I didn't realize I was crying!

Eugene wiped it away and hugged me, "Eugene. Please let me go."

"But.. I thought we were having a moment." He pouted and I couldn't help but laugh, "C'mon, we have to get you something for that frown."


"Fine. Here comes the smolder."

"Oh stop it." He wouldn't stop. "Ugh, fine. Just quit with the smolder." I grabbed my clutch and closed the door. He offered his arm and I took it, a little nervous and weirded out. I remember a painting I once saw of a girl being pushed on a swing in a nice-looking forest scene. I think it was a painting from Jean-Honore Fragonard. The Swing? I'm not quite sure but after we got ice cream, Eugene and I walked around a playground that was near a forest preserve so pretty much no city noise which was great. To be in nature that is. Not with Eugene.

"Hey look what I found." Eugene looked over his shoulder at me

"Uh what?"

He lifted up a branch, "A secret garden. Let's go."

"No. I can't."

"Why not?" He looked at me, "Let's go." Grabbing my arm, he dragged me into the bushes and we emerged in a secret clearing that boasted a single swing in the middle of it. I yanked my arm away from Eugene. His fingers left little red marks on my skin.

"Ow! That hurt! I'm leaving. Goodbye Eugene." I started to walk away when out of nowhere, Eugene wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my shoulder, "Let go."

"C'mon Blondie."

"That's not my name." I yanked myself away from him and turned to face his ugly one

"Why are you so cold to me?!" He yelled

"Why am I so cold to you!? I'm so cold to you because you are trying to convince me to date you instead of sticking with the one I love! Jack would never cheat on me, unlike you!" Slight confusion flashed over his face before recognition, "Oh yes, I know. I've heard all about you Eugene. You and that gang. You and those drugs. You and those girls. I'm not stupid Eugene. I don't know who the heck you think you are or who the heck you think I am but I'm no idiot! I'm not one of those girls who'd change their whole being- whole personality for some stupid egotistic little bitch." I turned on my heel and marched away towards the bushes

"Ah ah ah. No no." A voice echoed before a dark dust started to crawl down the bushes like a mist or smoke would

"What the-!" I quickly jumped back and ran towards where Eugene stood, "What did you do!?"

"What did I do?! I did nothing! Why did you assume I did something! It could have been triggered by you!"

"Yea, like I would do something like that! I actually watch where I walk! And I care about the Earth hence me being a vegan. Unlike said you." The smoke kept crawling closer, leaving a wake of dead plants and black mist, watching the smoke go around a statue, not climbing up or devouring it, I developed an idea, "Eugene! Look! It's not going up the statue!"

Eugene picked me up and placed me on the swing, "Whatever you do, don't get off that swing until all this," He gestured to the smoke, "Is gone."

"But Eugene! What about you?" I sat on the old wood of the seat

Eugene took my hand, "I'd rather see someone that hates me and I love live than someone like me." He got behind the swing and started pushing it, higher, and higher, until I could no longer touch the ground with how fast or high I was going. I watched as the smoke came closer and closer, sealing up the space until it reached Eugene.

"Eugene!" He looked up, "I'm sorry!" He gave me a thumbs up, "I- I think- I think I might- Look out!" The smoke was licking at his feet. He tried to move but it slowly started climbing up his jeans and towards his t-shirt, "Eugene!" He looked to be in immense pain, shaking and biting his lip to keep from screaming.

There was nothing I could do.

He was gone.

Soon there was no Eugene to call to.

Authors Note: Hey everyone,

It's a little longer which is good. But not as long as I would have liked or as you would have liked, eh? It's just that I have to balance my publishing of new chapters between 10 Published works, two dozen that I'm re-editing and hoping to re-publish or publish as finished, and some that I'm starting from new ideas. So I have to balance ALL those PLUS school, homework, relationships (Family and Other), taking care of my pooches, and whatnot. So I am glad everyone is patient and understanding (At least I hope you guys are!). Now, I'd like to do a comment question thing. Part of my new and improved system. This chapter's question is a two part one.

One- What's been your favorite part of this book so far and why?

Two: Who is the character you can relate most to and why?

Okay I lied. It's two two-part questions... Eek. Sorry :/ See ya! -C

Just short of 1500 words.

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