Chapter 9: Growing Closer

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She faintly remembered her breakdown during the storm, of her collapsing into Eis' arms as she sobbed and wailed, the memories having come flooding back to her like a raging tsunami crashing onto the shore.

She remembered what he had thought to her, the words came flying back as a faint tendril of affection crept around her heart: 'I'll make sure you never feel this way ever again, I promise you.'

And as CryoFangs opened her eyes, she sighed lightly as she awoke to the feeling of mud squishing between her scales, grass tickling her nostrils, and a familiar dragon sleeping next to her. Even in the dim, early-morning light, she recognized that dragon anywhere.

Oh my... she felt her face burn like fire as her eyes landed on Eis, who was sleeping soundly a bit away from her, but his mud-streaked white tail was loosely latched around hers, she slowly slipped free and got to her feet.

CryoFangs examined herself in a nearby puddle, her arms and torso were streaked with mud, her twinkling, tired blue eyes were slightly bloodshot with minuscule purple veins showing in the whites of her eyes.

I'm looking like a monstrosity over here, and freakin' Prince Eis over there is looking flashy even with the bit of mud on him... she thought to herself with an envious glance, a soft blush rising to her cheeks as she sighed, looking herself over again. Her coin pouch was missing, to her disappointment, and her scabbard was splattered with dirty water, she rolled her eyes.

Why does the mud have to be so... dirty? She wondered, shaking her head as she looked back over at a sleeping Prince Eis, thinking she ought to wake him as the sun began to rise, she stepped towards him and lightly nudged him.

"Hey, Eis," she whispered, "up you get, Your Majesty."

The prince shifted and sighed lightly, his captivating violet eyes opened slowly as he awoke. CryoFangs watched as Eis stretched and purred softly, she couldn't help but feel a burst of churning emotions explode in her stomach at the noise, her face darkened slightly.

His purring is... adorable. She thought, Eis sat up and rubbed his eyes as his tongue flicked over his dry lips, and even in the growing light she could see his pupils dilate just a little bit as he gazed up at her.

"I thought I explained to you that I didn't want to be called that," he mumbled whilst stifling a yawn. His morning voice was oddly husky, causing Cryo's talons to shake slightly with the emotions waging war inside her.

"Maybe it's payback, yeah?" She wondered with a teasing smirk, he frowned. "For what?"

"Calling me Snowflake."

"You don't like it that much?"

"Duh, no I don't!" She stuck out her tongue and he chuckled, slowly a smirk spread across his face.

He drew closer to her as he got to his feet, that playful glint in his eyes as he huffed and stared down at her, "I think someone's lying," he chuckled in an airy tone, and as she stared up at him her heart only tried to pound a bit faster. Deep down, CryoFangs actually liked the name, but she wasn't going to let him get that satisfaction so easily. As she stared up at the prince, she couldn't help but realize she was taking a liking to his height, the fact that he stood a foot taller than her made her feel odd within.

I've got a weird feeling that I enjoy him towering over me, she thought, and immediately felt the embarrassment try to bombard her.

She frowned and gave him a deadpan expression to fight off the blush threatening to curse her face again. He blinked and backed up, faking a wounded look as he dramatically placed his talon over his heart, "goodness me, I never realized how horribly I've offended you, milady CryoFangs!" He giggled with a toothy grin.

CryoFangs went "pfft!" as she too giggled at his display, noticing that Eis' tail was wagging happily behind him, she felt the end of her own tail twitch, as if it was trying to mimic the movement.

The two laughed softly as they talked, patiently waiting for the others. CryoFangs attempted to wipe the mud from her arms, but it only smeared across her already scuffed blue scales and she huffed in annoyance, "I need to wash, this just isn't happening."

Prince Eis examined himself and nodded, "great idea, I look a mess!"

"You call that a mess? Look at me!" She motioned to herself and he suppressed a snicker. "What?"

"You are right, that is messy! You should probably do something about it, yeah?" He asked with an innocent look, she scrunched up her snout at his words and he grinned sheepishly, she heard him holding back his laughter as she pushed him away playfully.

As they calmed down, she tapped her chin thoughtfully, "hmmm..." she began to herself quietly, Cryo was wondering if she'd be able to find a water source to use in order to rid her scales of the mud, which was slowly drying up into a gross, caked-on substance on her scales.

She gave the overcast dawn skies a glance, I think we have enough time, she thought, turning to her friend to speak her thoughts.

"In terms of washing ourselves, the Sleet Sea is our best choice, don't you think?" She wondered, he nodded and said that it'd work.

The two quietly flapped into the air, CryoFangs led the way as her mental map flashed to life, she tilted her wings and flew southeast. The warm morning air was causing her scales to sweat slightly, she hated the feeling of her salty fluids running down her body, one of the reasons why HallowFrost Dragons don't live beyond the Territory, she grumbled in her head.

She could see the slushy ice floating on the sea's surface, small icebergs drifted in the water lazily as the sun occasionally peeked through the cloud cover, causing the Sea to shimmer.

Eis flew up beside her, and every time he believed she couldn't see him (even though he was in the corner of her eye) he would stare at her, those pale violet eyes holding curiosity and what could be assumed to be mischief as they wandered about her figure.

"Staring at others like that is rude, y'know?" She said, snapping the prince out of his staring as a grayish-blue blush flooded his face. "I thought a prince would have better manners," she teased.

She couldn't help but realize that her words were only making Eis blush more, he sighed and gave her a sheepish grin. "S-Sorry, CryoFangs," he stuttered, "I don't know why I did that..."

The prince continued to fly, his eyes focused on things other than the attractive HallowFrost next to him as CryoFangs got an urge.

I am so hypocritical, she mused and slowed her flying a bit as her eyes trailed over to Eis, her eyes continuously coming back to gawk at the rippling muscles of the prince's flapping wings, which were connected to his toned arms. In that moment, something (more like a hundred somethings) flashed inside her brain, she wasn't sure what was befalling her, but it sure knew how to fluster the dragon as she giggled quietly.

This caused Eis to gaze at her, a smirk went over his handsome face as he snorted. "Hey, I thought you said staring was rude!"

She lightly elbowed him and he nudged her back, "I couldn't help it, Eis." She said with a smile, and Eis gave her a weird look.

He flapped closer to her, and as their wings brushed he crooned, "how am I going to deal with this, hmm? As the prince, I decree that you should be... punished."

CryoFangs choked on the air and he laughed heartily, she knew he was just messing with her, but with that tone of voice and the way her mind was working at the moment, she couldn't stop her heart from racing.

"Are you ok, Cryo?" He asked after his laughing session, she nodded quickly, soon realizing they were nearing the Sleet Sea. She abruptly shot upward into the air, Eis watched as she looped in the sky. With a roar, she plummeted towards the water, her heart trying to pump out of her chest as she neared the water's surface; a laugh of exhilaration left her but was whipped away by the screaming wind...


CryoFangs float there, under the water for a moment before she made her way to the surface and broke through, spitting forth a mouthful of seawater as she gazed up into the sky. Eis was hovering above her, he lowered himself closer to the water's surface but didn't quit hovering.

"You seemed excited to crash into the water, no?" He asked with a pleasant smile, she nodded. "It's a bit colder than I remember, though." She stated.

Eis made a little "hmph" noise, "well, in that case... I'm not going in."

CryoFangs frowned, "and why not, Prince Eis?" She saw him widen his eyes slightly as she said his title. "It's not like the water will kill you, I've swam in it- for Novembus' sake!"

"That I believe, but who knows what's in there?"

"What do you mean?"

He rolled his eyes, as if she had no idea what he was talking about, "oh, I don't know... sea creatures that are capable of swallowing you whole?"

Cryo burst out laughing, "you're funny, Eis! I've swam in here and nothing's gotten-"

She shrieked as something brushed past her legs, quite literally she jumped in the air and furiously tried reaching for Eis, who was cackling and howling with laughter above her.

She snorted indignantly, furiously smacking the water in hopes of splashing the wheezing prince, who simply flapped out of range, further annoying her.

As of now, his laughs were wheezy and Eis was gasping and coughing as tears trickled down his face, Cryo felt worry slither around her as she perked up, "maybe you should land?"

He nodded and hastily flapped to the shore, landing and catching his breath as he leaned over, talons on his knees as he chuckled quietly to himself.

CryoFangs glared at him from afar from where she floated, but a part of her thoroughly enjoyed his laughter, a tiny piece of her desired to hear him laugh again, to see his eyes light up with emotion.

She swam towards the shore after washing away the remaining mud on her body, and as she stepped foot onto the slushy sands, Eis stood up straight.

"Everything alright now?"

"Mhm!" He smiled, softly humming a tune as he flicked his eyes up and down CryoFangs, who crossed her arms and gave him a look. "Eis..." she warned, "quit it."

He sighed, "sorry... y-you're just..."

She raised a scaly brow, curious. "I'm just what?"

She could immediately recognize that he was nervous, the way his eyes were trained down at his feet said everything. He cleared his throat, "you're really attractive, CryoFangs... I-I don't know what else to say, you're just pretty. I've just never known a dragon like you, a-and I can't help but admire you..."

She felt something she could only explain to be her heart attempting to implode from the compliment, Cryo felt a quiet "awww" escape her as she felt a stupid grin slide across her face, his eyes met hers.

"Th-Thank you, Prince Eis," she stuttered, "you're quite handsome yourself."

It was no lie, his elegance was hardly diminished even with the earthly elements streaked across his crystal scales, his pale eyes twinkled and his face darkened even as he nervously looked away, his neck spikes shaking.

CryoFangs watched him turn back to look at her, "thanks," he said simply. A boyish smile then went across his face, "take out your sword."

"Why?" She asked, drawing the silver blade and examining its pristine edges and the otherworldly jewels in its hilt. "For training purposes, frost-brain!" He smirked, she snorted and wondered exactly what he was planning.

Eis eyed her as he took a fighting stance, a fighting stance one would take if you wielded a sword.

But he doesn't have a sword, she thought with confusion etched on her face. Why is he-

"Cryosteele!" He blurted, and CryoFangs watched in awe as an elongated broadsword made from solid ice rippled into existence, its cold blue glow mesmerizing to the both of them as Eis clutched his weapon tightly.

"Incredible! Anything else you wanna show me, Eis?" She questioned him with a toothy smile, she could feel the adrenaline rush coming already, she hopped from foot to foot excitedly.

"As a matter of fact, yes... Cryosheeld!" A magnificent circular shield appeared before Cryo's eyes, she assumed it was for her to use, since Eis was clutching a heavy sword in his two talons. She slipped the shield onto her left arm, admiring the spiral designs and pulsing Runes in the enchanted ice.

"Well then, are you ready, Snowflake?" He smiled, and to his surprise, she didn't grumble about the nickname, instead, she nodded and gave him a calculating gaze, ready to see what he was to do now. He nodded back, thus beginning their very first training session as they began to circle each other on the sand.

CryoFangs kept her shield up as her eyes locked on Eis' broadsword, it was a heavy frozen blade with serrated edges, he looked as if he had no problem holding up the sword. He did say he was good with handling different weapons, she remembered.

Abruptly, the prince lunged at her, the huge sword swinging around to smash into her left flank, she quickly blocked as she felt the shield make contact with his weapon, she grunted as she pushed it away, the vibrations running through her arm made her wince.

Eis backed away, purposefully leaving an opening for her to strike, she gripped the hilt of her sword and rushed towards him, pulling her right arm back as she prepared to slash at his exposed flank...

CLANG! Eis brutishly smashed his broadsword against her silver blade, the very weight of the blade pushing her off-balance as she fell to the sand, the sword spinning out of her talon as she recognized that she had just been disarmed.

"Do you wish to continue, CryoFangs?" She heard him growl from above her, she could feel him hovering over her, waiting for an answer. She sighed and pushed herself to her feet, her back to him as she turned her head to look at him.

"Of course, I wish to continue... HYAH!" She bashed Eis in the chest with her shield, he coughed as he was driven back by the blow, his broadsword shimmered away in a sea of blue sparks.

As Eis stumbled, he quickly regained his wits and grasped hold of Cryo's shield with his strong talons, yanking her to the side violently.

"Umph!" She let out as she plopped into the sand, her side dully aching from the landing as her friend hovered over her, his face set with determination as they both exclaimed: "Cryosteele!"

CryoFangs rolled to her feet as a sword similar to her own warped into existence in her right talon, the frosty blade was see-through, but bright blue Runes pulsed in the icy weapon's hilt. Eis wielded a sword much like the one she did, perhaps now she'd have a chance to overtake him?

Focus, Cryo! Here he comes-

Their swords clashed, and as they pushed against each other with their crossed blades, both HallowFrost Dragons could see the intense fire in the other's eyes, both attempting to overtake the other.

She felt her feet sliding back in the sand, causing her to brush Eis aside and quickly slash at him again. He parried her attack quickly, he huffed and growled deeply, rearing his head back...

Crunch! SNAP!

CryoFangs gasped as Eis' jaws crashed down onto her frozen blade, the ice shattered under his bite, thus destroying her weapon as it disappeared in a cascade of sparks and water droplets; the shield she bore dissipating in a similar fashion.

"Whoa," she breathed momentarily, backing away from him as she wiped herself free of the sweat on her forehead. "Remind me to never make you angry."

Eis stared down his snout at her and gave her a sympathetic look, "I'd never bite you, milady." He reassured her sweetly. "By the way, nice job!"

CryoFangs smiled and thanked him, "is there anything I have to improve on?" She asked, watching the prince knit his brows together in thought.

"I only know so much, since I only got a year's worth of training in different weapons... I suggest we work on discovering openings for attack the next time we train." He explained with a smile, "how did you feel when we started, Cryo?"

She was just now beginning to feel her adrenaline rush ebb away in large waves, and as she thought back to it, she was absorbed into her mind. The feel of her heart racing and falling into sync with the swing of her blade, her brain focused on fighting against the trained prince before her.

Despite having never been tested like that, she believed she had done an OK job for her first time.

"I felt awesome," she said, picking up her rightful sword from up off of the ground and putting it within its sheath. "I hope we can do that again soon..."

Something... odd plagued the atmosphere right then, as if she were being watched from afar, a feeling she knew all too well. CryoFangs tensed, her talons hovered near her sword as her tail spikes rose in apprehension.

Is that what I think it is...? She tasted the wretched flavor of rotten flesh in the back of her throat, causing her to gag and immediately grab the prince's attention.

A fierce wave of heat rushed through her body as her heart brightened, her strange powers manifesting quickly as her world darkened before her eyes. A dull, pounding pain sparked inside her head.

"You sense it too, right?" She whispered urgently, Prince Eis nodded quickly as he shifted closer to her protectively, their wings brushing.

Several guttural hisses sounded around the duo, Cryo felt as Eis shuddered at the noise, his ears barely flicking back as the warping monsters known as SchattenSeeles came to life around them; the largest one of the trio gave Cryo a white-eyed death glare that pierced her soul.

We're surrounded!

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