Lost & Found

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{ P A R T #11 }

Elsa Arendelle

I tried to tell everyone that there was a cure. They'd just look at me weirdly like they don't know what 'cure' means.

I decided to go to my father. He was operating the military.

"Father!" I called him. He turned around.

"Can't you see we have work?" He growled. Annoyed.

"I know. I know. But after those days I've spent out there ... Corpses are turning back to humans." I explained passionately.

"Don't be ridicolous Elsa." Father interrupted.

"But they are ... There is a cure." I smiled.

"Oh for goodness sakes Elsa!" Father snapped "There is no such thing as a cure! Corpses are corpses ... There is no going back!"

I glared at father in shock. My father breathing heavily.

"I'm out." I left his sight. I ran back home to my mansion. I wasn't dumb enough to run away. I just knew what I had to do.

Forget about the cure. Forget about Jack. Just survive.

I jumped on my bed and started sobbing on my pillow. Tears dropped on my pillow as a silohuette appeared.

"Elsa!" Anna looked at me and ran over to tend to me straight away. I didn't see her earlier because she stays with her boyfriend Hans.

I looked up, wiping my tears from the sleeves of my sweater. "Anna? Why are you here?"

"Father told me that you're here." Anna explained.

I looked at her with a confused expression "When?"

"Today. I was going to come but ..." Anna looked down sadly. "Hans wouldn't let me leave. He yelled at me. Hit me. Abused me. Harassed me. I snuck outside when I had the chance."

"Anna!" I gasped I rushed to hug her my head on her shoulder.

Harsh knocks haunted the mansion.

I held Anna tight.

I shushed Anna and I crept to the front door peeking through the blinds.

"Anna! Babe?! Open the door!" A male voice shouted.

I was able to see the figure banging. Reddish auburn hair slicked back. Neat side burns and a light complexion ... Hans.

I swiftly crept back to Anna. Anna looked at me with wide eyes. Anna hugged her legs ... She was breathing heavily. Traumatized.

Anna Arendelle

F L A S H B A C K :

Hans held my hips and I turned back to kiss him on the cheek.

The phone rung and I quickly answered it and I went outside. Hans looks at me suspiciously.

So I went further away from him.

"Hey babe." A masculine voice said.

I chuckled putting my hand on my mouth. "Kristoff! You're back!"

"Did you break things off with Hans yet?" Kristoff asks.

"Uhh ... No. But I will."

"Umm also Anna ..." Kristoff said in a softer tone "Your sister Elsa, hasn't returned."

"Wait ..." I shook my head "What?!"

"I saw Elsa walking with the corpses." Kristoff sincerely explained.

"For the first time in forever I have to live in fear." I muttered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"You could've saved her!" I burst out. Then I hung up.

I need to go to the family's mansion! So I rushed to the door.

Hans appeared from nowhere and stopped my tracks.

"Where you off to?" Hans asked.

"I-I ... I need some alone time." I stammered.

"With Kristoff?" He asked plainly.

"Look Hans ... I was going to tell you." I told him and I reached for the door knob and he suddenly grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Why don't you love me?!" Hans yelled.

"I love Kristoff." I answered afraid. Hans suddenly slapped me hard it stung and I whimpered.

"You are mine! You love me!" He shouted.

A tear trickled down my face as he pulled me to the sofa.

I screamed trying to break out of his grip. He pushed me in a dark storage room and locked the door.

"When you say 'I love you' I will let you out." Hans said softly.

I sobbed loudly banging on it. Screaming endlessly.

I was hungry, cold and constricted. I had bruised knuckles from banging on the storage doors.

I gave up. "Okay! Okay! I love you!" I yelled exhaustingly.

I heard steps descending and Hans opened up the door and let me out.

"I was getting worried." Hans said relievingly. "I was afraid I would leave you there to die if you didn't say three simple words."

I glared at him in fear then I looked back down. I always knew Hans had a dark side. He'd always show a hint of it.

After a few days I was imprisoned in Hans' house feeling emptiness. Hans approached me.

"I've just recieved a call." He informed me "Your sister Elsa appears to be alive. Guess Kristoff lied."


I screamed inside of me trying not revealing my to reveal my true feelings on my surface.

But I won't be able to see her.

I looked down.

Hans lifted up my chin.

"Come to the bed with me." Hans cheekily smiled and grabbed my hand.

I pulled my hand away from his and he looked at me in an frustrated expression.

I tried to run away but I couldn't Hans grabbed both of my wrists. Hans tossed me in the bedroom and locked the doors.

"I expect you to be undressed by the time I arrive." Hans told me.

I looked down to see my red wrist.

Hans lust is disturbing.

I opened the window and the smell of night seeped through my nose. I took a refreshing breath.

I looked down and I was high up but not that high, but I was still fearful of the consequences.

"I was born ready." I encouragley mutter.

I suddenly jump. Trying to avoid landing on my face on the street.

But I fell on my legs.

"Ahh." I groan softly.

I lift myself up and walk myself to the house with a harsh limp, gradually healing on my way to the house.

I crept through the door and locked it. I locked everything in the house then I saw Elsa sobbing on a pillow.


Elsa Arendelle

I was comforting Anna until the banging stops but it didn't.

"I know you're in there Anna!" Hans yelled continously banging on the door.

Anna was quietly sobbing and I went to my dad's room quietly and grab a hand gun and went back down.

Then I heard squeaks of the door.

"Elsa!" Anna screamed.

Hans got his hand and put it over Anna's mouth. Hans looked up to see me.

"All I'm doing is bringing Anna back to her home." Hans softly said. A tear trickled down Anna's face.

"Don't you see?" I said "This is her home."

"No you little bitch! She's mine." Hans shouted.

I stood there. Not doing anything. My actions might reflect his.

Anna grabbed his hand off of her mouth.

"You won't get away with this." Anna snarled. She lent over to slap him.

Hans was furious and started punching her harshly.

I was panicked and shocked. I didn't think.

I extended my arm out and pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit the back of Hans head and blood was splattered on Anna's clothes. Hans fell on the floor.

I dropped the gun.

What did I do?

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