Chapter 16

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Caden’s POV

He looked strict.

Everything about him – the tightly shut thin lips, the dark penetrating eyes, the high hoary eyebrows, even his white and meticulously combed hair, told me that this man was one of honor, virtue and discipline.

So how come he considered giving the likes of us a job?

We were sat in his office – well, what would be his office once the store opened anyway – and he was just done with asking us questions. He was watching the three of us silently while he contemplated whether hiring us would be the biggest mistake of his life.

I shifted in my seat.

He made me nervous.

Maybe it was his rigorous demeanor or perhaps it was due to him deciding my fate… or at least my financial state.

How come I did not remember him from the fair?

How could have I missed him?

Was it because I’d been too distracted with thoughts of Elanor and Cillian’s cryptic “We’ll talk later or maybe Logan will explain that to you” when I asked what had happened to Gavin?

Most likely.

Still, to miss a man such as this…

I looked at my friends: both of them were nervous, although by far not as much as I was; you could barely tell they felt that way. The thing that gave Keegan away was that he was tapping his knee with his index finger and Asher’s telltale sign was that he was sitting on the edge of his plastic chair. Their faces were calm though.

And I?

I was sure Mr. Jacobson - Asher’s dad’s friend and possibly our new manager – could see just how anxious I was simply by looking in my eyes.

When had I become like this?

There was a time when nothing could faze me; when no one could read my thoughts no matter how long they stared at me. I used to hang out with junkies and criminals – people who knew how to find your weak spot and use it against you.

Hell, I was a criminal!

I used to watch people, to carefully track their every move so that I’d know when to talk and what to say or do so that I wouldn’t end up dead in the nearest gutter.

I used to have cops questioning me about the things I’d done or they thought I’d done and they could not get anything out of me.

But now things were different.

My palms were sweaty and cold, my throat was dry and I just couldn’t stay still in my chair.

Darn it! These plastic things were so uncomfortable.

It’s just a matter of whether you get the job or not, I kept reminding myself. It’s not like your life is at stake. There will be plenty of other opportunities if things don’t go the way you are hoping for them to go here…

Would there?

Would there really be other opportunities?

I’ve been looking for a job for almost two months now. This was the closest I got to getting one. Not that those knitted white eyebrows and Mr. Jacobson’s prolonged silence brought me any comfort. Just as I thought I was about to explode from nerves, he spoke:

“So do you three have any questions?”

My heart jumped. That was a good sign - if he was asking us that then maybe he would hire us after all.

“Yeah, which position are you considering us for?”

Of course, it had been Keegan who had asked that. As much as he needed a job, he’d hate to be a janitor.

“I was thinking about you starting with stocking up the shelves and maybe in time to move you to the cash registers. We’ll be training you for both of course…”

“Wait,” I interrupted Mr. Jacobson’s explanation. “You are actually going to let us work with money? Even though you know we’ve been accused of theft?”

“Asher’s father told me that you boys are really trying to turn your lives around and become responsible, law-abiding adults,” he replied, slightly frowning that I had cut him off. I would do well to remember not to interrupt him again. “Besides, if I find out that you’ve been taking money from the store, I’ll kick you out on the spot. This is the only warning you’ll get on the matter.”

I nodded. I had no doubt this man would make good on his word.

“As I was saying before,” he went on, “we’ll be training you for both positions. Some renovations must still be done before the store could open but we estimate they would take no more than two weeks to complete.”

I furrowed my eyebrows.

Two weeks?

I looked around the manager’s small office: there wasn’t much in here besides a desk and the red or white plastic chairs that each of us sat on. It was dimly lit, with only one portable lamp sitting on his desk; the windows had no blinds, just pieces of brown paper taped to them; the floor was covered in dust and in the corner there was a stack of unopened cardboard boxes. I was not aware of what was in them but I still figured it would take no more than a day to fix this place up.

Then again I hadn’t looked much at the rest of the store as we were coming in; I’d been too anxious to do that. Perhaps that’s where the renovations were needed.

“So when do we start the training?” Ash inquired.

“As soon as possible,” the middle-aged man answered. “Can you come here after your classes tomorrow?”

The three of us nodded.

“Good. Bring me a copy of your schedules and I’ll work up a time for you to come. I hear you have more activities due to attending the Arts Academy?” Mr. Jacobson turned to me.

“That’s right. I have practice so I spend more hours there than Keegan and Asher do in the Aberville University.”

“That could be a problem…”

My heart stopped in my chest until he continued.

“While you train, I mean. But we’ll work something out. And once you start working, I’ll put you on the evening shifts or to work during the weekends.”

I sighed in relief: he had not written me off yet.

“Now, I expect you boys are also concerned with how much we’ll be paying you.”

The two numbers he gave us – one for stocking the shelves and one for the cashiers, made Kee frown but I was more than happy with it. Hey, everything was better than zero! Asher also seemed pleased as he tried to hide a smile. I was sure he was already planning to take Beth out to celebrate.

Not a bad idea. Maybe Alice and I should follow their example and…

“I think that pretty much covers it all,” Mr. Jacobson said, getting up from his chair. “I’ll expect to see you tomorrow with your schedules.”

We each shook hands with him before we left the store.

“Oh, man, the pay sucks,” Keegan whined as soon as we were out the door.

“At least we will be getting paid,” Ash replied.

“He’s right, Kee – at least we’ll be getting paid,” I supported the blond.

We’ll start with stocking the shelves, I narrated in my mind. Then he might move us to being cashiers…  All we have to do is show him that we are trustworthy enough to handle the money… And being a cashier means that we’ll get a bigger paycheck. If I do well with that position, then maybe I’ll be able to become assistant manager and bring even more cash home… Will I have the time though? An assistant manager will have a lot on his plate and I’m already busy with the Academy. What if I don’t have time for both? What if I have to choose?

I sighed.

I’d think of that when it comes to that. If it comes to that. I might not be suitable for a manager’s assistant in the first place.

“You guys want one?” Kee put a cigarette between his lips and offered us the pack.

“No,” Ash and I declined at the same time.

“I really don’t get you two,” the brunet shook his head before putting the pack of smokes in his pocket and lighting the one that was in his mouth. He took one long drag of it and exhaled the smoke in our direction; I was pretty sure he did so on purpose.

“So what if Alice and Beth don’t approve of cigarettes? They are not here now, are they,” he went on while we walked towards our apartments. “They wouldn’t know you guys have been smoking if you don’t do it too often. Skyler also dislikes these,” he put the cancer stick between his lips again, “but that doesn’t stop me. I mean, why quit just because you have girlfriends now?”

“Because we love our girlfriends and we don’t want to lie to them,” Ash replied. “And you can hardly compare the relationship with your roommate to what Cade and I have with our girls. It is something real, based on true feelings and…”

“Have I ever told you, you sometimes sound like a fag?” Kee cut him off. “Or a girl. You are too touchy-feely.”

“Hey, you are the one living with the drama queen,” the blond retorted.

Keegan stopped to frown at him but could not dispute the other boy’s words – he himself had called Sky that one too many times.

“So we are working together again, huh?” He started walking once more and I smirked at his attempt to change the subject before I replied:

“Only this time we are doing something legal.”

My friends muttered their agreement as we turned round the corner and I almost bumped into someone with a beautiful, familiar face.

“Hey,” Galya greeted, smiling once the surprise of running into me was gone. “How did the job interview go?”



Galya’s POV

Fancy running into Caden of all the people. And the two boys beside him must be Keegan and Asher.

I smiled.

Did someone pick this bunch with a contest?

All three of them were really good-looking. Caden with his black hair and fair complexion contrasted with the boy to his left who was blond and tanned. They all shared one thing in common: the three of them were really fit. The last boy – the one to Caden’s right - had amazing, long hair; not only did it look soft but it was a very interesting hue of reddish-brown which just happened to be a favorite with me.

By the gleam in his green eyes I figured he was pretty intrigued with me as well, although he wasn’t looking at my hair; his eyes were aimed lower. I remembered Caden had warned me about Keegan being a flirt.

Such a nice day for me to wear a V-neck!

“Hey,” I greeted my new friend then remembered it was Monday – the day when he might’ve found employment. “How did the job interview go?”

“Pretty good. We’ll start training soon. And we won’t be janitors.”

The joy with which he said the last sentence made me giggle.

Boys and their pride!

“So, Cade,” the brunet kept looking me up and down with appreciation; couldn’t blame him – I did my best to keep myself in shape. “Are you going to introduce us?”

“I’m pretty sure she’s already figured out who you are, Kee,” the other boy replied then pointed to the blond. “This one’s Asher. And she’s Galya.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said. “And congratulations on getting the jobs!”

“Thanks…” The blond started but Keegan cut him off:

“We were thinking about going out to celebrate,” he commented. The other two boys looked confused by the statement. “That’s the three of us, their girlfriends and my roommate. Why don’t you join us? I mean, Caden has told us so much about you already.”

So that’s why Ash and Cade seemed surprised!

This boy has just come up with the idea and I was pretty sure he thought of it to ask me out. Well, not on a date, obviously, since there would be other people there. That didn’t mean he wasn’t planning on hitting on me. Not that I’d mind a bit of a flirt – he was handsome and clever.

He wasn’t my type though. He was too… hmm… too temporary? Yes, that was it – too temporary. Not dating material.

Unlike Caden and Asher. The later was too leveled though, too down-to-earth. Unlike Cade – there was something dangerous and wild about him.

So should I accept?

Saying yes to going out didn’t mean saying yes to hooking up with Keegan so why not?

Alice was sweet and I’d also get to meet the twins; Sky and Beth, if I’m not mistaken.

“Sure,” I replied aloud. “When were you thinking of going out?”

“We haven’t decided yet,” the brunet responded. “How about you give me your number and I’ll call you to arrange something?”

Yeah, right!

“No need,” I answered curtly. “Cade already has it so he’ll give me a call.” I gazed at the time on my phone.

I better hurry.

“I must be going now. It was nice meeting you two,” I waved to the boys and moved pass them as they said their goodbyes.

While I walked, I wondered whether I’d have the time to go out with them. It was my last year at the Academy and therefore my busiest. I hoped I’d find the time though: they seemed like a decent bunch.

Besides, who can resist all that eye candy?



A/N: So Galya will finally meet all of the gang. How do you think they’d react to her? Will they click or would she make not only Alice but also Beth jealous? Or maybe Galya would set her eyes on Skyler or Keegan. The second one does have amazing hair  ;)


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