The kinda-cold fire of '87

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Frost Star was chilling.

Probably because it was -99999999999° farenheit.

But Frost Star was just built different, so everything was luke warm to him.

Swear Mouth was not built different however. He was LITERALLY dying.

Suddenly, a fire appeared out of nowhere and killed Swear Mouth.

And no one cared.

Cause he was kinda a jerk.

And the author hated him. (Sry not sry <3)

Then a random hawk ate Boring Dumb (previously Boring Paw)

"WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87!??" Sad Boi 2.0 screeched.

Literally no one understood that reference so they didn't care.

Frost Star walked over to a mouse.

"Ugh! Why does this mouse smell so bad!?" He yelled, outraged.

"Frost Star, that ain't a mouse. It's yo sista-" Wannabe' Cool corrected him.

"Shut up. I'm trying to figure out why this mouse smells," Frost Star was stumped, "OOOH! It's my sister!"

Smelly Mouse bolted awake. "OI! DON'T TALK TO YOUR MEDICINE CAT LIKE THAT!!1!1!11!1!1!1!!!!!!1!!1!"

"Wait- you're the medicine cat? According to the warrior code, there can only be one. So yk, let's fight to the death." Sad Boi 2.0 agonizingly asked aloud.

"Okie." Smelly Mouse said, snapping his neck with her mind powers.

"GaAAaAAaAh *ded*" Sad Boi 2.0 caterwauled carnivorously in a caravan of cascading cries.

"Congrats ig?" Frost Star burped cause the author is clearly trying to be original here.

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