Chapter 33

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This story isn't done for good yet but I've been under a lot of pressure lately, so this is the last chapter for the week until I get myself together.


In the lair of the Quarrymen, Brooklyn at the moment wasn't doing so hot right now, his wrists behind the pole feeling rather sore by the ropes, glaring as Castaway stood near him, addressing the crowd of his followers.

"As you can see, we have before us a gargoyle!" Jon exclaimed, holding up Brooklyn's chin who flinched from his hands but kept his glare, not wanting Castaway to get to him.

One Quarryman who wasn't on the patrol who kidnapped him spoke up. "That sure looks like no damned gargoyle to me! Have we resorted into catching our own kind now?"

Jon glowered back at him, now grasping Brooklyn's white hair who winced. "This is no ordinary human. I have figured out that this one here is Goliath's precious Second In Command, now turned into a silly human form. But look at him. Not much to see with his skinny arms." He mocked, holding up one, Brooklyn flushing in anger from the insults, wondering where Goliath was.

"You better let me go right now, Castaway, or I swear to hell you're gonna be in big trouble!" Brooklyn snarled as much as he could in his human form, making the others laugh uproariously. Jon merely smirked at him. "I don't think so, not anytime soon. You're much too valuable almost as much as that dimwit Goliath. But I want to ask; how did you turn into a human?"

Brooklyn merely kept up his glare, not willing to risk Alex's secret in front of these men, struggling in his bonds. Castaway pulled out his knife, placing it against Brooklyn's neck. "You better tell me, or I'll gut you, human form or not." Castaway spat, making Brooklyn turn his head away from small fear, praying his love will come.


Back at the castle the clan had returned from patrol but spotted Elsa gliding back, a worried look on her beaked face, landing on the parapets.

Hudson rushed to her aid. "Lass, what's wrong? Where's Brooklyn?" He asked gently, supporting Elsa who was exhausted.

Elsa shook all over at her remembering the Quarrymen holding her husband. "Those... Quarrymen... took my husband..." She said shakily, making Brooklyn's two brother's eyes widen in shock and horror.

Broadway trembled. "I don't wanna think about what Castaway will do to Brooklyn as a human. Us gargoyles can take pain alright but..."

Angela took Elsa's hand. "We will get him back, right father?" She asked Goliath who nodded.

"Yes my daughter. We'll not let Brooklyn be harmed by Castaway. But we must plan on how to break into their headquarters." Goliath said determinedly, knowing they would have to probably break through a roof or a window to get in.

After they carefully planned out everything, each of them getting mics for their ears, the clan with Elsa gathered together to take off, hoping Brooklyn wasn't dead yet and they prayed they had time before sunrise to save him.


Meanwhile Brooklyn continued to be held captive, straining in his bonds, panting heavily, wishing he had his gargoyle strength back. The pulling was getting him nowhere in escaping, seeing Jon returning with something in his hand that looked like a syringe needle, a cruel grin on his face. That wasn't good news for him.

"I have something that could get you to talk, devil. I recently came across a pretty popular drug being sold on the streets that not even your precious clan leader knows. Care to know what it is?"

It made the gargoyle turned human frown, hoping his gargoyle form will return today but it wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow. "I don't think so. And if you think you're going to stick me with that you got another thing coming!" He snarled the beset he could.

Jon laughed. "You're so much better hissing as a devil more than a human. You know that? But why deprive my boys the chance for a little entertainment? It is called Vertigo. A very deadly drug. It can make you feel and see things you never thought you could."

Brooklyn's eyes widened when hearing the name, for he heard Elisa mention it once or twice and how the police had been trying to ban that horrible drug for decades. He trembled at the sight of the green stuff in the syringe, not wanting it to be injected.

Jon sneered at his face. "Look at you, all scared of a little old needle? Don't worry, it won't hurt, much..." He next grabbed Brooklyn's neck who got startled, squirming in vain to get free, but was too late when Jon injected the Vertigo into his arm.

Brooklyn flinched, panting heavily as that drug began to flow through his veins, instantly feeling its effects, the Quarrymen's laughter ringing through his warbled mind, head spinning further. "N-No... won't... get away... with this..." He slurred in his ropes, seeing spots in front of him, the drug elevating his senses, numbing them.

Castaway laughed meanly at seeing how high Brooklyn was now, loving that the stuff was working, grabbing his chin again and holding him up, unaware that the clan was closing in, Elsa and Goliath in the lead.

"Now tell me, how did you turn human?" Castaway demanded, Brooklyn winding up giving out a small silly smile from the vertigo's effects, almost ready to spill the secret.


Meanwhile outside of the headquarters, the whole clan had been following Goliath's lead since he was the only one who knew where Jon's quarters was, spotting the warehouse from up ahead. "There!" Goliath yelled, pointing with his talon, the clan going for a landing on the roof.

Goliath punched open a hole in the ceiling, Elsa trembling all over at the idea of finding Brooklyn's dead body, feeling Angela take her hand in assurance. She smiled back at her new sister, climbing down through the hole and into a hallway, Goliath running on all fours to the meeting area where he busted the door down, snarling when seeing Brooklyn being held there.

"Castaway! Let him go!" He bellowed, wings spread out while the rest of the clan got into their own battle stances, eyes ablaze in rage at the sight of their own being held like this. Elsa's eyes filled with tears when seeing her husband acting weird. "What did you do to him?!" She shrieked, eyes flashing red.

It made Jon smirk, cupping up the out of his mind Brooklyn's chin. "Nothing he probably won't sleep off, once turning back into a gargoyle. But I've heard of you, dear Ice Queen. Why not show me some of your powers, without harming your little husband, hmm?" He taunted.

Elsa stomped forward, growling, her hands shining with ice, and timing it right, shot it right at his leg which froze it. Jon yelped, surprised she was going to even attack, trying to walk but collapsing. Goliath ran up to Jon and grabbed his arms while Elsa went to free Brooklyn.

"My love, are you ok?" Elsa asked softly, giving Brooklyn a small kiss with her beak, causing him to laugh drunkenly. "Y-You're beautiful..." He croaked, feeling sick from the Vertigo. She stroked his cheek, knowing Brooklyn needed Sato to help with getting the drug out. "We're going home."

The rest of the clan had fought off the last of the Quarrymen before soon heading out of there with their lost member, Elsa holding Brooklyn snug in her arms while gliding. He laughed giddily again before soon passing out cold. Elsa glared. Whatever this Vertigo was, she hated it.

Soon they all made it safely home, Elsa rushing Brooklyn to the medical room where Sato carefully ensured the Second got properly treated. He definitely saw signs of Vertigo right there from looking into Brooklyn's eyes, taking an antidote he had gotten from Xanatos and extracting it from his veins.

Once most of it was gone, Brooklyn's eyes went back to normal but he looked ready to throw up, wondering what was happening. "Ugh, uh... don't... feel good..." He croaked shakily, Lex bringing a small bucket over where Brooklyn threw up. "Glad to have you back, bro." Lex said gently while Elsa gave him a kiss.

Brook grinned weakly up at his love. "Y-You saved me." He whispered. "And tomorrow we'll be normal again."

Elsa nods, the two holding each other for a while. "I would do anything for you." She vows like when Brooklyn sacrificed himself to keep Hans from killing her. They were one, and not even Vertigo can separate them.


I really hope my breakdown didn't upset anybody too much but I am for real when wanting to have some time off from Wattpad at least.

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