Chapter 15 - Frozen Fever

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Didn't want to worry about the lyrics for 'Making Today A Perfect Day' which is an incredibly long song, so I wanted to make this as less as a musical as I could from Brooklyn's point of view. But sorry for the long wait! Just a single chapter for Frozen Fever but the Christmas Special may have two chapters.


It was now four months later since Brooklyn had met Elsa and helped her relive Arendelle of Eternal Winter. Now it was warm again which he liked while gliding around the town, seeing the people enjoying themselves. He was also looking for a present for Anna since her birthday was tomorrow.

I have to thank Elsa for lending me money for this. But what would I get Anna this year? He thought to himself for eventually spotting a jewelry shop. He gave a smile at the thought of finding something pretty..

Deciding on it Brook landed, stepping inside. The store owner looked up to see him and she gave a smile. "May I help you Guardian?" She asked, though looking nervous. Brooklyn wrapped his wings around his shoulders. "I'm looking for a present for Princess Anna. Any recommendations?"

The owner looked about, eager to please the guardian and to help him find the best present for their Princess. "Oh, you think she would like this?" She picked up a snowglobe. It had a little forest with reindeer in it, and snow falling down. It was beautiful. Brooklyn grinned. "That's perfect," He thanked her. He offered the price for the snowglobe that the clerk happily accepted and he flew off again.

Upon reaching the courtyard Brooklyn saw the gang and his girl getting ready for the big party, and there was even an ice cream cake. It made him smile, remembering when Elisa treated the group to ice cream cake once when first coming to New York. The red male still missed his brothers and the others, making tears fall slightly when coming inside.

Elsa was trying to figure out the perfect cake topper, uncovering different scenarios even one when she was hugging a frozen Brooklyn. It made Brooklyn tense up slightly but then breathe better at one with Anna and Elsa skating.

"Come on, Elsa. This is for Anna. You can do this!" She muttered but jumped when seeing Brooklyn who was still grinning, holding his bag with the present. "I hope you finished getting your presents because I did. And I'm sure it'll work out fine my love," He assured, taking Elsa's hand and kissing it, causing her to flush and give him a little hug. Their relationship had improved since the incident last year with eternal winter.

Kristoff was setting up a happy birthday banner. "Relax! It'll be great!" He grinned, Sven grunting joyfully. "That banner better look good guys," Brooklyn said, narrowing his eyes a bit. Kristoff chuckled nervously but stood back. "Check this out!" It was somewhat debatable on how 'nice' it looked, saying Happy Birthday Anna in messy writing. Brooklyn frowned but shrugged and turned, eyes widening when seeing Olaf suddenly eating the cake while Elsa lectured on Kristoff about being in charge.

"Olaf, no!" He said, pulling the snowman away. His mouth was covered in cake and he looked at Brooklyn sheepishly. "I wasn't eating cake..."

Elsa shook her head as Brooklyn dropped him. "Olaf..." The snowman looked back and forth at the two. "But, it is an ice cream cake!" Brooklyn nodded. "Yeah. And it is for Anna, not you K?" Olaf lowered his head, nodding too. "And it is for Anna, got it..."

The bell rang, and Brooklyn knew it was time for the festivities but all that was needed was the birthday girl. The ice queen turned to the guys in the courtyard with her, checking over Kristoff to make sure he was clean enough. "You sure you got this?" She asked. Kristoff nodded, and Sven. "Yeah!" He said with a confident look. Brooklyn went into the castle. "I'm gonna wrap Anna's present and meet you at the 'big surprise place,'" He told his love, who nodded, making the water fountains into ice sculptures. "Don't let everybody in until we're ready," She said.

Kristoff smiled again. "I'm just gonna stand here," He assured her. Brooklyn saw Olaf beginning to walk around, his little flurry serving him well. "I'm probably gonna walk around a little..."

"And keep an eye on that cake!" Elsa yelled, causing Olaf to ooh and move over, only to be stopped by Brooklyn. "Don't even think about it," He growled, but not meanly, making Olaf chuckle nervously, going around the other way. Brooklyn leaned in towards Kristoff. "Make sure he doesn't eat it, gotta make sure this present looks good," He muttered to the man who gave him a thumbs up.

Brooklyn went into the library to wrap his present, excited for Anna's reaction to it. He had found some wrapping paper in the attic that was a pattern of green and yellow stripes with a pink bow. He placed paper around the globe so it wouldn't break. After that was done Brooklyn went out the castle to meet at the clocktower around sunset to surprise Anna with the present. He smiled when seeing the sculptures of Anna and Elsa standing together on the tower, sitting there to wait, anxious but was unprepared for what was to befall Elsa.


Elsa had awoken Anna and told her it was her birthday, and the two of them went to follow a string to a whole bunch of presents Elsa had hidden in the castle. But upon getting ready Elsa had sneezed, and little snowmen appeared. They ran out of the castle with big child smiles, surprising Kristoff and Sven, Olaf looking too happy about it as the group tried not to wreck things, Elsa's sneezes getting worse while she and Anna gathered up more presents now in town.

Brooklyn was lounging on the roof, waiting, when he heard singing from afar, and grinned, anxious for them to get here for the ultimate surprise. It took some time until the sun began to slightly set but he at last finally spotted the two sisters. He giggled a little from all the attire Anna had on her, then seeing his love. Brook's eyes furrowed slightly when seeing something off about Elsa, she seemed slightly dizzy.

"Now, come... let us climb!" Elsa slurred in the song. Anna looked worried too mostly from her non stop sneezing. "Elsa, that's too much, you need to rest!" She protested. Brooklyn tensed on the roof of the clocktower, his face fallen from how flushed Elsa looked now and feverish. She seemed fine a while ago. What was happening?

Elsa gazed back at Anna. "Ugh, we need to get to our birthday chills... I-I mean thrills!" Elsa got closer, going up the tower steps. Brooklyn put the present in his bag that he had on him, landing on the balcony with the sculptures, his heart racing in worry when hearing how more slurred Elsa was getting, her voice echoing. This wasn't good. She was definitely sick. But Elsa said the cold didn't get her sick one time ago when he had asked. Why was this happening now?

The sisters finally reached the top, and Elsa's face smiled when seeing the blurred concerned face of her boyfriend in front of her, reaching out and touching his beak.

"Br..ooklyn... on... time..." Elsa giggled drunkenly, eyes so ditzy and nauseous. Brooklyn tried to grab her but she avoided him. "Elsa, are you feeling ok, your hand felt warm," He said. Elsa waved her hand in the air. "Nonsense..." Her feet staggered. "Happy, happy merry merry hot cold hot birthday!"

Brooklyn shouted out in horror when Elsa leaned over the railing, falling off, grabbing her and pulling his love back to saftey, holding Elsa. Elsa now shivered badly, her eyes glazed with sickness, looking up at him in sadness now. Brooklyn placed a gentle hand on her forehead. "Oh, my love. Y-you have a fever. I should've been there when you were starting to act up," He said guiltily. Elsa just lay there in his hold, looking guilty as well for letting it go too far.

Anna smiled comfortingly. "Alright, this can't go on like this, let's put this day on hold..." she sang gently, startling Brooklyn. "But, Anna, your birthday, I-I even got you something," He protested, pulling out the present while holding Elsa in his arms, feeling her shiver. Anna shrugged. "It can wait Brooklyn but it was very sweet of you," She said, a hand on his cheek. The beaked gargoyle flushed from her words, then nodded.

"Come on, admit it to yourself," Anna said in her singing voice, taking Elsa's hand. Elsa frowned. "Ok. I have a cold..." Brook chuckled. "Everybody gets sick, Elsa. Even Ice Queens," He stated with a little playful grin, stroking her cheek. Elsa was about to kiss him to get comfort but Anna pushed her back slowly. "Whoa, don't pass it to Brooklyn more," She warned. Brook knew it would be a while before he and Elsa could share their love again but for the moment he lifted her up bridal carry and glided her down, Anna descending the stairs from behind.

On the way to the castle Brooklyn still carried Elsa in his arms. Elsa gazed at Anna in sadness. "I'm sorry, Anna. I wanted to give you one perfect birthday. But I ruined it again..." Anna shook her head. "You didn't ruin anything. Let's just get you to bed." Brooklyn stroked Elsa's hair. "And we'll give you plenty of soup." The two opened the doorways; and Brook was greeted with a mouth dropping sight. The party decor of course, but with new additions; some little snowmen additions.

"SURPRISE!" Everybody in there cheered, the little snowmen squeaking in happiness, running around the place. Brooklyn's ears fell at the sight of so many of them, looking at Elsa who looked rather sheepish. She sneezed again and to his surprise Brooklyn saw two more snowmen appear, one on his head and the other on the ground. The snowman on his head bounced off, making him grunt and growl.

Everybody sang Happy Birthday to Anna, Kristoff presenting her with the cake that Sven happily cut, the snowmen eating some of the slices somehow as Brooklyn set down Elsa again when she asked him too, pulling out his present again for Anna, thinking now could be a good time for it. Anna grinned, taking the present from Brooklyn and opening it revealing the snowglobe. She gasped, it was so beautiful. Anna then gave Brook a big hug which he returned, Elsa smiling.

"A perfect day!" Elsa slurred, leaning on their shoulders. Brook smirked at her. "Alright my beloved, to bed with ya," He teased. But she pushed his hand off. "Wait, now the Queen has to blow the birthday bugle!" She staggered to the horn and blew it. Brooklyn jumped when seeing a huge magic snowball shoot out of it, all the way accross the ocean.


They managed to get Elsa to bed finally when the party slowed down, and started giving her soup and tea, covering her up. Brooklyn sat near her to keep her company while Anna fed her. "Best birthday present ever," Anna said with a smile. "Which one?" Elsa asked horsley. Brooklyn stroked her hand. "You know. Letting her take care of you," He murmured, having Elsa look into his eyes. Elsa sneezed again then, three more of those little snowmen showing up, just smiling at them, somewhat creeping Brooklyn out as he wondered what they were going to do with them all.

Elsa though had an idea.


While Elsa napped Brooklyn helped Kristoff, Sven and Olaf take the little (Elsa called them snowgies) up to her old castle. It felt weird coming back to that place which was the one where Brooklyn himself had been hit in the heart by one of Elsa's ice attacks. He remained outside while Kristoff knocked. And who should answer the door but that guardian snowman of Elsa's; Marshmallow.

He growled slightly looking around, Brooklyn feeling somewhat nervous still around this guy, before Marshmallow blinked in surprise at the sight of the millions of snowgies wandering in with Olaf.

"This way, Sludge and Slush and Slide and Ansel and Flake and Fridge and Flurry and Powder and Crystal and Squalor and Pat and Sphere, and William!" Olaf exclaimed happily, having somehow named all those little snow demons. Brooklyn watched blankly, Kristoff leaning on the door, Marshmallow looking quite confused, and stared at them in question. Brooklyn shook his head. "Please, don't ask. It's been a long day," He mumbled, glad they weren't letting these things stay in Arendelle.

They already struggled with one talking snowman as it is.

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