Emblem Adoptables - Egg Stage [CLOSED]

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Hey everyone, I'm beginning a new set of adoptables! This time I intend on completing them, though I believe it will take me a month or two to finish them entirely, so if you want one you'll have to be patient. There will be approximately twenty-five slots available.

» I N F O R M A T I O N «

Mystery Eggs are the eggs of creatures and cryptids that will often appear in different locations near the town where you live. Many individuals, commonly known as "egg hunters", will go on quests to try and retrieve one of these eggs to keep it as their own. During these quests, the egg-hunters decisions will impact the outcome of the egg; adoptables often adapt to fit their owner's personalities, allowing for compatibility between the two. Your choices may have an effect on the following prompts, so try to keep your previous answers in mind as you go through your quest!

After a month or so, all of the adopted eggs will hatch, revealing your new adoptable friend. Mystery eggs from the same set will often be from the same creature, and will generally be the same type of creature.

» R U L E S «

For anyone who doesn't know how it works: 

Comment below with the hashtag #EmblemAdoptables if you'd like one of these eggs. You may only adopt one, and the chapter title will change to indicate how many adoptable eggs remain. Adoption closes if all eggs are claimed or after a week has passed, whichever comes first.

Before adopting, you will read short story describing your adventure, or how you came upon these eggs, and you will have to answer some questions describing your reactions to each challenge. These choices impact which adoptable you will be matched with, and questions and storyline will change with each new adoptables set.

Here is an example of what your comment should look like:


Hey! I'd like to adopt one of these eggs!

Question choices:

1. A 

2. B

3. C

4. D 

5. E


» E M B L E M _ A D O P T A B L E S «

Since the first sets of Mystery Eggs were discovered, they've become quite the craze, and it seems that everyone is waiting in anticipation for the next batch to appear. Intent on finding an egg of your own, you've gathered your most hardcore egg-hunting gear - a comfy, padded basket for the egg and a warm sweater in case you get chilly. Confident, you head out early in the morning to get a head start on the other egg-hunters. The next set of Mystery Eggs is rumored to be hidden in an archipelago just off the coast, a few miles away from your town. It would take at least an hour to reach on foot, but cross-country walks aren't really your style. Instead, you pay  visit to your local mystic stables, and decide to purchase a mount. You choose:


AA swift, long legged horse. Its balanced combination of speed and stamina will make your journey a breeze.

BA giant boar. It may not be the fastest mount available, but its incredible sturdiness allows you to take time-saving shortcuts through rough terrain.

CA ferocious wolf. This powerful animal has a lot of endurance, and if you run into any trouble, you'll certainly have the advantage in a fight.

DA lithe wildcat. It doesn't have to much stamina, but it's certainly the most agile mount available, and you shouldn't have any trouble with the terrain.

EA wingless serpent. This mount is extremely adaptable to terrain, and you're planning on taking a very efficient water route.

As the sun begins to rise, you're already headed away from your home and towards the distant ocean. It's only a few minutes before the terrain around you becoming unfamiliar, and you realized that the path you're traveling on splits into five smaller trails just up ahead.

If you are riding a horse, you choose the first path, which leads to the open plains. There will be few obstacles to slow you down here.

If you are riding a boar, you choose the second path, which leads to the canyons. It's rocky and dangerous, but won't be difficult to navigate with this mount.

If you are riding a wolf, you choose the third path, which leads to the marshes. The animals here are said to be hostile, but your mount can easily fight them off.

If you are riding a wildcat, you choose the fourth path, which leads to the snowy mountain range. The steep slopes are dangerous, but your mount's agility will get you through safely.

If you are riding a serpent, you take the fifth path, which leads into a tropical forest. If you swim through the river here, you'll reach your destination on no time.

Satisfied with how your quest is playing out so far, you relax for the rest of the journey, and take some time to fantasize about your Mystery Egg. Although no one can be sure what creature is inside, it's rumored to be something canine in nature, and almost certainly something mythical. Personally, you hope your adoptable is:


A • Cute, friendly, and charismatic. You just want a pet you can get along with.

B • Unique, alluring, and talented. You'd love a pet with a special skill or ability.

C • Impressive, intimidating, and bold. A cool pet is just what you need.

D • Intelligent, curious, and creative. You could work on fun projects together.

E • Confident, popular, and affectionate. You and your pet could go to social events!

You're surprised by how quickly you reach the coastline, and once you arrive, you dismount your animal and scope out the area. There's a stretch of water between you and the island where the Mystery Eggs are located, and you're not entirely sure how to cross it - until you spot a small boat dock further down on the beach. Your mount is tired from the trip, so you leave it to rest in the shade and head towards the building. At first glance, it seems almost uninhabited, although there are footprints in the sand around you and there are plenty of small boats tied to the connecting docks. You head inside, realizing that there is one inhabitant in the building; an graceful elf-like being with gills on the sides of their neck. They explain that they can rent you a boat, buy only if you pay them a sum of money. You certainly don't have the amount they're asking for, so you decide to:


A • Try and bargain with the being and pay a smaller sum of money.

B • Convince the being that you'll pay back the full price tomorrow.

C • Try and trade the being another valuable item instead.

D • Come up with an excuse as to why you urgently need the boat.

E • Argue with them about how their prices are unfair.

You finally manage to convince the being to rent you a boat, though you assume it's only because they're too annoyed to speak with you for much longer. You thank the begrudging humanoid and climb into the boat, growing excited again as you grab the paddles and row away from the dock. You pass by the spot where your mount is resting, and inform it that you'll return as soon as possible. The mount doesn't show that it heard you, but looks too tired to be moving anytime soon. You set off towards the island, putting on a sweater as it begins to grown colder. Your arms are sore by the time your boat settles in the sand, and you pull it up farther on the beach so it won't drift away. There's a large cave in the center of the island, where the eggs are supposedly located, and you head in with a determined stride. After only a few minutes of walking, you reach an area where four tunnels that branch off of the main one. You decide to continue down:


A • The tunnel you're already in. It seems safer to stay on the same path.

B • The warm tunnel with small pools of fiery liquid. It's very well lit.

C • The dim one with ice fractals. The cold doesn't bother you too much.

D • The sparkly one with crystals in the walls. It'll certainly be scenic!

E • The one with little patches of grass and flowers. You're not much for plain rocks.

Unlike your journey to the island, your trek through the cave seems to take ages. You're beginning to suspect that you're going around in circles, but you've been marking the tunnel with little piles of rocks, and you haven't stumbled upon any of them yet, which seems like a good thing. After an indeterminable amount of time, the atmosphere around you changes - it's a bit warmer now, and the air around you seems to vibrate slightly. The stone beneath your feet is a bit cracked, and in the crevices you can see rivulets of ice, crystal, fire, and moss. It seems that all of the tunnels have converged in this one large cavern. There's a sudden flash of light as a stream of lava bubbles up from a hole in the wall, illuminating a large clutch of mutated eggs. The lava cools only moments later, and you continue towards the eggs, basket in hand. They're all different shades of gray, with brightly colored dots on them. After a moment of consideration, you pick up:


A • The white egg [CLOSED]

B • The light grey egg [CLOSED]

C • The medium grey egg [CLOSED]

D • The dark grey egg [CLOSED]

E • The black egg [CLOSED]

Happy with your choice, you head out of the caves, following the markers you left on your way in. You manage to make it out fairly quickly, and head back to where you left your boat on the beach. Hopefully, this egg will hatch in a few weeks, and you will have a new adoptable companion.

Thank you for playing! If you have any questions, ask in the comments below or send me a private message.

» A D O P T E E S «

[6 Eggs claimed]













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