This is the FIRST thing I ever wrote on Wattpad its kinda bad though

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"Frost, Frost, Frost."

" Huh? Wha- what's happening?"

"It's me, your mom, Slush"

"Mom!" I mewed with pure joy seeing a fluffy white cat.

"I'll see you when you later..." Mom meowed her voice starting to like Moss, my little sister.

"Uhh... m-mom, every thing okay?" I asked

"Of corse! Now, WAKE UP!" Slush screamed her voice sounding like Moss.

"What's WRONG with you?!"

All of a sudden I woke up, realizing I was in a dream.

"WAKE UP!" Moss screamed into my ear.

"I'm up, I'm up." I mewed quietly.

We live in, I guess, under a big bush that blocks out most of the rain and snow. Tall birch trees surround us. I have a little sister, Moss who's all white. An older brother, Cole, he's white with black stripes, our dad is a yellow-orange mix with a white right paw, Thunder. I'm white wit a black tipped-tail. Our mom died at our birth, so Thunder has to take care of us. We're also all rouges, witch means we're not kittypets but not part of a Clan. But Thunder has always talked about talked about a Clan named SnowClan, more up North than the other four Clans that are together.

"Look, Frost a rabbit!" He meowed.

"Really?" I asked licking my chops.

"Yeah! Uh, is every thing okay Cole?" He questioned Cole.

"Sure..." Cole mewed.

After we were done with breakfast, Thunder taught us more stuff about hunting.

"Now, you must be quiet. Try to get it from behind if you can. Frost, how about you try on a mouse?"

"Kay." I say seeing a mouse about ten fox lengths away. "Quiet and from behind, claws out and..." I think

"Sssqqqqquullee!" The said in pain.

"Yes!" I meow. The mouse has a long bloody scratch down his back. I feel a rush of glee and proudness as Thunder and Moss race over.

"Nice one! We'll save that for la-"

"Can I try Thunder? Pretty please?! PLEASSSSE?" Moss mews in really high voice.

"I don't see any mice around, Moss. Sorry, maybe next time." Max said.

"So, where's SnowClan anyways?" I ask

"Close to the pine tree forest."

"Where's that?"

"Long, long way that way." Thunder meowed nodding his head to the right. After everyone went to sleep, but me, I thought about running away; Going to SnowClan. Then about my litter, what would they do? After about an hour of thinking it through, I decided I would go by myself. After all, I could catch prey by myself. I went out into the cold air, and headed out. I started running in case anyone woke up. I ran, and ran, and ran. After a little bit, I looked back to see how faraway I was from the bush.

"Okay, I should be far enough away by now, they won't suspect anything.. I hope." I decide to walk. I just walked, nothing happened. I stared to get hungry, so I sniffed the air, hoping I'd scent some squirrel or rabbit. Then I saw a fat, juicy squirrel! But it was high in tree.

"I can do this. I can do this." I chant to myself. I stared to climb with my claws digging into the white, flaky wood.

"Ha! Finally up here." I meow, with my paw in the air with my claws out. I jumped for it, but I went too high and fly over it onto the ground.

"AAAAAHHHHRRR!!!" I scream in pain. I look down seeing my left back leg with a long, deep scrape.

"Now how am I gonna get toSnowClan?!" I start to get up and sort of walk. Then I could see three cats running towards me. I got a basic picture of what they looked like. One was bleak grey, one was white with an orange leg, and the last one was all black. When they got to me the black one mewed to the orange-legged cat,

"You were right, Rabbitpaw. A rouge." Said the jet black she-cat

"LETS KILL HER!" Rabbitpaw, I guess, mewed

"You mousebrain! She's obviously injured and we need to take her back to camp and ask Dewstar if we should cure her."The grey she-cat meowed. I had no idea who this 'Dewstar' was, but I slightly remember Thunder saying that all Clan leaders last name ends in star, so I new he or she very important.

"Mousepaw, go get him, okay?" The black one mewed to the grey one.

"I'll be back in a soon!" She said and raced off. I hadn't known that the Clans were so mean, I remember once hearing a roomer that they ate bones. I'm kind of regretting coming. After a little while she came back with, who I guessed, was Dewstar.

"So, another rouge. Listen, I'll give you a choice-"

"A CHOICE??!" Rabbitpaw screeched

"YES, a choice! She's no more than an apprentice! So, like I was saying, your choices are that go away and please, never come back. Or, we'll fix your leg, and test you if useful you can join SnowClan. Now, I'm only doing this, Rabbitpaw, because it's leaf-fall and we only have 7 warriors and 3 apprentices." He said. I was so happy that I could stay. Maybe.

"I wanna stay here. That's why I ran aw- I mean...came...." I mewed.

"Okay. Hollypool, get her something for her leg." Dewstar said nodding his head towards the black cat. She went walked away quietly.

"I'm Dewstar that's Mousepaw and this is Rabbitpaw and that was Hollypool. You got a lot of warrior code to learn now. What's your name?"


"Let's go back to camp. This way." He said. I followed while Mousepaw talked to me, she was kind of annoying.

"So me and Rabbitpaw are both paws because were apprentices. And when your a kit the last part is always kit. Then when you become a medicine cat or warrior the last part can be anything! Like tail, wing, pool, foot, nose, claw. But for medicine cats it's using something like leaf or Berry or something like that. And the first is always the same your whole life. Mines mouse!" She just keep talking and talking. She'd be good as rapper or something. When we got there, Dewstar introduced me to everyone. Then took me to a small cave under a towering rock he called the medicine cat den. It was filled with berries and leafs. A calico she-cat with burning amber eyes. She messed with my leg and crushed leafs and berries with applied to my leg. Something's hurt something's felt good.

"Ok Frost, you won't be able to start your training until the next few days."

"Good. Thanks, uhh..." I mewed

"Oh and I'm Fireleaf." She meowed. After that we went out and I saw a nice bird waiting for me...

"You need to rest Frost, but first, you need to earn your warrior name. Follow me.

Dewstar meowed. I followed him up the rock, limping but trying not to show fear or pain.

"All cats or SnowClan, young and old, big and small, please, gather below High rock." He waited for all the cats to come out of their dens and gather for the meeting.

"As most of you know, I have excepted a knew cat into my Clan, and that is Frost. Frost is very young and will be an apprentice. Hollypool, I think you are ready for your second apprentice, you are my deputy and I think you are stronge, brave and kind enough for anther one. I hope you can pass down your skills to this apprentice. But, do want to take on Frost?

"Dewstar, I would be honored and so very greatful if I could."

Well then, Frost will now be know as Frostpaw!"

And that was how it all began...


"Are you ready Frostpaw?" Fireleaf asked me. She almost felt like my mother, even though I knew well enough that medicine cats were forbidden to mate. But today, I didn't really care that she had cared for me and even taught a bit about the medicine world. I walked up on a tall rock. Barkstar was up there. I felt like I had butterflies in my tummy, but when I saw the look on his face, I felt better.

"Frostpaw, I you never had a warm, safe home, but, I want you feel that this is your home. And you are Froststep now! Do you feel this is your now?"

"Yea, I do, but can a couple warriors and me look for Max, Cole and Moss. It seemed like a long way then but now it shorter! Please?" A mewed

"Well, I don't know Froststep."

"I haven't seen them in moons! Please?" I pleaded

"Okay. You can with Darkpool, Rabbitleg and Longtail. All for good reason, Darkpool and Rabbitleg for defense and prey, Longtail incase you get hurt." Barkstar meowed. I hopped down and got a mouse to take with. We set off, stopping every now and then.

"So what are like? Moss and Cole." Darkpool asked.

"Moss is annoying sometimes. Cole is quiet. Max is, he's everything. Nice, funny, caring, brave."

"What do they look like?" Rabbitleg asked.

"Moss is all white with really light grey stripes. I always thought she'd grow up with her stripes more visible. Maybe she has. Cole is white with black stripes. Same Max." I mew

"I thought Cole would be black." He meows.

"Everyone does. And, I've always kind ok worried about him. So quiet. So secretive." I meow. We eat the for dinner. It was a really small dinner though. Soon we came the tepee. I ran as soon as I saw it. When I looked inside I saw Moss, Cole, Max, and someone else.

"FROST!!!!" They all yelled

"Moss and Cole you've grown and Max...who's this?..." I mew

"This is my mate." Cole meows looking at a ginger, tabby she-cat.

"I'm Ginger." She says, it's the sweetest voice I ever heard.

"I'm Frost. This Darkpool, Rabbitleg and Longtail." I say to them.

"Frost why'd you run away and leave us? You just betray us!" Max meows

"To live Clan life. I'm a warrior now, I'm Froststep."I meow.

" Clan? We looked and looked for Frost. Why did want to go there?" He asks.

"To live a better life. I couldn't stand always being cold, hunger and thirsty! I was like five moons old! If you guys wanna join SnowClan I fine with it, but I'm never going to live here again!" I mew and I stomp out of in disgust.

"Froststep,Moss and I want to be part of SnowClan." Ginger mews.

"Follow me then." I meow, kind of in mad voice.

When we got back,

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