Show Yourself

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You stood on the black pebbles as she stared at the Dark Sea. The waves crashed down, with a breeze blowing your hair. You frowned her brow in determination as the waves continued swashing. You turned your back as you took your boots and jacket and placed it on the rock nearby. You untied your braid and put it in a ponytail. You positioned your feet and sprinted to the sea and used your magic creating the snowflake underneath your feet. The huge wave coming toward you, you tried to climb the wave, but it crashed you into the cold water. "Okay." You sighed before you dashed to the sea. You then swam through a small wave as you made it to the large rock. You climbed up but then you yelped as you began to fall but you created the ice slide. A large wave approached, you looked up and blasted the magic, creating a large path as you ran on the path. The path began to crumble as it broke apart, "Wha?!" You screamed as you fell down to the sea again.

You swung around in the water, you tried swimming ahead but the sound of a horse whinny and silhouette of a horse disappeared before it appeared in front of you, startling you as you swam back. Nokk, the water spirit glaring at you for a moment before he vanished. You followed your gaze but you swam up for air. You gasped for a breath and looked around as the waves continued swashing you, you heard the sound of horse whinny, you looked down and saw the blue eyes horse was swimming to you. You then created a small snowflake-shaped platform and climbed on it, only getting knocked out by Nokk who went through, making you fell off to the water. You swam as you breathed again, the large wave coming, but a silhouette of horse coming towards you inside the wave. It got closer to you before it leaped to you and attempting to drown you by using its front hooves to push you down. You tried to get its hooves off of you but it didn't work. You looked up before you placed your hand on its legs to froze him. Nokk stopped swimming as he almost completely frozen, turned back into bubbles, and swam away. You swam up to the surface and gasped for air. Suddenly, Nook burst out of the water, throwing you upwards. "WOAH!!"

Nokk raced to you as you created a small platform of ice under your feet, as you created a large wall of ice, he whined down as the wall crashed on him. You spinning as you were underwater, created the snowflake wall to block Nokk but Nokk broke through easily and shoving past. You were grabbed by Nokk's mouth by your left hand as Nokk swam quickly, making you block your eyes from the water splashing. As you opened your eyes, you made a lasso and wrapped it around his mouth and jumped onto his back. Nokk was whining as he was trying to flick you off. You gripped the reins tightly as Nokk flicked harder. "No!" You gritting your teeth as Nokk flicked harder and harder but he then tamed as he brought you over the waves. You pulled the reins up as he was trying to flick again but then he calmed down as he raced calmly and softly, you noticed that the waves were calmer. You reached your left hand as you were gonna touching his neck. Nokk neighed softly, making you pull your hands back. Then you made your way to Ahtohallan. You looked up as you saw the island, the waterfall was frozen. "Of course..." you sighed as you gripped the reins with your right while touching Nokk's neck with your other hand. "Glaciers are rivers of ice!" You then grabbed the reins in both hands. "Ahtohallan is frozen..." Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah... you gasped as you heard the voice from Ahtohallan clearer than before. "I hear you." You smiled, "And I'm coming." Nokk then snouted and ran swiftly above the sea, rushing to Ahtohallan faster.

Every inch of me is trembling... But not from the cold." "Something is familiar... like a dream I can reach but not quite hold." "I can sense you there..." you and Nokk ran past the ice wall as they finally reached Ahtohallan. "Like a friend I've always known..." you hopped off of Nokk, landing on the icy shore as you removed the lasso. "I'm arriving..." you bowed your head while Nokk did as well before he jumped back to the sea. "And It feels like I am home." "I had always been a fortress," you turned as you undid your ponytail. "Cold secrets deep inside." "You have secrets too... But you don't have to hide." You approached the entrance. "Show yourself..." you walked inside as you looked around the walls and called the voice."I'm dying to meet you, Show yourself..." you twirled and looked around. "It's your turn..." "Are you the one we've been looking for all of my life? Show yourself! I'm ready to learn..." you smiled, you then sang along as you called . "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah." Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah... you looked behind as you saw the blue, pink, and purple light shining and raced away. You grinned and followed the light. "I never felt so certain!" "All of my life, I've been torn!" You entered the hole, and saw the light. "But I'm here for a reason." You ran before you slid on ice swiftly "Could it be the reason I was born?!" You ducked before jumping into the air. "I have always been so different..." you threw your magic and created the pillars beneath her feet to cross to the other side."Normal rules did not apply." "Is this the day?" You reached the other side, then touched the wall, the light glowing on the spot where your hand was. " Are you the way..." you ran to catch up to the light, it ran through the large chunks of ice blocking your way."... I finally find out why?" "Show yourself!" You used your magic to make the chunks flew to the side, allowing you to walk inside. "I'm not longer trembling!" You lifted the pillars up and set it right in place. "Here I am, I've come so far!" You set the other pillars, revealing to be the door of glowing light. "You are the answer I've waited for all of my life!" "Oh, Show yourself!" You rose your arms before slamming down, making thousand of icy crystals formed in the darkroom.

"Let me see who you are!" You looked at the crystals as you entered the room. "Come to me now..." The dark blue crystals formed into a leaf and twirled around before forming into a blue diamond. "Open your door..." The cherry pink crystals formed into Bruni with a flame flew around her and forming a large cherry pink diamond alongside the first one. "Don't make me wait..." Light blue crystals formed into Nokk and ran around, and the purple giant flew around you as it smiling at you before both of them formed into a large diamond. "One moment more!" "Oh, Come to me now!" You looked up as you raised your arms. "Open your door!" The diamond spun around and floating above her. "Don't make me wait," you lowered your hands, the diamond placed and locked in place on the floor. "One moment more!!" You looked at the center that shining brightly in amaze then you slammed your feet and stood on it, the center glowing and created a large snowflake. The diamonds flew up to the air as you closed your eyes, bursting out, and appeared the wall of ice with memories of your past. "Where the north wind meets the sea..." you looked in awe, suddenly you heard a familiar voice. "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah!" You turned and saw it was your mother when she was young who cradling young Agnarr in her arms as she's calling the Wind Spirit. "There's a river," "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah!" She called again, the leaves twirled her form and Agnarr. "Full of memory." "Mother..." you said as a tear formed. "Come, my darling! Homeward bound!" You turned to see your mother singing. You placed your trembling hands over your mouth. "I am found!" Iduna looked at you with a warm smile. "Show yourself!" You both sang together as your blue dress turned into glowing white and a right-knee high slit, and showed your shoulder. "Step into your power!" The diamonds shaped ice crystal elements decorated your chest, waist, and your skirt. "Grow yourself!" You looked at your mother again as the cape formed. "Into something new!" You twirled, the cape flowing around. "You are the one you've been waiting for!" You looked up as your mother through the ice wall. "All of my life!" You placed your hands on her chest as she sang with happy tears. "All of your life!" "Oh! Show yourself!" You looked up and the light shined beneath. You looked at your hands before using your power to create a fog with all of their memories. "You..." "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah!" The blue fog surrendered around her as she sang along with the voices. "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah!" "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah!"You swung your arms as well as your hair. Your cape sway along with the fog "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah..." "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah!!!!!" You swung your arms high before slamming it down.

As the fog cleared, you opened your eyes and it revealed all of your memories in the past. "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" You looked at you, Anna, and Elsa's younger forms building Olaf. "I love you, Olaf!" Anna said. Anna was standing on one leg on a bicycle past you. "Come on, You can do it!" You turned to see it was you pulling Anna to skate with you. "Here I stand in the light of day!" You heard a familiar voice singing. It was Elsa when she changed her outfits and sang 'Let it go'. "Oh, Elsa..." you said. Duke of Weaselton appeared as he's dancing around her with his wig bouncing up and down. "Like a chicken with the face of a chicken!!" You shrugged, dancing a little. "I just wasn't looking where I was going. I'm great... actually..." you gasped as you saw Anna in the coronation dress but your face changed as you saw a man who helped her. "Princes Hans of the Southern Isles." He bowed to Anna. You flicked your wrist, making Hans's statue fall apart. "I love you." You heard your father. You saw father and mother hugging. "I need to talk to you about my past, where I'm from, and Gudruna's death." Iduna said. Agnarr cupped his hand on her cheek. "I'm listening." Iduna leaning and nuzzling to her husband's palm adoringly. You heard a giggle, young Iduna was hanging off the tree, hooking her legs with the branches, and dropped herself down, making Agnarr gasp. "Iduna!" "What are you reading, your majesty?" Iduna asked as she hung upside down. "Some new Danish author." You watched with a smile at your parents' conversation. You walked away and you gasped as your mother carried your father by the help of Gale, Iduna set Agnarr on the back of the wagon, she has a terrified face as she gripped her scarf. Gale then covered her with a blanket.

"King Runeard, I'm sorry, I-I don't understand." You turned to a voice and recognized the name, "Grandfather?""We bring Arendelle's full guard." King Runeard firmly ordered the soldier beside him. "But they have given us no reason not to trust them!" King Runeard stopped in his track, making the soldier stopped too. "The Northuldra follow magic. Which means we can never trust them." "Grandfather?" You whispered. "Magic makes people feel too powerful." You gasped at what he said. "Too... Entitled. It makes them think they can defy the will of a King." "That is not what magic does." You looked at him frowning. "That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted." King Runeard and the soldier walked past you and went through the wall, you narrowed your eyes as you made a hole on the wall and walked down the stairs. "You see, the dam will weaken their lands, so they will have to turn to me." King Runeard continued as you tried to catch up with them.

"Dive down deep into her sound..." Iduna's voice singing as she warned you. You walked but you stepped back as you almost fell off the ledge. "But not too far or you'll be drowned..." "They will come in celebration..." Below down, it was a dam and Northuldra people who walked down to celebrating. "And then... We will know their size and strength." You looked back towards the entrance as King Runeard spoke, making you turn your head back. "As you welcomed us, we welcome you! Our neighbors, our friends." You took a deep breath before you jumped off the cliff, falling down to the ground. Your hands pressing on the ice, your body shivering of the cold and hugging yourself for warmth. You looked at your hands as the ice traveled to your fingertips. You looked around as you saw nothing. You heard laughing and saw the people were watching Northuldra's tradition. The ice traveled to your shoulder, you hugged your arms and you heard another voice. "King Runeard... the dam isn't strengthening our waters, it's hurting the forest. It's cutting off the North--" The Northuldra leader told King Runeard but he been cut off by King Runeard."Let-- Let's not discuss this here." King Runeard interrupted, setting a hand on his shoulder. "Meet on the fjord; have tea, Find the solution." The Northuldra leader and King Runeard froze in place. You looked around once more as the ice went on your face, you laid your gaze on the Northuldra leader kneeling to the floor, holding a cup of tea. You heard the sound of a sword unleashed, which appeared to be your grandfather charging on the leader, attacking him. "No!" You shouted, trying to stop him but your feet froze, you looked at your right hand as it was freezing, and coming up to your waist. You looked up with your left hand, "Anna... Elsa!" You used your magic and sent the truth of her grandfather to Anna and Elsa. Then you froze completely.

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