Chapter 6

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Three years later but 3 weeks in Manhattan...

In Arendelle three years later after the old King and Queen died things were busy getting ready for Princess Elsa's coronation. Brooklyn himself had been up a while since dawn to sometimes help. He felt that he needed to lend a helping hand to anybody who needed it, and also to help him get over the pain of not seeing Elsa for such a long while.

Soon Brook went to check on Anna who was still in bed. He peeked open the door, smiling a little at the sight of her sleeping position which wasn't very regal like. She was still snoring, too.

He crept close to the bed. "Anna... Anna!" The red gargoyle said, shaking her. Anna jumped, blinking her eyes. "Uh! M'awake. Wha...?" She mumbled sleepily, her hair a mess. It still had the white stripe like how Brooklhn's hair still had a silver blue stripe

"The gates will soon open. We have to get ready!" Brook said urgently. She stared at him. "Ready for what?" Brooklyn rolled his eyes. "Oh, Anna, did you forget already? Your sister Elsa's coronation?" He had been feeling happy for Elsa being Queen because that meant he could see her again which made his heart soar.

Anna then saw her dress, gasping, and smiling. "It's coronation day!" Brooklyn chuckled, backing out of the room so she could get dressed. It only took her ten minutes when ehe came back out in her green princess dress, feeling happy to sing.

"The windows are open, so's that door! I didn't know they did that anymore!"

Brook gave a smile when joining in, seeing so many plates the servants brought out. "Who knew you owned a thousand salad plates!"

Anna giggled at Brooklyn's line as they ran through the hallways and ballroom. "For years I roamed these empty halls! Why have a ballroom with no balls? Finally they're opening up the gates!"

They kept up their dance, sliding down the banister. Anna approached a suit of armor. "There'll be actual real life people, it'll be totally strange." She accidentally shook the knight's hand off, dropping it in embarrassment. Brooklyn helped fix it awkwardly, not wanting to get in trouble. They quickly ran for it to a window which had a swing that he and Anna built. The two jumped onto it, Brooklyn smiling at the summer wind in his face. He loved Arendelle in the summer the most. He could see ship flags in the distance from all the visitors arriving.

"'Cause for the first time in forever
There'll be music, there'll be light
For the first time in forever
I'll be dancing through the night!"

"Don't know if I'm elated or gassy
But I'm somewhere in that zone
Cause for the first time in forever
I won't be alone..."

Brooklyn looked at her and she smiled sheepishly. "Well, not alone alone, I had you. But it would be nice to have others around, too." The red gargoyle smiled a little after that. "Though I'm a bit nervous," he said. "What if they forgot I lived here?" Anna took his hand. "Don't worry, we can do this together," she assured, until something else came.

"But what if I meet the one?" She asked. This confused Brook. "Come again?" Anna nudged him. "You know, Brooklyn. I really do hope to meet the right man for me," she said with a blush. Brooklyn was startled that Anna wanted to find a man so soon but he could understand after so long alone. He nodded. "Then let us hope it will be the right guy for you," he then said, hugging her. She hugged him back before they continued their celebration, Anna fantasising about her true love.

"Tonight imagine me gown and all
Fetchingly draped against the wall
The picture of sophisticated grace
Ooh! I suddenly see him standing there
A beautiful stranger, tall and fair
I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face
But then we laugh and talk all evening,
Which is totally bizarre
Nothing like the life I've lead so far
For the first time in forever
There'll be magic, there'll be fun
For the first time in forever
I could be noticed by someone!"

Anna played around posing as the women in the paintings in the art gallery. Brooklyn usually admired some of them.

"And I know it is totally crazy
To dream I'd find romance
But for the first time in forever
At least I've got a chance."

Brooklyn gazed at Anna who had a look of longing, and continued prayed she could find someone that could look after her as much as he did. But, his mind then reverted to Elsa, still in her room. He was going to see her again after not seeing her for three years, still remembering that disastrous mini reunion, making him sigh, wanting to be close to her again.

He told Anna he was going off on his own for a bit to see if Elsa was ready. She nodded, going to the main doors to wait for them to open. Brook arrived at Elsa's room, knowing soon she will come out. Brook could hear Anna sing, and even heard Elsa. Her voice filled his heart after not hearing it in so long, tears coming.

Finally, at last, the doors opened. Brook backed up a little but kept Elsa in view, wearing her coronation robes, smiling.

"Tell the guards to open up the gates!" She sang, striding forward regally. Brooklyn smiled, but didn't instantly try talking to Elsa yet, still scared after before, quietly going to find Anna who was outdoors by now.

Brooklyn crept through the crowds, nobody noticing him while Anna sang boisterously whilst bouncing around. At one point Brooklyn's eyes casted over to an interesting couple; a young man with a short chin moustache, and a brunette princess wearing a purple gown having no shoes, plus a chameleon on her shoulder. He tilted his head in curiosity, then shook it before going on his way after that, managing to catch up to Anna near the boat docks.

"I know it all ends tomorrow,
So it has to be today
'Cause for the first time in forever
For the first time in forever
Nothing's in my way!"

Before he could get close to get her attention, she got run into by a horse, falling onto a boat which began to tip into the water. She shrieked when falling. Brook began to run to her. "Anna!" He cried out. But then the horse used its hoof to stop the boat from falling into the water. She looked up with seaweed on her hair. "Hey!" She snapped. That was when Brooklyn saw who saved her.

He was a prince in his 30s, with brown hair and brown eyes, looking concerned. "I-I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" Anna gave a sheepish smile when seeing him. Brooklyn showed himself right then. "Are you alright?" He called. Anna saw her guardian, nodding. "Yeah, I'm ok," she said to the both of them. The prince looked relieved, and Brooklyn was too. "Are you sure?" the prince asked, getting off his horse to help Anna too.

Anna nodded again. "Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I... am great... actually." The prince smiled. "Oh, thank goodness, he said, holding out his hand. Brooklyn however felt his protectiveness coming, helping Anna instead, looking at this stranger with a raised brow. The prince blinked from this creature's gaze before properly introducing himself.

"Oh, uh, Prince Hans, of the Southern Isles," he introduced. Anna had Brook move a little so she can introduce herself, too. "Princess Anna of Arendelle. This is Brooklyn, my gargoyle guardian," she also said, gesturing to him. Brooklyn bowed to Hans. Hans heard the word gargoyle then his eyes lit up. "Ah, I have heard stories about you, but had yet to see you for myself to believe it to be true. You really are quite a vision of a creature," Hans said, studying him. Brooklyn folded his arms but took it as a compliment. "Er, thanks, Prince Hans."

Hans then remembered he was talking to a Princess, bowing. "My Lady. Almost forgot to pay respects," he said. The horse then bowed, lifting his hoof, the boat tilting again. Brooklyn jumped off himself, but Anna and Hans nearly fell on top of each other. It only got more awkward when the horse saw his mistake, pushing back down, the two falling completely onto one another like in a romantic way. Brooklyn flapped his wings from this awkward scenario, looking around at other things.

Anna swallowed. "This is awkward... not that you're awkward it's just that you... I'm... awkward. You're gorgeous!" She stopped. "Wait, what?" Brooklyn couldn't help the snort of laughter that came out. So embarrassing... he said silently. Hans didn't notice.

"I apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse. And for every moment after." He said. Anna stood up, brushing herself when they got out of the boat. "No, it is fine! I'm not that princess. If you'd hit my sister it'll be yeesh!" Brook cleared his throat awkwardly from that brief mention. He hadn't hit her but he knew how emotional Elsa could be.

Anna petted Hans's horse. "Hello," she greeted. Brooklyn too reached with a careful hand. The horse snorted but let him pet him. The red gargoyle never liked horses as much anymore since he rode one but Hans's horse seemed friendly enough. "Lucky for you it's just me..." Anna concluded, shuffling her feet. Hans just smiled, and they both kept looking at each other. Brook folded his arms, smiling again, until he heard the bells. They were gonna be late!

He nudged Anna who snapped out of it. "Oh, the bells, the coronation! I-we gotta go, we have to go. Bye!"

Brooklyn turned to Hans. "And nice meeting you!" He called, running to catch up. Hans waved to Anna, still on the boat. The horse waved too but that made the boat fall in with Hans.

Hans came back to the surface, still wet and smiling, hoping to see Princess Anna again.

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