Chapter 2: Only The Beginning

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CryoFangs was standing on the edge of a snowy cliff, the crunchy, cold substance under her clawed feet a pleasurable feeling. She could feel Nimbus beside her, his wings brushing hers as she gazed down at the ground below them.

Her stomach dropped off the cliff at what she saw down there: thousands of dead dragons lay in the swirling snow beneath them. And by the shapes of their horns and skulls, they were HallowFrost dragons. My own kind, she thought with a start, her wings began to shake.

"Mistress, what happened to them...?" Nimbus asked weakly, his eyes held a distant look and he appeared ill. Cryo didn't blame him, her tongue slid over her scaly lips as she looked back down at the thousands of dead HallowFrosts. Why am I dreaming about this? she thought quietly, is it a sign?

"Am I going to die, too?" CryoFangs blurted out towards the fiery sun, tears were welling in her eyes as Nimbus gave her a shocked look. "Why didn't you take me sooner?" She shouted, her breaths now broken as she began to cry, dropping to her knees.

"Mistress, I won't let you die!" Nimbus cried, pulling her to her feet despite her protests against him. He froze as she cried into his shoulder, but he gently patted the top of her head as she softly wept.

Soon, CryoFangs looked up from Nimbus' shoulder, glistening tears creating rivers down her now purple face, her eyes shimmered in the sunlight as she looked out towards the horizon, then back down at the mass grave of her own species.

She had no idea what sort of crazy nightmare she was having, but sorrow sought refuge in the hole in her heart as she gazed at the blanched, snow-covered bones of her fallen dragons, she longed to know just how they all died despite the emotions waging war inside of CryoFangs' body. 

Suddenly, the dream world's whole atmosphere changed, the sun flickered silver; and the sky shifted from royal reds and purples to abysmal blackness and midnight blues, Cryo felt her breath become hitched in her throat as the memories she tried to desperately forget came flooding back before her eyes.

Both she and Nimbus were paralyzed, and she was forced to watch her mother die before her eyes once again, that lovely dragoness' amethyst blood splattering across the snow as she was slain. CryoFangs was too sad to physically cry, her very soul ached as those memories were branded into her mind once more. "Please make it stop..." CryoFangs whispered to whoever heard her plea for mercy, she prayed hard that Nimbus caught wind of her voice.

"Nimbus, please... wake me up before I drown here..."

"...Mistress? Wake up!" She heard his concerned voice and it was like her eyes couldn't snap open fast enough as she subconsciously bolted upright and hugged him tight against her, her tears flowing freely as she shakily breathed. Nimbus hastily complied by squeezing her tight in his embrace, he could feel Cryo's racing heart as they hugged, he also felt the warmth of her tears running down his arm.

They sat like that for a while in the dark, Nimbus only letting go of her when he heard her breathing steady and her heart calm. "You had another nightmare, Cryo..." he said gently, his silver eyes locked on her exhausted blue.

She sighed heavily, sniffling and whimpering. "I did... t-thank you for waking me." He wordlessly nodded and smiled gently, watching as she laid back down, soon sinking back into an uneasy sleep as her eyes fluttered closed...

CryoFangs was back on the cliff, the bones of the dead buried in the snow below.

But this time, Nimbus was nowhere to be seen.

She was immediately even more uneasy as the sky changed back to that inky black and blue of night, the two moons were full this time, and stars spilled across the heavens like some sort of aetherial jewel. The bitter winds of twilight brushed across her scales and ruffled her wings, her dark blue tail spikes shook slightly and her eyes flicked about. Snow dusted over her clawed feet and her nose drew in chilled oxygen that burned with every inhale.

An otherworldly shriek bombarded her sensitive ears, and Cryo's lukewarm lifeblood ran cold as the grave, a shiver of dread sliding up her spine as she slowly turned to face the thing that made the noise, a part of her wishing it wasn't what she was thinking it was.

Cold, unforgiving, dead white eyes stared at her from afar, the silver glow from those creepy orbs wasn't from the moons, she knew it was something else making them glow like that. She didn't focus on their eyes for much longer as they were suddenly upon her, their black body moving like fluid towards her as she struggled to roll out of the way.

She had just barely managed to roll away, her body making snow fly everywhere as she got to her feet, sprinting away as fast as possible. The being called out to her with its alien cries, she felt those eyes pierce her from behind as it soon chased her.

CryoFangs made her way into the pines, weaving through them as if she immediately knew where every tree was, she weaved through the trees so that, hopefully, that thing would be slowed down.

Her heart thundered in her throat and blood roared in her ears as her feet kicked up the snow in her wake, adrenaline pumped through her, her senses in overdrive.

CryoFangs was so consumed in her escape to survival that she hadn't fully noticed the fallen log up ahead until she was almost upon it, she swiftly jumped over it, using her right leg to boost off of it.

But as she landed, her left leg quivered and a hideous SNAP! sounded, pain shooting up and down her leg as she roared in alarm and pain. Tears sprung into her eyes as she slowed to a limping walk, her fractured shin bone hurting like hell as the pain continued to ravage her.

The crazed being pounced onto her, digging its talons into her shoulders as she came down, the landing knocked the breath from her lungs as she hissed threateningly, her tail spikes shook violently and stood straight up as she tensed her tail.

Just a little more time... she thought, her tail now flat on the snowy ground, tense and stiff as the spikes continued to shake, her tail was like a catapult, her spikes the deathly-accurate ammunition that would soon be plunged into the thing's body...



The being on top of her shrieked in agony as four of her tail spikes dislodged from her tail and plunged into the enemy's back, black smoke shot from its wounds and its painful caws soon ceased as it turned to nothing but smoke, bits of its ugly form drifting onto the white snow.

CryoFangs lay there, shivering not from the cold, but pure fear as her heart squeezed painfully in her chest, her broken shin still causing her misery, and her shoulders leaked small rivulets of amethyst blood that trickled down her arms.

She drank in the silence, hurriedly packing snow onto her wounds as she let out a huge sigh, gazing at her tail and finding four of her spikes missing. They'll regenerate and be back in a few days, but that's not my problem right now, she thought, laying her head back in the snow as she gently rolled into her back, gazing up at the twilight skies.

CryoFangs pulled her injured leg towards her, she could see the broken bone just barely sticking through her sky-blue scales, glittering purple blood trickled from it and the general area around her broken scales was a sickly purplish-red. She grimaced as she gingerly wrapped her talons around her shin, her head became fuzzy and her talons felt prickly as she called up a bit of her magic.

She imagined the crack that sounded as her shin bone mended itself, the blood of her wounds drying up and her pain vanishing as she let out a sigh of relief.

As it was imagined, her magic took effect and a welcomed warmth pulsed through her body, she shivered slightly as the warmth faded, her wounds no more.

As she slowly rolled to her feet, she swiveled her ears to see if anything could be heard besides her light breathing and the wind.


She whipped her head towards the noise, her pupils contracting slightly as she lightly stepped towards the source of the noise.

As she went to open her mouth to speak, a light shimmered before her eyes, she hurriedly backed up away from it, and she watched as the light formed into a figure.

A figure eerily similar to a HallowFrost Dragon.

CryoFangs gasped in shock, "a-are you a spirit?" She breathed, taking in the features of the dragon before her. 

It was a male HallowFrost, she only knew that because of his slightly more muscular physique and the navy-blue spikes on the back of his neck, he also stood about a foot taller than her. His horns were longer and curved upward, his scales were a beautiful crystal-white with faint tinges of sky blue and lapis in their depths, and as he opened his wings, she saw that there were beautiful silver swirls underneath his lapis-colored wings.

And those eyes of his, they were a lovely pale violet color, and as CryoFangs gazed deeper she saw that flecks of a darker purple and stormy-grey could be found within.

He shook his head and smiled faintly, the white light around his body rippled like water across his scales as he stepped towards her, his face unreadable, but his eyes held a look of wonder.

CryoFangs nervously backed up a step, but he stopped as she moved, his talon shakily reaching for her. He seemed nervous, as if hoping she was real and not made of the cognitive wisps of dreams. She allowed his warm talon to gently lift her chin, despite being nervous and a total stranger in her dreams, he was surprisingly gentle, as if she were made of glass.

He stepped only a step closer to her, his eyes locked on hers as he searched their depths, and a smile cracked across his unreadable face.

"You're beautiful, y'know that?" He muttered quietly, Cryo blushed and glanced about, she hadn't been called anything like that for years.

"Thanks, b-but... who are you?" She asked, he blinked, his face blank again.

"You'll find out soon enough... goodbye, for now..."

"Hey– WAIT!" She cried, and as the light around the HallowFrost rippled violently, he began to disintegrate right before her eyes.

And soon, that dragon's warm talon was no longer in contact with her scales, and she was left in the dark, the wind her only company as the happy ember in her heart burned out.

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